Y'all Taking Friday off for a Glorious 4 Day Weekend Ahead?

Gotta yank out some refusing to die magical elixir of life resurrecting weeds shakes fist, apart from that looking forward to having mates over and cooking some delicious meals, mundane chats, and sipping on way too many drinks. Oh, and catch up on some Netflix that's been on the backburner for eons.

What cha up to?

Sorry to those whom ain't, don't come after me with pointy utensils please.

Poll Options

  • 71
    Yes, and it's gonna be glorious
  • 58
    No, come closer so I can shank ya with a fork


    • Not enough annual leave to spare a single day?

      • I don't get annual leave.

        • +1

          That's a bummer :(

          Send me your address so I can mail you a bottle (standard 330-375ml, I'm not made of money) so you can drink with me in spirit.

          • @[Deactivated]:

            That's a bummer :(

            Not really…

            • @jv: My offer on the drink still stands!

                • @jv: You deserve better things in life jv, don't let nobody tell you otherwise.

                  • @[Deactivated]:

                    You deserve better things in life jv


                    • +1

                      @jv: Cos I appreciate ya of course, no one should be subjected to fermented soy juice for a buzz.

                      • @[Deactivated]:

                        no one should be subjected to soy juic

                        It doesn't contain MSG.

                        • @jv: No need to worry about that, your beer will be free from MSG, unless they're in there somehow then in which case I don't possess the chemistry knowhow to filter them out for ya sorry.

      • +4

        Doesn't have a job so no leave available from the unemployment line.

        • -2

          Doesn't have a job

          If you mean do I work for somebody else, no I don't.

          • @jv: Everyone works for the government mate.

            • @TEER3X: Which government though?

  • +12

    Y'all? No, we aren't American.

  • -1

    I'm actually on call all day every day. Though sometimes I sleep through that call or just tell them I'm busy.

    • What industry are you in?

      • +11

        Call centre.

      • Graphic design, bad websites, update public documents. Whatever I'm asked to do for money I'll do it. I hate how these services are standardly sold because they are all useless to client without ongoing support. Designer can change anything they want whenever they want, but for clients it may as well be carved into stone without access to a designer.

        • Ahh I feel ya, been years since I've done any design work, getting calls last minute to make changes that'll surely take up hours but they want it in minutes is certainly no fun :(

          • @[Deactivated]: Yeah I try to limit the scope of changes to things I can do quickly. I find it's best to tell them what they get, rather than get told what they want. What they need is somewhere in the middle of the Venn diagram.

            • @AustriaBargain: Are you lucky enough that most of your projects have only a few key people to please and they're ok with what you hand in on the first go and have an iron fist of say?

              It's such a waste of time to go through everything in detail with all the stakeholders whom you think has all the say, only for a (Excel) template to roll out and they bend under pressure and now there's 101 changes can you implement them 😑

              • @[Deactivated]: I think they go with what I offer for designs usually because it'll cost them more to change it. But I'll make any changes, no skin off my back.

  • Poll

  • +1

    i was intending too then i realised like no one was working and my work like is about 20 percent of what i normally do

    decided ill go into work an hour or so late and do everything by 12 go to the gym then go home

    • Yeah Friday is commonly a write off for a lot of people, too frequently they're just away on Teams for hours on end.

      An hour of work is pretty sweet path to almost a 4 day weekend!

  • Self employed. Every day is a "holiday"

  • +2


    This doesn't sound very Awwstralien to me mate?
    Going to the dawn service, then to the club for a chat with the lads that served so we could live in this fine country.

    Have a nice long weekend.

    • +1

      Indeed, forces of habit, I'm getting out of a family Netflix plan ending May anyway, hardly watch anything these days.

      Thank you for reminding of the dawn service, just one of those things I've always meant to attend but never have, dumb question, any average Joe can attend yeah, one doesn't have to be a current/past service member?

      • -3

        Just garbage on Netflix now thanks to them not being able to get out of their own way.

        Anyone can attend, just be quiet and respectful at the service and enjoy the rest of your day.

        To the donkey that downvoted my last post, you'd better search for a cheap flight out of this country, because obviously the diggers did a good enough job for you, and anyone else that lives in this country, to live here in a democracy. If you don't like it, you know where the door is.

        • -1

          3 cowards downvoting me or 2?

  • No, because I'll be on annual leave starting today.

  • +2

    Yep, 4 day long weekend is a no brainer.

  • Nope. Still school holidays here so leave is generally prioritised and rotated annually.

    Smart folks be booking next year….

  • +1

    I always have Fridays off so works perfectly for me this year

  • Yes, but need to log in once a day to manage student submissions and queries.

  • Needs a third poll option: I am a bludger, work is not an option…

  • +3

    4 day long weekend. I plan to do nothing and it will be glorious

  • No. I dont want to waste leave for what will be basically a day off cause half the office took leave.

  • +2

    Yes, entire company on annual leave.

  • +1

    Yes, and I also have Monday off too. Come at me 5 day weekend.

  • I'm taking an enforced day off tomorrow.

  • No, because having that long break for me probably would result in more headaches and follow ups next week unfortunately.

  • Nah mate, I work Saturday this week so not much point.

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