Aerpro Adapter Requirements for Head Unit Upgrade

Hi all, looking to upgrade the head unit in a 2012 Nissan Pulsar B17. I am looking through the Aerpro site to determine what adapters I need.

My Question is around the Steering Wheel Control Interface. Aerpro shows both APUNISW5 and CHNI5C, but I am assuming that if I have the CHNI5C adapter which is specific to my car, I won't need the universal APUNISW5 adapter?

Also, the head unit I have purchased (Sony XAV-AX6000) comes with an external mic. Is it possible to use the existing mic in my car instead of the one that comes with the head unit? Or is it best to use the new mic


  • Sounds about right, universal is if you don’t have specific adapter for your specific model or want/need to wire each one up individually yourself.
    Is the in car mic running through your head unit that you are removing? Either way try it with and without before you reinstall the facia and you should get a feel for the mic working or not.

  • Generally existing built-in mics are wired through the main radio harness/wiring loom whereas aftermarket head units have a specific 3.5mm jack for the mic, so you will likely not be able to use your existing mic and will need to use the one included with the headunit.

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