Best Android SMS App

Hi all,

Looking for a good SMS app for Android.. have tried the following below. Can anyone recommend any more?

Ideally looking for something minimalist with great performance.

Xperia Z Default App: Theme is ok, wish there was a dark version. Performance is good, few more options would be nice.
Facebook Messenger + SMS: Not bad, performance is good and chatheads are great. Needs more specific SMS features though.
Handcent SMS: Average, performance was ok. Lots of things "happening" everywhere.
GoPro SMS: Crap going on everywhere, Holo theme was ok, performance was ok.
Fusion Messenger: Really promising, performance is good and theme is nice. Will eventually use this when more stable.
Sliding Messenger: Slow performance, nicely themed but nothing special.

Looking at getting the JB app via sideloading but will see how that goes


  • why don't you use whatsapp instead of SMS?

    • I was using Whatsapp until I read they were violating international privacy laws.

      That, and I started to receive spam messages from numbers that I didn't recognise.

    • I have free unlimited texts so would prefer to use them, used to use whatsapp but its a fairly big battery drain :)

  • +2
    • Have to agree, been using chomp for 4 months now and its pretty darn good, not to mention you can get plugins for it so that you can for example see the emoji from iPhones.

    • Thanks will try this one too!

  • I'm going to sound like a jerk here, but seriously, what kind of Android phone do you have that stock Android SMS isn't enough?

    • +1

      Xperia Z, it comes with its own SMS app not the stock Google one :)

  • Are you looking for an online messaging app, sort of like MSN? Or actual sms, ones that come out of your carrier credit? For online messaging, I like Trillian.

    • Txt message would prefer, not online ones :)

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