• expired

Nespresso (TM) Compatible Pods Free Samples


Send your Home or Work Address to: [email protected] and we'll send you 2 of our new Nespresso(tm)* Compatible Capsules/Pods filled with our freshly roasted K.A. Blend Coffee. Containing Colombian, Brazilian, Costa Rican, Papua New Guinian & Indian Coffee's. Allow 1 week for Receipt & Offer Limited to first 500 responders.

Or you can buy direct at: http://www.cravecoffee.com.au/nespresso-tm-compatible-pods/

  • May not fit all brands of machines

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Crave Coffee

closed Comments

  • +3

    worth a try…
    though at 70c each what is the advantage over genuine pods?

    • -5

      though at 70c each

      plus $9.90 postage…

      So if you're an occasional coffee drinker only want one pod, it will cost you $10.60 !!! That is an expensive cup of coffee !!!

      • Imagine if you have cravings for coffee the next day? That's $21.20 for 2 days or $74.20/week…
        More expensive than my current coke/cocaine addiction…? :S

    • Good question.

  • +1

    100% arabica beans? Also, there's no apostrophe or capital C on "Indian coffees".

    • +3
      • in "Indian coffees".
      • +1

        Well, technically, there's no capital C on, and no apostrophe in, "Indian coffees". But point taken! If I'm going to be a Grammar Nazi (yes, I declare it a proper noun), I should always take extra care lest my own failings become my humiliation. :)

        • +1

          Well, technically, there's no capital C on, and

          • no comma is needed after 'on'
        • -2

          Actually it is needed. If you want to remove it you also need to remove the comma after "in", which then makes for a terrible sentence.

        • It just sounds silly if you have four commas in the one sentence…

    • So, grammar dickishness aside, I checked out the website to find the answer to my actual question since the rep didn't reply. "Five of the worlds finest high altitude Arabica beans". So, yes, it appears they are 100% arabica beans. Good to know.

  • +1


  • Are they also compatible with the ALDI machine?

    • +1

      Nespresso pods and Aldi's Expressi aren't compatible.

      • +1

        Expressi uses the MAP system. Totally different systems.

        The nespresso dolche gusto range is prob compatible with expressi though.

        • -1

          How about a pod + hammer + hot water + filter = melted plastic-ish coffee water? :D

  • thanks

  • +2

    $14.90 for freight to Perth, you would want quite a big sample pack for that.

  • +1

    A™ genuine© bargain®

  • Can anyone suggestanywhere but Woolies that I can grab caffitaly compatible pod? Im bored of the 'Select' brand = (. Does caffitaly uses the MAP system?

    • GloriaJeans, if you're that way inclined.
      Its different to MAP.

      • MAP uses the Caffitaly system, isn't that the way it works?

        The MAP, WW Select and Gloria Jeans Pods all work for my MAP machine.

        • You're right. I've probably confused the issue.

          Map, wworths, Harvey, officeworks, Gloria jeans are all interchangeable.

          None of those are compatible with Nespresso system.

        • Going on experience, the aldi pods DO NOT work in the Woolworths cafitaly machine.
          Leaves you with a cup full of watery grinds.

        • Aren't they K-Fee?

    • Caffitaly is the only single serving system that is widely used by many coffee companies around the world. From espresso machine manufacturers such as Gaggia, Saeco, Tchibo, Dualit, Princess to coffee brewers Chicco Doro, Cagliari, Ecaffe, Tchibo, Eduscho, CoffeeBean&TeaLeaf, Julius Meinl, Dallmayr, Crem Caffe, etc. Caffitaly CBTL, Tiziano, Espresso Club, MAP and Tchibo are still the same coffee system and 100% compatible capsules. You can buy all of them online, especially through eBay. As well you refillable capsules which you can then refill with grounds from your local coffee roaster.

  • +1

    I'm a bit new to the pod coffee system, but as for the nespresso brand machines, do they give you a warranty?
    If so, is the warranty voided if you use non-nespresso pods? Assuming they were able to know if you've used them

    • +5

      most aftermarket pods have a thin foil seal - its common for the seal to detatch from the capsule and find a nice new cosy home on the back of the pod outlet. If you take it back under warranty for that reason, your likely to see a bill, depending on how friendly the tech/service person is feeling. You may just get a talking down to.

      • Excellent response.

  • limited to 500.. 996 clicks. damn.

  • "Nespresso pods and Aldi's Expressi aren't compatible."
    Incompatible means the Nespresso pod cannot slip into ALDI's Expressi slot?

    • right. Aldi capsules are bigger than Nespresso caps and they are not interchangable. Buying into any hardware system locks you into their capsules.

      Its known as the Gillete concept, or something similar to that - they sell you the handles at a subsidised cost knowing you will be back to buy the blades and thats where they make their money.

      • +1

        "Buying into any hardware system locks you into their capsules."

        Not completely. I have a Nespresso machine and the only official pods I used were the ones in the welcome pack. You can buy cheaper, tastier pods from local companies if you know where to look.

        • Oh, I know where to look :)

          Wherever there is a market, this is a aftermarket market. Nespresso has a patent on the capsule design, that's why the aftermarket capsules exploit the system, but don't copy the capsule design - notice the shape is different.

        • They had a patent… it ran out a while ago, which is why there are lots of aftermarket ones now :)

  • Can I buy them from your Alexandria shop? I live just 5min away. I've tried your coffee at Alexandria cafe and bought one packet of bean before. I like it.

    • You can buy from our Alexandria Warehouse, Pricing as follows:

      1-29 70c ea

      30-99 60c ea

      100+ 50c ea (Inc Postage)

  • And best of all "These pods are then nitrogen fushed (to remove air and stop staling) "

    I love my pods fushed…. and don't get me started on the staling…….


    So Nespresso pods are .68c Each with Free Delivery…….

    I fail to see why there would be a market for these pods unless they are substantially better coffee.

    • Is that anything like getting the pods fuschiad?

    • +1

      Nespresso pods don't "transport you back to your favorite Mediterranean destination."

    • I have carefully considered this promotion! And if I didn't feel I had a superior product I wouldn't have gone ahead with committing to (Right Now) sending samples to approx 550 people.

      This coffee was roasted fresh by me the week before last, allowed to degas for three days and then immediately packaged. This coffee is uber fresh and has substantial crema and an amazing taste for 5.8 gm of coffee. I did taste testing in my cafe and had three 100 capsule orders first day, even the people who packaged it rated it highly.

      Anyway try the coffee and give me some constructive feedback on how it tastes.

      With regard to the price, how many will NPresso send you for free postage and a 68c price point?? Not 10 i'm sure! Bulk pricing is 30-99 pods 60c ea + post, 100+ 50c ea (inc Post in NSW)



      • I set up an order of 100 and delivery to my NSW address was $7.90

        • Website problem is now resolved: 99+ Capsules = Free Post



  • +2

    Ive said it to a colleague and ill say it again:

    If you can't afford Nespresso Pods, then you can't afford the machine. go buy a MAP or Aldi Machine then, stop being tight

    It's like buying a Maserati but then asking to fill it with E10 Fuel because fuel is expensive.

    • Quite the opposite, if we are talking about coffee :)
      Caffitaly capsules are generally packed with 8+ grams of coffee and without any doubt are superior to Nespresso which contain 5 to 7gr of coffee.
      The real difference is in the quality of the coffee and the machines. Same are better than others.
      Caffitaly works with private labels. There many, many company making Caffitaly capsules, in Australia the most popular are MAP, woolworths and Gloria Jeans only.
      MAP are more into quality coffee and you pay for that while the same cannot be said about Woolworths and Gloria Jeans blends.

  • Maseratti? Clooney got to you too eh?

    My take on the aftermarket pods is not about price, it's about variety and fresh roasted coffee in a pod using the nespresso system. There are a bunch of aftermarket pods that don't give you that and should be avoided. If it were price alone, your right, sell the machine, get an aldi (or other), or manual espresso, or stovetop.
    (Edit. In reply to @frostmam).

  • my nespress machine tasted gross for ages using these 'compatible' pods, stick with the originals from Nespresso. why risk a 600 dollar coffee machine on cheap nasty crap?

    • You paid $600 for a Nespresso?! One too many zero's perhaps?

      • Nespress Latissima you poor person

    • Something tells me you grossly overpaid because after a certain point, you're just paying for automation. Nespresso machines more-or-less all have the same 19 bar pressure outputting the same quality coffee, even the ones that cost less than a third of your '$600' machine.

  • Walk past you guys every day on my way to work. Looks like a nice place (although haven't tried your coffee). It smelt like burnt toast this morning though!

  • "Aldi capsules are bigger than Nespresso caps "
    I have the Aldi machine so I can buy Nespresso caps to use in my Aldi coffee machine?

    • someone should invent one machine that compatible with ALL Pods! :-P

      • There is, ESE.

        Open, generic standard not tied to particular vendors, pods fit most traditional espresso machines.

      • Touche/ - What alot of nonsense about nothing. Drink it ,enjoy it,get the caffeine hit or if not bothered make a nice big mug of Gold Blend instant or a cup of hot chocolate & read with a newspaper with your slippers on in front of the fire! What a lot of wimps on here @ the moment.

        • the problem is: I am OzBargainer! :-P

          a true OzBargainer wouldn't spend $600 on a coffee machine that made "not so good coffee"!
          or a coffee machine that designed only for this particular brand Pods & not compatible to this & that & all others!

          dislike OzBargainer? we would make you/goosegog famous! :-PP

  • +2

    Thanks for your patience everyone. The original sample offer was first 500, I decided to increase it and we shipped 1207 samples yesterday which should arrive over coming days.

    Any feedback would be appreciated.



    • +1

      Girlfriend just had the first of our two sample pods. verdict: "It's nice coffee!". The exclamation was unexpected because we've had poor experience with every other non-genuine branded plastic-pod.

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