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Porterhouse Steak $7.99. A Kilo @ Woolworths


Porterhouse Steak. @ a Bargain price of $7.99. A Kilo. Available from Woolworths .WA from today

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  • This BBQd and then smothered in Nandos Pepper Steak Sauce.. Mmmm heaven.

  • Not Vic

    • Just came form Highett Woolworths, nope! no $8 kg steaks to be found

  • +4

    IGA always have good steak, woolies' porterhouse is pretty average.

    • +2

      Interesting, will give IGA a try next time.

      I normally avoid Woolies/Coles for meat and get mine from the butcher.

      • Since Coles decided to go "No Hormones" their meat has become completely tasteless. Still better than Costco and Aldi meat.

        Best bet is to go to a Butcher. If you can find a good Butcher that does deals then you're a lot better off.

        • +2

          "Since Coles decided to go "No Hormones" their meat has become completely tasteless." sure, better full of preservatives, hormones and antibiotica then tasteless

        • Costco meat is pretty good

        • Meat can't have those hormones, so the No Hormones thing is a bunch of BS - just marketing. So not sure you can equate that with taste, might just be a different supplier or?

      • I had mixed result with IGA. Most of the time, the steak from IGA does not look fresh and does not taste as good as the one from coles.

        I have not tried getting them from the butcher, since the one nearby is always more expensive.

      • Wait until it's on sale (if ever). You need a line of credit to buy groceries from IGA regularly.

  • +3

    Probably too fatty to turn into jerky….

    Mmmmm jerky

    • What's your favourite cut for jerky?

      • +1

        my favorite is lamb back strap. but at $20/kg, then shrinking to nothing, i do not make it often.
        I usually use rump.

        I heard girello is the cut for jerky. cheap and lean

      • +1

        Being using topside myself.

  • +4

    For the briefest moment there I wished I lived in WA. Very very brief.

    • +18

      Sounds like a win/win for WA.

  • Not available. Tried to get some at 10:30 this morning and was told "sold out". What a joke, on the first day of the special with the shop opening at 8… Had to change my dinner plans :-(

    What was even weirder: they had porterhouse for $24.99 a kg - same price as scotch fillet.

    • +1

      this is a home brand beef, first time seeing it. For $8 a kilo, it's not bad..

      • +2

        All Woolies and Coles meat is "home brand".

        I stopped buying it because of that. It's full of fat and seems like it's a few days old by the time you buy it.

        Thanks OP for the special and I hope those on a tight budget can pick some up, but for me - I'd rather pay twice the price and get a decent cut (without it being covered in fat) at the butcher.

        You pay for fat at Woolies and Coles ya'know.

        • +3

          Granted I only frequent a couple of locations both with Coles and Woolies but anyhow I've noticed that Coles meat is way ahead of Woolworth's for quality: taste and texture (and possibly age if that artifically red colour meat sometimes is indicates treatment for age).

          That's my experience based on a very limited sample anyhow.

          Also there's great butchers out there but there's also some very average ones that are way behind the two supermarkets as far as quality goes. In the last 5 or 10 years both supermarkets have really improved the meat they sell to a high standard IMO.

          Fat is a waste if you don't consume it … but many people do, it tastes delicious.

          As for meat being "a few days old" … you do realise that most Australian meat is dried out for 2 weeks or so before it get to where you purchase it I'm assuming. Butchers are no exception.

        • The woollies buffalo flavoured chicken skewers (a new line $6 for 5 or 2 for 11 is pretty good IMO, though I'm not unbiased on this

        • I find buffalo flavour a bit plain.

        • I agree with you. I've had coles and woolies quite a few times… coles always came up top for quality.

          Obviously the some of the local butchers can get you better meats at a better price. I say some because i've had some really crappy meats before from some local butchers.

          Get some recommendation from your neighbours and such.

  • They had a heap of this at that price on a promo bay at the new Craigieburn store (Vic).
    Looked bloody good too.
    Not sure if it is a store exclusive due to them opening a couple of weeks ago.

  • In planning of my dinner tonight, can you please advise if the price of gristle has fallen by the same amount?
    It generally does.

  • Now where to find a freezer that can hold 40kg's of meat

    • +1

      Ozbargain, under appliances :)

    • Yeah I went with high hopes too but there's no way I would buy 40kgs of that low grade porterhouse.

  • +5

    If I was a cow, I would actually be insulted at this price.

    • +1

      As if! You'd be happy roaming the fields chewing grass and pooping.

  • There was none on the shelf at my local store so an assistant went out the back and brought a box out.
    Sorry to report that it's definitely the budget porterhouse. Lot's of fat and sinew.
    I picked the best looking pack (they are all close to 1kg) and I might use it in a stir-fry but as a steak for a BBQ, not all that appealing.

  • +2

    I have a friend who's a butcher for WW. He said it doesn't start until tomorrow.

    • Thanks for the heads up - the one I tried didn't have it either.

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