• expired

Sony PS4 $399.20 Sunday eBay Sale 20% Dick Smith + Free Postage & Returns


Big Sundays is back with 20% off* the entire Dick Smith eBay store! using coupon code.
For those who missed out you have another chance! I would expect dick smith to have lots of stock.
Free postage and returns

This offer Part of the Sunday sale but its soooo good needs its own post plus it wasn't mentioned in that other ebay posts

*Max discount $500. T&Cs apply - http://pages2.ebay.com.au/Sunday
commences at 10:00 (AEST) on August 17th, 2014 and ends at 23:59 (AEST) on August 21st 2014 (“Offer Period”).

Remember 2% cash back for eBay purchases at CashRewards
Sony Playstation 4 Console Link $499 = $399.20 after discount

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eBay Australia
Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • +10

    It's official bishes

    • Also 20% off* the entire Dick Smith eBay store! awesomeness!!

      • Ps holding vote till it's delivered. Never got my blaupunkt speaker!

        • +1

          I wouldn't be too disappointed. Mine too k over a month to arrive, then failed after a few days of gentle use (random noises followed by continuous hum from subwoofer) and now I have to pack it up and lug it to my nearest DSE to return it.


        • @effgee:

          My PS4 arrived the day after…if this helps at all…

    • don't forget to claim $36 from TRS

  • +2

    As advertised on Kotaku!

  • Is this a 20% off all Dick Smith eBay? or just a 5minute deal for this item?

  • +2

    I'm guessing that the first letter of the coupon code is a C and ends in 20

  • Still haven't decided if I'm getting this or the One.

    On topic, is the standalone PS4 worth it or better off going with one of the bundles.

    • +8

      As someone who owns a One, I wish I got a PS4 instead.
      For this price I just might. Both consoles still have a fairly miniscule game range at the moment.

      • +2

        LOTS on the horizon though… starting october/november time there's pretty much a game i wanna buy every fortnight or so, plus destiny next month

      • +1

        how come? any particular reason?

      • -6

        There are less games for the PS4 at the moment.
        What is the reason you want a PS4 instead?

    • +3

      at this price… worth it. you can build your own bundle then.

      • Exactly, going to buy this along with TLOU and FIFA 15 purchased in yesterday's deals.

      • Bought one this morning now just have to look for games.
        Also, where can I pick up a PS+ subscription for cheap? I've heard that games are cheaper on the US PSN.

        • +1

          Yep get a ps+ on amazon. Then make the us psn account the primary one.

    • I will be getting the PS4 just for Bloodborne, as I got the PS3 for Demon Souls :)
      Trying to hold off these deals however as it is still over a year out…

      • +1

        Word is it's releasing in February man. Closer than you think!

      • My wife would lurve the game.

    • I'll be honest, I am waiting for white PS4's and Ones. Aesthetic preference ;)

      • The black touchpad on the white PS4 controller kinda ruins it for me.

        • +5

          The fact every other electronic tv related hardware is black or silver kinda puts me off white stuff.

        • @RI4V4N:

          XBOX One white version is coming out ;) I had a white PS3 in Japan and it looked the tits. Plus, my apartment has a red/white thing going on, so if white's an option, I will get it. Small apartment = white is a better colour choice so it doesn't look dingy.

      • PS4 destiny limited edition is white

        • Yerp, plus it looks like plans to bring it out as a colour a few months after that. Not guaranteed though, so seeing as I want destiny and a PS4, may as well just get the bundle.

    • Standalone… then get a PS account from HK. Games r cheap there.

    • +1

      With the recent announcement of the digital tuner add on for the xbone in Europe it may become a very nice way to watch tv soon in Australia, especially if you get the kinect and want to talk to your TV.
      That said, I have a PS4 and don't regret it. I have other devices for media consumption and don't really watch free to air TV anyway.

      • +11

        Do people actually watch TV still? Genuine question. I don't know anyone who does. Except my mum, but she's not really an Xbox kind of girl anyway.

        • +2

          Yep, normal people watch TV.

      • +3

        Netflix on PS4 - that is all.

    • that was edited 6 hours 25min ago while this was posted 7 hours 3 min ago.

  • Is the price worth buying now or waiting should it be lower (or same) around xmas?

    • +1

      more importantly ask your self this. is it worth buying given the few games out for there PS4 and the fact you cant play ps3 games on the ps4. I haven't touched my ps4 since I got it a month or so ago for $399 simply cuz not many games availaible

      • +10

        I know Uncharted, Bloodborne, and Silent Hills are all a ways a way but I really don't understand the 'no games' angle.

        TLoU, Metro Redux, Diablo 3, Destiny and FIFA15 are all recent releases or mere weeks away. Destiny alone will take many months out of my life.

        Come Oct/Nov there's Driveclub, AC:Unity, Evil Within, LBP3, what looks like the first good CoD in years, The Crew, Far Cry 4, Dragon Age, and what looks like a pretty solid GTA5 upgrade. If that can't keep you busy until new year, there's plenty of indie/Playstation Plus fare. And once you're done with all that, 6 months from now you've got 100+ hours of Witcher 3 to get through, and MGS5 Phantom Pain.

        It's $399. I can't see it going much lower any time soon — best case scenario, they drop the RRP officially — but expect these 20% off deals to disappear when they do so. Even with a hypothetical $349 PS4 by Christmas ($200 off current RRP? not happening) I'd much rather pay the extra $50 and enjoy an extra 5 months of gaming.

      • +2

        I've been playing The Last Of Us RM… awesomeness.

        • playing LTOD RM now…. i didnt realise how great it was, definately happy i got the RM version!! (even tho i have it on ps3 as well). RM is SOOOO impressive!!

    • +3

      I dont think prices will lower for xmas, might be some nice bundles tho.

  • +2

    I only just got my money back yesterday from 29/6/14 the big ebay sell stock you don't have Sunday. I wouldn't lend money to friends for that amount of time yet Dick thinks he can.

    • What item was it you purchased? PS4 is something mass manufactured and kept in stock regularly .. we are way past launch now and the demand has slowed. I dont see any reason Dick smith shouldn't be able to ship every single one it sells.

    • -2

      Moral of the day, never pay for dick

  • +1

    Whenever I go to eBay it defaults to showing me listings for Macbook Pros, He-Man figures and professional audio input equipment. I mean, I like ALL of those things, I guess, I am just not sure what they are trying to say to me. And no, I don't search for them on Google …

  • Kotaku are advertising this, so expect sales to go pretty fast.

    • +4

      not really, you would think by now everyone who wanted a PS4 would have already got one and Christmas is still a while off ( sales slump at the moment ) so stores probably have a small stockpile of consoles and Sony Australia have oodles to send to Dick Smith

      all just a guess though.. :)

  • That's a pretty tempting price

  • Why do they tempt me so?

    • that .20c extra is a deal breaker lol

  • Where do I need to go to find the coupon code tomorrow morning ?

  • Xbox one not on sale too?

  • +1

    Free shipping?

  • +1

    Kinda smells like the RRP will drop to $399 before Xmas.

  • So.. once the code is released at 8am AWST. Is it valid until the 21st of Aug?

    • Valid until end of Sunday! Its a Sunday sale

      • It's confusing because they are calling these sales "Big Sundays", yet the terms and conditions show the 20% off is until the 21st. If you want the PS4 I'd be ordering it Sunday, lest be at the end of a big queue!

        • +1

          yeah best to order sooner rather then later.

  • To get the Camera or not to get the camera :S.
    As well as a game, or wait for Fifa 15.. Seeing as they don't have Knack :/

  • +2

    Just a warning for all the tight warts out there - you'll need to subscribe to PSN+ to play online. But before you dish out your $70, apply for the trial through their website (http://au.playstation.com/playstationplus/). This will be a 14 days trial as opposed to the 2 days trial through the PS4 interface.

    Personally I have no time for their free monthly games so the $70 was just to feed my multiplayer addiction. Also be warned that you'll be spending A LOT of time standing still or popping your head up in awe of your surrounding thus getting shot up! Have fun!

    • +1

      Can buy US PSN instead from eBay. Quite commonly available for $40/year.

      • would you be locked on US sever while playing online? (BF4 as example)

        • +3


          Just make a US account and activate US PSN on it and set it as your primary account. Any other accounts on the same machine share it's PSN.

          I do this for battlefield and have no issues with joining au servers.

  • Any chance I could use a dick smith gift card through eBay?

    I'm doubtful but would be nice

    • There's no way to pay using a gift card through their eBay store. Even if you could, you need to pay with PayPal to get the 20% off anyway.

  • I have ps3 back in 2009, sitting dust until now…lol

    Recently bought ps4 and after realising remote play was so fun on my nintendo wii u, i bought a ps vita final fantasy x/x2 version from Japan…

    Now playing them every night, at least 20 mins on each console..and browsing the ps store..so fun LOL…..without any family disturbance for at least 2 hours…

    So it is useful to get PS4. Making me a ps3 comeback!

  • Is $220 a good price for the new Vita? I did a search through the archives and it looks like the old one went down to ~$190 or so, but I'm not sure about these new models.

    • +1

      It's not an amazing price, although it looks like the current cheapest deal for the console only.

      Dick Smith's price before the discount is pretty poor. $269 + $4.95 postage for just a console vs. $268 + $x postage include a choice of games from Harvey Norman, or even EBGames. The added games themselves are not worth the difference of $50, so buying the console only from this eBay deal is probably the best way to go.

  • +1

    won't buy, no confidence for leading time.

  • +3

    Very tempted but a bit worried about potential problems with launch models. The phat PS3 had a few niggles as I recall and the original 360 was even worse.

  • Need some advice!

    I'm tempted to buy this console through the sale for ~$400. HOWEVER, I just received my 50,000 QFF points through the ANZ promotion.

    I'm thinking maybe I should get JB HiFi to price match this: https://ebgames.com.au/ps4-800134-PlayStation-4-Console--2-G…

    Then claim the 50,000 points for JB gift cards (approx $350) then pay out of pocket $250.

    Think it's worth saving the money or should I keep the points? I don't really travel anymore and don't intend to any time soon.

    • +1

      Buy this and use the points for something else, unless you really want both COD: ghosts & watchdogs which could be purchased individually for less than $50ea

      • Thanks mate, sounds good. I'll save the points for something else then :)

  • -1

    Does ps4 have media centre (like ps3)? I rekon these will be 399 rrp by chrismas and 299$ on special with a new slim model on the way

  • +7

    Had a very bad experience with DSE eBay on their last 20% off sale. Ordered the xbox one controller for $48 and waited two months. They gave me a fake tracking ID number which was invalid. They obviously did not want to sell below cost and never contacted me. Had to get my money back through Paypal which took a few weeks. Good price for a PS4 but I really do not want the hassle of waiting for an item that might never arrive. Just my two cents.

    • +1

      Had the same issue with numerous other products from their Ebay and website.

    • -1

      Moral of the day, never lie to people about paying for dick

  • +4

    the controller is included right??? If so this is really good value, the box itself comes out to about $335. A $335 PC would not perform anywhere near as well, and far less convenient since u gotta assemble. Good deal overall!

    • +1

      Yep you should know you naughty dog. True though, the PS4 has some pretty impressive internals.

      • +1

        lol good reference to ND. Think I will buy this since I haven't played TLOU and need to get prepared for my 4th adventure in 'A Thief's End' lol

        • +1

          Thanks, was hoping you would like the reference. Your next adventure looks rather amazing, ND continues to innovate with their amazing games :D

    • definitely for a PC with similar specs you'll be forking out a fortune. the videos/graphics are absolutely great from the upcoming games. 400 is a bargain.

      • +2

        Definitely better than a $400 PC, but to match the performance you would only have to fork out another $150 to get 900p unstable 60fps

      • While the initial cost of a solid gaming PC might be $300 or so more, you will end up saving a lot more than that difference over time from all the savings on games. This is something I think everyone overlooks when comparing consoles to PC.

        Once I made the switch over to PC gaming, I felt like an outright fool for wasting so much money on console games. I haven't spent over $20 on a game ever since I became a PC gamer and I've played most of the AAA titles (although you need to wait a month or two, sometimes longer, after release to get AAA for that cheap - doesn't bother me!). EB & JB are still a complete rip off though so you're better off sticking to buying digital copies of games.

        Also, don't just think of a PC as just an alternative to a gaming console when you compare their prices. Decide on how much you would want to spend on a PC for your regular usage, then just add a few hundred onto that figure which you would otherwise spend on a console. It might help ease the pain of parting with so much money for 'just a gaming machine'.

        • +1

          Ah but like Apple gear, console games have resale value. I recently sold my N64 gear for more than I paid for them new (including a couple of hundred for an empty game box!)

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