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Kindle Paperwhite Nextgen E-Book Reader Wi-Fi 4GB $109 @ Dick Smith eBay


Using the Coupon Code (CPICKUP15) posted in from this deal https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/195201

I was able to get the Kindle paper for $109 pickup in store.

This is the cheapest I have seen it ever. The next best deal I have seen would be this one. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/188223


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closed Comments

  • +1

    amazing deal.

  • +1

    Thanks OP! Awesome price couldn't resist buying one, hope I can collect it today :)

  • +1

    Wow, I just bought a month or two ago at a "great" price - way more than this. I don't get to use mine much as my wife is always using it… Must resist, must resist!

    • +1

      Don't resist. Get it. Both you and your wife will be happier.

      • +2

        Golly, wifey said not get a second. But I did anyway. Too good a price.

  • +1

    Good price & good device!

  • +1

    Ordered one, cheers.

  • Wouldn't a cheap HP or Asus tablet be better option?

    • +7

      Not really. Its a question of E Ink vs LCD. If you want something just for reading than an E Ink reader such as Kindle or Kobo is the way to go, even though their features are way less than an Android tablet and generally the UI is a lot clunkier, for reading books they walk all over an Android tablet.


      • -3

        There are some good reading apps for Android and you can always adjust the colour, brightness etc.
        I have always thought these tablets designed just for reading would become obsolete.

        • +5

          I don't think they well, considering how well they sell.
          Even the best reading apps for LCD tablets don't come close to reading on an E-ink display, as e-ink is basically the same as reading a printed book. No strain from having to deal with a harsh backlight, and then theres the battery life, which is extremely good on E-ink readers.

        • +1


          Plus blue light prevents the release of melatonin, preventing sleep - http://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/blue-light-has…

          Love my paper white and e-ink, plus I love the 3 month battery life!

        • @hoxygt: Mate , how many hours on average do you read a week , 3 months sounds impressive . . If we get a rough estimate of hours of usage that would be great , thanks for the effort .

          p.s Just put through an order for one based on our OzB community's reccommendation for this device :)

        • +2

          Android reading apps are fantastic I agree, its really just a difference in the screen and battery life. With e-ink, once you turn the page it doesnt really take any battery power to hold the image on the screen (unless you have the frontlight turned on with some models). You can remove power from an eink screen completely, even pull the battery and the image will still stay on the screen. You can read an eink screen in full sunlight, there is no washout (although some glare at certain angles).

        • +2


          Just don't expect the fluidity of screen response that you get with an Android tablet and you should be happy. Its a totally different medium. I've got a Kobo Glo and and Kobo Touch and you tend to put up with their control quirks due to how good they actually are to read with.

        • @kamban:

          Ah maybe 4hr/ week, I'm a bit all over the place :)

        • @Gravy:

          Can you recommend me a good app?

        • +1


          Havent used a reading app on Android for a while but Mantano Reader was the one I used to use, and also the Kindle and Kobo dedicated apps for Android. For PDFs of magazines etc I found that ezPDF Pro was good (allowed me to fix a zoom/crop level for the entire file even when turning pages, which was very helpful for some PDF files.)

        • @mewdex: I use Moon+ reader on my Android phone , and it is good with customisations and readability etc .. But the battery life takes a big hit (Due to screen being on obviosuly , the app itself is kinda low power consumption . )

      • google T62, it is Android E reader

    • there is really no beating reading text on an e-ink reader, I havnt seen any tablet that is anywhere near as good for reading. If you read enough, a kindle is definitely worth it

  • +1

    Cheers OP, my daughter had me watching for a sale on these.

  • +4

    This is in Dick Smith. Naming the store would have been good.

  • +1

    Damn just bought one second hand for $110,amazing deal!

  • +1

    Got a regular Kindle for Christmas. Don't use it as often as I'd like, but I feel some of that is due to it not being backlit.
    Wonder if I should upgrade….

  • +2

    Brilliant. Was literally looking last weekend and decided not to buy as too spendy in Australia.

    I have an older kindle, but the paperwhite can do Japanese text, so handy if you are stuyding :D

  • Worth upgrading from the old Kindle Keyboard to this?

    • +2

      Yes!, thats what I did previously, much easier on the eyes and you dont have to face the book to the light to read in the daytime plus you can read in the dark if you like.
      Oh, also smaller and easier to hold.
      Definately a worthwhile upgrade.

  • How's this compare to the bigw $60 Kobo glo earlier on ozbargain?

    • I had the Kobo glo, it was good, but the backlight was terrible, useless at night as the minimum brightness was like looking into the sun. Also the paperwhite is considerably faster when opening books/turning pages etc.

      • +1

        Just got Kobo Glo I like the backlight - there is fine grained control. On the lowest setting (1%) its fine for reading in a completely dark bedroom (without keeping partner awake!)

        • Really i found it intensely bright, i installed the hack to invert the colours "night mode" which helped

        • @happyantix:

          No problem with the light in darkroom. Have you updated to the latest firmware?

        • @jpl:

          Yep but maybe I'm just sensitive to light, anyway I have the paperwhite now and the brightness is much more adjustable to a lower level

      • Bought a Kobo Glo (2 actually) a few weeks back in the Big W sale, latest firmware allows for much lower light setting and also allows you to slide your finger up and down the hard left hand edge of page to quickly adjust whilst reading.

        The lighting however is a little inconsistant, mine bleeds a little extra light at the top and on my wife's model you can see where the 3 or 4 LEDs at the bottom sort of shine upwards. Her's is white and mine is black, and seem to be very different production models as marking have changed on them. Mine has a slightly bluer light and hers is a little more grey.

        I compared the light to my motherinlaw's Kindle Paperwhite (4GB model I think) and hers does seem more consistant… although it was well over double the price we paid.

    • A quick search also showed some reviews showing the paperwhite beats the kobo for Japanese text rendering, dictionaries etc. if that is important to you. Also had a clearer/whiter screen

  • +1

    Next cheapest was $124 from the Catch of the day deal (fulfilled by dick smith), iirc.

  • +1

    I've been waiting for the paperwhite to get down to around $100 for over a year. My time has finally come!

    Thanks so much OP.

  • +1

    Great deal, thanks a lot

  • Thanks OP. Anyone know what 'gen' this kindle is? Trying to buy a case but 'nextgen' isn't a widely used terminology.

    • Any paper white case will fit.

  • How do I pikc up in store

  • -1

    Thanks OP. Picked up one and the Amazon official leather cover too - total AU$ 141

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Been waiting a while for Paperwhites to get to a cheap price.

  • +1

    Hmmmz…This or the Voyage at $254?

    • the voyage is overpriced
      you could get similar specs in a glo hd for much cheaper

      • Unfortunately the Glo doesn't let me read all those free ebooks that TA posts :)

        But the price differential is too great in this case. Paperwhite it is!

        Cheers :D

        • +7

          Just download a program called Calibre. It's a brilliant library program which can convert any ebook format to any other ebook format, and can automatically pick the optimal format for whichever ereader you plug in. You can still read all those self help books and humus cookbooks!

        • @whapkaplit:

          Wasn't aware of that. Thanks for the advice!

    • Definitely Voyage, much better than any current kindle model, got mine few weeks ago via USA forwarder and love it.

      Also checkout the official origami cover, works seamless with the kindle voyage, looks very nice too.

  • +2

    Found a nice cheap case for it for those interested:

    • +1

      Thanks! That takes some legwork out. Shipping for free from China doesn't bother me this time, as I won't get to use my Kindle until July anyway

  • Cheers, just brought it. Hopefully the backlit screen is easier on the eyes.

    • -1

      Its not backlit!

  • +1

    I've got the original Paperwhite (not next Gen) and it's brilliant. Next gen is just that little bit better than that, so you won't be disappointed.

    Recently purchased the new Kindle Voyage for a family member who was upgrading from the Kindle Touch - now that's a beautiful machine. That said, unless you read a LOT, it's hard to justify the added spend over the Paperwhite.

    I grabbed an additional Paperwhite from this offer this morning (thanks OP) - it's a brilliant deal. Will add it into my wife's birthday stash - into the cupboard it goes for now…

    Disclaimer: I'm just a little bit of an Amazon / Kindle fan.

  • +2

    If you are looking for a cheaper option this ebay seller is selling a large number of Kobo Glo's in "as new" condition for $50 (or offer) + shipping (~$8).

    I bought two ($42 each + shipping). They were in original box but had been handled - maybe display models?

    • thanks for that, my gf's kobo glo died and needed a cheap replacement

    • THIS is a good price. Thanks.

  • +1

    Just got 2 and 2 Amazon leather covers for $131 each. Tablet screens are useless if reading outside too.

  • +4

    I finally own a Kindle now, thank you OP!!

    • We're all Kindle people (<— a paraphrased Simpsons' reference)

  • When did this nextgen model release? Is it the same one from a few years ago? i.e. gen 2?

  • This is the 2013 model. Model number DP75SDI.

  • Is a cover mandatory for this device , I'll be placing it mostly in my backpack's tablet space and not sure if I need a cover.. It would add extra bulk while reading as well ….
    If I ever have to get a cover , is this a good option ( with local delivery and sleep/wake function et al .. )


    • Yes. The cover turns it on/off automatically when you open/close it. With out it the on/off switch is a bit fiddly. Also good protection from the screen getting scratched in your backpack, pocket etc (surprisingly, it fits into a lot of my pockets).

      • Thanks mate , I will scout around for a good deal on a cover from the local vendors and grab one , cheers ..

    • +1

      Certainly not required, but they really do protect it, and make the sleep function work well. They also add almost no bulk.

      • Thanks mate , just ordered one from the link @shonofear provided . Getting ready for a peaceful reading experience . I used to reas off an iPad , but it is too unwieldy for long reading times …

  • +2

    These are really good to use when camping: You don't need to have good light to read and you don't have any problems with the battery going flat.

  • +2

    For an endless supply of free books (this is OzBargain, after all) look at www.ereaderiq.com. Books are reduced or made free only for a day or two usually so check back there often. You can also set up email alerts for when the price of a book you want drops to a target you set or when any books by your favourite authors drop in price.

  • How fast would it load jpg? Want to use it to read manga

    • +1

      Use a tablet if you want to read comics or manga, the text will be unreadable on a 6 inch kindle.

      • You can read comics on it, but they really don't come out well. It's wonderful for text, but for PDFs or comics, definitely a tablet is much more enjoyable to use.

        • thanks all. I await the day when there'll be an e-ink reader good for manga.

    • Manga isnt great on a kindle, its readable but yeah I wouldnt really recommend it

    • The resolution is quit low and the whites aren't always white (can end up grayish unless you refresh the page a few times).

  • Thanks for singling this one out. My Nook Glowlight has stopped working again after previously fixing it. I need my books working!!

  • Trying to buy one and it keeps telling me I've been logged out of paypal. Wtf?

  • +2

    cracking deal. Gone for one together with some 2TB portable hard drives and a Galaxy S 10.5 16GB

  • +1

    I can't get it work from website on my phone or the ebay app. I keep getting a PayPal error.

    Edit: On PC now and it's just sitting there saying "waiting for PayPal" dunno wtf is going on, I never usually have issues with PayPal. There's no other payment options either :(

    Finally got it to work after a few more weird errors including tell me it couldn't ship to the address I chose but could ship to some other address, which was the same shop I chose to click and collect from!

  • Any ideas on actual pickup versus what they suggest when you are purchasing? i know previously I've purchased via click & collect on their own website, and it was within a couple of hours i could go collect, is the eBay click & collect as quick? or is it actually going to take a couple of days?


    • +2

      Got a pickup confirmation in less than an hour, so super happy!

      • +2

        I just got mine, took a couple of hours, so that's also good :)

    • +1

      Got confirmation and picked up within 2 hours in Canberra.

    • +1

      Got confirmation within 2 hours at Parramatta store , picked it up during lunch and quiet happy with the easy C&C experience

  • +1

    This is such a good price!

  • +1

    Got one, hopefully I get the pick up email soon as my local DS is open til 9pm!

  • I imagine this wont be good for colour/photography books? Am I better off with the kindle app on my 2014 note 10.1 ?

    • Well yes, kindle really shines in text only, everything else it struggles with

  • +1

    Thanks got one

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Picked one up.

  • +1

    Just bought one and picked at Sydney westfield, the staff brought a pile of kindls for pick up :)

  • +1

    Are people just picking up before waiting for pick up notification?

    Last time I received no notification post buying for click and collect and they just cancelled the order after a week. Don't want this to happen again…

    • +1

      I just gave Harvey norman at George Street Sydney a call to simply enquire about picking up today.

      Staff seemed quite stressed out and annoyed about all the enquiries about people picking it up earlier. Hope others are having better luck.

      • +1

        Gerry is stressed because Dick out-did him!

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