• expired

Free Pure Blonde 6-Pack by Running 6KM


Torn between going for a run or cracking a beer? The Beer Run allows beer lovers to sync their preferred running app below with our site for a chance to earn a 6-pack of our beer.
It's simple, all you have to do is run 6km, login to your app, submit your run to us and there'll be a 6-pack waiting at the finish line.

Currently 4897 6-pack's left

Supported apps include runkeeper, mapmyrun and Strava.

Let's get some exercise while Ozbargaining! :-)

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closed Comments

  • +26

    how to get beer without running?

    • +11

      take a bus?

    • Drive? Cycle? Walk? Crawl?

    • +138

      Send the wife on a run.

      • Nice

      • +4

        …not just any run, a beer run!

    • +1

      Catch the beer scooter.

    • +24

      If you have an Android handset with root you can get an app which will report fake GPS locations so you can complete your "run" from your computer chair.

      • brilliant

      • +6

        You don't even need root for it!

      • +7

        that will save my creepily slow drive around the neighbourhood tonight!

      • BTW what app would you recommend?

    • Money? XD

    • Buy it.

    • Pub crawl

    • a bike ride would do it

    • +1

      It's funny how you get upvoted for trying to cheat the system when it comes to exercise.

      • -5

        m8 I weigh under 60kg…unlike 2 out of 3 Aussies I'm not overweight.

  • +3

    *"must mantain a 'jogging' pace of 5km/h (12 min/k)"

    • +8

      12min/k? that's crawling

      • -4

        Not 12min/ km. He meant 12km/hr

        • +5

          No he didn't, it's in the FAQ.

          While we are pretty chuffed every time someone submits a run, our Beer Run judges do have guidelines that deem a run legitimate. Your run may be rejected for a number of reasons, including:

          • It was shorter than 6km
          • It was slower than 5km/h (12min/km)
          • You didn't submit a valid GPS trail
          • Our judges deemed your run to be false
          • You have already received a voucher

          EDIT: Beaten by start3r below.

        • @stebie: oh In that case it is walking pace.

        • @Slo20:

          I walk faster than that…

        • +2

          @blahman: I roll faster than that… yeah not even gonna run… I'll just roll on my beer gut =)

      • +3

        I literally dont think I can maintain such a pace, i think i'll go for an extremely slow 6k ride..

        • edit: misread as 5min pace instead of 12 min pace.

        • +2

          12min/km is a brisk walking pace.

        • +3

          @OYC: Trust me its not:
          Just got rejected for my mixed jog/brisk walk. (11.5) :(

    • +5

      i can't run that fast :~(

    • So, a tram ride through Melbourne, then? :)

    • +33

      Run for 6 kms. Throw up. Drink 6 pack of pure blonde. Throw up.

      • LOL

      • skip the run and the beer, jost throw up

        • I'm trying 😳

      • Nooo, how do you un-do a negative vote?

        • Click on Votes under the comment and you should see yours with a minus to remove it

        • @clarky: two - make a

        • @spaij: that's nice!

  • +3

    Do you get the beer 100%? Cause you say "a chance to earn a 6-pack"

    • +1

      Once you complete your run, you'll have to submit if for the judges to review. I guess they take a quick look over it to make sure it looks like you were actually running and not driving slowly in a car or something.

    • +1

      Terms and conditions say that if you run the distance and submit a valid entry via an accepted app while there are 6 packs remaining then you get a voucher to claim for a 6 pack.

    • cool. thx

    • Got mine after they reviewed my run on strava: https://i.imgur.com/o6tDFV6.png

      • What does the voucher below look like. Wanna post that : )

  • +27

    Can I do 1km and get 1 beer?

    Or a sip of beer if I get off the couch?

  • +4

    From the website's Q&A..

    Your run may be rejected for a number of reasons, including:

    It was shorter than 6km
    It was slower than 5km/h (12min/km)
    You didn't submit a valid GPS trail
    Our judges deemed your run to be false
    You have already received a voucher
  • +3

    Pure Blonde 6pk you say? Think I'll stay here on the couch.

    • +12

      What about 6 pure blondes? I'd use the couch too! ;)

      • +1

        … Five Cougars Thanks!

        • Give a XXXX. Thanks!

  • +26

    Six-pack after 6 km run, I like this app. Oh wait, it's beer not abs.

    • Abs are overrated, I'll take the beer.

      • +1

        Work on kegaels and 6 slabs
        Pretty soon you'll have nurses swarming you in bed

    • +27

      You mean like every single deal posted, ever?

  • so what if we bring multiple devices on a single run?

    • Even if one person volunteers and uses several devices (2 phones + 2 housemates' phones) the judges might get suspicious because of the location and speed…etc.


      • What if you carried a phone in each hand? ;)

      • +12

        It wouldn't be much different compared to running with a mate side-by-side…

        • just submit at different times, surely they have multiple judges?

  • +1

    If this were 2 6-packs of Pepsi I'd attempt it. I'd also probably have an asthma attack during my attempt. :x

  • +21

    Would it work if I strap my old phone to my dog?

    • +32

      The judges would probably wonder why you stopped on people's lawns most of the time. :P

      • +2

        Because I had to mark my territory like I always do?

      • +1

        Would be extra awkward if one of those house stops was one of the judges' houses……

  • +8

    So what can Pure Blonde obtain from having our Strava info? Probably where we live, where we run, where we work, where we ride, our email address…. Is that worth it for a 6-pack of Pure Blonde?

    • +29


      • +1

        A true OzBargainer! I salute you.

    • You don't have to start tracking your run from your house/work. And a lot of deals ask for an email address - how else do you expect to get the voucher for free beer?

      • I believe you give Pure Blonde full access to all of your previous runs in your Strava profile. (They would have to somehow farm that info though… whether they even bother to export it or not, who knows)

        As for the email: I used a more "important" email address to sign up with Strava. If I was just cashing in some cheap promotion, I'd use my spam email address…

        In any case, I'm just playing the "Devil's Avacado" https://youtu.be/rYniD_fNUzc?t=1m6s

      • use spam gourmet. one email address per website - win!

    • +1

      how big is your tinfoil hat collection?

  • +5

    Can it be exchanged for a beer with some flavour?

    • +20

      Urine is a flavour.

      • Ha. Actually I'm going to do it. Will provide the beers to guests when they visit. Hope there's still some left this evening

        • +1

          Beers or guests after you give them this?

    • +2

      Pure Blonde has flavorful. A terrible terrible flavor.

  • +4

    Run 6 km to the bottle-o.

    • +1

      Call wife for lift home. Drink hard-earned while waiting.

      • I was thinking, call wife, she can run there too, then we share another six pack. Ratio of 9:3 = winning. She then calls her mother who runs another six km…

        • Aren't pyramid schemes illegal?

    • +11

      How much do you think running 6 km costs?

      • +8

        depends on how long it takes you.

        if you takes you 1 hr and you earn $50 per hour, you will be better off going to the shop and buying a 6 pack.
        however if you earn $14 per hour you will better off going for a run

        • +33

          or u could run when your not supposed to be working making the above statement irrelevant

        • +2

          I'd prefer to look at it from the point of view of medical costs lol

        • So, how much do you earn an hour? ;) Also, seeing as you would do this outside of business hours, you'd be using time that you'd otherwise waste doing nothing but making posts on OzB…

        • +2

          my earnings are the current dole payment?
          or maybe im at work, you'll never know

        • +1

          @Slo20: Or run while getting paid, money + free beer = win!

        • Sleep run.

        • +2


          If you need medical help after running a standard 6km then the cost of that run is the least of your issues…

        • +30

          You must live a stressful life if you're always timing things to validate against your earning per hour. I hope you've figured out a way to skip sleeping, because that shit is expensive.

        • You work non stop 24 hours, 7 days a week?

        • @Orpheus:

  • +1

    a good freebies day at the Ozbargain community

  • +12

    "Pure Blonde Beer Run
    by CUB Pty Ltd
    would like the ability to:

    Access and update your profile and settings
    Access and update your friends
    Post new activities and measurements
    Read your activity and measurement history"

    Ermm. No thank you.

    • +3

      Download one of the apps that you don't use and complete using that.

  • +9

    Make sure you sign up before you go for your run!

    Only runs taken in Strava after signing-up here will qualify

    Now I need to run 12 km :(

    • +1

      I made this mistake too. I read this bargain and got home and went straight for a run. Imagine my disappointment when it would work. Perhaps the title could be updated.

      I managed to get it working by using a workaround, MapMyFitness allows you to change the time to after registration!

      I'm not suggesting people do this but technicially anyone who has ran 6km in the past using the app could change the date and time to after registration.

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