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Free Female Hormonal Balance Health Consult for All Mums from Eureka Wellness


Hello Mums.

Have you been suffering from menopause, PMS, hormonal imbalance, hot flushes, infertility or general health issues?

Has your medication worsened the situation? Have other natural methods been a dud?

Then this FREE 25 minute natural health consultation is for you.

Discover an all-natural solution with this Mother's Day Special.

If You Don’t Book Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later!

Offer is limited



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  • Please note from the OP's website: Disclaimer: We at Eureka Wellness makes no claims to the therapeutic action of any of our products. The information on this site is for educational purposes only. Nothing here is intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. Eureka Wellness sells only food, extracted into liquid form in the same way as the vanilla extract you buy in the grocery store. Be sure to consult a healthcare practitioner if you are experiencing symptoms you are unsure about.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Any health business should have to prove it's claims in independent studies before being able to make them.

    • +7

      Doesn't help that OP is anti-vaxxer, convicted drunk driver that thinks you can heal ebola and cavities by changing your diet. I'm more interested as to why he was granted a visa in the country - seems like he only worked for four months before being made redundant and becoming a witch healer.

      • ikes - do you care to substantiate these statements…
        I dont like this company in the slightest - but I was not ready to go that far…
        (was not so negative until I started reading the claims of what can be "cured" and what they think of mainstream medicine)

        • +13
          1. Anti-vaxxer
          2. Convicted drunk driver
          3. Heal ebola by changing your diet
          4. Heal cavities with garlic cloves or something
          5. Made redundant 2014

          I'm going to report my own comment in case I can get a warning or banned or something for this.

        • +2

          I guess these claims need no more substantiation than the bogus snake oil sold on Eureka Wellness. A dangerous web site praying on the desperate.

        • +1


          i asked - you delivered!

        • +3

          ROFL - the court documents say it all really - bleating that he cannot have his driving conviction wiped after he got off basically scott free - the "logic" he was arguing closely mirrors that of the Yeehadists…

        • +7

          @Eureka Wellness:

          Because publicly threatening forum posters with legal action is always a good look for a business.

        • +3

          @Eureka Wellness:

          This isn't America, mate.

        • -3

          @terrys: if he wanders in any of our natural parks…

          Is this a threat?

        • +1

          @Eureka Wellness: You're not in Montana any more Toto - I was think more of conspiracy theory right-wing nut-jobs with six fingers wanting to "liberate" national parks - most of them also get enraged when pulled over weaving over the road with a broken tail-light and make up all sorts of weird reasons why laws don't actually apply to white folk….

        • +3

          @Eureka Wellness: Truth is a defence here mate - and we do have a history in Aus of being able to comment on and demonstrate the character [or lack] of weirdos who invite ladies over to discuss their sexual organs…

        • +2

          @Eureka Wellness: is it defamatory to say that your company is scum trying to wring the last cents out of the ill without any intention of helping them medically.

          Utter scum, if you weren't then you would've countered with facts rather than threatening.

        • +5

          @Eureka Wellness:

          Looking for a defamation suit I see?

          Looking for a permanent Google reference to this thread for your business I see?

    • +5

      Disclaimer: We at Eureka Wellness makes no claims to the therapeutic action of any of our products. The information on this site is for educational purposes only. Nothing here is intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. Eureka Wellness sells only food, extracted into liquid form in the same way as the vanilla extract you buy in the grocery store. Be sure to consult a healthcare practitioner if you are experiencing symptoms you are unsure about."

      Eureka Wellness works with patients whom the doctors have dismissed as incurable. Stephen’s specialty is with late stages of diseases such as cancer, and helping patients to take control of their health once more.

      He would like to charge you a lot of money for telling you to eat veges, and buy laxatives - "colonic detox" is the flim-flam he is pushing.
      I was going to be charitable, but his site disclaimer makes it clear that, although being Montanan, he is well aware of Australian regulations regarding the difference between health claims of a nutritionist [note, not "dietician", you need a real degree for that] and a health practitioner.

      • +2

        We at Eureka Wellness makes no claims to the therapeutic action of any of our products.

        What other industry would have a disclaimer like that? Imagine going to a fast food restaurant, choosing from the menu, paying for it…. and then after an hour of no food the staff point to a little disclaimer saying they make no claims to being a restaurant, or serving food - but no, you can't have your money back, because that part of the business is actually real.

  • here is a really useful link regarding management of menapausal symptoms - it's a good start for all women.
    It's been done by an Australian (melbourne) base organisation, it's written in English (you dont need a medical degree) and it's up to date and their links are all good


    The website also has a section on PMS - in fact in the A-Z section most topics related to women's health are covered.

    (this is not an attempt to discourage you from trying these guys out - just a helpful link for those who might be grappling with these issues)

    • -1

      neither (Dr) Jean Hailes nor any contributor makes any representation of any kind, express or implied, as to the completeness or reliability of the material.

      You claim it's up-to-date and good; the people writing it suggest it isn't.

      • Attacking Jean hailes… What's next? Diabetes Australia / national heart foundation?
        Sheesh… Jean hailes is one of the best women's health websites out there… For patients and doctors.
        Every website has a disclaimer of sorts….

  • +5

    I love the disclaimer at the bottom of the websites home page, it reads

    "Disclaimer: We at Eureka Wellness makes no claims to the therapeutic action of any of our products. The information on this site is for educational purposes only. Nothing here is intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. Eureka Wellness sells only food, extracted into liquid form in the same way as the vanilla extract you buy in the grocery store. Be sure to consult a healthcare practitioner if you are experiencing symptoms you are unsure about.

    You are not a wellness company you have no right doing consultations on medical issues.

  • Mums* C&P doesn't work on this occasion.

  • +4

    Making legal threats on your own deal. WD on self immolating your business. Would hate to find out what you would do to your clients once you have their personal information and sensitive medical info.

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    Please make note of the commenting guidelines. Feel free to speak about the product or company but please do not engage in personal attacks.

    Let's stay on-topic.

    • +1

      Let's stay on-topic.

      that antivaxxers are not only completely deluded… BUT the worse kinds of scum on this planet………

      through their campaigns of disseminating bullshit they spout, it isnt only hurting their own children…. but puts at risk the lives of innocent bystanders children? cant find a link to it, but there was a news story a while back where a new born childs life was put at risk because of this sort of moronic bullshit, hopefully someone else remembers the story and can link to a news article about it?

      these people need to be shown for the scum they really are, im happy for them to kill their own spawn with their stupidity but when their actions risk other completely innocent people as well that makes them in a league worse than the worst imaginable drug dealers imo

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