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The Little Guy Espresso Maker $559 @ David Jones (in store)


But this isn't a story about a short little barista in some quiet seaside town, where all the locals know each other and work extra hard during the summer season. No, this is a story about a thing of beauty, beauty that cannot become obsolete.

This little guy is perhaps the smallest espresso maker and milk frother available. Made from stainless steel it produces 2 espresso shots per cycle, with the remaining pressure usable through the steam nozzle on the frother. This is how it works

Usual price is $699 though Myer have it for $594.15 at the moment

If this is outside the budget you'd spend on a percolator then Myer also have the Bialetti range reduced by 30% similar to this deal posted by punk000 in December last year

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David Jones
David Jones

closed Comments

  • Wow I want… Not sure about impulse buy

  • +2

    +1 for the story intro

    • I agree, I want to read a book or see a show about this hipster that left the big smoke to go to a backwards seaside town and turn their worlds on their heads with his amazing latte art.

      • Well if Adam Sandler can get like a 7 movie Netflix deal, then this isn't so preposterous. We can tell our loved ones that we once upvoted Mr. Cornbeef and that he smiled benevolently on us (we imagined)

        • Adam Sandler is extremely good at something (starring in inane movies as inane jerkoffs) though … barista's get outdone by coffee machines using Nestle pods in blind testing. No surprise really considering when you consider Nestle uses blind testing to create it's products.

  • +2

    eight minutes to make two espressos, hahaha

  • +1

    Can you actually use this on a gas stove? It looks like it is mandatory to by the separate $200 induction add-on for this? Then you have to buy the naked handle so you can see extraction/water flow properly, then a good grinder if you don't have one, ends up being a $1000 machine by the end…

    • Works on narrow gas flame, electric stovetops or The Little Guy induction top
      The design has been around for a long time, these are just a newer stainless steel version

      • The design has been around for a long time, these are just a newer stainless steel version

        The design has been around a long time, these are just a newer COPY of the real thing.

  • +2

    Or you can buy the genuine Atomic for $550 rather than a knockoff


    • +2

      100% Agreed, this is NOT a deal. Bloody fake clone, marketed as something new and innovative.

      Did you read this on the website?

      The Little Guy won the Australian International Design Mark in 2008, was a finalist in the International Design Excellence Awards in 2009, won The Chicago Athenaeum's Good Design award in 2011, and in 2012 was nominated for the prestigious German Design Award.

      That just goes to show how absolutely shonky those "design awards" are.

      Basically, if you are the only product in a category that year, and you pay the entry fee… you win.

  • +3


    The machines are hand made in Italy with a distinctive "Made in Italy" on the base. This was first done in 2008 to distinguish the authentic machines from the fakes. Bon Trading Co can also supply genuine ATOMIC® Coffee Machine parts.

    There are imitations made under different brands that are manufactured in China and Taiwan, these are not authentic and cannot legally use the word ATOMIC®.

    Before you buy a machine from a source other than Bon Trading Co, make sure you know the difference between a replica, a fake and a genuine ATOMIC®. The genuine ATOMIC® Coffee Machine is hand crafted in Italy and is made in accordance with European material regulations and standards.

  • +1

    I own an atomic and have done for quite a few years and it is a fine piece of equipment that makes top quality stove top espresso. We really love pulling it out at campsites and as a talking point in our kitchen.

    The little guy is an Australian designed improvement on the original atomic and actually has won quite a few awards The Australian International Design Mark in 2008, the Chicago Athenaeum's 'Good Design' in 2011, International Design Excellence Award finalist in 2009 and a German Design Council nomination for the German Design Awards in 2013.

    My brother owns the little guys and we have tested it against the atomic and the little guy is superior. This is a good deal as these hardly ever go on sale anywhere.

    • +1

      Good review and follow up discussion here: http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Alt/alt.coffee/2009-…

      • +1

        I personally own one of these and can vouch that they are very good. The quality is amazing and the design is similar to the atomic but I believe it is an improved version. The support from the company is second to none.
        I only use it camping/traveling and yes it is slow however if you think about how long an espresso machine takes to heat up before pulling a shot it is not much different. I would not recommend if you are making more than 1 large/2 small lattes as the turn around time would be 30 min.
        The coffee is top notch even on store bought beans (not that I am at all recommending store beans). Couple it with a decent hand grinder and you can enjoy decent coffee almost anywhere.

        • +1

          Yeh the first time I saw this little guy in the flesh was camping. Some nearby campers had one on the go. Made my aeropress look, well, kind of American.

        • Sorry mate which one do you own? Atomic/Little Guys or Moka pot?

        • I own one of these (the Otto), and use it on gas.
          Makes a great cup of coffee.

          Closer to an espresso than a bialetti, but more work.

          Ikea make a good stainless steel moka pot quite cheaply too.

        • @reubenb87: I own a few percolators. Actually I was searching for a Bialetti one cup percolator when I stumbled on the little guy deal.

        • @cornbeef:

          Aeropress is over 90% cheaper though.

        • @serpserpserp: True. And a lot lighter and packable when hiking.

  • So it is a moka-pot pretending to be espresso?
    And a made-in-China knock-off of an Italian original?

    I think I'll keep my moka pot for camping. While this is a beautiful sculpture, its a bit heavy looking.

    • Better than a moka pot, but definitely heavier.

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