• expired

Samsung Galaxy S10 Black/White 128GB with Galaxy Buds $1283.97 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Still waiting for the Good Guys 10% discount code to pop up on your screen? Just close your browser and get it off Amazon instead. You can also get 5-6% on CR/Shopback making it pretty much the same price as the TGG deal ($1225.61 after 5%/$58.36, $1213.94 after 6%/$70.03).

It's still the pre-order period so you'll get the Galaxy Buds.

If you pre-ordered from Amazon at the full $1349 price, you should be getting a refund for the difference in the next 24-72 hours.

If you don't want the buds, you might as well buy it off eBay. They're out of 128GB models though.

Part of the Galaxy S10 Series + Bonus Galaxy Buds Pre Order Deal

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    S10+ ?

  • -4

    Is this reality?

    Just a few deals below is a Dell tagged almost the same as this phone and the only thing this phone does is have a hole instead of a notch compared to any other expensive flagship-excuse of a phone.


    • +3

      I still have landline

    • +2

      Is this reality?

      Where have you been the past two years? :)

      Just a few deals below is a Dell tagged almost the same as this phone and the only thing this phone does is have a hole instead of a notch compared to any other expensive flagship-excuse of a phone.

      I assume you're referring to this XPS deal?

      You could say exactly the same about the XPS - why pay $1279 for the XPS13 when you can pay $815 for this Lenovo with a faster CPU and bigger screen?

      Some people don't mind paying a bit more for the latest processor, best camera, solid build, unique design, etc.

      • -2

        Yes that's the deal I was referring to. Infact,t he Lenovo sounds like a good one lol.

        Perhaps i'm getting old but you can't really say that claim a 'solid' build with an edge to edge display which has the potential to crack and ruin the display panel with it. I'm not even sure about the holding part, but having to hold this with one hand or something might be difficult as there isn't any none-touchable area or side bezel so people might get unexpected touch points.

        An increment to Camera, Processor and other component spec does not warrant a steep yet double the price from a phone that did the same thing about two years ago comparing it to a phone that time.

        However, arguably, if it's using a 5G Modem tech they that warrants the R&D tax price. If it's still stuck on the 4G network, high pixel density phone with a battery that can't really keep up with how notoriously bad Android is app and battery management (thus the ever increasing RAM amount).. I don't think so.

        • +3

          Stick to a laptop. Perhaps go buy the $200 one off gumtree, no point spending more than that clearly.

        • +2

          Perhaps i'm getting old but you can't really say that claim a 'solid' build

          With all these modern phones, 'solid build' refers to feeling solid in the hand, as opposed to hollow-sounding plastic. All nice-looking phones nowadays will crack if you drop them, so a case is almost a necessity for many people. Samsung provides one in the box, fortunately.

          but having to hold this with one hand or something might be difficult as there isn't any none-touchable area or side bezel so people might get unexpected touch points.

          I was concerned about it at the start too, but after 2-3 years of using them, it never even crossed my mind. It just didn't affect me - until I got the Note 9. I have to really stretch to reach the far corners, resulting in unintended touches. That's why I'm going back to smaller phones again.

          If it's still stuck on the 4G network

          Honestly at this stage I'd rather get a 4G phone than a 5G phone. The second generation of 5G phones would be more power-efficient and there would actually be a 5G network to use.

          high pixel density phone

          Samsung fortunately sets the default resolution to FHD+ instead of the full WQHD+. That's a good move as it would save on battery life. If you do need the higher res (like with VR headsets for example), you can just bump it up to full.

          with a battery that can't really keep up with how notoriously bad Android is app and battery management

          No idea what the S10 is like, but the Mate 20 Pro is really good at battery management. Too good if you ask some people, but after you whitelist the apps you want, it does last ages. I notice the battery life on my Note 9 is really good too, so hopefully they're learning something.

          I don't think so.

          Sure.. this phone definitely isn't for everyone! It's a great time to pick up an S9 or S8 if the new features aren't attractive to you. I'm looking forward to the on-screen fingerprint reader and the wide angle lens - the two features I miss the most from the Mate 20 Pro.

          • @eug: Fair points m8.

            The Pixel density shown on gsmarena suggest it's 1440x 3040. However, given that it's AMOLED, there could be the chance of it disabling some of the pixels and given that you mention that it uses FHD+ on default, then I'd assume that's the case or something similar.

            Every early 'x'G rollout starts rough and I have to agree with you on that about waiting for second gen phones supporting 5G.

            As of the battery management, it's more to do with how Android's heavy reliance on Java that makes it crappy. I am very much sure most of these phones, in fact older ones too running on the A53 core would suffice if it weren't for JVM hogging up everything. Whitelisting apps feels like a temporary bandaid to me than to actually fix the lower level of android in of itself. I think in Android Pie they introduced the 'AI' thingo which turns of apps not used in the background as often. Let alone with samsung's interface of bloat and bixby, who knows what's running on the background flagged as 'high priority do not terminate' which is pretty much useless.

            I'm still happy with my Oneplus 5t and it would be rather hypocritcal for me not to say that I bought at a steep price back then, but then again again this phone is double the price I paid yesteryear.

            I'll give samsung some credit for it's camera implementation, I think they really do a great job on that department indeed.

            Hopefully though, you and others enjoy using it, I am just concerned about the pricing starting to match up with Apple's shite-phones.

            Okay I am an old man rambling now, sorry about that. Have a good one! :D

        • +1

          I can't be bothered to refute or explain your other objections/points but I just wanted to say that android is great at app and battery management.

          The S10+ and OnePlus6t just took a crap on the iPhone XS max in latest battery tests on YouTube. OnePlus lasted 9h 5 mins, S10+ lasted 9h 4 mins and the iPhone XS max lasted 6h 55 mins. In-fact all the Android phones in the test beat the iPhone. Search youtube for "galaxy s10 plus battery test xee", it's the vid with 410k views by XEETECHCARE.

    • There are lots of other exclusive features.
      I wouldn't trust the quality of lesser known brands.

    • I can't fit the Dell in my pocket though, or use it while walking, or make mobile calls from it or get it wet.

    • I hear you, Samsung lost me when my S8+ dropped 10cm and cracked it's screen.
      y'all need to queue up for some Foxconn PoS w/ a 1/2 eaten Apple logo on it to know what real means… real f'ing stupid.
      Huawei can get real too.
      Next phone will be Xiaomi Mi show me something.'

      Death to Apple.

    • +2

      I don't know about you, but most phones in 2005 didn't have a headphone jack. Mostly proprietary connectors which was a pain in the butt because… you needed dongles to get a 3.5mm jack. Sound familiar?

      • -8

        Seems like people really still fancy having one of these jacks on their phones. I suppose if the phone had a good DAC built in and you had some really good headphones and are an audiophile, then maybe you’ll find some advantage over wireless but otherwise, surely there is a good portion of people with wireless headphones by now? Phones without them usually come with the adapter anyways. So what’s the big fuss?

        • +4

          If you want a phone without a headphone jack, they exist.

          Not sure what you gain tangibly from losing the 3.5mmheadphone jack. It's not as if phones are thinner than 4mm right now.

          • -7

            @Fiximol: Pave the way for newer technologies.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: Ummm…. What? How exactly is the physical lack blocking technology? Samsung happens to have world leading wireless audio tech with their dual audio that allows concurrent broadcast to two different sets of BT headphones. So I don't see any relationship between the two.

              • -6

                @Fiximol: Think much further down the path friend.. nothing wrong with a bit of innovation and if it means some sacrifice then sometimes that’s just what must happen.

                • @[Deactivated]: You will have to enlighten me. I can't see anything that would make removal of the 3.5mm jack make sense except to reduce the profile of the phone to less than 3.5mm. Even then you can always do a "headphone jack bump" the same way camera bumps work.

                  • -3

                    @Fiximol: So are you perfectly satisfied that until the end of time there must be a headphone jack in a mobile phone? You think a Billion dollar company would drop the headphone jack just for sh#ts & giggles? They’re obviously looking much further ahead. And so are now many android phone manufacturers as well. If we stay too complacent, what does that achieve? Technology changes and sometimes you gotta go without the old tech to make way for new. It doesn’t happen over night though. Samsung is holding on to the jack for now, but not on all their phones and a part of retaining the jack on the galaxy line is to have a perceived advantage in at least 1 aspect over their biggest rival. Let’s see how many more Galaxy iterations this will last for.

                    • +1

                      @[Deactivated]: I firmly believe that a former trillion dollar company removed the headphone jack to try and get people to buy wireless headsets for more profit. I firmly believe it has absolutely nothing to do with innovation.

                      And no, I am not saying that it has to remain in perpetuity, I am saying that the removal of it right now is pointless - once they have good enough battery and screen tech for phones to be slimmer than 3.5mm, then I can understand removing the jack. Until then, there is no reason (except a commercial one) for it to have happened. Having the headphone jack in place has not stifled innovation in wireless audio in any way, shape or form.

        • +4

          I suppose if the phone had a good DAC built in and you had some really good headphones and are an audiophile, then maybe you’ll find some advantage over wireless but otherwise, surely there is a good portion of people with wireless headphones by now?

          My situation is a bit different. I often find myself in situations where I have to play some music at a venue through their audio system or just to test some speakers somewhere with a line input. When I switched to a phone without a headphone jack, it was a hassle to have to remember to bring the dongle every time. It's just another thing to lose.

          Also when watching videos, my Bluetooth earphones and headphones all have an audio delay. Gets annoying sometimes.

          The other problem with wireless headphones is that if they self-discharge in your bag, or you forget to charge them, they won't work. Now where did that dongle go…

        • +1

          Seems like people really still fancy having one of these jacks on their phones.

          Because they are everywhere.
          Cars, planes, laptops, speakers etc.
          You will find 3.5mm on 99% of devices but you can't find USB C or lightning on 1% of the devices that exist.

          The cables/headphones to use them are not proprietary and cheap.
          No special hardware/DACs are needed.

  • With tgg U can also use 5 to6 % off gift card. Still better.

    • +2

      You don't get cashback though. And you won't be able to use any cc price protection.

      • You probably won't be able to get cc price protection anyways, if it mentions the free earbuds anywhere on the receipt.

        • +2

          I already have my official tax invoice, it does not mention the earbuds anywhere.

    • could you please share where you can get 5-6% off tgg gift card?

  • +4

    Seriously for $60-70 off lol, wait a month prices will tank as usual.

    • +1

      they won't 'tank'

      • +1

        Definitely won't tank. Look at s9 plus (local stock) prices. They have actually gone back up!

      • Nah, always go on sale.

    • +1

      It's actually $260-$270 off if you consider the free earbuds that come with them.

      • nah will be had for $150 or less on ebay soon.

  • -1

    Seems like they've removed the buds from the page now. It's still in the picture, but before it was below the description also.
    Edit: whoops, only removed from the S10+ page.

    • as of writing this, green 10+ still available through amazon au (seller), thus u ll still get the buds.

  • Hi guys, galaxy fold hasn't displayed at the samsung kiosk yet. Please don't try folding the device there, it is tab S4.

  • Not to brag, but through work today I got an S10 128gb for $674.50


      • Need to work for Telstra, staff were given a 1x use code

        • Were you the guy who leaked the info lol?

    • =.=

    • +1

      And this help us ozbargain, how?

    • You certainly bragging kakarot!!!

    • Same here, but an S10+. Won't mention price as it's not exactly helpful for the rest of the OzB community (most I'll say is it was barely a touch more than what you paid for the S10).

      Early impressions are pretty good, definitely would never have bought it under normal circumstances(told myself I'd never buy a phone over $1000). One tip I can give is to update the software as soon as you get it as the fingerprint scanner is hopeless out of the box, however once updated it's near-flawless. My S7 is still going strong these past 3 years and was only going to replace it were it to actually die. Plan is to sell the S7 for ~$300 and basically have an S10+ for only a few hundred.

      Did not get the galaxy buds though, but that was a tradeoff I was more than happy to make, all things considered.

    • They ain't giving us a pay rise, but at least we get cheaper phones.

    • Yup. 50% off RRP. 512GB Ceramic Black - come at me!

  • Seriously $1200 odd dollars for a phone??

    • +7

      the best phone ever created.


    • +1

      In 1991 the NEC p3 was $5,000 then you took it to Telstra and they programmed it for the number. Then you paid $60 a month and then paid heaps for each call.

  • Does anyone know if I buy s10 via Amazon, can I still get Samsung Care through Samsung?

  • Received s10+ today from the woolies mobile preorder

  • I only want the Galaxy Buds, does anyone want to sell me theirs if they get it with their preorder and doesn’t want it?

    • +1

      try gumtree, people will sell for $150 as gumtree fills up with ads, people have started receiving their pre-order handsets.

      • Totally forgot about Gumtree! Thanks!

  • Ah man do I upgrade from my s8 or wait until next year's S11 which will have 5G?

  • still confused about why people need $1000+ phones, is this is a status thing because literally, anybody can buy this phone.
    $1200 is really not a lot of money, but it just seems very trivial that people get excited over the latest phones.

    • Consumerism!

    • Attracts the babes mon! The babes!

      • +1

        Use Apple products then, it's perhaps have more magnetic forces for clueless babes

    • +1

      It communicates, entertains, does business really well today, for such a wonderful tool, actually I would pay more.

    • +3

      I wondered this too, so I bought one to find out

  • Does anyone know where I can order a snapdragon version for the same price?

    • Snapdragon whoops Exynos' ass in speedtests, it's crazy.
      Sadly we only have Exynos in AU stock.

      If you want grey import you can get Snapdragon for $1124 + $15 postage from eglobalcentral + 0.7% off with Cashrewards, so like $1134. Earbuds not included in that offer though, and grey imports don't have local samsung warranty support, you would have to handle warranty issues with eglobal which is often an extreme pain in the ass.

      • I think I ll buy the SD version next financial year , hope it is under 1k by then.

        • Can't use samsung pay and u will risk your warranty

          • @hopper: Can you not just flash the firmware to make it work or is it just not possible?

            • @Dunska: People brick devices when flashing exyons firmware on snapdragon

            • @Dunska: No you can't.
              Both CPUs are different and require different firmware.

              It would be like trying to put Android on an iPhone.

          • @hopper: Say goodbye to Samsung pay if you try Google pay.

            • @kobe8tang: Having never used any of these payment services. What advantage does one have over the other? Samsung pay vs Google pay. Aren't you just tapping your phone to pay, what does it matter or am I overlooking something?

              • @Dunska: Google pay does not need fingerprint to verify, I prefer convenience over security. Also it stores woolworths card which only need to tap the wws self cashier to have wws points, so convenient again.

  • I paid RRP, purchased from Amazon. Do I need to contact them for price guarantee or is it automatic

    • +2

      It's meant to be automatic. I contacted them to ask just to be sure, they confirmed it for me.

      • Managed to get it after contacting them. The rep said "We usually do not price match or honor any price difference.

        ** But as you are one of the valued customers we have, so as an exception, I have issued a refund $50 (1499 - 1449 = 50) to your original payment method, this refund takes 2-10 business days to reflect into your card."

    • The link is still on pre-order (not Buy Now) so it is automatic. To make sure, go to your order detail page and you can see the total price that will be deducted, which should be this current price. This is the "Pre-order Price Guarantee".

  • Waiting for Sony Xperia 1.

  • Ships from and sold by Becextech.

    Hmm. Is Amazon out of stock? Be careful! Becextech doesn't seem to sell AU stock.

    • +1

      Uh oh. They might have! I'd better update the description.
      edit: Looks like I can't edit the description any more as it automatically changes the alternate domain to becextech.

      • does that mean we don't get the free ear buds?

        • If the seller you bought from was Amazon, you do.

          • @eug: But not if it says as above 'Ships from and sold by Becextech'

            • @Tina22: Yes, because the seller is Becextech and not Amazon.

              • +2

                @eug: argh that sucks, i just cancelled me order. Thanks for the clarification

      • Yikes! Is that why the price dropped $4. I was wondering why that was.

        Can someone tell me if I'm safe? That's what it shows me in my orders

        • +1

          You're safe, that's what it should be. Mine shows that too. What time did you order?

          • @eug: Wow, just looking back at my purchase, I purchased mine at 9:47 pm AEST (Syd), at 9:48 pm I took a screenshot of the Galaxy S10 page on Amazon to show a friend the deal and it changed to $1279 sold by Becextech. I think I may have got the last, or one of the last S10s from Amazon.


            • @Nexo: Haha, congrats!
              I ordered mine a week or two ago, it shipped yesterday. Australia Post says it'll arrive tomorrow. Not sure if it actually will, since it's meant to arrive on Friday!

  • Where to buy the Hong Kong version? Which has better CPU Snapdragon and dual sim cards at the same time, also got Google. I think this is the best version of the world. The Chinese model is the same hardware model, but google is banned in China.

    • Eglobalcentral for HK/Grey import version with snapdragon and dual sim.

      • +1

        Thanks a lot

  • Now that it is expired, can we still claim the difference if ordered at RRP prior to this promo?

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