ADSL Plans

Currently I'm on ADSL with TPG and think their $49.95 plan is a jib. Their 8gb on-peak limit is a joke. Can someone recommend me some good ISP's that offer $50/month with 10+gb on-peak downloads? Right now I can see gotalk might be a good alternative but wish to see if there are any other decent providers.



  • check out exetel. fanstastic value and even better if u get naked adsl2… no more line rental from telstra

  • thanks bargs, they seem good!

    I'm ruling out gotalk for their unprofessional customer service. I placed an enquiry on their site and the next day this lady rang and was rather pushy in trying to make a sale. When I said I'll need to shop around first & that she's putting me on the spot; she hanged up abruptly on me!

    edit: I noticed they offer a referral cash incentive $60 to $30. I can say you referred me if I went with them.

  • hey mate yeh if u like depends when ur playing on signing up for internet. im not currently with them but will be signing up to one of their plans in around 3 weeks when i move into a new house. Yeh i would avoid gotalk for internet there only good for voip =]

  • dodo - thumbs down
    exetel - thumbs up

  • Be careful, Exetel are cheap and nasty (at least with ADSL2+).
    12 midnight to 12 noon you are lucky to hit a 20kbps download speed (you know, when you get the big chunk to use).

    Peak hours are alot better where you can hit good speeds, but for 12 hours a day its shit speed and regular dropouts.

  • Optus is quite good 12gb peak 24gb off-peak.

    What as made me stick with them is the pay for 2 months get the 3rd one FREE. I split the $65 cost per month with someone else. I get $20 each month from them so it costs me $23.33 per month.
    Good speeds during the entire day.

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