Gas cooktop repair part

Hello I'm looking for a certain part to fix the gas stove cooktop. It's the little white thing that gives out the spark to light the gas. Not sure what it is called.

Any help identify this object and where to get a replacement?


  • That is what they are - the "ceramic ignition thingies"!

    You can get them from Appliance spares stores. For example, a well-known one is Doug Smith Spares in Sydney.

    But you need to know Brand and Model number of the stove.

    Example - here is Smeg ones for $18ā€¦

    They may be a real bugger to install, depending on the way that the cable routes back to the high-voltage-creating device.

    • Haha, I was searching for them online and they seem to a lot of names. Might hit the yellow pages and look for similar stores.

  • Piezo ignitor?

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