• expired

Graduate/Undergraduate Certificates from Various Universities from $1,250 to $2,500


Following from this deal:

I did a bit more research and noted that there are many Graduate/Undergraduate Certificate courses from a wide variety of universities that are eligible for a CGS rebate, decreasing the price to either $1,250 or $2,500 for 4 units of study (up to 12k rebate). These include Group of Eight universities such as Australian National University, University of Sydney etc., well, all of them except for the University of Melbourne and Monash University. They are all delivered online.

Note: You will need to finish all four units by the end of 2020 in order to be eligible for the CGS rebate, as such, this is a large time committment (full time load.)

On the left, if you filter by short courses, you'll be able to see all courses eligible for the CGS rebate.

Please see pricing of short courses below:
Teaching $1,250
Nursing $1,250
Psychology $1,250
English $1,250
Mathematics $1,250
Foreign Languages $1,250
Agriculture $1,250
Allied Health $2,500
Other Health $2,500
Information Technology $2,500
Architecture and Building $2,500
Science $2,500
Engineering $2,500
Medical science $2,500
Environmental studies $2,500

Hope this helps some of you to reskill!

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closed Comments

  • Wow thanks for posting this! Will need to look at what's being offered

  • Are there many that are still available? I've been looking but because it's already June and you have to finish before December 2020 to be eligible for the CGS rebate, it seems many courses have already started and you can no longer apply for them :(

    • Not certain, I'll remove the number from the post, thanks!

    • +2

      Most start in July

    • I’ve found that components of the courses were offered only in the first trimester, meaning I couldn’t finish till next year…

  • +7

    If anyone else is not clear on what CGS means, maybe this helps? It's a commonwealth grant scheme for reduced fees on short online courses at higher education levels in national priority areas. https://www.dese.gov.au/covid-19/higher-education/higher-edu…

    • +1

      So does that mean anyone is eligible for the rebate or is this only for those that have been affected by covid?

      • +3

        Anyone is eligible for the rebate and it is applied automatically, but with a caveat:
        Providers may have additional eligibility requirements for their courses. In some cases, this may mean that eligibility for a course is limited to workers who have been affected by the downturn caused by COVID-19. Please check with your provider before enrolling.

        The Graduate Certificate of Data Engineering page on ANU that I applied for didn't mention needing to be affected by Co-VID19, so I believe it should go through.

  • is there any short construction courses being offered?
    meh forget it all have closed and all need a pre-requisite of 3 years on the job or related degree. pointless

  • +18

    Haha the title made me think I could just buy a certificate. "We are a printing company that produces High Quality certificates for universities including Group of Eight universities"

  • +3

    Don't feel it was advertised too well. Regardless I was accepted last week to grad cert in cyber security

    • What was the cost and which uni?

  • I am a friend that would be interested in one of these courses does anyone know if you can be the $1250 or $2500 on hecs?

    • +1


      Eligible students can defer payment through HECS‑HELP

      • +1

        How does one go about putting this on HECS-HELP? I've been out of uni for like 10+ years and all I remember was filling out a form through QTAC and next thing you know I was at uni and just had to pay the student guild contribution or whatever that was.

        • You'd need to apply for an admission first to the university where you're interested in studying for a particular course. Once admitted you then apply for HECS-HELP as a certificate of enrollment is required prior.

    • +2

      Hello friend

  • +1

    yay i love upskilling

  • -5

    So do we actually have to study or do we get certificate directly for this price?

  • -8

    These are a joke unless you were planning to study those fields anyway. It's not enough to give foreign-dependent universities their usual cash flow and not enough to give travel industry veterans a new job guarantee.

    Keep in mind it was released at a time that loosening of lockdown in the near future was considered unlikely. They use buzz-words like "job-ready" when the country has a few decades backlog of unemployed science graduates. That's right, they did 3 years or more, not just a certificate, and they're working outside science anyway (many not by choice). If it's "national priority" they're concerned about I think the highest demand in the list would come from areas that depend on a regular influx of foreigners, like aged care.

    They'd be better off creating 21,000 cushy part time jobs in the public service, the most common form of welfare in Australia.

    • +9

      deek head

      • Any good beer specials? Nothin' like a good lager.

    • +5

      You’re absolutely correct we should not have educated people in the community.

      This is honestly the worst thing I’ve read outside of an American conservative subreddit.

      • -5

        We don't have enough people in Australia that would understand tertiary course content. Among wealthy countries we literally have the dumbest secondary students in the world. I think most adult Australians would need to do to a 2 year bridging course to reach the level of final-grade high schoolers in most foreign countries.

        • +1

          "I think most adult Australians would need to do to a 2 year bridging course to reach the level of final-grade high schoolers in most foreign countries."

          Hmmm not sure about that.

          The US has Trump in.

          The UK has Boris Johnson in.

          We have..

          Ok, guess you're right.

        • +1

          We rank fairly highly in PISA scores by OCDO standards, so I'm not sure where you have attained that idea. The rank of Australia is 12th once you remove the cheating entity (I'm sure we all know which country that is) which manipulates its statistics.

          • @Tyrx: I'm mostly having a vent, but Australians being too stupid to solve problems without brain-draining other countries (with a carrot) is something that's on a continuous downwards trajectory (we'll see how we go in PISA next year…).

            I associate logical thinking ability, for example, with mathematics. I don't care how good you are at reading, you're still too dumb for engineering and science if you can't do maths. Of course we have lots of people that do these subjects anyway and have successful "careers". They're the type of person that doesn't have the intelligence to do the work so uses office politics to get ahead. Perfect for government and corporate roles.

            We might be about average in maths for an "OECD country". But normalise that figure by wealth (we were ranked the richest when the tests were taken in 2018) and we come out as a bunch of spoiled brats.

            I'm not attacking "dumb" people though. It's rarely a person's own fault. In Australia we have traditionally valued so-called kinesthetic intelligence. An all-rounder on the cricket field. How quickly a bloke can shear a sheep or down a schooner. On the job a plumber probably uses more parts of his brain than your average paper pusher, so it's not like most jobs Australians do need the greatest thinkers. We traditionally have had skilled migrant visas and a surplus of international students for private companies to do the brain-taxing stuff.

            But it's an open secret that Austrlians are dumbasses when it comes to the hard stuff. Without foreign students we couldn't even fill most of the university courses. The only ones that don't recognise it are the dumbasses themselves. The university entrance threshold and marking standards have become so low that anyone can get a degree they won't use.

            • @peterpeterpumpkin: So if education isn't the answer, what is?

              • +4

                @TheZohan: We do need more education. Especially of our youth.

                But not token programs such as this one that will continue the under-employment spiral.

                We need a welfare program that doesn't focus on finding people a "full-time job". We need to end "permanent jobs" so incompetent people don't get complacent and hog all the wealth. Some tasks aren't fit to a full-time role. We should focus on a multi-skilled society can do more than one thing. A "lifetime of learning" - we should all be constantly learning, not re-skilling when things go pear-shaped. And some Australians should obviously start from scratch (or we'll have to subsidise them via welfare). We shouldn't have to do a 3 year course for a job that might only need a few months of relevant education. And when you spend $30,000 you find out that 350 people have applied for the same graduate role.

                We're cheating the younger generation by giving them false hope in educational debt. Over the last few months there were scores of casual teachers left without a job. Punished because they didn't want a permanent position. If we're honest we should tell younger people that if they want to buy a house they should get a government job since it's much easier to get a mortgage that way.

                I'm just being realistic. Some of the people on "Struggle Street" have been left far too behind to "up-skill". There wouldn't be enough jobs for all of them even if they tried. I've worked with many backpackers in my time and one thing they often apologise for saying is that we probably have the most stupid people in the world. We have seemingly able-minded people that you can't have a conversation with because they don't have enough general knowledge to talk about anything other than rugby league and drinking. An uneducated European will often have educated opinions on things. Perhaps we're just similar to the US in that regards (I've never worked there so I can't really compare. A lot of them say stupid things on camera though).

                But after all that, I think we're a spoiled country that's too focused on "growth" anyway. If there aren't enough jobs for everyone that wants to work, then maybe we could all work a little less. Australians on the whole are way too focused on the superficial things in life.

                • @peterpeterpumpkin:

                  one thing they often apologise for saying is that we probably have the most stupid people in the world. We have seemingly able-minded people that you can't have a conversation with because they don't have enough general knowledge to talk about anything other than rugby league and drinking. An uneducated European will often have educated opinions on things.

                  So true. I experience this all the time even with tertiary educated people in the workplace. The level of ignorance is very frustrating. This is probably a reason why politicians and the elite overlords have managed to screw us in everything over the years, from living standards to job security, because people here are so ignorant and naive. Stupid in other words.

  • hmm I wonder if I could enrol and finish only a few subjects and still be eligible for the diacount?

    • No point in just doing 1 semester and not completing the degree. First, you wasted $1200 for nothing. Second, You are expected to complete the semester as fees would be reverted back to their original cost you're required to pay should you decide to defer halfway through semester as per the Relief Package / University Ts and Cs. Third, you won't get recognised for any qualifications if you're only doing 1 semester. (Not attaining a degree)

      • yeah makes sense,
        I guess if I was only after the knowledge as opposed to the degree I'd be better off doing courses elsewhere (Udacity etc)

  • +1

    Question - can you be a Nurse/Teacher/Whatever after doing this course?

    (I’m assuming no, so am wondering what they are for)

    • Don't know for sure, but having a relevant degree and with a grad cert in teaching could make you eligible to work as a teacher?

      • You need to have completed the Teaching degree prior to applying a postGraduate degree for a teaching-related field.PostGraduate degrees are halfway through doing your Master's degree. These are good qualifications to help you climb up your career ladder and do some upskilling.

        And NO- If I am an Engineer, I cannot apply for a PostGraduate degree in Teaching as I'm not a teacher by profession.

        • +2

          Strictly not true. I looked into this myself and there are post graduate degrees designed to go from one profession into teaching.

          Even as an engineer I looked at doing a post grad in an unrelated field and some of those are not suitable for engineers in other fields and some are.

      • You can get to be a qualified teacher if you have a degree and complete an appropriate qualification. Usually its a 1 year (Grad Dip) or 1.5-2 year masters program.

        There is also https://www.teachforaustralia.org/

        I doubt a 6 month diploma would ever qualify. You need about 80 days on the job experience, and a course that covers all the AITSL standards https://www.aitsl.edu.au/teach/standards . The university teaching courses culminate with a "portfolio" that serves as a job application.

        Source: Completed a Graduate Diploma in Learning and Teaching in 2013.

        • +1

          Grad Dips went out the door for Teaching. Masters or bust now.

          • @blerk: Its a cash grab to run 1.5-2 year degrees instead of 1 year ones. Teaching qualification used to be a 1 year degree for decades.

            • @ColonialBoy: It was a decision by the Commonwealth Government's body for teaching standards, not universities.

              It's also consistent with most professional career transition pathways, the Graduate Entry Masters programs, for physio etc.

    • To be a teacher you need a masters in teaching.

      A grad cert is like 1/4-1/3 of a masters. Grad certs usually articulate to grad dips which then articulate to masters.

    • OK, I thought so.

      These really seem pretty useless? (as far as getting a job goes).

      Unless you are the Higher Education Institute, of course, then it's more income and Government money.

  • +2

    This seems more relevant to someone who already has a degree. Don’t think any respectable firm will offer a graduate job to someone with a one year degree.

  • +1

    Do you get .edu domain email address?

    • Yes

    • +4

      you want to spend $1250 or $2500 to get your samsung discount =)

  • How do you get the discount?
    What if my daughter is already enrolled in a uni (foedt year this year)…?

    • +1

      It only applies to certain courses and not to any bachelors

  • +9

    For graduate certificates, some simply require relevant field experience. Cyber security at Griffith for example, you either need a Bachelor's Degree OR 5 years relevant industry experience. I fall into the later and got in. Course is usually $11,500. This is simply a way for uni's to make some money when most have lost a tonne on overseas students not being available. I'm not complaining

    • Is this is good uni?

      • +3

        They are all good unis.. but it isn't the right (well, best) question really.

        You should be asking if the course material and the assistance (tutoring, lecturing - online only I assume) is good.

        It's entirely possible to have a 'higher ranked' uni - but the actual course may be better at a 'lower ranked' one.

        As these aren't full degrees (unless you specifically plan to progress through to a degree) you're better off looking for reviews (e.g from past students) or asking questions about the course than caring about the institution delivering it..

      • +1

        Some unis are better at delivering remote courses than others. University of Southern Queensland has been delivering remote learning for 30 years and all courses have been online for 7+ years; many of the old unis have just started online delivery of the bulk of their courses in the past 3 months.

    • How long did you wait until Griffith provides you with an offer? Contemplating if I should wait for Griffith (my first preference) or just accept RMIT's offer for grad cert in cyber security.

      • You can decline an offer.

    • was your experience specifically in the cybersecurity field, or IT in general? I never went to Uni but have been doing IT (backend infra - servers + storage) for the last 20+ years and have been thinking about giving an online Uni course a shot rather than doing yet another bunch of vendor exams.

      • Not Cyber security related. Mainly consists of infrastructure and networking for 8 years now

  • +5

    These are PostGraduate certificates requiring a relevant undergraduate degree. (And NO- you can't expect to finish an Architecture PostGraduate degree if you're a Nurse.) The courses are typically 2 years long, 2 courses per semester with min units required every term. The CGS rebate by the Federal government is to cover for just one term- this July until Dec 2020 and you would be expected to pay for the normal fees after that. In short, you need to pay a full-paying fee x 2 years, for example, with the exception for the next semester.

    So before you jump the gun- think about how much you want to invest on this-money and time-wise, the slots are limited so you're better off giving it to someone else who'd make more use of the rebate.

    • Grad certs are 6 months. Grad diplomas are 12-24 months. I applied for my grad cert on a part time basis not knowing about the rebate, but the uni called me and said if I do it full time, I'll qualify for the rebate as I'll be finished by December. Most of the courses that qualify have been made to finish before December so people can qualify.

    • These are PostGraduate certificates requiring a relevant undergraduate degree.

      This is not correct. As suggested in the title, undergraduate certificates are also available. This is a new qualification at AQF level 5-7 (it's not a fixed level like most other qualifications), and (generally?) don't require an existing undergrad level qualification to enter. Some of the undergrad certs I looked at didn't even need a previous qualification for admission (although most require something similar to what you would need for diploma or advanced diploma).

      The undergrad cert courses have (mostly) been intentionally made to be done in just the ~6 month period of full time study.

  • +3

    Just a heads up a lot of these post grad certificates are just the first 4 units that count towards your masters. So if there is a course that is relevant to your pursuit of a masters then it's well worth your while to do the grad cert. It's like getting a massive discount on one quarter of your masters.

    Make sure to do your own homework but with the certificate I enrolled in I can choose to continue on to do my masters, or if I want to take it to another university after completing the cert I should be able to get credit for most if not all units.

    My wife has done the same to start her master's in education.

  • Any discounted Diploma of accounting available? Had a look but can’t figure out where to see if CGS would be applicable. Cheers

    • +1

      Unfortunately not, it looks like Commerce and Law have not been determined as high demand fields that require a subsidy, but there are free TAFE initiatives you can research if you're looking for a Diploma of Accounting, it varies based on state to state.

      If you're looking into public accounting, doing a data analytics course could be beneficial. A lot of graduates working in audit have no accounting degree but have some form of data analytics degree.

  • Any degree that will realistically allow someone to pivot to another industry? or find a job in that field with only a Graduate Certificate?

    I spent the past hour looking at many of them and seems like you would already be working in the field, have a bachelor in that field, or expected to many more years after this degree to be working in that field.

    • These are post bachelor courses where you start your masters.

  • Thanks OP. I'm interested in data analysis and this will help get a better understanding of the field and hopefully help me land a job in the field.

  • Great find OP

  • Tried to post this offer for Yr 12 but it didn't work - Guaranteed offer to start Uni 2021 for Year 12's Apply for FREE -https://www.une.edu.au/earlyentry

    Year 12 students can to choose up to 3 course preferences in their free online application. Their school's recommendation combined with academic performance will determine the best offer of a university place.

    ATARs are not required.

    UNE guarantee's an offer to every student, if not for one of their three preferences then for an alternative course to ensure that students have the best chance of success.

    Alternative offers may be for another degree, diploma or the Pathway Enabling Course. The Pathways course is free and will build study skills and capability to students into their course of choice.

    Year 12 students will receive their offer directly from UNE in November 2020.

    A UNE Direct Early Entry application DOES NOT exclude students from applying through UAC or to any other university, but offers a valuable guarantee of a university place for 2021 commencement.

    • ANU has been doing direct offers to Year 12 students too, based on year 11 results. This is possible because the "quota" system was abolished in 2011 and the "cutoffs" are not really cutoffs. Unis are now run like businesses and they want to maximise income.

  • Damn missed Health Psychology by a day. Digital Health it is.

  • I have a relative who has never heard of TAFE, and after school started uni online, and they are in their last year.

    So what can one take away from this that TAFE can never do.

    As they say once institutionalised your life is now on the demise.


  • I'm an ANU grad so I'm applying for an ANU course.

  • https://courseseeker.edu.au/courses/advanced-diploma-of-buil…

    It says closed? I spose I missed out already!

  • Damn missed out

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