Dell S2721DGF Gaming Monitor - Yellow or Green Tint?

I received the Dell S2721DGF yesterday and immediately noticed that there is a yellow or green tint to the panel. I've tried adjusting the colour settings but it doesn't seem to fix it. Anyone else have a similar issue? Should I return it?
Dell is on the right, Thinkvision T24h-20 on the left.

Similar reports on reddit but the replacement seemed to be the same.


  • +2

    Try use the OSD settings here and see if it improves:

    • +1

      Thanks - my colour settings were very close to that anyway. I changed it to them though but didn't improve.

      EDIT: Pulled G-gain back to 90 and it seemed to have help.

      Thanks again.

  • Try this ICC profile —->…
    and change the colour settings to the following
    Picture Mode: Custom Colour
    Brightness: 29
    Contrast Setting: 77
    RGB Controls: R 95-G 94-B 100

  • Mine was really Red but I turned down the gain from 100 to 94 and it fixed it.

  • Guys,

    This monitor doesn't have sRGB, most games output in sRGB range, this means the colour can be inaccurate. How do you overcome this issue on an Xbox SX?

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