NSW: Mobile Speed Camera Warning Signs Set to Be Reintroduced in 2022


scotty kilmer: rev up your engines!

executive summary is 650% increase in mobile camera revuenes but 8% drop in fatalities while we were in lockdown


  • +1

    Download and use Waze app which alerts you camera locations and mobile speed cameras.

    • +1

      I’ve noticed google maps does too. Waze is better though.

      But not speeding for the win.

  • +6

    Camera fine revenue up 650%, just goes to show how many were speeding and just slowing down for the cameras.

    • No surprise to me really. People in Sydney seem to be unable to drive at the limit, I drive pretty regularly and people are either 10 km over the limit speeding past you or 10 (or even 20) km under the limit for whatever crazy reason.

      • +3

        people are either 10 km over the limit speeding past you or 10 (or even 20) km under the limit

        And often it's the same car.
        The number of times I get passed by someone doing well over the limit, only to pass then a km up the road when they doing well under the limit.

        • So true it’s infuriating how clueless people are on the roads here.

  • +4

    How the rich class don't care:

    1. Register a company.

    2. Add Ferrari to company.

    3. The company gets a speed camera fine?

    4. Company pays up to $22,000 fine. What demerit points?

    The company refusing to nominate happens ~7,000 times per year in NSW.


  • +2

    I agree without signs.

  • +2

    As someone not born in Sydney it boggles my mind that the police actually warn people a mobile speed camera is ahead. It just enables those who do speed to avoid getting fined.

    • If the purpose is to slow people down, telling them they might get booked in a moment is a very good way to achieve that.

      I think speed camera have two impacts. Immediate slow down, if they are known about, and gradual societal change as unexpected fines arrive over time if they are hidden.

      Since the advertised ones still issue plenty of fines, it seems like they are still catching excessive speedsters, but if the driver has drifted up to 65km/h they can tap the brakes when they see a sign and be OK.

      Because the government has never been clear if the purpose is gradual change, immediate speed reduction, or both, different people in the public think different approaches are warranted, quite apart from people who habitually speed.

    • +4

      Smoking cigarettes kill and drinking alcohol is dangerous, and they all have warning signs.

      • And they haven't worked very well to change smoker or drinker behaviour have they?

    • Not true , even beforehand when the signs were not taken away and originally displayed , by the time you have seen the most important sign (the first one) and have then seen the second sign you were already clocked and 9 times out of 10 you are never going to see the first one , and good luck trying to argue the signs were not being displayed correctly in court unless you have a dash cam and a good lawyer.

      All the mobile speed camera operators literally hide the signs behind cars or out of sight in obscure locations and are often parked in such places that allow for the aforementioned conditions to be present. for example , [Rear |Random Car| Front] <sign> [Rear|Mobile Speed Camera Car|Front] <final sign>. by the time you drive past the first car that has a sign in front you are already staring smack dab at the rear windscreen glass with the operator looking right at you from the camera.

      The most popular method of capture these days is to park a 4wd on the grass pretty far in adjacent from the main road so it looks like its just a random parked car so you don't often look twice but even without the signs and/or markings on the vehicles they stand out like dogs balls they are easy to see if you know what you are looking out for.

      If people are using Waze on their travels they are often marked in their regular spots when they are active so if traversing the road more regularly you know pretty much where they set up shop so you can check your speed accordingly.

  • +1

    $36 million in the year to October, compared to $3.1 million the previous year,

    A 12x return in a year and people call DOGE a scam.

  • +1

    Has the increased quantity of fines issued made any difference to average speeds on roads or to the road toll? The fact they are reinstating signs leads me to think not.

  • they could learn a thing or two from the ACT with those massive roof-mounted signs and flashing lights at dawn or late arvo, you gotta be an absolute Gumby to cop a ticket down there

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