Xbox Price Higher than MSRP?

wanting to get one, launch price was $749 almost 2 years ago. now it's $1k+, wtf? it should be $650 after 2 years already.


  • +5

    Don’t buy them off scalpers then…

  • +6

    Nice try Gerry…

  • +1

    Some of these deals didn't sell out straight away

    But no, it shouldn't be any cheaper as it's still not readily available

    Supply & demand

    • -3

      But no, it shouldn't be any cheaper

      Why not? It probably costs $50 to manufacture.

      • So we should be able to buy it for $51?

        • Shareholders would want more ROI than that.

      • I have read closer to $500 to manufacture, not $50.

        • -2

          500 chinese yuan is probably closer…

      • The tooled non electrical components would cost ~$40-50 alone

  • Make sure to get it on 60 months interest free hah

  • Was a sizeable pile in Costco near me on the weekend …. And less than RRP.
    No idea why anyone would be paying $1k for one, unless your name was Gerry Harvey

  • -1

    Controllers with the xbox one break so easily (for those of us that are hecking clumsy) and are so expensive. I figured that with the Red Ring of Death fair enough we all make mistakes but their hardware quality is pretty fragile given the price. I'm sticking with Nintendo from now on, they're stuff has always been rock solid (the amount of times I've dropped their consoles and controllers from height with no issues has always surprised me)..
    PS. if you don't have kids then the hardware fragility is probs less of a problem for you, but for me we've been through 5 controllers in 6 months and I'm just over it, we just use mouse and keyboard on the games that support and F the rest (…).

    • Joy con drift denial

      • lol didn't think of that, I haven't used the switch yet. Thanks for providing a balanced response.

    • If your kids are dropping controllers so easily then I'd suggest one of the silicone skins you can get for them, should add some shock resistance

      Or just teach them not to do it and to be careful of things? (father here myself…)

      • +3

        one of the boys is autistic and the other (and probably myself) have ADHD, thanks for the advice but I'll just stick to keyboard and mouse as they don't seem to break for us. They pay for the controllers in chores when they break them and they're happy to do it but at some point I just have to tell them "no, if you can't look after it, you can't have it".

  • +2

    Do you mean RRP?

  • There's a reason why people hate gerry

  • +1

    It isn't selling for that price anywhere other than scalpers.

    It shouldn't sell for less just because it's been two years. It should sell for less to maintain demand. Demand is high at RRP (hence the continued existence of scalpers), so why would it be less?

  • I went to Costco Marsden Park last saturday and saw a big pile of Xbox Series X sitting on the floor going for $735.

    I haven't seen any reseller asking for $1k for these ones but tell them they are dreaming.

  • Last check there was a full pallet at Costco Moorabbin for $739ea.

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