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Free v2food Plant Based Sausage 6-Pack @ Coles via Flybuys App (Activation Required)


After 2 months since my last freebie, they finally decided to give me one.

Flavours include Sage & Thyme, Garlic & Herb, Spicy Spanish or Classic British Sausages.

As per usual, this is targeted! You may get this offer or a different one or none at all.

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closed Comments

  • Texture isn't very good on these, other V2 products are good enough for the price though.

    • Which flavour did you try and was it decent enough?

    • +2

      I’ll wait for the V3

      • Intercontinental sausages.

    • I had the garlic and herb the other day, didn't think much of it.
      I used to like the Bean Supreme brand of sage and thyme, but haven't seen it around in awhile.

  • +6

    These are virtually given away at my local Coles as their use by date approaches. I've tried them and they're terrible. Probably okay for free, but nothing more.

    • +6

      Yeh got a pack for 30c. They taste bad. Threw them away

        • +8

          Meat industry shill. I love how she uses dumb points like meat has a huge impact on global warming and people eating less meat being a conspiracy, no shit it’s true. Flashing unknown studies for a second and not explaining why an ingredient is bad, 0/10 effort.

          • +1

            @consume: Yr correct, terrible implementation.
            Unfortunately She is right u know, if u dig through the tones of corporate propaganda, that processed plant stuff is not good for you.
            I speak truth to power friend.
            I will note for balance, Processed meat isn't much better…

            • -1

              @Proscott: Processed plant based foods is more akin to fast food than actual vegan and vegetarian dishes. But it’s still a good way to lessen the massive waste that the meat industry causes in water, grain to protein conversion, emissions, animal suffering and genocide etc

              Commenting this as someone with micro plastics in their balls from everything I eat

              • -7

                @consume: A couple of times recently I've seen the water claim debunked with real world facts/figures cited. So that's that house of cards flattened. The longer one was some documentary thing I forget the name of now, but such things aren't difficult to find with a few keywords entered into a search engine. e.g. "Vegan excess water meat production myth" (and maybe adding "documentary") will make it pop up if that first group doesn't.

                I was only half-listening while doing something else, but from memory they demonstrated how producing meat uses several times less water to produce than these awful products do, and debunked the claims of the church of vegan (cult) using real world data from both beef producers and the fake meat manufacturers.

                Oh and there's no proof animals suffer, it's only more opinion/belief (religion), and you can't "genocide" them either because they are, after all… animals. Not humans. The hypocrisy of their indoctrination techniques becomes evident when you ask them to confirm, "So you don't agree with living animals suffering needlessly to maintain our indulgent lifestyle?" … they agree, then next week attend an abortion rights rally (or get one without a second thought). Their hypocrisy is astounding. Electrocute a pig so people can eat bacon, that's anathema in the religion… but human sacrifice is a big thumbs up.

                This kind of cult-like indoctrination is why their deranged proselytizing so often fails miserably, falling on deaf ears. i.e. Most people don't take the first step of "drinking the cult coolaid" so are still able to clearly see the facts just aren't on their side, so they need to fabricate an entire weird belief system using dishonest terms that need to be repeated and heard several times in order to create cult-like support of what amounts to a religion. Then add the fact they don't practice what their "watchtower society" (propaganda arm) preaches anyway, with prominent vegans openly admitting the majority "cheat" when no-one is watching, but tomorrow they heap the guilt on themselves, pray (to themselves) for forgiveness and redemption, and it's back to finger pointing and judgmentally glaring.

                For one example, a claim they often make is "bowel cancer from red meat" which I've also seen decisively debunked by better-qualified people. Just like we were all lied to about other things like "the food triangle" (which is actually upside down), butter, eggs, etc - repeated and harped on for years to fool us into thinking yellow coloured axle grease (margarine) and cereals are "healthier" when they actually ushered in the obesity epidemic. (What a "coincidence.") e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6aMN6NLOTQ

                • +4

                  @[Deactivated]: Calling bullshit on everything you’re saying, you make it seem like animals grow from sunlight lmao

                  If the world adopted a plant-based diet we would reduce global agricultural land use from 4 to 1 billion hectares (https://ourworldindata.org/land-use-diets)

                  Today only 55 percent of the world’s crop calories feed people directly; the rest are fed to livestock (about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and industrial products (roughly 9 percent). (https://www.nationalgeographic.com/foodfeatures/feeding-9-bi…)

                  Also meat is not even sustainable when it takes 9000 litres of water for half a kilo of beef (https://www.theatlantic.com/sponsored/vmware-2017/burger-wat…), especially when many are facing water scarcity and eventually the rest of us will too

                  Livestock takes up nearly 80% of global agricultural land, yet produces less than 20% of the world’s supply of calories (https://ourworldindata.org/agricultural-land-by-global-diets)

                  The feed to meat conversion shows that the whole meat industry is highly wasteful and inefficient for calories, we’re talking rates like 16:1.(https://awellfedworld.org/feed-ratios/)

                  Add in the animals mass suffering and daily genocidal numbers and it just leaves me speechless at the absolute atrocity that is happening behind peoples backs

                  Funny how you can’t use any actual sources besides conspiracy videos

                  • -2

                    @consume: Now go back, be honest, and follow the money of all those quoted sites. Gee, I wonder where their $$$ comes from. And just because I don't spend 4 minutes on Google doesn't prove anything either way. If people are: a) too lazy to look for their info, why should I do it for them, and b) I know you'll only look at what confirms your bias - everything else will be discarded and mocked, right?

              • +1

                @consume: These V2 products are actually quite good nutritionally. You are correct that most processed plant based are junk, but the V2 products are nutritionally balanced to meat through fortification. Unfortunately they still use coconut oil though.

                In terms of sustainability, the V2 products are also much better than meat. Yes, alot of plant based products are terrible for the environment, but soy based products, such as V2, are weight/weight much better for the environment.

                The V2 burgers are great. Haven't tried the sausages. Also, the mince isn't too bad. I choose both the V2 burgers and mince over meat nowadays. I'm not vegan, but aware of the impacts of consuming meat.

                I work with a company who closely works with V2.

            • @Proscott: It's not some secret that people are trying to hide, you only need to use some common sense. fried potato chips are also not good for you for the same reasons.

          • -3

            @consume: Don't care about the extraneous stuff. The simple facts are people who eat this garbage are eating the same food as THEIR DOG.

            • @[Deactivated]: I doubt you could explain that or provide any sources. You probably think dihydrogen monoxide is toxic, while it makes up 60% of our bodies lmao

              • -1

                @consume: Yeah because the contents list on the two products wasn't evidence, lol. And stop being dishonest. Never said anything about what the ingredients do, or don't do - only they are the SAME. Human stomach… meet Pal Puppy Food.

                • +1

                  @[Deactivated]: Did you even watch your own video? She says that the organic premium dog food doesn’t contain the confusing ingredients you nut jobs don’t understand, made me wanna feed my dog that good shit

            • @[Deactivated]: I had tofu with my dinner last night. Suppose I eat dog food.

              I had salmon the other night. Suppose I eat cat food.

              • -1

                @ninnypoop: Sigh… This has absolutely nothing to do with the comparison that girl did.

    • My local Coles basically stopped short expiry discounts over a year ago…

    • I sometimes get these kind of products around 10c on clearance. They are alright if you add bacon/egg/cheese.

    • Which aisle are they in? I've not seen these in store yet

  • +2

    I haven't had the sausages but I'm a meat eater and I can work with the mince and the schnitzel in recipes.

    • +1

      The mince is OK, but still a far cry worse than impossible foods. I reckon I could fully replace real mince with that stuff except for the price.

      • The partner is not a meat eater, so the closer it looks/tastes like meat, the less likely she is to eat it. Even stirring this mince puts her off, but I can use it in bolognese/tacos and it satisfies us both. Much better than rehydrating TVP.

  • -7

    Yuck, there's no way I would ever eat this crap!

    Next they'll be wanting us to eat bugs!

    • -5
    • Next they'll be wanting us to eat bugs!

      I had some really good bugs in a few Chinese and Thai wet markets. Good pick me up because they were tiring days in the heat.

  • V2 are pretty open about their product being nothing particularly novel - it's tvp+marketing

  • -4


    • +3

      R U OK?

      • Nevet after reading about plant based meats 😂😂🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

  • +2

    Just had the Garlic & Herb tonight ate 2 small pieces and throw the rest away. i usually love the fake meats from the vegan restaurants around this is beyond disgusting.

  • +2

    So no bugs crickets in them huh ? 🤣
    That’s good

  • Highly recommend the classic british ones. Very nice 👍👍

  • We already have a technology for converting plants into meat!! It's called a Cow! 🤣

    • Facts!!! 😂😂

    • -1

      VEGAN OZBARGAINER: negs incoming

      • Ozbargainer vegan with mental health issues incoming

  • +2

    Have this as a side next to your steak.

  • +1

    Disgusting texture - I'd rather have the real thing. Vegans can have it. Super bad heartburn afterwards, and I never get heartburn…

  • +3

    The vegans can have their slop. Can’t even give it away for free lmao

  • +3

    These deals always attract the nutjobs that are offended by vegans and offended by non-vegans.

  • Where are these located in the app, is it a separate tab besides the regular 'offers' tab?

  • +1

    Are these v2 sausages located in the freezer section or the meats section? I can't seem to find them

  • we tried these. it's really bad. greasy and soggy fake meat. if you're flybuys targeted. don't worry if you can't get one.

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