Shopping in Bali When off Resort

Hi all

The wife and I have managed to coax my parents into looking after the kids for a week during October post school returning. With that we have booked a week in Nusa Dua at one of the resort hotels. Whilst everything in the hotel will be charged to a room and settled upon checkout, what is the best option when heading away from the hotel?

The wife has been to Bali but that was 20 years ago and I have never been. I expect the usual bartering shopping experiences with local sellers, similar to what you get in Thailand, and will no doubt be swamped when out and about. Would I be correct to assume that cash is king for local sellers driving a hard bargain?

If cash is king, what do most people do to cover it? Take it with you beforehand, or just withdraw from an ATM when there from a low cost / low fee account? I bank with Macquarie and the wife is with ING so I am sure we have competitive options if we need to withdraw once or twice when there.

Any pointers from the masses would be welcomed.



  • +4

    Just take cash, and exchange for rupiah. Or you could put money on your credit card (to be in credit ) and then withdraw as local money. Both have a fee. I would assume that changing for cash will give you a better rate.


  • +6

    Appropriate and well understood,fit for purpose travel insurance!

    Don't get munted, don't be rude. respect the culture, stay away from 2 wheeled things.Leave the boogie board home.Smile (genuinely) Avoid late night shite (period.) Drink water. Practise good general and food hygeine.Stay away from bogan advice while there.

    • If you ignore this advice, practise crowd funding .
  • +2

    Bartering is an exchange of goods and/or services which does not include cash.
    You are referring to haggling.
    If you know anything about this site you will know that you need a good travel credit card, and a good travel ATM card. The old OZB combo used to be 28 degrees and Citibank. That is what I still use - but there are other combos out there to get basically the MC rate without fees.
    If you are in a store, most will take electronic forms of payment. If you are dealing with roadside/marketside stalls most will require cash - which is where your travel ATM card comes in.
    Absolutely you should haggle with street vendors. Bali sellers can get quite pushy, but just keep your sense of humour and be willing to walk away with good grace and you should be fine. Don't feel you need to screw them down every rupiah you can get away with.
    Was in Bali in February and while it is recovering, it is still not recovered to pre-COVID levels. Good luck and be careful what you eat.

    • I have the Bankwest Platinum Fee free card which offers no foreign transaction fees so I should be covered on that front.

      I couple that with a Macquarie Transaction account and they don't charge fees to use ATM's overseas or for card purchases or transactions made or processed outside Australia.

      So I think I am covered with trying to reduce charges. I expect the potential for a local ATM fee to be charged though. I would look to minimise the use of ATM's anyway.

    • OZB combo used to be 28 degrees and Citibank

      28 Degrees was the card of choice years years ago, but loses out on a lot of features other cards come with.
      Citibank accounts are all being migrated to NAB shortly . I had a nightmare on a recent trip to Philippines and Malaysia in April as, unbeknownst to me, Citibank in those countries was also bought out by other banks and we had the problem of ATM's no longer existing and problems using the banks that had taken over from Citibank.

      In future I think my CC will be the Commonwealth Ultimate Rewards (for the added lounge passes) and DC, possibly the HSBC Everyday Global.…

      • +1

        Just reading through the PDS for the Platinum BW card I see they now provide Travel Insurance without the need to have purchased the trip, or any part of it, on the card.

        I thought I had read that a while back on this illustrious site but wanted to double check.

        Its a good offering all up.

        • Nice find, I'll look into that one too.

  • +2

    Be careful and only exchange cash at reputed/accredited places. There’s tons of dodgy exchangers in Nusadua area outside the resorts. DO NOT go to these tiny sheds. They display good rates but are dodgy AF.

    • +1

      they give you money at the good rate for you to count, only to take it back and take some away and give you about 20% less, then when you question it they say fee not commission

      • Yes, this is common practice.

        By all means change cash at the kiosk with the best rate but after they count it out you must check it right there in from of them and then DO NOT under any circumstances (such as bagging or a rubber band) hand the cash back.

      • yeh, they tried to do this to us.

        i had them exchange one batch first.

        i swear i watched like a hawk and couldn't see him do it

        so i exchanged the second batch and he did the same hand action, and that's when i called him on it.

        at least he didn't fight giving back my money

        if it's too good to be true, it is

  • +3

    Bargain by all means but don’t be a d!ck over like 50 cents.

  • Bali and Thailand tourist spots are very same same but different

    all activities, all shopping, all taxi fares require bargaining. if you're bothered and spending decent change, bargain with a few different providers so you can figure out what the real value is, or there abouts

    from my experience (maybe 8 years ago now) once the deal is done, the vendor/ driver/ activity provider is actually quite nice and respectful (compared to morroco where the scamming never ends)

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