Sodastream Flavors - What Do You Like? What Do You Dislike?

so ive been a fan of this for a while, my dentist thanks you, unfortunalely i tend towards the sugar flavors, I dont think zero sugar is the same and so i will rate the stuff i have tried out of 10 fwiw

to me one of the best things is being able to vary the amount of flavor to get the sweetness and taste you like, sometimes dependent on mood and the ability to easy mix with alcohol

lets start

dr pete - 7/10 - its not dr. pepper but it has a real nice not too overwhelming taste, i rate it, dr nick maybe, strong taste will last, its not offensive in any way.

root beer - 6/10 - this is sarsparilla… if you like it you're good to go… its very strong to me so a bottle will last ages

cherry cola - 6/10 - this is exactly as describe. I quite like it, very strong. same long lasting

STRANGELY because these flavors are very different its hard to describe but overall I do recommended these three.

Lemon Lime Bitters - 7.5/10 - this tastes like generic brand LLB but IMO this all pale towards a 'real' one but i mean its close enough. This is ok IMO.

Classic summer lemon - 4/10 - I kinda dislike this. This has tones of fabric softener. I get what the are trying to do. This is supposed to be an easy drinking summery thirst quencher but its very weak tasting and I have to dose it hard to get a good flavor so you will rip thru this. By the same token I'm not a huge fan of that SOLO huge sugar rush so…

Ginger Beer. 1/10. This is a disgusting sugary tasting cheap generic ginger beer for kids. I do prefer dry. These are like $1 at the local reject shop and they aint moving so that says it all.

mt dew, pepsi and 7up taste exactly like the real thing. I cant score this. You know what this is.

thanks for coming to my ted talk.


  • +4

    I prefer just mixing with some decent cordials like billsons or bickfords.

  • pepsi taste exactly like the real thing

    I beg to differ. There's definitely a chemical taste to the sodastream one that isn't there in the real pepsi. maybe it's masked by the sheer amount of sugar in the real one, but it's not the same.

  • I bought my first machine because our neighbor had a grapefruit tree and gave all the fruit to me.
    Now 6 machines later I found Woolies discontinued LLB and I managed to get a big stock on special.
    Probably gonna dump it once I am thru.

    • 6 machines later

      Why so many machines?

      • They all die eventually, usually a hose bursts or a seal blows out
        And of course NO spare parts available.
        And the greenies hate me releasing that climate gas.
        Back to onions, greenies do not know the methane damage…

        • Can't you disassemble and fix the hoses or seals? I mean just because SS don't sell spares doesn't mean it's the only source of parts that might fit? (possibly better than original?)

        • Soda King sent me 2 replacement o-rings when mine wasn't working anymore after 6 years. No charge, not even postage, I was very impressed…

    • What was it like making your own syrup? I've had that in the back of my mind as a fun little project for a while now.

  • Fresh lemons

  • Ginger Beer. 1/10.

    The Diet Ginger Beer is excellent

    • +1

      The organic Ginger Beer as well (with a touch of dark rum)

  • Bruh the mountain dew and pepsi taste absolutely nothing like the real thing

    • They just wrapped the Cola one with the Pepsi logo.

  • what dahuck toni

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