• expired

Amazon AU: Bonus $5 Cashback on $10 Minimum Spend @ TopCashBack AU (Activation Required)


Not sure if targeted but Topcashback is giving $5 extra cashback for any purchases on Amazon during Prime Day. Not bad following their Pizza Hut offer yesterday

During this promotion members of TopCashback are able to receive an additional $5 cashback when the below Terms and Conditions are met.

Please do not worry if your bonus does not track straight away. Amazon transactions may take longer to track as they track once the item has been shipped, so please allow up to 7 days before raising a support ticket.

  1. To be eligible for the $5 Cashback Bonus promotion, you must be a member of TopCashback.com.au and you must activate the offer by clicking through to the activation page and activate the promotion, prior to making an eligible transaction on Amazon, activations will be reported back to TopCashback.
  2. You must make a purchase through TopCashback between 00:00 AEDT and 23:59 AEDT on 10th October, 2023
  3. You are eligible for a Cashback Bonus for a maximum of 1 individual purchase.
  4. You can earn a maximum of $5.
  5. Tell-A-Friend, Sign Up bonuses and Free Cashback merchants transactions will not count as one of your purchases towards the Cashback Bonus.
  6. Your purchase amount should be $10 or more, this is the purchase amount reported back to TopCashback. Amazon may not include delivery charges.
  7. Cashback Bonus will appear in your account as a new transaction, only when cashback for the initial purchase reaches the pending stage.
  8. Cashback Bonus will be payable when the initial purchase becomes payable.
  9. If you cancel your order, or the merchant deems the transaction as ineligible for cashback, the Cashback Bonus will be removed.
  10. Only one TopCashback.com.au account per person is allowed.
  11. Cashback Bonus may not automatically apply to purchases where a Missing Cashback Claim needs to be lodged to get your purchase to track correctly. If this is the case and your claim is successful you will need to raise a support ticket to be awarded the bonus.
  12. TopCashback will not be held responsible for any technical failure or otherwise which prevents participation in this promotion.
  13. Where there is a contradiction between the offer terms and conditions and TopCashback terms and conditions, the offer terms and conditions take precedence until the offer expires.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3140)

Referrer gets $30, referee gets $10 (after $10 of earned cashback within 180 days of signing up).

This is part of Amazon Prime Big Deal Days sale for 2023

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TopCashback AU
Amazon AU
Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • Also adding to others, no success tracking yet for me…

  • +1

    Still hasn't tracked.

    First and Last time I use them.

  • No tracking here as well…

    • Update: Tracked and bonus received. 😀

  • Mine just showed up as pending today
    (Just check the website, no emails etc).

  • I received my tracking email at 5:38 am today. The bonus has shown up as well.

  • Got the email, transaction tracked and bonus is in my account

  • Only received normal cashback, not the bonus $5.

    • same issue here. definitely activated the bonus :(

      • +1

        The $5 bonus will usually appear a day or few days after the initial tracked transaction. That’s how TopCashback does it. As long as it tracks initially, you’ll get the bonus guaranteed.

        • @I Smell Pennies
          Received my tracking as well via email but noticed the date of purchase was incorrect "09 Oct 2023 16:02" instead of being the "10 Oct 2023 16:02"
          Wondering if that could affect the payment of the $5 bonus?

          • @chrisie: I would suggest contact customer support if the bonus doesn’t show over the following days to make sure.

          • @chrisie: Same issue with the date of purchase as 9 Oct instead of 10 Oct and haven't received the $5 bonus yet

          • @chrisie: hmm, yeh now that you mention it. Wifes account has tracked the bonus and amazon as the 10th.
            Mine has tracked Amazon as the 9th, but no bonus.

          • @chrisie: Just noticed my purchase date is showing as 9 Oct too, time to contact customer support.

            • +2

              @thunderhead: @TopCashback AU Rep Hey rep, do we all need to contact support about our missing bonuses if our Amazon purchase has already tracked or are you guys aware of it and fixing it as we speak ;)

              • @bamzero: I'll wait to see what @TopCashback AU Rep comes back with.

                • +1

                  @chrisie: All good now $5 bonus has tracked as pending :)

                  • +1

                    @chrisie: Got the $5 now too

                  • +1

                    @chrisie: Yep and Amazon purchases are showing as 10 Oct now.

                    • @bamzero: Even your bonus?

                      • +1

                        @chrisie: Yep, all good now

                        • @bamzero: Great :)

                        • @bamzero: Did you lodge an issue via the website or PM topcashback au rep here to get it fixed?

                          • +1

                            @8azinga: Nah just let it ride and it was fixed when I checked today after seeing the other comments.

    • Same no bonus for me

    • Same, No bonus showing, also $10 sign up bonus declined, if this attempt is fail to get $5 bonus, I m out n never again

    • What date did the transaction track against? Mine was on 11th even though I made the purchase on the 10th.

      I suspect that's why they bonus didn't track for me

      • As some of us mentioned, mine was tracked 9th and 10th. Made on 10th after activating offer. Raised it, let’s see

  • Tracking received a few hours ago via email.

    • Mine was tracked 2 days ago. I received a confirmation email on 11/10 and reflected in my online account. But today for reasons unknown, the entry has disappeared from my Earnings page completely.

      • Same case here, mine was tracked a couple of days ago without the bonus. I checked again just now as some ppl mentioned about the bonus appearing late, and not only I didn't see the bonus, but my original tracked transaction is gone like you said :(

        • I am the same. Received email about the tracking and logged into the account to see the original transaction & bonus appeared. However, now the Amazon transaction & bonus both disappeared from my account. What's going on @TopCashback AU Rep?

      • Tracking entry has reappeared on my Earnings page with a slightly higher cashback value.

  • My tracking email was 5:37am today but i didn't get the bonus hasnt been given. I have screenshots showing i activated the bonus.

  • Mine still not tracked 😢 😢 Not the first purchase nor the bonus

    Made purchase really really late on the last date.

    • My order hasn't tracked either. Purchase was around 10 pm.

    • +1

      Same. purchase quite late around 11.30pm. no dramas as most seem to have tracked today so us later ones will prob be in a later batch.

      • Still nothing yet made purchase around 11 pm.

        I am pretty sure now that TopCashback been bad with tracking (at least in my case)

  • Purchase was made at 930pm and just got tracked.

    • Yup. Just tracked. But no bonus pending yet… I wish both SB and TCB would track bonuses like CR, by putting the bonus as pending as soon as you activate it.

      • $5 should follow soon. Mine arrived later

        • Hmmm I've just checked.

          I bought $10 Lego.

          TCB transaction purchase says $9.09 (ie without gst)… I wonder if this is a problem

          • @kickling: No, that's how it is tracked as long as you spend $10 with GST

  • +1

    Ordered at 1.21pm on 10th and still missing bonus. Only the order tracked

  • Just posting mine still not track yet. Order about 7pm

  • +3

    Mine hasn't tracked yet, it has been 5 days . .

  • +2

    Hasn't tracked yet …

  • Haven't seen the tracking here either

  • +1

    No tracking on any purchase for the last two months. Topcashback sucks.

  • +2

    @TopCashback AU

    why have so many users orders failed this time around ??

  • Till today no tracked no bonus

  • No tracking here either, should I give it a few more days to allow for a full 7 working days or just raise a ticket now?

  • +1

    Mine didn't track. Just did a "missing cashback request" but going to be another pain in the ass to get the bonus too as expected cashback was only $0.17

    • +1

      I submitted general request, but mine did tracked with no bonus. It's kind of free text we need to fill (but was warned as less urgent so might take longer which I don't mind)

      • Thanks, I reached out to the OzB rep and will wait for their reply on what to do :)

  • +2

    Still not tracked, lodged a missing claim and it say it will take months for retailer to come back to them.
    Honestly I wouldn't have made the purchase without the bonus cashback, I guess I have to return it to Amazon

  • Lol. My transaction disappeared… I assume they are reloading

  • +1

    @TopCashback AU Rep I have just lodged a missing claim. How do I claim the $5 bonus?

    • +1

      Same here, the transaction didn’t track, had to lodge a missing claim, how do we get $5 bonus? I will withdraw my toilet paper money and not to use them if this is not sorted.

    • I messaged the rep and they claimed that once the missing claim goes through then the $5 bonus will also appear. I think it's very unlikely that this will happen, and it'll be something we have to follow up in a few months. Was not worth the effort for $5

  • our investigations take on average 1 - 3 months from the date the claim is submitted.

    Was about to lodge a complaint and got sock after reading this

    At least no need to take a screenshot of the order

    Now not sure where to report the missing bonus

  • Had to refund me order after all that as the screen protectors were (profanity)

  • +3

    Lodged a claim, we'll see how it goes.

    I'm pretty unimpressed with their tracking so far, 2.5 out of 4 transactions since I joined them have been successful. The first time I use them there was some sort of conflict and SB caught it instead, I moved to using a different browser in incognito and had success twice in a row. I thought I had it figured out but this time it failed to track. In comparison my tracking from SB and CR has been 100% for years now.

    • +1

      Following up on this:
      TC finally submitted the claim to the retailer on November 1.
      On November 4 they offered to manually resolve it, paying the full amount. I accepted and the cashback and $5 bonus were immediately added to my earnings and are payable.

  • My $5 cashback has not tracked either. 100% activated the deal. TP previous deal worked, this one hasn’t.

    • +1

      Did you DM the rep on here?
      and/or lodge a claim.

      • Lodged a claim. There appears to be no way to claim the $5 tho. Only lets you lodge missing cashback
        Will try DM the rep

  • +2

    Just reporting back to say after I lodged the missing claim last week. My claim now show up and so is the $5 bonus.

    If you haven't done so just lodge the missing claim and mention the $5 bonus at the same time.

    They are a bit slow or lack to track. Not sure whos fault is this but the rep behind the scene are pretty good to get things sort out for you. This is my experience only.

  • +2

    Didn't track again. 2nd time an Amazon and topcashbackau deal has failed to track. Why so many tracking issues with this lot?

  • I think mine didn't track cos it was an Electronics item oops -_- Overlooked it cos TCB doesn't list the 0% categories like SB/CR.

    • +2

      All categories were eligible for cashback on 10 October, see: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/804466

      CB and bonus are both still missing on my account. Have submitted a missing CB report.

      • Oh true! Will submit missing CB then. Thanks!

  • OK, my transactions came back after disappearing, and the bonus is on a line underneath.

  • +1

    Yeh mine hasn’t tracked , guess I need to lodge a claim

  • Does anyone see a way to actually lodge for the missing $5 deal? Not just regular cashback? I can only lodge a claim for missing normal cashback from Amazon - which I’ve done.

    But seems the only way is to DM rep?

    • +1

      I just left a message under the existing claim, the rep said the bonus will automatically be added to my account once the claim is approved.

  • +1

    Bonus cashback hasn't tracked for me either. Had to lodge a claim then add a comment. That's the last time I bother with TopCashback. Not worth $5 for the time waste. I rarely have issues with SB and CR.

  • I'm just going around in circles with customer service. They aren't making much sense, don't know if it's a language barrier or what. @TopCashback AU Rep can you please intervene here?

    REF: (26-38-U2FkMjczc1VPcWs9E)

    TopCashback25.10.2023Yes, I meant when you accept the advanced offer from the claim you've submitted.

    I had already accepted the offer at time of this deal running. Both the normal cashback for the order didn't track, nor did the $5 bonus.


    TopCashback25.10.2023Hi there,

    Your $5 bonus will be added to your account after you accept your advanced offer.

    Many thanks,

    24.10.2023Hi I made a claim for missing cashback, but also I am claiming the $5 bonus that I also activated.


    Relates to Claim: 24355

    • Hey mate, could you please send us a DM with your email so we can have a look for you?

    • +2

      When you make a missing cashback claim they send you an proposal/offer which you have to accept or decline.

      What the rep is saying is you have to accept the offer to get the $5 bonus cashback.

      • Ah yes that makes more sense. The next CS provided me the direct link to the offer, wish they included that in all their messages

        I accepted the offer and the amount was immediately payable and able to be withdrawn to bank

  • +1

    no tracks
    no updates on Missing Cashback Claims.

    Not sure what to do now.

    • All good now.
      After accepted the $0.2 cashback.
      The bonus $5 shows

  • Claim Status has been stuck in Ready To Submit for more than ten days… I don't know what else I can do now.

    • Mine was stuck on 'Ready to Submit' for several days, too. After receiving a reply to my comment about the $5 bonus cashback the status was updated to 'Waiting for Retailer'.

  • 2 weeks passed and no track, no $5, and no response. I guess the 1-3 month holds true. Give it another 2 weeks xD

  • The lodged claim has a status of "ready to submit" for a week. What does that even mean???

  • what shiphouse service , doesn’t track and then lodge a ticket and hear nothing for 2 weeks

  • My claim now sitting at Waiting for Retailer.

    • same, another waiting 10-12 weeks or shorter

    • I accepted their offer of a manual credit of the amount, and instantly was credited the $5 bonus.

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