• expired

Free Slurpee from 7-Eleven from 7 to 11 Nov, Register between 31 Oct to 11 Nov 2012


the Queen's birthday, we like to celebrate 7-Eleven Day for the fun of it. Traditionally the official day has been on the 7th November when 7-Eleven gives away free small Slurpees. This year 7-Eleven Day is changing to 7th-11th Day! You get to choose which day you want your free small Slurpee.

Go to our 7-Eleven Facebook page or the 7-Eleven website to download a voucher for your free small Slurpee. You have until Sunday 11 November to do it and the voucher is valid for one day only. Get in early to make sure you get yours

It runs for five days because we have a lot of Slurpees to give away! We want to make sure the Slurpees are the best quality, that there's plenty to go around, and you don't have to wait in line to get to your free Slurpee.

It kicks off on Wednesday 7 November at 12.01am in the morning. It finishes on Sunday 11 November at 11.59pm.

We are giving away loads of free Slurpees, too much for the Slurpee machines to cope with in one day.<br />
By everyone downloading a voucher, we can share the Slurpee around to more people, and make sure the machines find it easier to manage giving you a better Slurpee when you get your freebie!

Adults with a valid voucher can get free small Slurpees for up to four accompanying children under 13. Just go into store with your voucher and the store will help you.

We gave away a huge amount of small Slurpee vouchers and unfortunately once they're gone, there are no more. If you would like a free Slurpee and haven't already signed up to our Elite Slurpers, sign up now and receive a free Slurpee now and one on your birthday!

Be quick! Your voucher is valid until midnight on its designated day, so get the free Slurpee app or visit 7-Eleven.com.au for other store locations.

Our ever popular Coke and Raspberry will be on hand. Some of the limited edition flavours which may be available include Sour Cherry, Vanilla Cola, Passionfruit and Lemon Lime Bitters. Keep an eye out for some of the new ones!

Small, 350ml

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closed Comments

  • +32

    Adults with a valid voucher can get free small Slurpees for up to four accompanying children under 13

    Awesome, kids xmas presents now sorted out !!!

    • +5

      not sure who negged you but that person must have lack the sense of humour! +ve you back :)

    • +9

      So how does that work? You consume the slurpies yourself and wrap up the empty cups for the children?

  • +26

    Wouldn't be an OzBargain without some dumbass comment from JV.

    This is a great deal though OP, thanks for posting!

  • +1

    isnt it the 7th to the 11th?

    • It kicks off on Wednesday 7 November at 12.01am in the morning. It finishes on Sunday 11 November at 11.59pm.

      • +3

        yeah.. so why isnt that in the title instead

        • There is only so much information you can put in the title.

        • +1

          I don't think you understand sorry, il stop

        • He means that it would make more sense for the title to be "Free Slurpee from 7-Eleven from 7 November to 11 November", since that's when the voucher is valid. Otherwise it's a little misleading.

        • done

        • thanks

    • something weird happen, the facebook page and the faq got different information

      • +5

        its vouchers are available to print off from 31 october to be used between 7th nov to 11th november

  • -3

    And here's $50 betting he Slurpee machines at the 7/11's around here are all mysteriously "out of order" during that promo period, just like they were during the Bring your own cup day. 4 stores, 1 working Slurpee machine.

    The technician did well to get them working for the following days trading. Not suss at all.

    • +2

      Was Elvis the repair man? Sounds like you're a bit to paranoid about all this. It's just a Slurpee after all.

      • +2


  • why can't there be a 7-11 in FNQ :(

    • Because it's FNQ. :p

  • +3

    Last year I just walked in and asked at my local corner store because it was 7/11 day. No voucher, no nothing. Walked out with a refreshing slurpee. It was handy because I was running and it was a hot evening. Seems like some people abused the process last year for everyone to be ordered to sign up for the freebee. I have a puppet facebook profile but IMO it's not worth even signing in printing off the voucher then remembering it for a promotion over a month away.

    I'm not going to + this because the promo is over a month away and yet to be completed. So don't just neg my comment because I didn't +, it's no reflection on the OP or anyone else on this forum.

    • Exactly. We made a tradition of travelling around the city, collecting free slurpie after slurpie. Now this change has ruined it. :/

    • +1

      I guess it's because it's running for 5 days instead of one. If they allowed to us to walk out with a Slurpee in those 5 days, no voucher required, then 7-Eleven's entire Slurpee supply would be Ozbargained.

  • -4

    This offer is not worth the effort needed to get it!

    • +3

      Some Ozbargainers will do anything for a free Slurpee ;)

      • *all

        • Clearly not bargain_boy… so the best you can claim is *most

        • *all but one then

  • -1

    Really stupid. Instead of one day of the machines not working properly it will now last 4 days.

  • Time to register!

    • how??? cant find anywhere

      • 7elevenday.com.au

  • +2

    free sugar, water and food colouring! yes!

  • +1

    free slurpee guys

  • And then they make it un-appealing:

    This week's Flavour: New Sour Cherry

  • Sluuuurp! :)~

  • +1

    Worked like a charm, THANKS OP ! :D

  • best day ever…

  • +3
  • -2

    small slurpees, not worth it.

    • it is $2.30,if you want big, then take some kid on the street bring it on the store so you can have extra then return the kid to their parent.

      • +1

        Problem is the parent might run away and let you keep the kid then you are stuck. :)

  • -6

    its a scam…to capture your email for marketing purposes

    tried with some friends and proven it..the reply we all got is " hey i remember you! you already had a voucher"

    and we haven got any voucher and thats our first try…

    • damn, maybe it's glitched. I got mine fine the other day.

    • This 7-11 day (now week) has been running for years and has resulted in many a free slurpee. Claiming that something is a scam because it didn't work in two places is ridiculous and a complete logical fallacy.

    • i got mine as well and redeem it today, i think u get scam by your computer :)

  • Damn i thought you would get a free slurpee everyday from the 7th to the 11th :( just tried to claim a voucher for the 8th

    • 1 voucher per email (use @dispostable.com)

      • -2

        Why the negs?

        • For encouraging fraudulent behaviour.

        • You are assuming he has no family or friends?

  • +3

    Use Gmail to get multiple vouchers, pretend [email protected] is your email, [email protected] or em.ail@gmail or ema.il@gmail, just need a dot will work, this is gmail's way of alias.

  • +1

    PRO TIP: Don't rock up to the store and try to request a voucher via your phone. My email and MMS took almost 1 hour to come through.

  • Just got mine at 7-Eleven Box Hill and it was bloody hectic. School kids rocked up and the whole place was packed. Staff stopped checking barcodes and basically started handing out small cups. Saw a few sneak the super-sized cup, filled it to the max, then walked away.

    • lol. Bad timing right there.

    • Poor slurpee machine…

  • Just the thing to cool me down after a game of Touch footy today.

  • A guy in a group of 3 ahead of me had his voucher rejected as already being used even though his mates vouchers were ok and he claimed not to have already used it.

    • yep same thing happened to me, coupon fresh off the library printer, guy scans it.. nah its been used.. wtf? Get another one with a different email addy, go to the one across the street from that one (this was in melb cbd) works fine. Made a point of going back to the first guy with slurpee in hand to give him a piece of my mind (politely, ofcourse) :) So system glitch or they just got sick of handing out free slurpees? Bunch of guys there and one looked pretty old.. maybe the owner being stingy?

    • EDIT: Nevermind didn't read the Melbourne part.

  • On the promotional cups that were in use at North Sydney store, there was an offer to receive a free small slurpee on 7/11 day just by saying "Happy 7-Eleven Day" on 7/11 between 7am and 11pm. Offer limited to one per person per store.
    Did anyone try this without the voucher?

    • If they were brown, they were last year's cups…

      • They were orange.

        • That was from 2 years ago… :L

  • Sigh, I printed my coupon and went over to 7 Eleven only to have to pay because my coupon was "already redeemed".

    Paid $2.3 + 0.15 printing for a shitty small Slurpee.

    • +1

      Every code is unique and limited to a single use. Just show it to them on your phone and they'll key it into the system as an e-voucher.

    • did u register on their website to get the coupon? it is single use coupon only.

  • A Lebanese man and his burqu clad wife in front of me came in with a sheet of vouchers, 10 on the page, and redeemed them all at once. I didn't know you could do that without the accompanying members. He didn't show any ID for the 'kids' either. The cashier just scanned all 10 and presented him with 10 cups. I personally wouldn't do 10 vouchers, that's just taking it too far imo, but if you'd like another cup for the road those fake emails would come in handy.

    • +5

      How are their ethnicity and mode of dress relevant to the story?
      Sounds like a couple of true blue OzBargainers to me!

      • +4

        Its simple truth. They were the characters in the story. If they were Mexican in an banana suit I would described them Mexican in an banana suit, if they were nude Asians I would have said so as well. There's no reason to hide the truth or sugar coat it when in this age it should be ok to be lebanese and dressed as you want. Racism only exists because there are too many sensitive people jumping up and down when you describe someone by their ethnicity. Most people on ozbargain wouldn't think twice because its just a description. However for you four, seems like it still exists.

        As for being a true blue ozbargainer, I think you can still save money with some dignity. He could have brought one or two of his kids along. The line was extremely long and it was sweltering. He could have thought of all the people behind him. Being an oz-bargainer doesn't mean you stop being considerate of others.

        • He could have brought one or two of his kids along. The line was extremely long and it was sweltering. He could have thought of all the people behind him. Being an oz-bargainer doesn't mean you stop being considerate of others.

          I didn't see this description of his behaviour (which is what you objected to, right?) in your previous post. Is "burqu" Arabic for inconsiderate or something like that? (And BTW how do you know if somebody is Lebanese or Mexican, do you ask them or perhaps you are good at telling dialects apart?) Also if they had been normally dressed, whatever passes for normal these days, would you have mentioned that? Would you have started: A man in jeans and his wife in slacks in front of me blah blah blah… So why not just focus on the behaviour and forget the appearance?

        • +1

          Good questions. Ok, let me start off with your last question and work backwards. I wonder who is more focused on appearance, you or I? I have just described a character through one of the commonest means capable of instantly illustrating a person's natural features in the fewest words - race. If I ask you to tell me about the current US president what immediately comes to mind? Dw, you don't have to answer that lest you become a hypocrite and mention his black appearance. But why is everyone ok with openly calling him a 'black' president? Simply because no one carries around a social stigma for black people in Australia. If I had said it was an Scottish bloke with his drunk wife at 7-11, likewise no one would have cared. The problem lies in that you do carry a social stigma of Lebanese people, being one or not. I've just stated what stood out the most for me in my day and moved on. It's interesting that you automatically connected 'burqua' and 'being inconsiderate' without any help from my part.

          As to your other questions. Some foresight on your behalf would have given you the answers don't you think? For example, if I had told you that someone had stacked 2 plates full of food at a busy function in their first serve, do I need to spell it out that someone could have missed out or waited too long? Thinking about the consequence of your actions on other people shouldn't have to be laid out to you, it should be second nature. For his wife, you try describing someone in a burqua. If you find a method to retrieve info about her hair colour, what style of slaks she's wearing or any other traits you let me know.

          P.s If I recall correctly 'bro' and 'yalla' in the same sentence are very high profile indicators that he's Lebanese. I didn't know that Lebanese and Mexicans had similar dialects like you tell me, but I think it's fairly easy to tell them apart. Just look for the Sombrero.

        • No, you misunderstood my sentence. I was being sarcastic about the association between burqa and inconsiderate. There are other sarcasms in there you missed too. But the fact remains that it was you who initially brought up his personal appearance in your story. So it must have made an impression on you and it's disingenuous of you to then turn around and say that because people responded to your post, they are obsessed with it. It's a poor way of trying to dodge our observations.

          But since you claim you have moved on, I too claim that I'm moving on from this exchange. Enjoy your slurpees in future anyway.

  • Sour cherry kicks ass!

  • -2


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