• long running

[QLD] Brisbane City Council Compost Rebate Upgrade - $100 for Bin (Upgraded) and $200 for Food Waste Recycler (New)


Since 1st of January 2024, Brisbane City Council have upgraded the long running Compost Rebate Program for residents, by increasing the rebate on garden bins and worm farms from $70 to $100 and adding a welcome new category, food waste recycling equipment to a value of $200.

There are plenty of options for food waste recyclers but the one of most interest to me was the Breville Foodcycler. It seems to be under the $200 mark time to time (with an RRP of $300). I just picked one up for $199 from Amazon. https://www.amazon.com.au/Breville-the-FoodCycler-Grey-LWR55…

Worth noting the rebate only covers the actual machine, not filters and canisters so take that into account when deciding but if you were on the fence about doing your bit to reduce food waste this should get you started, effectively for free, but do read the T&Cs to make sure you are eligible.

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Brisbane City Council
Brisbane City Council


  • +2

    That’s a coincidence the breville dehydrator is 199 delivered on Amazon haha

    • +5

      It's not a composter, just a dryer for your food scraps. It doesn't break down any faster in soil this way. Please don't waste your or the government's money on that.

      • Government money??? I didn't know the government had money. What do they sell or produce?

        • +2

          they produce invoices.

        • +1

          Idk but how about mining and natural resources?

          • +1

            @Bii: That all mostly goes to fatty Gina's McDonald's buffets

  • +2

    Solar roadways are next?

    • -8

      If councils can waste taxpayer money on it and pretend to be making a difference upping their green credentials, then that's an absolute YES to solar roadways.

      Vote 1 the incumbent Mayor.

    • +1

      I think you mean solar FREAKIN roadways

  • +11

    Choice gave the Breville FoodCycler a Shonky Award.
    They say high running costs of $309 a year - better off with a compost bin if you have the room.

      • +1

        Hmmm, have you considered being even more racist?

          • +6

            @shutuptakemymoney101: The way you disrespectfully refer to the former councillor of The Gabba Ward, Jonathan Sriranganathan, certainly comes across as very racist!

            • -5

              @toasty: You don't know what the meaning of the word racist is - toasty-ding-a-ling :-)

              I don't care what race he is, or what 'kind' of toast you are.

            • +1

              @toasty: That's an interesting point, it only "comes across as racist" to you, because of implied disrespectful behaviour. Not that Shutup actually made a racist statement or used an epithet, they were just rude to someone it appears you hold in some esteem.

        • +6

          I support the downvotes on that comment but pulling the racism card doesn’t seem like the correct response.

          • -1

            @ponchoau: You're free to disagree with me absolutely, pulling the 'racist' card though is BS and offensive, the comment should be substantiated or withdrawn.

            • @shutuptakemymoney101: Did the racist snowflake get his feelings hurt? 😥

              • +3

                @Dandaman21: Lol, at you and your folk who don't understand the meaning of the word racist.

                Bet 'racist' is your go to word to shut down any conversation.

                • -2

                  @shutuptakemymoney101: Only when I'm talking to racist bogans. Like right now :)

                  • @Dandaman21: Wow, first you call me racist and now bogan, you really do have a wide vocabulary for a simpleton, shame you don't know what the words mean.

                    Think you better go back to talking to your plants. lol

                    • @shutuptakemymoney101: Don't forget snowflake, snowflake. :) Sorry I triggered you gramps, have a great night yelling at sky news.

                      • @Dandaman21: I'd have to value your opinion to be triggered :-)

                        Keep replying and let's see exactly how childish and silly you can get with all the name calling….. I'm guessing you get a lot practice at the playground so this should be fun.

                        • @shutuptakemymoney101: You seem like the kind of guy who always needs to have the last word, so go for it gramps.

                          • @Dandaman21: I'm having fun replying, stirring up keyboard warriors on forums is a favourite pastime of mine - please don't stop :-)

            • +2

              @shutuptakemymoney101: Nah, I won't be withdrawing it. The 'ding-a-ling' in the middle of his name combined with the reference to lentil stew and your general tone strongly comes across as racist. Maybe you didn't intend it to be read that way, but well, if you didn't, you should probably reconsider how you phrase things.

              • +1

                @Ozymandias: I guess if you want to be offended and see racism everywhere you will.

                I appreciate and now accept that there are overly sensitive types in the world like you.

              • @Ozymandias: Jonno is on the record advocating for vegetarianism, that should be your strongest clue about the "lentil stew" comment. Seems like you may not be super informer about the person you're purporting to stick up for. Not every criticism or joke is racist…

                • -1

                  @Ham Dragon: Oh, come on. It really doesn't take that much to realise how that combination of words comes across, intent or not. Maybe just acknowledge it was a badly phrased insult at absolute best and leave it at that?

                  • @Ozymandias: Only if you're looking to be offended. It's sad really, something said in innocence gets intentionally misconstrued these days by those with an agenda to push.

                  • +1

                    @Ozymandias: That's quite a backwards step from calling someone "racist"…I think what's most telling is that you correlate a minor detail like diet with racial background. No one else is doing that…

                    • @Ham Dragon: I was attempting to continue to give the benefit of the doubt that it was 'said in innocence' by offering that it was badly phrased, I maintain that what was said is naturally interpreted as racist. The diet is indeed a minor detail, but when taken as a whole it contributes to the interpretation.

                      The core issue is that Jonathan Sriranganathan has, for many Australians, a longer than usual, difficult to pronounce surname, and this has been pilloried constantly for race-based insults. I say again, it doesn't take more than a few IQ points to understand why what was said is wrong, rather than standing back, crossing your arms and saying, 'well, you're the racist one for interpreting it that way!'. It's a lazy, ignorant, devil's advocate style move.

                      Anyway, I'm clearly not getting through to either of you, that's enough from me.

                      • @Ozymandias:

                        "wahhh you're not agreeing with me, so I'm leaving!"

                        You can trot out as many mealy-mouthed half truths about poor little Jonno as you like, but there's no honour in whiteknighting for any politician, let alone a half-baked one with delusions of grandeur. He's half decent as a human being in person but he's as full of shit as the next scumbag who wants your vote.

                      • @Ozymandias: You're 'RACIST' shouldn't be your go to cry, but unfortunately for people like you it is.

                        It's a popular thing to do today so I can understand why you do it, the world is embarrassingly so politically correct today and the cry of 'racism' is often enough to shut down any further conversation from someone who is disagreeing with you or in this case saying things you perceive as hurtful about your idol Jonno.

      • +4

        Good one, edge-lord. Nice work making a racist and childish mockery of a foreign surname. What a mouthbreathing comment 😂

        • I took it to mean he's referring to Jonno as a "ding-a-ling" (ie a dick) because of his history of buffoonery and generally behaving as the anti-thesis of what a mayor ought to.

        • +2

          Did nothing of the sort eggboi-ding-a-ling.

  • Other councils do this, check and see if yours is one, I think Parramatta (NSW) gives a small amount of money.

  • +4

    An election for Brisbane City Hall next month.

  • More people, more rates, how will we deal with the waste? Brainstorm - get users to deal with it.

    • Waste per kg vs fines

    • +4

      It's ideal. Once you start throwing food scraps in a compost bin and then growing free food in the compost which comes out you realize how nuts it is that all your life you've been sending it off to landfill to be mixed up with other hazardous stuff and basically lost, then having to make more trips to buy plastic wrapped things which had to be trucked and refrigerated etc, with land clearing and farming vehicles running etc

      Just throw some lettuce seeds in some compost in a pot somewhere that gets sun and no more $3 bags of lettuce one or more times a week, which adds up quickly. No longer screwed by lettuce shortages either which seems to be happening more and more often in the last few years.

  • +1

    This Bokashi compost bin from Bunnings is real good, easy to use and no smell at all since it’s airtight.


    • Just a note that this system does not seem eligible for the scheme if anyone was curious.

      • +2

        Bokashi systems are eligible.

        "Eligible equipment includes: compost bin or compost tumbler, compost aerator or compost drill, worm farm or worm tower, in-ground composter or worm farm, bokashi composting system, compost monitoring device (e.g. temperature probe), pet waste composting system, food waste dehydrator system and an in-sink food disposal system (e.g. insinkerators)."

        You may have read in the ineligible items "Bokashi…grains or liquid spray" as the "grains" etc were on the next line in the ineligible list.

        • Right you are, thanks, might jump on this then!

      • I got this same one through the scheme.

  • Used to received a food waste bag once and never again. How is the food waste bin program so far? Is it still a thing or finished?

  • Right before city council election 😑

  • -5

    Can't wait for the Greens to get creamed in the upcoming election.

    • +4

      Liberals cream themselves over the most unusual things.

  • Unless you do compositing properly. Which is actually quite hard it do and is more of a hobby than anything. A composit bin or work farm will most likely end up being thrown into had rubbish a few years later.

    • +3

      I've composted for a year with a few minutes of YouTube advice and just a tall bin I drilled some holes in. It's dead simple.

      Food waste, lawn clippings, brown cardboard, etc, goes in. When it gets full, I tip it over into a large garden pot and let it sit for a few more weeks in the garden, with some bricks on top to keep bush turkeys from digging. Stuff from food scrap seeds is usually growing out of it soon and better than my garden beds and store bought potting mix.

      • +1

        Second this.

        Also 100L bins from Bunnings on sale. https://ozb.me/o/3U7v?u=em

        Personally I'm using a worm farm, amazing how they get through the waste, and makes for great fertiliser and castings for putting mix soil enrichment.

        • Do you have to empty out the worm casings often?

          • @Robot16: No, takes AGES! Maybe we're not wasting a lot of food, but I do take out a 2L container every 4-5 days, and I haven't had to empty the castings yet. (has been about 5 months!)

    • +1

      we went all out with a subpod and you are not wrong - its way too much work/commitment for me. Maybe I didnt set it up right but it was pretty quickly invaded by spiders and cockroach like insects. Tried to persist for a few months but the worm count seemed to actually lessen with time…

  • Wonder if I can get my in-sink disposal thing serviced under this? The one that came with the house isn't doing a great job

    • +1

      surely if you are getting a plumber out maybe its better to just fully replace it rather than faff around with a service? Do those insinkerators actually have much in the way of serviceable parts these days? We ended up ripping out the OG insinkerator and asking the plumber just replace it with pipe.

      • True that. It's so handy when it works but the blades get stuck so easily.

        • our one was stuffed for some years - great when it worked - anyway it actually started to leak - which was fine… we just put a bucket under it - but what wasnt fine was it seemed to have formed a blockage (as the housemates were chucking random stuff down the sink) and we had the craziest amount of these little black biting flyers (maybe kind of like a fungus gnat?).

          • +1

            @Jimothy Wongingtons: Ah yeah we've had those bugs before - I thought they were from the bin but they could well be from the insinkerator too. Good call.

  • +2

    I think its highly important to point out that a "Food Waste Recycler" is terrible for the environment if you're trying to live a sustainable life. It does nothing more than throw tons of energy at your waste
    If you have room to compost, do so without the recycler, if you don't have room to compost, send the food waste to landfill.
    Most importantly: Reduce your consumption and waste altogether!
    YouTube: "Lomi: BUSTED!" by Thunderf00t who explains the problems with these things.

    • +1

      But that's too hard, can't we buy an off the shelf solution like the Breville FoodCycler (conveniently forgetting it uses electricity and replaceable parts) and give each other high fives all around about how green we are and how we're saving the planet?

  • Anyone had any issues with claiming their rebate?

  • Guess we won't be having a 'Greens' Lord Mayor this time around.

    Sringadingaling didn't even make a dent in the results coming last, I wonder how that will shape recycling with the LNP in for another term.

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