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DeLonghi Magnifica S Automatic Coffee Machine ECAM12122B $439 + Del ($0 to Metro) @Powerland [BackOrder] - Price Match @TGG


ETA: Mid March @ Powerland
Price match @ The Good Guys

Was looking for a decent automatic coffee machine under $500 and came across this model from Delonghi. Have used Delonghi dedica in the past but had enough of the mess of filling portafilter & cleaning it after every coffee.

Powerland.com.au are selling this for $439 Delivered (it seems delivery is mid march) and everywhere else it’s around $500 or more. Goodguys price matched without any fuss so picked up from them next day.

Makes pretty good coffee, I use beans from ozbargain favourite Barista AIRJO. Push of a button gives you short black or long black for one or two cups. Just froth the milk using included steaming wand and you are good to go.

Easy to clean, you can adjust strength and grind as per your preference. Enjoying it so far.

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closed Comments

  • How's the extraction time for you on this machine? Mine seems to be quite short, but I bought it secondhand so I am unsure if I need to service something on it.

    • +1

      Tbh I haven’t paid much attention to it but i think its around 15-20 seconds.

    • +11

      Default setting… it's terrible. Will be something like 60grams in 5 seconds. Just filth…

      Here is the KEY to this machine.

      Step 1- Remove chrome thing, Steam your milk first. Tilt on an angle, get a nice whirlpool going in your cup, or stem jug.Then purge steam/ some hot water through the wand (until it starts to pulse).
      Step 2- Turn the coffee dial to max (only a 9 -10g shot anyway).
      Step 3 -Make coffee using the single shot button on the right. The double shot button is useless, don't use it. A heavier dose will just clog or channel. It can't do a double espresso…period!
      Step 4- While it's grinding, set the grinder to 1 or less (massive variations between machines, quality control with burrs is very much 'close enough'). Don't reduce the grind setting if it isn't spinning. Increasing grind setting is fine at any time.
      Step 5 - It should come out very slow..just quicker than a fast drip. If you have 2 quick streams, you have rubbish coffee. Go to a lower setting, you can go below 1 if you have to. If it's drips, increase the grinder.
      Step 6- Push the button again to stop the pour as soon as the streams move off a dark colour.
      Step 7 - Poured steamed milk on top. If steamed right, pour your favourite latte art. It can texture the milk for latte art without the chrome outside cover.

      Anything outside this and you will have thin, bitter and possibly sour at the same time, cold coffee.

      if you simply pour a coffee and then milk, the thermoblock won't keep up to temp and you will have an inconsistent pour… Milk first.

      *Based on working on these machines for years and know them inside and out.

      • I got the same machine a few months back and loving it so far, but the dialing in recommendations seem to vary quite a bit! When you say, the single shot button on the right, do you mean the long shot button vs. the single shot one on the left? I've seen some mentions that to get decent extraction, you need to increase the amount of water that flows through a single shot by re-programming a button. Also read that grind settings any finer than 3 will result in channeling since it doesn't have enough pressure to deal with that fine a grind? I've been using a re-programmed button with grind size 3 on some Aldi Brazil med roast beans and it seems decent. Been hesitant to make the grind finer since the last time I tried, I did see a fair bit more water included with my pucks. Tempted to try again after your post :).

        • +2

          Using the right side as no two pucks are the same, and the pour will run for a longer time than required and you can stop it when you want it to stop based on colour changes.

          As for grind size, the number doesn't really mean much. Simply 7 is the highest the top burr will go, and 0 is the lowest. However, some machines 7 is another machines 4.
          Lately most are too high. Ie. I took my burr out, moved it 2 teeth, and put back, as my 1 was the equivalent to another machines 7.
          So maybe 3 is perfect for your machine.
          I have one machine that will simply clog/ throw an error when too fine, another becomes a channeling disaster.
          If you are happy with your 3, leave it. As the bag gets older, you may need to go finer. Try 2.
          Also worth mentioning that the brew group is a pressurized basket (those two streams come out of an amazingly small full stop sized hole). So grind size accuracy isn't as important. But finer grinds normally give the best crema.
          Worth mentioning the grinder has a paddle wheel that holds around 4 grams. So half your shot after adjusting will still be the previous setting. Some YouTube videos say to pour 3 or more complete shots and chuck them out.. to clear the grinder (looking at you Seattle Coffee). Ridiculous, it isn't that big. The second shot will be all in the new grind size. But
          again if 3 is what you like, leave it.

          • @tunzafun001: Thank you for all your detailed comments!

            if you simply pour a coffee and then milk, the thermoblock won't keep up to temp and you will have an inconsistent pour… Milk first.

            I usually have my coffee as black – do I still need to run the frother beforehand (perhaps just on some water)?

            • @itsfree: Hmm, I guess so. The key takeaway is that it's easier for the thermoblock to deliver a constant temp coming from too hot (just allows more flow through). Vs heating up as it goes along.
              So yeah, I'd at least hit the milk button, Wait 5 - 10 seconds, push button again to turn off. Let it sit and heat soak the thermoblock for say 30 seconds. Then open the valve and let hot water purge into a cup. Once its consistent water (not steam), close it up. Pour your shot.

          • @tunzafun001: Appreciate the reply, a lot of helpful information there :).

            • +1

              @BigByteSlim: All good. I hated the Delonghi machines originally, so started analysing the system. Subtle usage changes make a huge difference to the product it makes.

              Also if it helps. All the auto machines have the same brew unit inside. So you can pay $500 and get this, or $2000 and get an auto milk machine, and a LCD screen..which will produce awful milk and you will go back to steaming it manually anyway…and wish you had a simple button and knob machine instead of scrolling through an annoying LCD.

      • @tunzafun001
        I had to take mine apart to replace an o-ring. It worked well for a while after that but now it occasionally shows a solid ⚠ light on the right either during the start up or shut down phase. When that happens, I've to move the levers on the piston unit manually to retrieve and re-seat it (sometimes several times, to clear the ⚠️warning). Any idea what's wrong with it?

        Another frequent annoyance is,
        no matter what the setting was on the coffee dial, the grinder would go on for an awful long time, to the extent that I couldn't leave more than a shot worth of coffee beans in the holder because it would grind too much beans and then stop with an error.

        • +1

          2 things going on.
          1 the brew piston needs a clean out, and food grade lubricant on the orings. Use cooking oil first to see if it makes a difference (But it won't stay on like food grade grease).
          2. Look up YouTube videos for a Magnifica PCB reset procedure. Involves holding a couple of buttons in sequence. It resets the grind run times etc back to default. Happens some times. Off memory there are two procedures to try. One of them will fix it. Won't hurt doing both. Just will make everything go back to default.

          • @tunzafun001: Thanks a bundle for the advice. I'll certainly give them a try.

    • +1

      Goodguys have advertised it for $499 but I contacted them & they were happy to price match.

    • +1

      shows $499 so will need to price match

      • My bad, I meant price match at TGG given it's so close.

  • Great machine and good price under $500
    Bought mine for $515 few years ago and still using it daily

  • I have had this for a couple of years with no complaints, just need to ensure you descale it regularly.

    Partner this with some Aldi Dark Lazzio and you have a coffee worthy of an OzBargainer

  • +1

    Got it a few months ago for under $400. Very good machine. As tunzafun001 mentioned, you need to try to go with a low grind and dial the coffee dial to the max (mine is almost to the max, otherwise it clogs). It can do beans and ground coffee. Someone gifted me a ground coffee bag which i am going through now and it works ok, depeneds on how fine it was ground.

    Here is another comment with other recommendations . I find the last point about the empty cup quite useful.

    • +1

      Yeah, a purge cup is a non brainer for all coffee machines.

      With this one you can pull the water tank to stop the purge if you want. I only do a super short purge at the start, but leave the shut down purge full amount (as any coffee stuck inside the brew group will grow mould within a day during summer).

  • +1

    thanks OP. Been eyeing this for someone and just grabbed it

    bizarrely, TGG would only price match to 449 but still better than any other price around after 4.5% off gift card.

  • I got it for 439 dollars from tgg.

    • Link?

      • Price match

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