• expired

Free 90-Day Trial of The Sizzle (Normally 30 Days) & 50¢ Donated to Digital Rights Watch for Every Signup @ The Sizzle


It's Anthony from The Sizzle - Australia's favourite tech newsletter - again and I'm back with a fresh promo for OzBargainers. I'm offering you a 3-month trial instead of 1-month, which is nice, but I'm also adding a 50c donation to Digital Rights Watch for everyone that signs up for the trial before 9AM on Friday the 15th of March, 2024!

This could cost me a fortune, but Digital Rights Watch is a worthy recipient of my money. Why do I support them so strongly? They are one of the few organisations in Australia fighting against the erosion of our privacy online in favour of individuals, not businesses. Some of their latest campaigns:

They are doing the hard work for us nerds, so the least we can do is support them! All you have to do is sign up for a free trial of The Sizzle (even if you've had a free trial in the past, feel free to grab another!) and on Friday morning I'll donate 50c for everyone who does that. Couldn't get any easier to support the awesome work Digital Rights Watch does every day and you get Australia's best technology newsletter at the same time.

I will post a comment in this thread on Friday morning with a screenshot of the donation receipt made to Digital Rights Watch. I also reserve the right to end this promo early if I suspect it is being gamed/rigged/scammed and my generosity is taken advantage of.

Here's some Ozbargain comments from existing subscribers to The Sizzle from the last time I ran a promo:

OzRanu: Honestly, it's worth the subscription price alone to avoid having to check what's on Ozbargain constantly. The Sizzle newsletter always seems to flag the best bargains, so I just scan that as it comes into my inbox each weekday. The tech stories are well written with a good dose of scepticism and humour where required, and again saves me pouring through multiple websites each day. Best of all, there's an Aussie flavour to it that I've not found anywhere else. Get on it!

thominator: I have been a subscriber for a few years now, and every weekday in the afternoon I'm very excited when I receive a copy of The Sizzle in my inbox (beats all the spam and advertisements emails!). It keeps me up to date on what's going in the tech world. He also includes a daily deal section with links to Ozbargain - but it's a bold assumption that I haven't spend the whole morning on ozb anyway :)

mskeggs: I didn't think the Sizzle was for me (despite liking decryption's blog and social posts), because I already read a lot about tech, and follow a lot of the primary sources decryption does too. But it is a great 2 minute snack each day that I happily open in the inbox when I see it - only ever a 2min read, summarizes the key stuff with a short comment. Has a bit of whimsy with a picture and a song. A pleasant diversion. Worth reading even if I often later dig into more info etc. because it is timely and nicely written. So give it a go, even if you think "i don't need another ICT newsletter."

  • How long does this promo last? You've got until 9AM on Friday the 15th of March, 2024. Any free trial signups after that time won't qualify for the 50c donation to DRW.

  • Is there a sample? Yes, there's an archive of old issues available at https://archive.thesizzle.au/

  • Do I need a credit card to sign up? Not for the free trial! All I need is your email address. It's totally free, you only pay if you want to extend the trial.

  • What happens when the trial if over? After 90 days from sign up, you'll stop getting The Sizzle and start getting emails every now and then asking you to sign up for a paid subscription. You are not billed at all, I can't bill you if you don't give me your credit card and I don't ask for one during the trial!

  • Can I unsubscribe at any time? Absolutely, every email I send has an unsubscribe link at the bottom. Click it and your data is deleted off my server.

  • I am an existing paid subscriber, how can I use this promo? You can't, this is for people signing up for a free trial only.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    When are we having a sausage sizzle?

    • +10

      Possibly in a few weeks in Melbourne - when the weather's not as hot on a nice Sunday arvo. Free snags for all subscribers who attend!

  • +6

    Are you the same decryption from ocau

    • +13

      Yes I am! Long live OCAU!!

      • +1

        Nice. Ive bidded on a few of your items in the past lol

        • +3

          I've sold so much stuff over years there to feed my tech habit. Hope whatever ya got off me was useful!

      • +3

        OCAUers unite!

        • +1

          No, you can't make us.

        • +3

          <flashes the secret OCAU gang sign>

        • Whomever is the leader of the OCAU DIV clan approve my invite dammit!

          • @coxymla: Agg?

            • @Turd: Agg is a subscriber! Has been for years now. Legend.

      • +1

        OCUA ….. Holy moly I haven't thought about OCUA since the late 80's and early 90's - squeezing every last bit out a 486 or 686 processor!
        Talk about a blast from the past!

        • O cow

  • -7
    • +3

      A lot of people got a free 3 month subscription

      • -6

        and they -ve voted?

        • +4

          800 +ve vs 24 -ve

          That's 3%, roughly the amount of people with an IQ under 70.

          • @deme: or could be the other way around ?

            • +2


              or could be the other way around ?

              24 plusve and 800 minusve? Wut?

              • +5

                @pizzaguy: I can see why you make pizzas…

                • +1

                  @jv: Sure we see why you stir shit!

            • -1

              @jv: Unlikely, due to vaccines saving lives.

              • -2

                @deme: How many were saved?

                • @jv: Google it.

            • -8

              @jv: it's a cult jv, Covid Cultists, and like most cults you don't want to question things too deeply. Unfortunately for all, it was the majority of people in Australia…

    • +4

      A great deal of insight into the user base here. A lot of the comments have aged like milk.

      • +2

        Hilarious really. All their whinging did was get me more promotion and support from the sane members of society. Perfect little Streisand Effect.

        • -8

          from the sane members of society

          Comments like this says a lot about you….

          • -3

            @jv: Do you reflect on your banal comments and what they say about you?

            • @Darkheartz:

              Do you reflect on your banal comments

              No, just yours…

        • +2

          The number of 'sane members' has been dwindling at an excess pace lately, hasn't it? Do you feel like you've helped the process?

        • Ho, ho, ho …..

          Global life expectancy fell by 1.6 years during the COVID-19 pandemic but Australia bucked the trend, study finds


          • -2

            @jackspratt: look at excess deaths in highly jabbed countries, after it's introduction.
            Gov sponsored media (ABC, BBC…) are unfortunately compromised sources in this topic
            decryption (id guess unknowingly) plays a tiny role in the death count

            • -2

              @sn00ze: You mean they inconveniently don't confirm your biases.

              • +2

                @jackspratt: What, I wonder, is being inconveniently confirmed every month by the ABS numbers of relentless excess deaths?

                • +2

                  @ldq: It's obviously caused by long Covid and/or climate change 😂

    • +1

      The comment "You have no right to be asking for proof of vaccination" from 2021 got 568 downvotes lol. Interesting sub to read and for that I read further. As of 2024, the data collection should be considered serious?

      • +2

        Yes, the hypocrisy of the author is high here…


        Free sub to The Sizzle, for anyone who uploads proof of their COVID-19 vaccination

        then, secondly, donating money to

        organisations in Australia fighting against the erosion of our privacy online in favour of individuals

        I guess the morals go with the $$$$'s


        • -2

          But he has an acknowledgment of country on his newsletter!


          • -4

            @Ham Dragon:

            acknowledgment of country


        • What happened to you? Did you not have a face nappy plastered across poor Jules's face? You seem to have about-faced over the subject.
          A genuine question.

          • +2


            What happened to you?

            Nothing's changed… Just calling out the hypocrisy here…

    • I signed up for the trial and then I continue to stay on my subscription every year :)

  • +5

    Already a subscriber and quietly enjoy receiving my newsletter each day, especially as I have less time to read interesting things these days so the quick summaries are really nice.

    • Good to know The Sizzle is saving you time each day!

  • -3

    Neckbeard News

    • +29

      Australian neckbeard news thank you very much

    • -5

      Nah, it’s more woke than that

  • Been a subscriber since the last deal - worth every $ to me: condensed tech news with an often Australian spin delivered straight to my inbox.

    • Thanks for subscribing :)

  • +1

    The Welcome email doesn't use HTTPS.

    Feel free to browse The Sizzle's archive while you wait for the next issue to roll up to your inbox: http://archive.thesizzle.au/

    • Not like it really matters, automatically redirects to https:// anyways

    • Thanks for letting me know, I've fixed the email template. The link to the archive website is already HTTPS, if you visit the HTTP you are auto re-directed to HTTPS.

      • Awesome 😎

  • I have 3 good mates that are Factorio slaves. I subbed.

    • +1

      I love the game, but it got too hard for dumb old me towards the end. Next summer holidays I'll get stuck into it again.

      • Refactorio it, it helped me

  • +2

    Can I use the firefox plugin iMacro to make 2 million accounts to force you to donate 1 million dollars?

    • Hilarious! Bring on more funny stories.

    • +1

      I don't have $1m so I won't be able to donate $1m :(

  • +1

    Good deal. Still happily subscribed here.
    Pleased to read a newsletter that isn’t scared to use a curse word when there is some particularly ****** up stuff going on instead of pussyfooting around trying sound “professional” instead of human.

    • +15

      I write most issues sitting in my underpants or a bath robe, so professionalism is impossible.

    • Sadly, that’s exactly why I had to unsub a long time ago. The newsletter kept tripping the spam filter at work due to ‘profane language’. It seems I won’t be giving it another try this time, either.

      • +8

        Sorry you work somewhere that treats you like a child :(

        • +4

          Quite the contrary, I work for an organisation that has a high level of professionalism so it's in our best interests to communicate accordingly. However, don't allow me to trample on your freedom of speech - you've found your audience and they appreciate what you provide them so well done you.

          For the record, I applaud your support of Digital Rights Watch and was willing to subscribe for that alone, despite my personal misgivings. However, I'll have to make my own donation privately instead.

      • +2

        Why get it delivered to your work email?

        • +3

          Probably for a tax deduction (which could be done even when using a personal email…)

        • Because I work in I.T. My personal email address is for non-work things, so I can switch off from that for a while.

          • @Chazzozz: The sweary email newsletter is a personal thing!

  • "…but it's a bold assumption that I haven't spend the whole morning on ozb anyway :)" Lol

    • +2

      lol, that would be a good idea hey! Edited the post and for those that missed it - The Sizzle is a tech newsletter that's sent daily and is made by an Australian, for Australians. Been writing it for 9 years, sent out over 2000 issues and you can check out some old issues here: https://archive.thesizzle.au

      • Wow atomic magazines, blast from the past

    • -3

      what the sizzle is..

      a hissing sound when frying or cooking.

      • No… thats if you left the gas on and forgot to light it

  • +1

    Yeah good deal this, been a sub since almost the first week… good daily tech summary, deals and the music selection are a bonus.

    Get around it.

    • +1

      Thanks chief - the week 1 subs from 9 years ago are legends.

  • Thanks for highlighting Digital Rights Watch. 'Renttech' is my nemesis.

    • +3

      Renttech is (profanity) awful. All you want is a roof over your head, a human right! But to get it you have to play the disgusting data mining game the REAs force on us. It's bullshit.

      • Is it bad that I'm kind of hoping for a data leak to happen so it comes to light how awful these things are? Sign me up for a class action lawsuit.

  • Sorry, I just cost you $0.50 😭

    • +3

      That's okay, the 50c is going to a worthy cause at Digital Rights Watch.

  • +1

    Signed up, Thanks

    FYI The 2nd sign up link looks borked , ReCapture failed error.

    Start your free trial of The Sizzle
    Sounds good aye? Get some Sizzle up ya now! No credit card required, just pop in your email addy below and enjoy the ride:

    • Good spotting! Happens on my homepage too - dunno why the top form works but the middle & bottom ones don't. The form HTML is the exact same but the error is Captha related. Gotta look into it.

    • I get the recaptcha failed error as well. Doesn't matter which Form I use. I am on a plane though. Maybe that's the problem.

  • Just signed up! Looking forward to the read!

    • Today's issue should be sent at around 3:30-4:00pm!

  • Absolutely love your work, rekindles the belief that good journalism is worth paying for.

    • +2

      Thank you for considering what I do journalism, haha - it's a low bar these days.

  • +3

    still happily subscribed. i referred a couple friends during the last sub run. great aussie humor to get through the tech landscape sludge, isn't afraid to swear, perfecto music taste. love ya work.

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