Cheap laptop for around $300?

Does anyone have any suggestions on new (if there is any) laptops for around $300 or should I just try to find a reasonable secondhand one on Gumtree? (The laptop is for my 10 year old cousin)


  • +1

    Laptops are pretty cheap nowadays so if you are finding a machine for a 10 year old kid, I say around* 300 bucks is more than enough. Just shop around ask for a deal and you should be fine.

  • +1
    • Oh thanks! Might just get this one actually :)

  • +1

    I know I'm probably going to look like I work for these guys (btw I don't). Perhaps this is a good option ……
    $199 plus $99 for win 7 or 8 and $30 shipping

    • This model has been confirmed not to be very effective on OCAU.

      It can only play 1080p WMV properly. This is much like the problems faced by the XBOX. This is why the warez scene WMV-HD took off during 2005-6. However, the more modern H.264 codec has become more mainstream and the WMV-HD scene has become relatively obsolete.

      With Windows 98 or older versions of Ubuntu, it might work better because I have lots of older computers with (then expensive) dedicated graphics cards but underpowered processors. Back then dedicated graphics cards were the rage, but now internal graphics are quite sufficient for normal users.

  • +3

    Dont buy a second hand one, you never know what they've done to it. just get a netbook (a small laptop) they are round $200-$500

  • I'm thinking about saving money (just use this current laptop a year or two longer) then buy a MSI laptop.

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