Mercedes GLA Vs BMW X1


So will be test driving these two bad boys next week with the hope of picking one up in the next couple of months. Still getting my head around what's standard and what's going to cost as options. Will be seeing if a good deal on a demo can be found. I am looking at the entry level models of both with options.

After much deliberations it's been narrowed down to these two.

In my mind I've priced the merc about 5-10k cheaper than bmw based on drive away prices and the price of demos on At this point that's probably tipping me in favour of the merc. Will obviously know a bit more when after I've experienced a test drive.

Any opinions on either one? Looking for any pointers from car enthusiasts and/or owners of these machines


Poll Options

  • 20
    Mercedes GLA180
  • 8
    BMW X1


  • Which specific engine/model in the BMW X1 range are comparing the GLA180 with?
    Also have a read through here if you haven't already

    • Thanks for the link.

      I'm comparing the GLA 180 to the X1 20i.

      • You need a bigger engine than that. And the GLA 180 is only front wheel drive. Get a GLA 250. It comes fully loaded, so you literally don't need any options, is AWD, and can be had for $60k ish. ($65k on carsales then negotiate on that).

        • Looking at spending around $50k so it might be pushing the coin purse a bit. In this case a bigger engine will be a want, rather than a need ;)

        • @mchoodie:

          You need awd, not fwd. also the 250 comes with way more than 10k of kit compared to the 180. The engine is a million times better.

  • +3

    BMW's look so dated IMHO.

    • I think I agree. Checked out a whole bunch of cars I wasn't going to get so my impressions of both is hazy. Looking forward to the test drive!

    • They have come up with new shape designed by an Australian - Also BMW seems to be bigger and looks like a SUV while Merc looks great but still looks like A class on steroids or hatch back on steroids :)

      Merc wins hands down style wise but BMW seems to be more practical but thats just my view.

  • +3

    I bought a new GLA180 4 weeks ago and am very happy with my choice. I also considered the BMW X1 and Audi Q3. The GLA comes with lots of "extras" as standard. I also opted for the AMG Line which gives a lot of bang for buck. I've owned Mercs, BMW's and Audis previously so am not blinded by the brand name. Be aware that the boot is quite small, it feels a bit "sluggish" to drive unless you use Sport mode, and the fuel consumption around town is awful - nothing like what is advertised. Best to drive in Comfort mode and use the paddles to manually drop down a gear or 2 for overtaking. I've already decided to trade for a GLA250 in a year or 2.

    • Nice. Am expecting the X1 to have stronger pick up, will see if it will be an issue with the test drive. Will give paddles a red hot go. Shift down on approaches to the roundabouts, yeah? :)

      Bootsspace will not be a deciding factor. As long as it can fit a set of golf clubs.

  • Have you looked into GLA220D?
    It was supposed to be hitting the market few months ago.

    • Short answer no. Looking at entry level and don't have the need for a diesel. The car will not be doing any significant kms and with limited highway driving. From a cost point of view, I don't think it will be necessary.

  • I would prefer the RWD over a FWD. Also zf transmission of bmw is better than merc.
    But that's just me. Have a test drive and see which you prefer. I would buy a car that I would like to drive even if it does not have all gadgets and looks.

    • The GLA and the X1 are both FWD.

      • -1

        No BMW X1 is RWD / 4WD for x-drive.

        • +1
        • @victorwilson: Yes you are right. I did not realize this.

        • @apple2016: Sad isn't it?

          Marketing always gets what it wants, even to the point of destroying a company's differentiation. When it all goes to pot they just go work for the competition anyhow.

          But most people that buy a top-heavy 'SUV styler' type vehicle would be happy with 1 wheel drive most of the time.

          GLA250 is a far better buy in the long run, but 60k is a lot of coin for something that looks dangerously like a Corolla yoghurt carton. (eg will date fast)

          Besides, remember how the A class failed the cone test? Getting something lower/sleeker that can swerve/avoid dangers would be fundamentally safer and probably have better resale too. SUVs are still in, but re-sale remains bad which could mean the fad won't last.

        • @zerovelocity: that was the old A class, it has nothing to do with the current generation apart from the badge on the front.

        • @thorton82: Uh, no. The centre of gravity is the same, or in most cases, worse. Lol!

          That particular type of rollover was a problem because chassis dynamics relied on settings that made the A better in other situations. However that no raised vehicle is safe. Just have a look at all those Russian youtubes- how many SUVs end up on their sides or rolling over. And, how few sedans wind up the wrong way up.

          In a few decades of driving I've been lucky to avoid a few things that driving a 4WD, RV/SUV would have been near impossible even for a skilled driver. The trouble is, you never know how well your car changes direction until someone/something jumps out in front.

          I am not asking you to admit to buying a green-washed fad, just don't think it drives as sharply or be surprised if you end up in a major accident on a highway- and rather than spinning around, eventually coming to rest and walking away…

        • @zerovelocity: That is utter bullshit. The old A class was essentially a slab sided mini van with a poor centre of gravity. The current generation is a sleek sports hatch, with a low centre of gravity. They are nothing alike. Take your bullshit elsewhere.

        • @thorton82: Hahahah, right- w all the extra ground clearance to boot and the CoG is not raised with it? Link?

        • @zerovelocity: The A class doesn't have extra ground clearance, the GLA does, but it is minimal. The GLA certainly has a lower CoG than the old A class.

        • @thorton82: But it is way higher than a C/E/S class let alone any other normal sedan. Any of those will go in the direction you point it in the first instance, until they lose grip after which they spin rather than topple- same again if you hit a gutter or some other surface protrusion. And regaining control will be easier too.

          GLA is amazing for what it is, but it is what it is that is the problem, more than any similarity to an A class.

        • @zerovelocity: You are just speaking absolute shit. The GLA is not a high riding SUV. Its a slightly raised hatch back. You are also completely changing your argument.

        • @thorton82: Link?

          What are you on about?

          A high riding anything has a higher CoG by definition. It's up to you if you want to buy a good drive.

          Just giving you the facts, my apologies for upsetting you any.

        • @zerovelocity:

          Have you even seen one of these cars? You literally have no idea what you are talking about.

        • -1

          @thorton82: Sorry, left this thread a while ago. But FYI, not many know cars as intimately as I do, not a fact I'm altogether happy with. But yes I sort of do know WITA.

  • If you need more trunk space then the x1 is the clear winner.

  • Perhaps consider a near new GLA250 which still has warranty if you find you want more power?

    Although my wife has a A250 and its almost too powerful for what she needs

  • +4

    Went with GLA!

    Apart from the results of the vote, it felt better in terms of drive and internal design. The price point was also a deciding factor. Picking up the activity edition with seat comfort pack for 45k. Can't complain!

    • I hope you bought the awd 250

      • Nah I didn't!

        The 180 will do fine mate

        • +1

          Literally every person in here recommended you go for the 250. Why even bother with the thread if you aren't going to take the advice?

        • @thorton82:

          Well literally every person in here isn't paying for it, I am. I have mentioned my rationale for choosing the entry level options. It suits my situation.

          Getting different opinions was why I started the thread. I have considered options mentioned (other than the 2 I presented) and the juice wasn't worth the squeeze.

          I had a budget and stuck to it. Not sure why you seem butt hurt that I went against the grain.

        • @mchoodie:

          Good on you mate.

          Does the gla180 feel too heavy on take off from traffic lights, etc? Id imagine it'll be a good car for inner city driving.

    • mchoodie

      Thats a damn fine price. I asked to add the comfort pack to the Activity Edition and they said no dice! Couldn't do that!!! WTF!

      Did you purchase from a Sydney dealer?

  • Congratulations. Did you purchased activity edition? I am getting quotes for 50k. May i know the dealer name please.

    • jpramkish

      Im getting the same for quotes and told no movement from the RRP! I have given up.

  • -1

    How did the GLA 180 go ? thinking of buying as used one

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