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Free Safe Driver Course for Youth from Disadvantaged Backgrounds & Aboriginal Communities @ Roads & Maritime NSW (Normally $140)


A great initiative by Roads & Maritime Services NSW. Enjoy :)


"Roads and Maritime Services provides 1000 free places each year for youth from disadvantaged backgrounds and Aboriginal communities to participate in the Safer Drivers Course."

“As well as becoming a safer driver, applicants can earn a bonus 20 hours of log book credit once you complete the course which means you’ll only need to finish 100 hours of supervised driving outside the course.”

“To be eligible for a free place you need to hold a valid learner licence, be aged below 25 years, have completed a minimum of 50 log book hours, and hold a current Pensioner Concession Card issued by the Department of Human Services – Centrelink.”

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closed Comments

  • +9

    I don't think anyone browsing OzBargain is really considered to be 'financially disadvantaged'. Leave this for the people that really need, instead of being OzBargained by people that can afford internet and eneloops.

    • +3

      I think you will find most ozbargainers dont qualify. Given the applicant has to be under 25 AND have a pensioner Concession card, even Broden may find it hard to qualify, I doubt if even photoshop would help

    • +21

      How about you not generalize peoples situations, If this bargain isnt for you, then just ignore it.
      Plus many of us may have friends and/or relatives that could benefit from knowing this.

  • -6

    1000 is hardly enough considering the number of impoverished/homeless/indigenous youth across NSW. Another Berrjiklian P.R. stunt

    • +1

      But how many impoverished and homeless youths can even afford to drive?

      • -1

        Driving can be free.
        Cars and insurance are not…

        • +2

          Emotion aside, I'd rather people who: can't afford insurance, don't drive regularly, can't find decent practice - not drive at all.

  • +6

    “To be eligible for a free place you need to hold a valid learner licence, be aged below 25 years, have completed a minimum of 50 log book hours, and hold a current Pensioner Concession Card issued by the Department of Human Services – Centrelink.”


    • +1

      Sam Le

      Pretty sure this deal target him so he would stop using public transport and the police would not have wrongfully detain him and get sued for thousands of dollar.

      • Great case thanks for that.
        I like how his honour didn't find the guy's age and apparent good health/physical ability + his fleeting agitated nature enough to be 'reasonable grounds' for the police to believe he was committing the offence of stealing and using someone else's pension card
        Falsely imprisoned for 4 minues and gets $3.2k, good yieldz

    • +1

      Like a Health Care Card. Not just an Aged Pension.

    • +2

      Ever heard of a carers pension? You can also get a pension concession card being on Newstart, Youth allowance and Parenting payments.

    • "Pensioner" does not mean old age, it is just commonly used to describe those on a retirement pension, but receiving other welfare pensions also makes one a Pensioner.

      • Correct, like every disabled person that recieves a pension.

  • +1

    Ffs this is a joke. 25 year olds that hold pensioner concession cards without legitimate health problems should be sent to work immediately. How are they supposed to buy a car, pay for petrol and insurance if they don't work?
    Good deal for those that meet the criteria AND can afford to drive after getting their licence.

    • +15

      Maybe holding a licence will make them able to do jobs they can't at the moment?

      People eligible to hold the concession card include those getting:

      Carer Payment
      Disability Support Pension
      Newstart Allowance or Youth Allowance. - you must be single and caring for a dependent child while you’re looking for work
      Parenting Payment single

      There would be many more eligible than the 1000 places.

    • +1

      How are they supposed to buy a car, pay for petrol and insurance if they don't work?

      The subject line answers that.

    • +3

      Ever heard of a carers pension? You can also get a pension concession card being on Newstart, Youth allowance and Parenting payments.

      You shouldn't assume peoples situations.

      • -3

        Getting the course done for free still won't put petrol in the car, pay for insurance or even pay for the running costs of said car. Our former treasurer is somewhat right when it comes to poor people and cars - poor people have less means to pay for running a car. Getting some logbook hours isn't going to change a poor person's life.

        • +9

          Jayzus … what kind of sheltered life have you lead. One of the most significant barriers to gaining employment is not having a drivers license. You get a job and you get the money to pay for the running costs. Its not rocket science.

          Perhaps Mummy and Daddy still pay your way in the world?

          An excellent initiative for disadvantaged young people.

      • Well said

    • +3

      Would I be right in guessing you're a conservative voter?

      • -8

        What makes you guess that? I am a swing voter, but my parents donate to the liberal party. So far, the liberals have given me the best reasons as to why I should vote for them. If another party comes along and pitches a better case, I'll vote for them.

        • +5

          Knew it! So easy to pick.

        • +1

          @yoyomablue: Don't fall into this "two party paradigm" thinking, depending on where you stand on some individual issues some people will try to label you as this or that (eg. Far right, extremist etc.). Labor and Liberal claim to represent people's diffrent take on issues but they are both totally controlled and working for the same paymasters.

          Just voting for the establishment by voting Labor or Liberal (or believing voting changes anything and isn't a tightly controlled system) demostrates that one is hopelessly lost in the "matrix" of a lifetime of propaganda.

        • -2

          @Cleremy: Low-Effort Thought Promotes Political Conservatism

          "Together these data suggest that political conservatism may be a process consequence of low-effort thought; when effortful, deliberate thought is disengaged, endorsement of conservative ideology increases."

        • @Cleremy:

          but they are both totally controlled and working for the same paymasters.

          Shape-shifting reptilians?

        • -2

          @yoyomablue: meanwhile, other schools of thought suggest leftard thinking is akin to having a mental illness.

        • @niggard: Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact

          "lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood, and this effect was largely mediated via conservative ideology"

        • @yoyomablue: that's an extremely biased article. Given your superior intellect as a lefty, have you used any critical thinking to determine if the article is biased or not?

        • @niggard: Peer reviewed research is biased? Inevitable answer when the research results don't suit.
          Here's another where MRI brain scans showed that conservatives have a larger amygdala, the fear centre of the brain, but less matter in the anterior cingulate cortex, involved in complexity of decision making:
          "greater liberalism was associated with increased gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex, whereas greater conservatism was associated with increased volume of the right amygdala"

        • -2

          @yoyomablue: rightio mate, I'm an idiot for holding conservative views. How silly of me to think that was a biased article simply because it's peer reviewed. It would be good to see leftards getting a taste of their own medicine one day. Look at Europe, they did that to themselves by opening their doors to certain groups.

        • Lead author David Amodio, an assistant professor of psychology at New York University, cautioned that the study looked at a narrow range of human behavior and that it would be a mistake to conclude that one political orientation was better. The tendency of conservatives to block distracting information could be a good thing depending on the situation, he said.


          Take a look at this paper too mate: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167876009…

        • @yoyomablue: Well done to you it's pretty much a 50-50. Your guess made no sense based on the post which was more left biased - conservative should have been your last guess.

      • What other irrelevant assumptions are you going to make.

        No matter what side of politics anyone is, they are also entitled to their view.

        Stalin stopped and destroyed discussion, just as much as Hitler did.

        • Ouch, touched a nerve?
          Because I can pick 'em so easily?

        • +1

          Stalin stopped and destroyed discussion, just as much as Hitler did.

          Both on the same side of politics - authoritarianism.

        • @thevofa: Spot on. And its ridiculous to to claim that Stalin (or Mao) were progressives. Progressive ideology is anti-authoritarianism

        • @yoyomablue: ROFL - No - because this is site for cheap soap, not a soap box.

        • @RockyRaccoon: Just following the lead of the thread starter…..

    • +1

      "Sent to work" - our industrial economy has been dismantled and sent to China, and the bar to decent employment has been set very high. Sure, you can work in a job that anyone with half a brain avoids like fast food and taxi driving but is that taking into account the destruction of our country by our elites?

    • There are pensioners that work you ignoramus.

  • What if you aboriginal and not disadvantaged. Can you still get for free?

    If yes, why rasist for?

    Also advantaged people more likly to drive a car than disadvantaged, this deal doesnt make sence.

    • It's called white privilege. Oh wait.

      • -1

        On average, you bet whites are privileged

    • +1

      Pretty hard to not be disadvantaged

      I would be quite ashamed if I was eligble for this deal. I don't envy being disadvantaged or being of 'that' race

      being of 'that' race would be worse than being poor imo

      If they can make it past these assumptions to get an interview, having a drivers licence might be what tips them over to getting the job. Then maybe they could be one of these 'advantaged' people.

      • That's stupid logic and just reinforces that we should think of Aborigines that way - because hey, even the Govt thinks so.

      • Unfortunately system racism is widespread and ingrained in Australia. Much of the systemic racism is practiced by Australians who consider themselves non-racist and occurs automatically and unconsciously.

  • +2

    LOL this is not a deal, its an impossible situation to even get it.

  • +1

    Unfortunately a lot of the disadvantaged indigenous youth on our roads in WA would not qualify as they do not have a license.

    Safety Lesson #1: don't drive a stolen car through a red light at 180km/hr into an airport shuttle bus.



  • +1

    Great incentive for trying hard in life. Go Australia

  • +20

    This whole post isn't reflecting very well on OzBargain's collective knowledge of those less well off than average.
    If you can't imagine why a driver's licence might be useful to somebody on a welfare payment it probably isn't the government that is lacking in knowledge in this area.
    As a really simple example, this offer is open to people who receive the single parent payment.
    As a group, these people have low economic means and reduced employment opportunities, but don't have permanent barriers to work etc.
    Helping them qualify for a licence and be safe drivers increases their employability and makes it more likely they can reduce dependance on welfare - a great outcome if it is successful, for both the individuals and for taxpayers.

    • +2

      Very well said.

    • +1

      I think everyone is upset because there were no chicken nuggets thrown in.

    • +2

      Well said mskeggs, and good on you for posting the deal TA.

    • -2

      To the conservative voter complex problems have simple solutions - please keep your explanations to one sentence…..

    • -1

      If you are already receiving all the financial benefits available to you as an Aboriginal on Centrelink, you have no incentive to find gainful employment.

      Just whine about Invasion Day and the Stolen Generation while being handed everything on a silver platter.

      • +2

        Luckily, the barrier for you to prove that you identify as an indigenous Australian is comparatively low. You will be able to qualify for the silver platter with just a bit of leg work.
        You could enjoy all the benefits such as an increased rates of everything from incarceration to diabetes.

        Personally, I'm like nearly every Australian, and would much rather the income and satisfaction that comes from work, and would only take welfare if legitimately needed.
        Be aware that if you do fraudulently get on the Centrelink rolls, there will be a lot of hostility from other people. Even people legitimately on welfare cop disdain, so you might want to think hard before you commit yourself.

        Let us know how you get on, and tell us if you meet any other people dishonestly claiming benefits with no desire to get off them.

        • +1

          Do you think the reason why the prisons have a higher proportion of Lebanese and Aboriginal inmates is somehow the fault of society and not their ethnic community??

          Typical Aboriginal approach - paint yourself as a victim, accept no responsibility for your actions, siphon as much money from the public purse as you can.

        • @GreatWhiteHunter:
          I don't think every Lebanese or Indigenous Australian is a criminal, and I'd be surprised if most people didn't agree that the majority of Lebanese or Aboriginal people are upstanding and law abiding.
          But treating people who belong to a racial or national group as a single group effects the upstanding and the criminals equally.

          It isn't at all fair to judge an honest, hardworking, indigenous Australian as somebody who paints themselves as a victim, accepts no responsibility and rorts the public system. Yet you just did that by implication to all aboriginals, even if you were referring to a small number.

          I have no problem with you talking about criminals of Lebanese origin, or welfare recipients in the Aboriginal community. Those are factual things, because there are criminals who are Lebanese and there are Aboriginals on welfare.
          But describing that approach as Aboriginal is bigoted, because it doesn't cover the bulk of Aboriginals in the labour force, and it ignores people from other groups who might have that approach.

          You can discuss what the impact of particular ethnic community's values are, and how they result in prison populations or welfare numbers without being bigoted.

        • +1


          It was you who pointed out that a higher proportion of indigenous Australians are incarcerated vs the national average.

          You seem to suggest that simply by being Aboriginal you are more likely to be arrested. The implication was that the incarcerated Aboriginals are somehow being unfairly treated.

          If I was to claim Aboriginal status, do you think this would instantly increase my chances of being incarcerated?

          Should the fact there are a higher proportion of criminals in a given population mean we should give that whole population more welfare?

          I should have added to the earlier commment - take offence and sue under 18c - that has proven to be a popular form of "employment" for many…….

        • @GreatWhiteHunter:

          Aren't incarceration rates linked more to poverty and poor health? That there's a higher incarceration rate for a particular race shows that that race has a higher amount of poverty and poor health than another race?

        • -2


          Mskeggs you are right that there are plenty of upstanding and law abiding Aboriginals and Lebanese - the majority in both cases.

          I am referring to a small (but proportionally large) number that paint themselves as a victim, accepts no responsibility and rorts the public system.

          In Australia's left wing reverse discrimination system it seems all minorities receive substantial government assistance that an Anglo male just doesn't qualify for. It has gone way way too far. That in the end is my main gripe.

          As someone mentions later, it would be a better idea to make this available to all young drivers. I am not sure of the stats but I'd say there are plenty of non-Aboriginal kids getting themselves killed or seriously injured on the road every year. Apparently their safety is not as important as the safety of Aboriginal kids.

        • @GreatWhiteHunter:
          Pls note I am not negging you.
          I'll give you the same I give a mate at the pub. You're not a bad bloke(chick?), and nobody would think you are if they know you.
          But if you shoot your mouth off saying stuff that lumps everyone together and treats everyone in a group as terrible, then those people will hear you sounding really objectionable. And you aren't saying things like that because you are hateful or racist, just a shortcut to what you mean.

          But we probably mean the same thing - there are way too many aboriginal people who have no prospects beyond welfare. There are too many Lebanese young blokes involved in crime.
          We probably want the same outcomes - young Aboriginal people who feel completely welcome and engaged and contributing to our country's future including playing a part in setting it's direction, young Leb blokes who want to work hard and make a great life as part of the Aussie society who respect and love women and take their place in society.

          When I look at why those ambitions aren't being met I see a bunch of challenges, some I can lay at the feet of the individuals, some at their parents, some at the schools, some at the cops, some at the courts, some at the politicians.
          I personally don't think you can target any one of those elements and get a result, and there may be other elements I am missing because I'm a middle aged white bloke, and I don't know half of the stuff a 19yro Aboriginal or Lebanese guy gets.

          So when I see a thing like training to give better driving skills to people who might not find those skills easy to get, or affordable to get, I'm super supportive of it. And I might be a bit aggro and short with people who don't start from thinking about how it will help, instead of how they might think it might cost.

    • This whole post isn't reflecting very well on OzBargain's collective knowledge

      It certainly seems representative of the attitudes I see in the wider community in Australia.

      • It has gotten better in my life time, and I have every hope it will continue to do so. But yeah.

  • +1

    The government should make another safe-driving initiative course to a few suburbs such as Campsie and Ashfield

    • -1

      They would have to have non-English speaking instructors and a Halal certified course

      • +3

        Ahh, you're that relative at every family Christmas gathering aren't you :/

    • +1

      They should really offer this to all learner drivers. Seeing as they are apparently so serious about the road toll

  • Where would one go to get ADVANCED driving lessons. Like counter steering, car control, etc, like the coppers do?

  • This would make sense, if it were only youths and Aboriginals that caused car accidents. This is a really astounding waste of money and time. Are those socioeconomic groups at the greatest risk of driving unsafely?

    94 upvotes how?

    Edit: sleep through a course and get on the road twenty hours sooner? This seems like a stunt for some beurocrat to tick off his "working with marginalised people" requirement.

  • Just wondering about the eligibility criteria…

    What if a young person of 18yrs isn't working because they are still in yr 12, has no pension or concession card because they don't qualify, lives in household where parent has pension card, and has done over 50hrs of logged driving on their current learners permit?

    Something just doesn't add up in the criteria…seems strange to limit the term 'disadvantaged' to those with pension card, or aboriginal descent. What about Health Care Card, or those on newstart that get no concession card other than maybe a transport or health card. What about young tafe/uni students who maybe on Austudy? These young people can often be classed as 'disadvantaged' too.

    Anyway…just wondering.

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