*UPDATED WITH POLL* Who Are The Most Famous OzBargain Users?

With a successful Brisbane meet up just completed, and the chance to meet some fellow enthusiasts, I thought I'd ask the question "Who Are The Most Famous Ozbargain Users?"

Apart from scotty (clearly the most famous) we could answer this question subjectively (my vote is with JV… lol) or objectively… perhaps by factoring in number of deals, upvotes on deals, number of comments, upvotes on comments etc.

I wonder if there exists… a list of users by engagement… and perhaps even a feature where casual users (like myself) could compare their stats with the the rest of the site (eg, top 1%, top 40% etc)

I added a poll with the suggestions so far (apart from scotty, who wins by default… so this is for second place). I was limited to 30… so please let me know if I should swap someone ….

Poll Options expired

  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
    franco cozzo
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
    capslock janitor
  • 1
    dashcam aka rolts
  • 1
    scrooge mcdeal
  • 1
  • 2
  • 2
  • 2
  • 3
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
    Jimothy Wongingtons
  • 5
  • 6
    I Smell Pennies
  • 8
  • 11
  • 11
  • 75
  • 169


        • If this isn't a personal attack I don't know what is?!

          • +5

            @Champ888: I mean, Lysander has been effectively perma-banned since 2021. I think it was for good reason. The dude was incredibly defensive and possessive about his "e-turf" and keeping up his posting stats like OzBargain was his favourite MMO and he constantly attacked other members or made empty threats just because people quite rightly called him out for his bizarre behaviour. Anyone who remembers him well would agree.

            • +2

              @Gnostikos: Fair enough mate! Then again I can think of some other user/s here who basically fit the same description and behavior patterns……

        • to his stint at the United Nations (allegedly) where he personally met Donald Trump

          I can't believe the mods would put someone with such valuable experiences in the Penalty Box! lol

  • +1

    Another vote for @clear

    • -4

      Hmm. What has become crystal Clear to me is that if you dare to disagree with certain users they'll run off to the mods sooking and whining and have you sin binned for "trolling". Let me be crystal Clear about that. Sad and pathetic!

  • +1


    'Cause those are guys that I remember from joining years ago and who shaped the idea of this community for me, traveling back & forth to Australia or overseas.

    • yep, the old guard. wonder what happened to the last two

      • +4

        What do you mean what happened to the last two? They're still actively posting.

        • Well that's good to know! Guess I haven't seen em as much as back then, or haven't been on as much

        • +2

          Also, I'm surprised you haven't been mentioned for all the David Jones knowledge back in the day

  • +4

    MattyD is a pretty funny guy.

    [subscribes to thread]

    • +6


    • Never met the guy.

    • +1

      At least he can laugh at himself, which is more than I can say for some people

    • +1

      Since 2010, well you are old guard :) and at least 10+ years old, so more wiser than most of us….

      Still so many ppl I don't fully recognise being mentioned in this thread…. :)

  • +3

    is jv unemployed ? It can only be that way

  • +7

    @Phalaxis and @TruePursuit are notable mentions for the insane amount/consistency of comps they post to OzB. Not popular per se for deal or forum posts but the GOATs of competitions.

  • It’s me. Duh.

  • +4

    I thought mskeggs had their moments - in a good way. Someone said that they're actually two people.

    • +7

      We just want you to think that.

  • -1

    I miss Tempura

    • I don't. He was annoying and trying to emulate JV with his random bolding.

      • -1

        That sure is a bold statement.

      • +1

        i'm sure you meant italic and not bold?
        I think tempura is not jv emulator. tempura is tempura

        • Oh yes, that. Nevertheless, still annoying … which is probably why they're permanently in the penalty box.

  • Scotty

    • Suck up

      Apart from scotty (clearly the most famous)

  • He means famous like bill gates or Elon musk on redit. Not popular nobody.

    • Bill Gates is on Reddit?!

      • +2

        Yep. Does an Ask Me Anything every now and again.

        • +1

          So cool! Hopefully next time I can ask him how long it took to write Windows 11

    • Do I count?

      • I’m sure you do, since you started out as one of the world’s most efficient bean counters. You’re Apple’s trump card

  • @Clear you haven’t nominated me yet?!

    • Well, you’ve got “no reasons” covered, at least. Promising start…

  • +1

    jv, tightarse, Clear, @netjock comments

  • +2

    Isn't Jimmy Wongingtons really Gus Sebastian? That would make him the most famous.

    • Wood be hilarious if someone here was actually famous IRL.

  • Interesting haha

  • -6

    You guys need to get some lives

    • +4

      Can I take yours?

    • +2

      Waiting for the right deal to popup here.

      • Don't tempt me I nearly went for the latest air fryer one but thankfully it was oos.

    • +8

      This is a hot take from a guy with 12,000 comments here hehehehe

      • Lol hehe shhhh

        I am retired trying a new twelve step program.

  • +5

    I Smell Pennies

    OZB is full of amazing people who continuously contribute to this community, but these lads stand out to me the most.

    P.S. I've seen jv's name here and there, but nothing except spam. Sorry mate, that's my perception.

    • Postscript blasphemy

  • +2

    Has to be SlavOZ and their 20+ alts.

  • I like the infamous ones. They clearly don't give a F and refuse to buy into the circle jerk that can be ozbargain when it gets its rabble on.
    the trolls make me laugh sometimes.

  • @jv

  • +2

    Jar Jar Binks

    • I was waiting to see if someone mentioned this one. Are they still around?

      • They deactivated their account.

  • Is there a correlation of the more posts listed by a individual with less of a life in the real world?

    • +3

      Ozbargain is the real world, what are you talking about ;)

      • Does that make scotty God?! Better double-check that I’ve taken my blue pill today

  • I think a lot of these would be subjective to deals or posts you would normally follow.
    I think the only person I know who indiscriminately posts goes to JV so in that sense he would be the one to be most famous.
    In watch land, watchnerd, Rosebank, g-rig, O15 astronaut Joe and bugs bunny ring bells

  • +3

    I still go back to read this time and again for a laugh. Gotta be the most famous post


    • +2

      Title says - Who Are The Most Famous OzBargain Users?

    • +3

      if we talking famous posts i also like the infamous zackyd xbox one, and that time tonka saved that dude stuck overseas

      • +3

        (and that time @The Wololo Wombat almost broke ozbargain with his crazy 'adventure')

        • Hehehe. I regret taking the path of least resistance now (deleting my review/the posts here), but at the time, my wife was not up for the added stress on our family it would've caused, and that's reason enough!

      • +3

        Lol. I learned from that and spent the night in a Hungry Jacks at Kuala Lumpur Airport myself rather than paying for a hotel.

  • +5

    Speaking as a retired mod, ozbargain "clout" or "popularity" is lost over time. I feel I added a lot to the website years ago, but in the end, people move on, stores move on.

    It's kind of like school - "major" events that happened were massive news, but probably a drop on the ocean compared to the life of the school itself, or even a teacher's whole career.

  • Damn i feel old. Anyone joined before me?

    • You beat me.

      But here’s my first post 15 years ago 😱 https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/5475

      • We are relics you and me.

      • +1

        That reminds me of my own first post that unfortunately got moved to the forums even though it got a lot of votes. 🤣🤣

        • +2

          The best part is seeing almost all commenters logged in, in the last couple of hours. Over a decade later!

  • +4

    Am i famous?

    A bit too busy with work to post deals :S

  • what have we done with Slavozz !! no wonder OzB feels a bit empty recently

    • Too many sooky mcsookypants sooks combined with trigger happy mods makes everything pretty boring. That much is clear.

      • +2

        Too many sooky mcsookypants sooks

        Describing yourself right there.

  • Don't forget me, I'm loathed on here and that's fine, as long you identify me as a she and not a he, we will get along fine.

    Plus you all sk.

    • :( My mom thinks I'm cool…..

      Nope, can't back that up…. She think I'm an idiot too….. :)

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