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[eBook] 6 Free eBooks on Israel-Palestine Relations and Conflicts @ Verso Books


Verso is giving away a whole lot of their ebooks about Palestine. Anthony Lowenstein just won a Walkley award for his book "The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports The Technology of Occupation around The World", so you know journalists think it's the real deal.

Plenty of others there if you'd like a deeper understanding of what's happening in the middle east right now.

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  • +4

    OzBargain is for the people and by the people! Thank you for displaying ur moral high ground and demonstrating that the inhabitants of Gaza are rightfully deserving of their human values! For anyone opposing, have a long look at ur self, if ur position is denying basic human rights then check ur self as a human.

    • Why is an Australian dollar worth less than a US dollar? Simple economics

  • I don't agree with the political "deals" to be honest.
    Right wing, left wing, extremist, wars etc.

    But, if it's not against the rules, a freebie is a freebie.

    • also @eva123 nice alt account to mass vote the pro-israel stuff buddy

  • +2

    I’m out. I swore that wouldn’t argue with terrorist sympathisers, anti-semites, and clowns on the internet. Many in this post tick all three boxes.

    Oh, and thanks for the books. Upvoted.

    • Can you please indicate what makes someone a terrorist. (In your opinion)

      • -1

        The acts of Hamas, and ‘regular’ Palestinians on October 7th. What happened that day far outweighs the acts of the IDF since.

        • +3

          I don't think that it this started in october

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: No, it started on the morning of the 15th May 1948. The desire to destroy the Jewish nation has remained ever since.

            If the Jews didn’t fight back, or didn’t have the means to fight back, there’d be genocide.

            • +6

              @[Deactivated]: Yeah, just ignore the fact that the land was and has been slowly getting taken from the people who were there first.
              As well as Israel having control over basically all of Palestines supplies and utilities.

              Sounds to me like you're not against terrorists, you're just against a specific group of terrorists.
              Because by most peoples standards, both Hamas and the IDF are terrorists. Which I agree with.

            • +3

              @[Deactivated]: So the 1200 Israelis dead on Oct 7 (yes, no longer 1400, Israel has admitted it's around 1200) outweigh the over 10000 Palestinians dead since that day (including over 4000 children)?

              • -1

                @poisongodmachine: Absolutely. Do you know what it takes to take a life using the methods Hamas employed? To rape, kidnap, immolate? It takes a special type of criminal to carry out these crimes.

                Pressing a button to kill a rocket-launching terrorist hiding in a tunnel under a school, and causing collateral damage/death is an entirely different scenario.

                But your simplistic, terror-supporting, anti-Semitic, brainwashed mind wouldn’t be able to differentiate.

            • +5

              @[Deactivated]: U mean if the Jews didn’t have the help of their British mandate buddies then Palestinians would’ve still had a home without oppression. Israel’s population all come from Europe buddy, there never was an israel pre 1948 but there was Palestinians ( muslims, Jews and Christians) all coexisting in harmony before the Zionist occupiers came in to create the Nakba ( catastrophe ) that expelled the indigenous from their lands. I feel uve been misinformed my friend :)

              • +1

                @Hay09: Existing in harmony. Holy shit, how naive are you.

                Do you have any idea how many Jews live throughout the Middle East, and how many remain? There are none outside of Israel, and all didn’t relocate by choice. Many were killed and the rest were forced to flee.

                Read up on some history of the ME and then respond.

                • +1

                  @[Deactivated]: You need to hear from an actual native Palestinian jew. I don’t know where you get your info from. There was peace and harmony among Christian’s Jews and muslims before Israel came to existence and decided kill them and drive them out their homes and take over their land. Why don’t you google map of Israel 1948 until now, the evidence is clear, your just in denials. It is because of Israel that the oldest church in the world and many more got bombed, it is because of Israel that christian Palestinians are going to become extinct as only few hundred are left.

      • Google Hamas charter/covenant and read it. Especially the part where they clearly state that killing Jews is their objective.
        This will give you an example of how terrorism is defined.
        -The Covenant proclaims that Israel will exist until Islam obliterates it, and jihad against Jews is required until Judgement Day. Compromise over the land is forbidden. The documents promote holy war as divinely ordained, reject political solutions, and call for instilling these views in children.-

        • “the emphasis is on damage and not on accuracy” (IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari, 10 October)

          “Gaza will eventually turn into a city of tents. There will be no buildings” (Israeli defence official, 10 October)

          “Israel has no choice but to render Gaza into a place that is temporarily, or permanently, unfit for living” (Advisor to Defence Minister Gallant, former Head of the National Security Council and former IDF operations chief Giora Eiland, 11 October)

          “Israel needs to create a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, compelling tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands to seek refuge in Egypt or the Gulf … The entire population of Gaza will either move to Egypt or move to the Gulf” (Advisor to Defence Minister Gallant, former Head of the National Security Council and former IDF operations chief Giora Eiland, 13 October)

          “Remember what Amalek did to you’ … This is a war between the sons of light and the sons of darkness” (Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 3 November)

          Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, 19 November: “I agree with every word of Giora Eiland in this article [in which Eiland called for targeting “the entire Gaza population” and causing “severe epidemics” to break out there]”

          Deputy Speaker of the Knesset Nissim Vaturi MK (Likud, governing), 17 November: “All the preoccupation with whether or not there is internet in Gaza shows that we have learned nothing. We are too humane. Burn Gaza now nothing less!”
          Deputy Speaker of the Knesset Nissim Vaturi MK (Likud, governing), 16 November: “In 1967 we held them by force. This mistake must not be repeated. As a democratic country we must allow them to leave for other countries, far from here #Voluntary_Transfer”
          Chief of Staff of the IDF Northern Brigade in Gaza, Col. (Res., currently in active duty in Gaza) Oren Zini, November 16: “We are talking here about a hornets’ nest. The entire Strip is a hornets’ nest of terrorists. Therefore we have to work systematically … A systematic, continuous, long treatment—without taking to heart all these noisemakers, … there are a lot of noisemakers, we should ignore them at the moment. I object to, now I’m talking privately, yes? As a private individual. I object to the entry of all sorts of things to the other side that might help them recover. I believe in suffocating it. This means stubbornly continuing to strangle them—below ground, above ground”

          Yitzhak Kroizer MK (Otzma Yehudit, governing), 5 November: “the Gaza Strip should be flattened, and there should be one sentence for everyone there—death. We have to wipe the Gaza Strip off the map. There are no innocents there”

          Former Deputy Commander IDF Gaza Division Amir Avivi, 29 October: “We are not taking any chances … When our soldiers are manoeuvring we are doing this with massive artillery, with 50 aeroplanes overhead destroying anything that moves”

          Former Israeli Ambassador to Italy and Israel Hayom columnist Dror Eydar, 26 October: “For us, there is one purpose: to destroy Gaza, to destroy this absolute evil”

          Former Likud MK Moshe Feiglin, 26 October (?): “There is one and only one solution, which is to completely destroy Gaza before invading it. And when I talk about destruction, I mean destruction like it was in Dresden and Hiroshima, without a nuclear weapon”

    • +3

      Under any definition the USA has more terrorists and terrorist sympathisers than the rest of the world combined. The NRA has locked it in.

      • How stupid are you?

        • +3

          What do you call mass murdering innocent children at a school with a military grade weapon? Exercising the 2nd amendment?

          Look at the growing annual death toll by gun in the USA FFS

          Stupid? Meh. Deny away

          • +1

            @Protractor: I loathe American gun culture and the 2nd amendment for enforcing it, but what the hell has this to do with terrorism?
            People, and especially mentally ill people, shouldn’t have easy access to guns. That’s a no-brainer.

    • +1

      Lol only picks 2 categories that supports his own racist undermining. Why not add baby death sympathisers ( ur definition of a clown apparently) that’s where I fall under. Or are u just ultimately a terrorist sympathiser or anti semite if u believe dead Palestinian babies is just wrong.

      • +3

        You think there’s a moral equivalence between a child having its throat cut with a knife, and a child killed in a building that is used as a rocket launch site, that was struck by an IDF guided missile?

        Remember, the IDF use weapons to protects its people, whereas Hamas use its people to protect its weapons.
        The only end to this conflict is the destruction of Hamas at any cost. They don’t want peace, they have refused it every time it was on the table.
        They want the destruction of the Jewish state far more than they want their own.

        • No evidence of babies throat cut but plenty of bombed babies, babies made to starve to death, new borns dieing because there is no fuel to operate incubators. Israel = evil!!!

          • +3

            @Hay09: It’s well documented in words and pictures of what was done to Jewish children, yet you defend it?
            Hamas has huge supplies of fuel, food, water and weapons. Where on earth do you think the billions of dollars of donations go each year?
            You just believe what a terrorist organisation wants you to believe. Remember the day after the atrocities, a Hamas spokesman said that they don’t harm civilians, or woman and children…..and then the videos started emerging.

            How gullible are you?

        • +1

          Ur post 100% supports genocide because “any cost” means the entire Gaza population. U sick sick human, I hope ur community is safe from terrorising people such as ur self. Crazy rhetoric!

          • +4

            @Hay09: There’s an old saying that goes, ‘if Palestine lay down its arms tomorrow, it would continue to exist. If Israel did the same, its existence would cease almost immediately’. Based on middle eastern history since 1948, this statement is obviously true.

            Does this tell you anything?

        • +1

          Where is your evidence of babies throat being slit by Hamas? Don’t tell me you still believe that lie, wow !

          Everyday we are seeing babies and kids blown to bits by Israeli rockets. 7000 in total massacred, thousands still under the rubble and thousands with amputated limbs without anaesthesia, this knows how many with no family surviving. where is the humanity ?The evidence is all over social media, there is no denying those facts

      • +3

        No wonder Hamas used Child and women as a shield and shelling from the hospital.

        • Why?

  • +1

    Both sides just need Jesus Christmas in their hearts….

    • Need a heart first :)

  • +2

    Seriously…. we don't need this bullshit propaganda on here!

    • The mods allowed the precedent multiple times ,and the "harvest" of that decision goes on….

    • +2

      Which book and which part in particular did you find was propaganda?

  • +8

    So much pro-Palestinian propaganda is coming up lately… Did we see here any opposite posts? Nope, because it is not popular. Most people don't want to understand; they are happy with whatever they are being fed.

    • +18

      It’s because israel are blatantly in the wrong. Difficult to make the killing of 13000 innocents 40% of whom are children as a good thing naturally don’t u think? It’s a hard sell champ.

      • This is why there will never be peace in the region. People that live in an echo chamber and live and breathe their side, they can't see the complexities of a longstanding 2-sided conflict.

        Not that i would have higher hopes for anyone that uses the term "champ" so quickly :p

        • +4

          It’s not complex, Gaza is a concentration camp and Israel are unequivocally oppressing and have been committing atrocities for decades. Ur a champ when ur views are racist and dehumanising if u know what I mean. I’m trying to be respectful:)

          • @Hay09: What aspect of the post you responded to was racist?

            Do you consider the many comments in this deal making generalizations towards Jewish people racist?

            • +2

              @Strange1: The post that supports the killing of innocent Gazans is in my opinion supporting ethnic cleansing and deemed racist.

              On the contrary I support Jews and all other innocents equally, my problem lies at the perpetrators of atrocities on all sides to be clear.

    • +5

      No-ones stopping you from posting "pro-israel" or even neutral on the situation deals.

    • +3

      The huge majority have absolutely no idea what they’re marching for. They have no idea of the history, or the hatred.

      Did you see the ‘queers for palestine’ brigade recently? It’s like turkeys voting for Christmas.

      • +3

        ”The huge majority have absolutely no idea”.

        And what’s the basis to your claim. Any objective evidence or are you projecting your opinions as facts. Quite ironic.

        • +1

          Seen any video taken at these marches? Obviously many are Muslims who are there only because of the Jewish element. They don’t give a damn about Saudi Arabia killing scores of Yemens, or Daesh killing Shias, or Bashir killing tens of thousands of Syrians, etc. it’s the anti-Semitic slant, as always. Then you have the Leftists. Their anti-semitism is well documented and long-standing. Then there are the students, whose motivations are laid bare when asked why they are there, and they just parrot the same crap they hear their uninformed brethren spout. ‘Free palestine’, ‘apartheid’, ‘two state solution’, and other ill-informed crap.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Again you are presenting your opinions. These are not facts.

            • @gamemaster: Watch some march videos. Then tell me that the majority of these people are well informed.

              • @[Deactivated]: No need to watch videos when I’m present there and I can tell you there’s nothing wrong with it. No one has a problem with Jews no one chants antisemitic phrases. There are actually many Jews along side us too for your information.
                The cause of most of the problems today is Zionism! nothing to do with Judaism !

    • Anti-semetic!

  • +3

    Free free Palestine!!

    • +11

      From Hamas!

      • +1

        From Israel

      • +2

        Go research and stop being ignorant

      • +1

        When Israel bombs your house, wipes out your family registry, bombs your kids, parents, your hospital, your churches, your schools, your university, your mosques, your refugee camps, your bakeries, Hamas would be the least of the problems

    • +3

      You’re welcome to move to Gaza.

      • +3

        Uneducated comments will be ignored

    • +5

      Free Plalestine - FROM HAMAS!

      • When Israel bombs your house, wipes out your family registry, bombs your kids, parents, your hospital, your churches, your schools, your university, your mosques, your refugee camps, your bakeries, Hamas would be the least of the problems

  • +9

    Netanyahu is a terrorist.

    • +5

      Hamas is quite literally a designated terror group.

      • +2

        By Israeli allies. More countries in the world don’t designate them as a terrorist organisation than those who do. So the term terrorism is very much a political term.

      • +3

        That Israel has openly collaborated with by the way. Why might they do this?

        ….and WHY might Israel never be declared a terrorist state guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity? Because you will never ever hear the suggestion levelled at them by conventional news outlets or any puppet government in the west.

        Why? Because they are all owned and controlled by zionist interests… including all of our puppet politicians on both sides. You don't get anywhere in your political career unless you pledge your allegience to the zionists.

      • +2

        According to what definition ? And if they are a terrorist by that definition why is the IDF not ???

  • +7

    I support Palestine

    • I stand behind anyone big enough to shield me from the bullets

  • +2

    Freee Palestine!!!!

  • +8

    Israel IDF are terrorist and have killed 13000 innocent lives labelling them human shields!!! The horror israel have been demonstrating for decades is unravelling chronically! The world is watching ur demonising acts and dehumanising a vulnerable nation! This asymmetrical warfare is disgusting! Guided missiles blowing up babies limbs and killing innocents everyday! The world sees the truth!

  • +7

    Is this a joke? You invade another country and kill them in the most barbaric ways, then want support? Yeah they shouldn't have been occupying your territory, but Hamas sold you out - they knew that 10 lives would be taken for every Israeli (most of them civilians), and did it anyway. They knew their actions would kill you and result in your people starving, and couldn't care less.

    • +2

      If anything their actions woke up the giant and the giant showed the world who the real terrorist is! Ur right about that

      • +5

        Your protection is Hezbollah and Iran. You think U.S aircraft carriers care about them? Israel could squash you on their own, but they must at least try and look like they're doing the right thing to the international community.

    • +2

      they knew that 10 lives would be taken for every Israeli

      Bingo!…a Zionist sympathiser has actually admitted to their non-publicised death policy- 10 "other" lives for the life of one Jew.

  • +9

    I support Israel.

    People who support Hamas are the ones who haven't had the misfortune to deal with Islamic terrorism.

    • +7

      Because they are too busy dealing with Zionist Jewish terrorism. Read amalayek that mental yahoo referred to, that bible is an encyclopaedia for ethnic cleansing.

      • List 5 Zionist Jewish terrorist incidents around the world in last 10 years.

        • +7

          You can get about 20 in Palestine dating back to 1948, the nakba? King David hotel bombing is a good one here read https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing

          I’m glad u asked.

          2018 Palestinian protest over 200 unarmed people killled

          • +2

            @Hay09: So the Islamists are spreading the love all around the world. Glad it's not the Zionists. BTW, I will feel safe living amongst the Zionists as opposed to living amongst the Islamists.

            • +4

              @RSmith: 2023 daily killing of innocents in Palestine! Most recent terror attack by Zionist occupation

              • +2

                @Hay09: Hamas terrorists are not innocent.

                • +1

                  @RSmith: What are you talking about? Lol where did I say they were? Ur that blindsided and in disbelief that ur trying ur out most best to push the agenda that israel are the “good” guys. Anyone that is well educated in this conflict understands otherwise. Get a grip.

          • +1


            King David hotel bombing

            The early Zionists used brutal terrorism on many, many occasions to force change and gain power and land.
            A few of these Zionist terrorists even went on to be in the Israeli government.

        • +2

          Turn on the news and you’ll see daily violence towards Palestinians civilians and civilian infrastructure for political and religious ideologies of Israel. That by definition is terrorism.

          • +1

            @gamemaster: Punishing stone throwers and other attackers is called self defence, not terrorism.

            • +1

              @RSmith: Killing innocent children isn’t self defence.

              How many children are you comfortable being killed? 10? 100? 1000? All of them?

              • @gamemaster: Have all of them died?

                Why don't you blame Hamas for using children as human shield?

                • +2

                  @RSmith: Human shield is an Israeli propaganda and lie. No proof of that claims exists. In any case there is no justification of killing innocent people even if trying to kill hamas. Try again.

            • +1

              @RSmith: Just wow. Another new low mentality. You need to reset your life and go to school

            • +1

              @RSmith: 75 years in an offensive position.. it doesn’t make sense logically to call anything they do self defence. It’s like a rapist calling his motive self defence. Those little new born babies are not rock throwers, and if u see them as “human” shields just imagine it was ur own baby, would u still sacrifice them as such? Don’t think so unless u got a sick twisted mind that is unable to show empathy to killing of innocent children based on their nationality or religion, that would categorise u as a racist my friend, not something to be proud of.

        • +1

          Everyone in the IDF and satanyahu and all the Zionist politicians and ministers

      • One hadith quoted by Hamas and some islamic government to advocate for the genocide of Jews:

        Narrated Abu Huraira:

        Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."

        Sahih al-Bukhari 2926

        • Yalkut 245c: Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.

          • +1

            @alidli: This is from a Jewish religious book not Muslim by the way.

        • +2

          Why did you use a selective quote? Why not quote the context? Comical.

        • +1

          Don’t take a quote out of context, you can literally do that with any book.

          I’m Islam there are many conditions to a war. First being non combatants are not to be hurt !, trees can’t be damaged, kids can’t be hurt, no looting, no mitigating dead bodies, it is prohibited to kill anyone that’s tied, burning is also prohibited.

          If you don’t have knowledge please don’t try and use it to your advantage

          • @sarah965: It is reported on the authority of Sa'b b. Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (ﷺ), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said:

            They are from them.

            Sahih Muslim 1745a

            • +1

              @gto21: Again you’ve taken that completely out of context. If you’re gonna copy paste things Atleast research in to it. Do you know for every quote there is an explanation and understanding

              It is narrated by Ibn 'Umar that a woman was found killed in one of these battles; so the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) forbade the killing of women and children.
              Sahih Muslim 1744

              The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said that “He is not of us who does not have mercy on young children, nor honor the elderly" (Al-Tirmidhi)

              Whoever kills a soul, without [its being guilty of] manslaughter or corruption on the earth, is as though he had killed all mankind, and whoever saves a life is as though he had saved all mankind. (5:32)Quran

              Those who are not generally engaged in fighting – like women, children, the elderly, the handicapped, and others who do not participate in the fighting – are not to be killed. The Prophet (peace be upon him) prohibited this. His prohibition of the killing of women and children is clearly related by Ibn `Umar in Sahîh al-Bukhârî (3015) and Sahîh Muslim (1744).

              • -1

                @sarah965: Muhammad seems indifferent when women and children are being killed in the process. Read slowly what he said: "they are from them." Let that sink in.

                • +1

                  @gto21: You don’t have a right to cherry pick and take this out of context from a holy book.

                  If you’re doing that why don’t you quote Netanyahu ? ‘
                  “ attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”

                  • @sarah965: That's a holy war by Allah. It's in Chapter 2 of the Quran. The King is supposedly Saul and the prophet is Samuel.

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