Comments / Feedback / Suggestions Thread 2024

New year — new feedback post. Please use this post to submit feedbacks and request features. Again, no guarantee that requests will be responded or implemented, and often feature requests can take months to be pushed out, when there are other issues blocking them.

Similar posts in the past: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, and 2018.

The majority of things you see, as well as policies on OzBargain, were implemented based on user feedback. Please see the Site & Guideline Updates Announcement Thread to keep up to date with the changes/features that we implement as they are added.


            • @GoIdDigger: I can't locate what wisdomtooth is referring to but I believe sorting by "score" is on the to-do list. See 2018 comment.

              Also there is this functionality with the floating comments bar where you can see the top voted comments in a thread, OP comments, rep, etc.


              • +1

                @neil: Thanks mate! I didn't know this

              • @neil: Here is when I last suggested it.

                • @wisdomtooth: You sure that's it?

                  You said:

                  I suggested that a few years ago, and got shout… er… told by an OB mod/dev in no uncertain terms they'd never adopt reddit's commenting UI.

                  and Scotty wrote what I wrote (without the gif):

                  On a node page you can click on the 3-dot menu at the bottom of the page & "Show Most Voted Comments"

      • +2

        I like reading all the comments, in chronological order.

        Reddit's commenting layout is sometimes confusing,
        and also at times, too many levels deep, that it branches out into new pages.

        I like OzB's +3 layers of commenting.

        • +1

          I think the suggestion is basically to sort — or allow sorting — by criteria other than chronological order: most upvoted, most downvoted, most voted, most controversial (i.e. |upvotes–downvotes|/(upvotes+downvotes), etc. Not so much related to the indenting of the thread levels.

    • +1

      I would like if, when you went to the next page of comments (because a thread has over 100) it wouldn't wipe the orange "New" box that appears next to them if they were created since your last visit

      On some popular threads I can't read fast enough and want to see all the juicy new opinions without reading the old dusty ones (unless I need context)

  • +10

    Auto removal of ?si= URL parameter in YouTube links. This URL parameter is added whenever a video is shared and contains a unique ID likely for tracking purposes. si most likely stands for "share id"

    Here's an example of a comment that has this si parameter

    • +3

      Ohh. Yes. This reminds me also with Aliexpress. If a link is posted surely a line of code can truncate the affiliate part and just show the raw link to the product.

      • I think Scotty replied me in another thread to say not possible for auto process of url for Amazon and AliExpress

        • That makes sense. Cheers

      • +3

        Getting rid of vi. at the start of the AliExpress URLs would be the best. People keep clicking on affiliate links around the place set to the Vietnam region. You'll see English until you hit a store page and then it's all in Vietnamese.

        At least I'm getting fluent in reading Vietnamese now.

    • +1

      Also, if there's a way to remove "?fbclid=" and "?gclid=" from any URL posted on this website.

      Those are FB & G trackers and it's a pet peeve of mine, to see links with that appended.

      • -1

        In fact, removing (mostly) all url parameters would also almost always resolve the issue of pasting affiliate links on the site (instead of scolding the user for doing verboten).

        • I'm not requesting removing affiliate links.

          I just don't like "fbclid" and the like.
          If you start noticing this, you'll find them in many, many places.

          • +1


            I'm not requesting removing affiliate links.

            No need; it's already banned.

            But, instead of scolding the user; the site could just remove it. In most instances, it's just a matter of removing the url parameters; in some — e.g. Amazon, AliEx — it's a bit more involved — the link is shortened, and needs to be resolved by the store site — but I'm pretty sure it's doable too.

            • @wisdomtooth: I don't know who does the 'scolding', as it not me;
              nor do I neg people's comments (which I have never done).

              For those Amazon, AliEx and eBay links, I just remove everything manually anyway,
              from memory, eg.:
              Amazon has the item number from "/dp/…"
              eBay has the item number from "/itm/…",

              I just like seeing those shorter URLs,
              but for "fbclid" and "gclid", they are watching other things :-\

  • When I attempt to remove a product from showing up in deals, it appears to be taking a while and sometimes still shows up. Recent examples are protein powders and prams.

    Could tag recommendations also be implemented as sellers can bypass blocked product filters easily by not applying these tags. Recent example is again, protein powders.

  • +8

    The ability to automatically "JV" a comment or post which randomly bolds words for you.

    • Are you asking for the ability to people to write their own bots,
      and incorporate them into the OzB API system a la Reddit ?

  • Can we have a user's default search preferences saved please, eg search deals only and always sort by post date and option:titleonly

    • I mean, maybe not monetization, but rewards such as a monthly raffle etc, much like what PetrolSpy does for contributors.

      • -6

        don't treat us like soccer moms.
        cash only.

        • Ozcoin.

        • +5

          I posted this deal recently, it went from <200 units sold to over 800 sold to sold out, which is at least $130k in sales. When do I get my cheque? Oh wait, that's not how sharing a link on a website works…

    • +7

      That already exists. You just don’t contribute enough to know about it.

    • Papa Elon has the hookup you need @SpicyStew, if you can beat all the bots to it.

    • +4

      No one's being forced to post. The whole point of this site is to share bargains. Once it's 'monetised', you'll see an influx of useless posts.

      Heck some users will be posting their own products on discount and then being rewarded for it. Yeh nah.

  • online black jack?

  • Probably been suggested before but a price tracker would be super handy

    • +1

      Like that?

      • +1

        Yes but displayed on deals automatically

        • -4

          Yeah, that was the idea.

          It fell on deaf ears, it seems.

          • +3


            It fell on deaf ears, it seems.

            Scotty literally replied to you in that saying it will be too much work for him. How is that on deaf ears?

            Poor effort trying to call people out when you ignore their reply and then pretend like they ignored it.

            • @CodeXD: what if it was user submitted? too much cleaning up for mods?

              • +1

                @belongsinforums: Users can barely get the title right lol there are a lot of comments with "add price to title" or "where is the deal?"

              • @belongsinforums: Well, that Google sheet still works, parsing the prices from the titles — it shouldn't be too hard replicating its logic. Malformed titles don't enter the tracker, of course.

                • @wisdomtooth: What if price was an input separate to the title?

                  • @belongsinforums: That'd be ideal — sorta — but people would argue many deals have more than one price, for different models of the same product, e.g. flight deals, or for different delivery options, etc. There sure is a data structure to accommodate all that but, regardless, that's not how the data is currently structured. And restructuring gigabytes of data is a massive job.

  • An official chatroom

  • Can we please ban any post with "political intention". Ozbargain should be just as apolitical as possible please.

    • -2

      Good luck but, everything is political.Even your comments request.
      Hate speech should be banned. Not dressed up as free speech.
      I agree that obvious clickbait nutjob posts should be banned from the get go. There's all sorts of fictional scenario posted deliberately to ostracise and inflame and stereotype.(neighbours being a classic chumming topic)
      Sadly that precedent has been set and approved as OK.

      • hate speech



        I didn't neg you.

    • +1

      I’d settle for banning culture war bs.

      If it’s only an issue because it’s what US grifters are talking about, it really doesn’t need to be here.

      • +1

        What's wrong with banning oneself from getting involved in it? What compels to ban others, under whatever criteria, instead?

        • The crowd that sort of stuff attracts invariably makes a community worse.

    • +2

      That ship sailed a long time ago.

      Political discussion has been a mainstay of OzBargain since pretty much day one and like it or not, it definitely draws viewers and contributes to the site's ever-increasing popularity without which, it just wouldn't be the same in terms of the mix of personalities and the variety of topics that are found here. That and the fairly unregulated nature of OzBargain's forums, relative to cesspools like Reddit or Whirlpool where the mods are psychotic control freaks, gives rise to some fairly memorable and open discussions.

      You come for the bargains, you stay for the political shit-fighting (TM).

    • This is a discussion forum; people come here to discuss. Many of us do want to discuss consumer rights, laws, companies policies, etc. If those don't interest you, you can just scroll past them.

  • All I’d like is a free ozbargain t shirt

    • +1

      Me too

      Hell I’d pay for it

      • +2

        I heard scotty is going to start sending them out for free when you hit 10 years as a member.

  • +12

    The default search sort should be Post Date, not Relevance. Every time I search, I need to change the sort, because Relavance is not the newest post.

  • +1

    Some filters for search results and list views like voted would be useful.

    For example by year/month, poster, category, voted.

    On occasion, I've looked for deals I've voted on and purchased a few years ago. I often resort to using Google and a date range search.

  • +5

    Bro we need a review features for products.

    • +1

      OzB users are an astute bunch,
      and the reviews would be better than ProductReview.

      However, it's going to be a nightmare to regulate,
      handle disputes and allegations, etc.
      because the reviews can attribute to defamation too.

  • -2

    Delete the forum.

    • +2

      Oh, but then we won't be able to see all your negative apathetic comments!

      • -2

        I’m very empathetic, just not towards narcissistic, entitled idiots.
        I’d be a terrible nurse if I wasn’t (-:

        • I'm sure going by how you are on here that your bedside manner is terrible. My condolences for the poor people under your care.

          • -2

            @kerfuffle: Quite the opposite actually. I’m paid to do a job and I do it well. Unlike you and most other people in here I’m sure.

        • +1

          If you were a real nurse you’d know at least 50% of your patients are narcissistic, entitled idiots (as per the general population) and that you’re still meant to at least pretend to be empathetic.

          • -1

            @morse: “Real Nurse” haha.
            In my field, it’s more like 90%, so I think I know how to pretend to be empathetic. Thanks for the tip though.

  • +1

    Forum posts which are obvious jokes to be moved to a Joke forum.

    Posts such as this one….

  • -1

    an [intro] tag, for introductory offers.

    also, bring back giphy integration.
    i know it was only for april fools, but i really liked it.

  • -2

    Ban JV

    • +2

      This would literally break the site's backend code.

      JV isnt so much a person as it is a shell account for OzBargain Premium subscribers to log into to make troll comments to protect their regular account from the Penalty Box.

  • +1

    A way to hide cashback deals similar to how SUBS can be hidden.

    • Couldn't you just hide all posts from Shopback, TopCashback and Cashrewards?

      • That's a good idea.

        But also, aren't new ones (companies offering this) popping up all the time?

        • +1

          Yeah but they don't usually last long 🙃

  • Cant see sub-categories in mobile view, only in desktop view. For example: i am able to click DEALS > COMPUTING > LAPTOP but only in desktop mode. In mobile im only able to drilldown to COMPUTING. I cant see all the other subcategories to select such as LAPTOP, LCD MONITOR, ETC.

  • +7

    The need for "($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend)" on every amazon deal title seems totally unecessary. There must be a better way somehow to capture this info than in the title.

  • +4

    Make DDR5 (and probably DDR4) a subscribable tag. RAM as a category doesn't really cut it as most users would probably be looking for specific types of RAM.

    • You can create search alerts as a work around. For example if you were specifically after DDR5 CL40 try this as a search alert.

  • +1

    Do posts under deals get posted to main page by some algorithm or by a mod? If by a mod can we please see the time difference from when the post was attached to main page from deals. I'd like to get a general metric-like idea how quick OOS appears for items from the time they get moved to main page, when I randomly check site for deals etc :)

    • It's triggered by amounts of votes.

      • +1

        No it's not. Rice had 20+, on main page. Maxwell cr2032 battery's had 37+, and not on main page. Unless mods remove deals regularly on main page.

        • +1

          It’s how many votes within a time period. Not sure of the formula but say 20votes in 10mins vs 2hrs. Worth noting that deals posted at 3-4am often don’t make the front page as not many people online to vote for them. So maybe formula should also reflect votes as percentage of people online at time as well.

        • If a deal gains votes rapidly the system takes that into account and will push it on the front page. This means a deal can have <30 votes but still hit FP. Explained here.


          let v = positive votes - negative votes (total number of votes). let m = minimum votes (default=30)

          A deal will be on the front page if

          • v >= m, or

          • v >= m /2 + (current time - deal posting time) / rate

          Currently rate is that for every 30 minutes, new deals need one more vote above m /2 to be on the front page. Due to the way rounding works, a deal needs

          • Only 16 votes to be on the front page within the first 30 minutes

          • 17 votes if it has been posted for more than 30 minutes but less than an hour

          • 18 votes if more than an hour but less than 1 1/2 hours

          • 19 votes if …

          m would be different if you have changed your front page minimum votes, but basically that's how it works behind the scene to bring recently posted deals to the front page even when it does not have enough votes.

  • +1

    As many of us travel overseas, could you keep a regular heading for duty free shopping. It can be used to compare prices prior to or during travel. ie price of JW black in singapore/malaysia etc and in what quantity ie how many ml bottle. Just like keeping a page for pizza coupons, this page could be updated regularly for popular items and travellers could post prices for less popular items if requests and time permits.

  • +1

    Can we please help our old friend -> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    His right foreman is missing sometimes… ¯_(ツ)_/¯


    • No! (╯°□°)╯︵ \

      • Yes! / ノ( ゜-゜ノ)

    • Asking for all the right improvements :-)

  • +1

    I’ve suggested this before but since you’re asking - location based categories. Eg Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Newcastle etc. I’m thinking primarily for dining, accommodation and entertainment deals that are specific to that location. Or an ability to subscribe to tags with mandatory tagging for location based deals. I tried subscribing to ‘QLD’ and ‘Good Coast’ for email alerts and it isn’t specific enough. Ideally you’d click on say ‘Melbourne’ and it would up with all the deal specific to Melbourne, like pub meal deals, happy hours, discount movie tickets or whatever. I see this being helpful if you lived in or were travelling to that destination. Id imagine a lot of these deals would be long running

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