Got an Interview at McDonald's. How Do I Quit or Prepare for It?

Hi, I am a high school student, who had nothing better to do so I decided to apply for jobs.

I managed to get an interview for Mcdonald's however I can only work only 3 weeks as that is all I have left for the holidays. Should I respond to the email containing the interview information, and let them know? Do I tell them at the interview or should I give them a notice after 2 weeks of working if I do get a job. Fairwork says it is a minimum of 1 week notice to quit a job.

On a side note, what should I do to prepare for my interview because I have no clue.

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  • +1

    memorise the bigmac ingredients (….like we did in the 1980s)

  • +12

    Do the training and the you'll be ready to pick up casual work for the next holidays

  • +9

    Do not waste the interviewer's time if you plan to quit. Just say something like due to unforseen circumstances you are unable to attend the interview but hope to have the opportunity again for an interview in the future.

  • +18

    So why can only work 3 weeks?
    Why can't you work after school and on weekends?

    • +24

      Kids are soft these days.

      • +3

        I blame the parents.

        • I blame the grandparents. They created the parents

    • +2

      Has to work a second job to make ends meet in this crazy economy

  • +9

    On a side note, what should I do to prepare for my interview because I have no clue.

    Practice using “Mc” liberally as a McPrefix.

    Also remember your biggest McWeakness is that you are too McDedicated.

    • +3

      Tell us about a McTime where you worked effectively as a McTeam

    • +1

      I do offer advanced, paid courses in this area (scam courses of course).

  • +8

    Just mention in your interview you know how to pack an order with half the items missing so the return on investment doubles. They will promote you on day 1

  • +6

    They won't bother training you if you're only going to work 3 weeks, but Maccas are pretty flexible when it comes to shifts.

    If you select your hours appropriately you could finish school at 3, hop on a bus and then start work at 4. Work until 7/8/9 and get picked up or bus home. On weekends there are plenty of 3-8 hour shifts available. You're under 17, so you're basically guaranteed as much work as you want.

    Also food is 50% off when you are working and 20% when you're not, so even more incentive to stick it out.

  • +2

    By the time you attend an interview, and then with onboarding, training etc (even though i'm not overly familiar with McD time frames) you'll be lucky to be rostered a shift or two in the 3 week period. Don't waste your time or theirs honestly, just contact them advising due to unforseen circumstances you are withdrawing your application at this time.

  • +4

    Post is too well written for a teenager. I'm calling BS.

    • +1

      Thank you for the compliment Muzeeb. I appreciate it alot. Why would I try to make some convulated scheme in order to trick people to think I was a teenager who wanted to work at McDonald's. This isn't Reddit after all.

      • +2

        Trolls can easily identify other trolls.


        Then again, I've been wrong plenty of times in the past.

        • +2

          This is such an incredibly weird thing to troll about. I was asking for real advice or tips. If you don't want to believe me, then don't but please answer on the off chance that I am a teenager (according to you).

          • +2

            @UnsureMacasInterview: That makes sense. All the best with your interview.

            I'm impressed by your comprehension skills for a teenager.

            • @Muzeeb: Thank you! That means a lot to me. When writing English essays, it helps to use high modality word and have great comprehension skills. Do you have any advice or tips. I would much rather have it on the preparing aspect than the quitting one, which everyone seems to be focusing on.

            • @Muzeeb: He must be using a very good spellchecker.
              And you must be using a very good smellchecker to sniff out trolls.

              • @Derrick Crane: I will admit I have used the inbuilt spell checker however I don't exclusively use it. That is how I made spelling errors like "alot" as Pegaxs mentioned or "convulated".

        • -1

          You were complimented for outing a troll, by the troll. Should be a badge.

      • +2


        And just like that, "well written" is again off the table…

      • Why don't you ask the predators the cops catch out on line?.

      • I appreciate it alot [sic].

        Nice try, but too late to insert grammatical errors. The gig is up, boomer!

  • +3

    Username checks out

  • +5

    Putting the joke comments aside. McDonalds is a great first job. It also looks good on your resume for future jobs because of the leadership, time-management and business skill McDonalds teaches the relatively younger staff.

    Yes, you only have 3 weeks of school holidays left, don't let that put you off as they would have known that by your resume. They hire school ages people all the time and can often work around school times (because usually they are busier after school/evenings anyway and need more staff on then rather than during school). Doing several hours in the evenings after school, or a weekend shift would be totally acceptable. Just be honest with your arability during school hours.

    As far as how to prepare. Again, it's an entry level/first time job. So they won't be expecting too much from you. They just want to get to know who you are, what your plans/goals are and how well you work with others in a team. If you have some examples of previous teamwork from school projects or sport then make sure to highlight them in the interview. Be yourself, but also respectful to the leadership. That's all they are really looking for.

    • +3

      In my experience, having once had teenage kids, just turning up to the interview is guaranteed success.

      They just want to know that you exist and have half a chance of turning up.

      • Is being a no show for a job interview really that common for teenagers to do?

  • Apply for woolworths, pays better and you won't hate going to work every shift.

  • There's a type of shift called casual, which give you flexibility, employer check everyone's block out date and plan shift accordingly for the up coming week or week after.

    I almost landed an offer in the company who develop macca's timesheet system back in when I was a grad, at some stage they gifted me a heat-insulated water bottle with their logo on it, and I use it at work (different firm) till this day, lol.

    you could attend the interview and let them know that your school holiday is ending soon, but you can still try to do late afternoon shift or weekend shift.

  • +3
    1. Show up
    2. Spell your name right on the application sheet
    3. Have a firm handshake with direct eye contact.
    4. Acquire job.
    • +2

      You can nearly always skip steps 2 and 3 to achieve induction kpi targets at Maccas.

      • You make a good point.
        Hardly like they'll be like "we can't afford to pay you $6 an hour"

        I honestly think Ubereats would pay better, although you wouldn't get the training and "team based atmosphere"

        • How old are you? 70?

          Just FYI, at McDonald’s,
          16yo - >$16
          20yo - >$29

          • @smpantsonfire: Twas an exaggeration
            Still <16 is a minimum $9.10 an hour, so not far off

            • @Drakesy: Just a little bit.

              Full time wage yes, but a casual level 2 under 16 is $13.09.

    • -1

      You missed step 1.
      1. Exist

  • +2

    Could work on weekends + one or two week shifts. If you manage to save let's say $2 grand and put that away somewhere it will help a lot in the future. Also decide if you want to work at all vs study harder and get a better job eventually.

  • +2

    Is there a reason you can't work evenings or on the weekend? That's what most school-age people do at Maccas.

    If you aren't willing to do evenings/weekends, then cancel the interview, it's a waste of everyone's time. Also, if you are successful, you don't usually get hired and train immediately. Training could be 1-2 weeks after being hired.

    • -2

      There's a difference between being physically 'school aged' and adult, but intellectually school aged.

    • +1

      I've got tuition as well as hobbies and activities such as Scouts. Also in term 1, I've been warned that the two of the assignments in term 1 will be some of the most time consuming. One of them is having to design a video game from scratch and I am not sure about the other.

      • -2

        Hey chatgpt,

        Design me a video game using [insert_code_language] about flipping virtual burgers. The person who flips the most burgers wins a virtual small fries.

        Too easy.

        program FlipHamburger;

        SDL, SDL_Image;

        SCREEN_WIDTH = 800;
        SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600;
        SCREEN_BPP = 32;

        screen: PSDL_Surface;
        hamburger: PSDL_Surface;
        flip: boolean;
        event: TSDL_Event;
        quit: boolean;

        procedure Init;
        // Initialize SDL
        // Set up the screen
        // Load the hamburger image
        hamburger := IMG_Load('hamburger.png');
        // Set the initial flip state to false
        flip := false;
        // Set the quit flag to false
        quit := false;

        procedure CleanUp;
        // Free the hamburger image
        // Quit SDL

        procedure HandleEvents;
        // Poll for events
        while SDL_PollEvent(@event) <> 0 do
        // If the user has Xed out the window
        if event.type_ = SDL_QUIT then
        // Quit the program
        quit := true;
        // If the user pressed a key
        if event.type_ = SDL_KEYDOWN then
        // If the user pressed the space key
        if event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_SPACE then
        // Toggle the flip state
        flip := not flip;

        procedure Draw;
        rect: TSDL_Rect;
        // Fill the screen with black
        SDL_FillRect(screen, nil, 0);
        // Set the position of the hamburger
        rect.x := (SCREEN_WIDTH - hamburger^.w) div 2;
        rect.y := (SCREEN_HEIGHT - hamburger^.h) div 2;
        // If the flip state is true
        if flip then
        // Draw the hamburger flipped vertically
        SDL_BlitSurface(hamburger, nil, screen, @rect, SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL)
        // Draw the hamburger normally
        SDL_BlitSurface(hamburger, nil, screen, @rect);
        // Update the screen

        // Initialize the game
        // Main game loop
        while not quit do
        // Handle events
        // Draw the game
        // Clean up the game

  • -1

    Just make sure you're mclovin it

  • +1

    It should be obvious to the interviewer that you'll be going back to school in three weeks if they know your age. If you want the job then go for it.

  • -1

    Tell them you know Ronnie.

  • How 'Not To Start Your Employment Career' was my first thought….. my second was not so polite.

    At your age, you should be asking your parents, not here. But, cudos for asking for advise at your age, although I still prefer you go ask your parents.

    Why can't you do some part time while at school? In the end, do the right thing just in-case you ask them for another position down the track.

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