• expired

Tesla Model Y Inventory: RWD fr $63,780 (Was $65,700), LR fr $71,970 (Was $74,700), Perf. fr $82,210 (Was $84,700) + ORC @ Tesla


First post. Looks like the Tesla Model Y's pricing is going down and down as they are trying to clear out stocks with silver wheel caps and no HW4.

Note: These pricing are based on white colour (which may not be available in all locations)

Model Y RWD from $61,980
Model Y LR from $70,170
Model Y Performance from $80,410

$400 Order fee
$1,400 Delivery fee
On-road cost (varies with state)
Estimated delivery: Should be quite fast as it is inventory stock

*Updated title to include delivery fee and order fee.

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closed Comments

    • +1

      Once more and more second hand evs start hitting the market we will see more of an incentive to purchase them.

      There are already a few incentives even if you buy new:
      - Cheaper running costs
      - Little to no servicing/maintenance
      - Tax write offs for businesses

      Once second hand evs come into the mix more and more. People would consider the advantages of going electric vs petrol. EVs are a smarter financial investment compared to ICE cars if and only if they are both prices equally.

      • Who would be stupid enough to buy a used EV not knowing if the battery is about to shit itself for not.

        • +3

          Clearly you havent done your research. Most EV batteries have warranties till 8 years or 180k km. If you were buying an ICE car at that point you'd be worried about a lot more issues.

          Batteries are also tested to last 500k. Thats not to say something cant go wrong with them. But the same could be argued about an engine, transmission, and the thousand other components within an ICE car.

          Also a replacement battery for a Model 3 RWD cost about 13k as of the last quote I saw. Given that you would only pay this outside of warranty, the money saved from lack of servicing, fuel and maintenance would probably equate to that much anyway. Again thats if the battery even goes faulty. Not to mention that the cost of batteries is falling significantly and as more cars are on the road, more spare parts become available.

          Recently someone completed 2 million kms in their Model S with three total battery replacements. Meaning on average they replaced their batteries around 666,666km. Much longer than other ICE cars.

          I'd suggest you do your own research, but a lot of people have pre-set sentiments about EVs (mostly coming from FUD from media).

        • The same kind of people who would take out a car loan to buy a 15 year old base model poverty pack 'prestige' Euro car.

  • +1

    This will bring down used EV car prices for all brands, not just Tesla. Great for the consumers.

  • +1

    Any benefit of having AWD over RWD other than the speed and range? not driving in snow. Its for regular everyday use. And so stability on a slippery roads would be important.

    • -2

      stability on a slippery roads

      Awd or rwd… Just slow down. You might be the respawn of Senna but there are other drivers out there. Do us a fav and keep us safe too

      • +3

        Not sure why you automatically assume you need to be driving like an F1 driver to experience bad traction/stability.

        You could be driving the speed limit on any type of road and aquaplane.
        Or you might need to avoid an animal or another car and swerve.

        Common misconception is that if you drive like a granny, you're immune from all danger.

        • -3

          Like I said mate just slow down. Granny or spawn of Senna, DILLIGAF

  • +1

    Is it just me, or is the Tesla Model Y the ugly duckling of the range?

    • +1

      Not just you. They look awful with the basic option wheels. The Uberturbine wheels on the Performance make a big difference though.

    • The next Model Y update will come around end of the year. it will share similar designs as the highland so no more duck face/ carp face with the new models.

  • +1

    In the midst of all this price cuts from MG, GWM and Tesla. BYD hasn’t made their move yet. Puzzling 🤔 indeed

    • +1

      They should drop the price of the Atto 3 to around $40k imo. Thats what the car is worth, rather than keeping their $20k mark up compared to the Chinese domestic price.

      • Agreed. Definitely need a price drop

    • +1

      Yeah, was wondering if they would increase their $2k rebate on the 2023 plate Atto3 after it finished 31st March, but seems they've cut it altogether!

  • +1

    James May says it best


    He’s neither a lover or hater of EVs. Seems like a very unbiased view based on actual experience

  • I've been thinking about buying an EV for my Canberra-Sydney commutes, but also wanted to keep my current diesel potter for camping trips where I need to go off road.

    Not very cost effective to keep both however, esp. with rego and insurance. Would be great if there was a way to activate rego/insurance for a few days rather than paying for a whole year where I wouldn't use it as much.

    • buy something on club rego?

    • Car rentals LOL

    • This is a common problem. I've always thought that it was BS that you need to have insurance and rego linked to a car. i personally believe that insurance and rego should be linked to a drivers license (with the exception of every vehicle requiring to be road compliant like via a blueslip etc). It really penalises people that own multiple vehicles.

    • +1

      However to try and solve your problem. Depending on the age of your "diesel potter" you could potentially go down the route of having something with club/historic/classic vehicle rego. This is something i have certainly been considering for 4wd ventures.

    • you will have to charge it at least once on this route, ie have some snacks yourself and feed it true.

  • Is there any incentive offer in NSW?

  • -1

    ROFL is this deal for real? A $64k "bargain" lolol

  • +1

    Getting the Kia EV5 customers into the Model Y before it arrives.
    So would assume the EV 5 would be around the $67k at best

  • Any thoughts on how well it would work via Novated lease in NSW?

    • +1

      Save 10% GST
      Save 32.% Marginal tax rate probably.

      On car and all running costs inc power and insurance.

      Plus can be 100% use with no log book.

  • +2

    Are these the models with actual parking sensors (based on LIDAR or RADAR or infrared etc) instead of the crappy camera based system you get on the latest version?

    • +2

      no sensors.
      they overuse vision based processing which is not advanced enough at this time.

      • I watched Ludicrous Feed's review about the vision based parking sensors and the distance to the obstacle (in his video, the obstacle it was a wall at a shopping centre car park) quoted on the main screen is way off. I'm genuinely impressed with how far FSD has come, but I don't understand how FSD works well for the most part when the vision based system can't calculate a simple distance to the wall.

  • +5

    Hi all
    Owner of byd atto3 and petrol and diesel cars. Love the ev. Have never charged anywhere but work or home. Has done approx 20000km.
    Dont listen to the costs comparison rubbish as 90% of your time will charge from home.
    We have solar which helps but in the event doesnt charge from solar. Agl and others offer an ev rate from midnight till 6am 8 cents. Thats approx $5 to charge or less if solar.
    Insurance increase did surprise given car value is approx 43k. Car has been faultess, for ev i dont love front wheel drive but only notice the tug on hard accel.
    V2l is very handy. Would love vehicle to grid but markets not ready yet.
    It powered our coffee machine internt and fridge for 4 days using approx 30%. With pure silence.

    Unfortunately evs will depreciate more in my opinion, more so to do with the rapid evolution. Much like a phone, this doesnt make them bad just reality. The next gen will go further on less power and probably for less. The tech on the car is better than most other cars ive been in.
    We ran it out of power as we forgot the charger the other day. I towed it 5km and the re gen gave it 3% range. Very easy to do with full braking assitance and power steer. Just dragged the brake and it charged.

    To me hard to see an ice future as evs will get 20% better every year.
    My next purchase will be based around vehicle to grid power as we dont have much luck with ausnet.
    Our ev efficiency isnt great over 90kph but it is in a league of its own in hills or traffic.

    Keep it constructive everyone we all love this site.

    • I towed it 5km and the re gen gave it 3% range. Very easy to do with full braking assitance and power steer

      as in you had someone pull your car whilst you had your foot firmly on the brake???

      • I have the same question!

      • +1

        Hi wasnt very clear.
        The brakes work with full assistance. With an ice car if motor is not running the brakes are extremly heavy ie no power assistance. In the ev the brakes behave like normal when the battery was dead flat. To charge you need regen braking so in this case i applied approx 20 % braking.

        Not the best option to charge but better than a tow truck. My wife was near by with her car so was no stress for us and nice to know it was very easy.

  • +1

    Referral Benefits are Ending on April 30, 2024

    Sad :( I was hoping to get some free Supercharging for the next holiday…

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