POC Omne Lite Road Bike Helmet $99.99 (Save $190) + Free Shipping @ BikesOnline


Only $99.99, on special from $290.
What an incredible deal on this POC road helmet.

In the lead up to EOFY, here's an epic early deal for you.


  • Lightweight
  • Lightweight adjustment system
  • Whole-head ventilation channels
  • Scaled-back PC shell

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  • +9

    Good brand and price, would never buy a helmet without MIPS though.

    • +2

      Seems like a very contentious feature

      • +5

        Not contentious really? Man believe it adds little or nothing, and some bias research says it adds something. None say its worse. So when its often same cost, may as well have it.

        • +4

          Agree, MIPS is not contentious at all. The vast majority of research suggests MIPS and SPIN significantly lower rotational injury risk.

          Helmet design can also assist in reducing the transfer of rotational forces, hence "high spec" non-MIPS helmets feature high on the Virginia Tech ratings list.

          • -4

            @Igaf: Mips are over rated.
            Helmets are too, if you weren't racing elbow to elbow, or riding to make youtube clips, which helmet can be rated against a weaponised vehicle?

            For day to day use, the main reason for helmets in Australia is stopping the police harassment, fine$ & victim blaming.
            Hence ; Criteria 1 is the AusNz sticker.
            Criteria below that are all personal preferences; for me:
            Criteria 2 is as light as possible , for the $ spent, since my neck is carrying it.

            • -1

              @utopia: You'll probably be down voted by the masses but…yep, you're right for 99% of cases.

              I'll add one anecdote though: the first time I got hit, T-boned and knocked from the bike lane, across two lanes of traffic onto the island. My helmet was broken into pieces from the impact of the landing but I think I had more shock than concussion..so good for those secondary impacts.

              • +2

                @Assburg: Sounds like you're lucky to be still with us, in no small part due to the helmet. I'll add two more anecdotes, neither of which involve third parties or vehicles. 1- Workmate hit a crack in the road (masked by a shadow) commuting to work and was catapulted over his handlebars. Suffered major concussion injuries and an elbow injury. Took months to "recover" from the head trauma, but he suffered a level of cognitive impairment for years after. Doctors told him his helmet probably saved his life. 2 - Friend's husband is an amateur enthusiast. He was out doing some training last year and a similar thing happened. His head injury resulted from an impact at speed - hand, arm, and head trauma and 6 months off work. The bones and flesh healed pretty quickly but the head trauma affected his ability to function properly. Two things they didn't expect occurred - extreme tiredness even though he was a very physically fit person, and significant mood swings. Fifteen months on and he's still not 100%.

                Risk mgt is pretty basic when boiled down. If the likelihood is small but the potential outcome could be catastrophic then overall the risk would be categoried as high-very high. The efficacy of helmets - which weigh almost nothing and cost sfa relatively speaking - is well documented, as is the reduction of rotational injury forces by MIPS.

            • +3

              @utopia: Ridiculous thing to say. I slid through mud once losing the front end and smacked my head against the wall next to me. Was a good whack but I was completely fine because I had a helmet on. If I'd not been wearing one I'd have been guaranteed a head injury of some description. You don't need to be sharing the road or racing to be in a situation that could easily cause serious injury. Wear whatever you want, or don't, but don't be so ignorant as to describe wearing a helmet as overrated. Please.

            • +2

              @utopia: fell off and smacked my head hard on a wooden fence. can tell you i wouldnt be here if i wasnt wearing a helmet

  • +1

    I also look for Snell Certification myself

  • +1

    What makes this helmet worth more than $20 Kmart one?

  • +1

    Bicycle helmets sit in the same category as kitchen knives when it comes to RRP. They all seem to have super high prices, but are constantly on discount.

    • Bicycle helmets have a shelf life, similar to kid’s car seats

  • +2

    For a helmet without MIPS or alternative the RRP is very high. I just bought a Lazer Sphere MIPS for $94 as a price beat. I think it is a better value.

    • +1

      Do you mind sharing from where?

      • Giant has some MIPS models in $75-80 range (RRP).

      • $99.99 at Pushy's, possibly price matched elsewhere.

    • +1

      Good buy. #34 (excellent) on the VT list.

      Specialized has two MIPS models under $90, one of which is even higher rated (it's pretty marginal among the top 100 or so, which are all 5 star).
      Limited sizes (XL only from memory) for the $49 discounted Align II (#17 onn VT) but most sizes for full priced white and fluoro yellow.
      The Echelon II MIPS (#90 on VT) $80 down from $140 has most sizes available.

      • +1

        Yes, but they also have not tested lots of different brands and models. Where are HJC? Ekoi? Etc…

        • +1

          Agree, thousands are missing and it's probable that many would rate well.

          There's years of work involved in what VT already does - which is more than test bicycle helmets. This link will give you some idea: https://news.vt.edu/articles/2018/06/ictas-bikehelmetratings…

          If you want to understand their rating system the technical explanation is worth a 2 minute read.

          I wouldn't get hung up about the VT list, apart from the comfort it will give if you've bought one high on the list. Before you buy google the brand and their testing procedures and/or safety accreditations.

          • +1

            @Igaf: It seems that there is some consistency with the testing though: mips or equivalent tech seems to give higher score. This is why I decided to get either a MIPS or a Kineticore version or similar, not just plain old helmet :-)

  • Not sure about this model but many POC helmets lack ear strap adjustment.
    I have a new POC , fit is perfect except for the ear adjustment.

  • Not very aero- looking. Reminds me of a 1980s Stack Hat :-)
    Funny how fashion goes in circles sometimes.

  • Saw this too late. Any chance for restocks on large black or white helmets?

    • +1

      I think there may be more stock next month.

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