• expired

Telstra - FREE Calls/Text to Philippines Numbers (until 25 Nov)


Telstra customers wishing to check on family and friends affected by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines can call or text them free of charge.

All standard voice calls and SMS messages made to the Philippines between 6am on Monday 11 November and 6am on Monday 25 November from Telstra fixed or mobile services will be free of charge for our retail customers.

The free calls and SMS offer applies to standard voice calls and SMS messages made from Australian (+61) Telstra fixed or mobile services to +63 (Philippines) numbers. For some calls, credits may be applied after the call or to the next bill.

tl;dr - Telstra Customers get free standard calls and SMS to any +63 (Philippines) numbers till 25th November.

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closed Comments

    • +3

      standard voice calls and SMS messages made from Australian (+61) Telstra fixed or mobile services to +63 (Philippines) numbers.

    • +21

      You're always a hit and miss with your comments, but this one is just uncalled for.

        • +3

          group think in action

        • +1

          group think in action

          yep, group think…

        • +1

          JV I guess you only buy Australian?

          Your bank balance must be very large, because we make sweet FA these days…

  • +53

    Jokes aside guys, show a little bit of respect. Thanks for the heads up OP, much appreciated

    • +4

      232+ and counting. Gee, I would never have guessed that there were so many ozbargainers with friends or relatives in the Philippines.

      • +4

        No silly, it is a sign of appreciation to Telstra for coming up with this. A honour of good will basically.

        • -3

          Telstra for coming up with this.

          As I said above, Telstra had no choice, they would look pretty bad otherwise considering all the people they sacked here to move the jobs to the Philippines to save money…

        • +5

          It could be as simple as the fact that Telstra execs aren't as cynical or as jaundiced as you. Well done Telstra.

        • Double take every time "jaundiced" is not used as a description of color

        • @hashtagbargain

          No silly, it is a sign of appreciation to Telstra for coming up with this. A honour of good will basically.

          I knew that. It was just a bit of sarcasm taken literally by quite a few people.

          My point is the Approval of the action by Telstra does not make this a bargain.

          It's a bargain for you only if you or someone you know can benefit from it.
          But what makes this a bargain for those who up voted this post?

          The place to voice your support for Telstra is on the forum or better still, Telstra's Facebook page.


          group think in action

          Bingo. You hit the nail on the head. This post clearly demonstrates that.

  • +63

    10,000+ people dead an there's jokes about Philippine call centers and adult hotlines. Fine form OzB.

    • +26

      You shouldn't really paint everyone on here with the same brush because of 2 people.

    • -4

      there's jokes about Philippine

      Questioning Telstra's motives is not a joke about the Philippines…

      If you honestly think they are doing this out of good will, I've got some swamp land to sell you.

      • +1

        Who cares? It's not only smart marketing, it is marketing that can make a difference to peoples lives.
        What would you prefer? That Telstra make a good impression on the public, or they are too worried of being accused of taking advantage so people spend hundreds of dollars making sure their families are alive.
        Have some class.

        • -5

          it is marketing that can make a difference to peoples lives.

          Saving 15 cents a minute is helping people's lives? How?

          What would you prefer?

          Telstra donating their profits for a week a two to support the people of the Philippines were Telstra employ thousands of people after sacking the ones here… Telstra make about $75million profit every week… One week's profit would make a significant impact on peoples lives in the Philippines….

        • +3

          I am not saying they are saving peoples lives, I am saying that they are providing a free service to people concerned about the lives of relatives/friends. I said (as you quoted) that it can make a difference to their lives, not save them. Don't twist my words to make your idiocy seem plausible.

          Telstra have no obligation whatsoever to donate any profit to the people of the philipines. In fact you could argue that they are already improving the life of those people by stimulating their economy by providing employment,but thats not up for discussion right now.

          Telstra do this (through no compulsion) for many major disasters that affect the lives of people and I (and around 400 other individuals) see this as a good thing. If they get some good publicity, then so be it. I don't give two shits.

          $20 worth of phone calls might not mean much to you, but it can be the difference between a budget being met and going into lines of credit incurring interest for some people. Ethically opposed to outsourcing? Fine. But there is a time and a place to argue this and now is not it.

  • -2

    Upvote this!

      • +14

        As much as I hate Aussies losing their jobs, you cant blame the company for wanting to save money. Isnt that what were all trying to do on this site?

      • +5

        Before you get on your high horse about off shoribg, Where was the shirt you are wearing made? How about your car? How about your TV? How about your computer?

      • -1

        This is going to save a lot of money to people who have loved ones there trying to get in contact with them.

        Yes i do get what you are saying and I'm against what Telstra and other corporations are doing, but right now, we are talking about people who may have lost their loved ones in Philippines.
        Telstra may be offering this to gain some customers in the long term, but in short term, it is going to help many people who are trying to get in touch with someone there.
        Hardly comparable to losing a stupid job.

        mod: Removed personal attack.

  • +14
    • vote for Telstra. Hope other carriers do the same.
  • +10

    Thank you Telstra.

  • +10

    Kudos to Telstra for this (and to OP for finding/sharing) and although I don't have anyone to call over there, I'm sure there are lots of people around that can make use of this well

  • +10
    • good on you Telstra!!
  • +2

    Onya Telstra

  • +2

    The first sad good deal .

  • +12

    Good on telstra. I just hope that people would be sensible enough to not stay on the line for too long just because it's free.
    In disaster zones one of the major issues is a flood of unnecessary calls blocking the way of urgent ones.

  • -4

    Telstra taketh with one hand and giveth with other.

  • +1

    Thanks Telstra!

  • Never thought that T stands for Telstra, telco, tsunami and typhoon. Thanks for taking the initiative again Telstra.

    • Also the T stands for tectonic as they did this for Japan when they were hit with the earthquakes :P

      • Tremor would be more appropriate

  • I have a mobile data plan. It has a sim card and a number. Can this be used? I know i can receive Sms.

    • +1

      It should work, considering it's essentially a mobile number

  • Thanks OP.Thanks Telstra. Just a headsup. More people have mobiles over there than landlines and normally it can be quite congested calling their in the evenings.

  • this not for aldi customers?

    • No, you need to be billed by Telstra.

      Unless Aldi decide to make the same offer.

  • Thank you Telstra!

  • How considerate of Telstra!

  • Well done Telstra.

  • Thank you Telstra

  • Respect !

  • +1

    Well-done Telstra.

  • +1

    Telstra does this for most natural disasters.

    • -5

      Not just to ones where it sacks Aussie workers and offshores jobs to?

  • +1

    Lets show some support for Testra! Thanks!

  • good on you Telstra!!

  • Aldis Telstra applicable?

  • -7

    I can see this deal be more abused than anything else. Telstra should have rather donated money over to Philippines than giving it away here in Australia because they are the people in need of financial help at the moment and not their relatives over here who probably are already well off financially being living in Australia.

    • +3

      Telstra should have rather donated money over to Philippines than giving it away here in Australia

      I doubt very much they would do that, it would decrease the profit to share holders…
      After all, they only made $3.9 billion profit…

      • The ignorant invariably doubt. Telstra has a history of corporate benevolence and I expect they will respond in this case as well, as will many other large companies, because they can and they know it's appropriate.

    • +3

      I don't see why this is down voted.

    • Guys, would like to know your feedback with your negs.

  • +3

    I missed the deal but better still I am on the way to Cebu now to see my 3 week old baby.

  • Well done Telstra hats off

  • I will say yo to my Phillipino bros.

  • Good guy Telstra

  • +8

    Salamat, Telstra.

    • Tama!

    • +4

      Now I understand why George W. Bush succeeded you.

      • -6

        I'd be ashamed if my favourite bargain hunting site had a natural disaster goodwill gesture as their top pick bargain.

        • Ashamed? Really?

        • -3

          Yep. Can you imagine if ozbargain reps went on a tv show for an interview to tell us about some of their top bargains.

          "Well Sandra, our highest voted deal was when the Philippine typhoon hit, and Telstra offered its customers free calls and texts to anyone in the region. Our members really loved that bargain."

        • +1

          yeah me too, people should stop caring about each other and this goodwill stuff and source more cheap external hard drives. /end sarcasm

        • -2

          You know what, you're absolutely right. I'm trying to reason with people who have the time to look for cheap external hard drive/headphone deals all day.

          I'm an absolute idiot. Thank you for this, I really needed the wake-up call.

        • +2

          Well I'm sure everyone will go prank calling someone over there…
          I don't even know what a Philippines phone number looks like (and too tightarse to be on Telstra)

        • +3

          Be ashamed, leave and never come back then…

          You won't be missed…

        • You could always Google it.

    • Well bargain, freebies, deals - that's why we're here for…

  • Salamat Telstra

  • Sadly the people who are in real need of this may not be able to get through to their friends/relatives in those affected areas such is the devastation. Pretty hard to keep a phone charged for a long period hoping for towers to come back online. Good gesture nonetheless, here's hoping it doesn't get abused.

  • I told Paul Makin on 5 double crow last night and he was pretty rapped about it, hopefully it will help a few people out :)

  • +4

    I know it's a good will gesture by Telstra, but seriously, this isn't really a deal considering the devestation that they just experienced..

    • It's a relatively small gesture but one less thing for some people with friends, relatives and family in the Philipines to worry about. It's a deal, a damned good deal, and speedy response from Telstra. No doubt those here who will take advanatge of it will also be digging deep to help the disaster response. Hopefully Ozbargainers will do the same and more in the face of such devastation is such a poor country. Every small contribution will help. Shelterbox and World Vision are a couple of reputable charities which will be providing on ground support if you're worried about your contributions being wasted.

  • -4

    Yeah, sure, everyone kneel to our new benevolent divinity Telstra!

    JV is right on the money, and the rest of you need to get, like, real world baby…

    • Except for the fact that Telstra did the same thing for Japan, and hasn't outsourced call centres to Japan. Maybe you should get, like, common sense. And I wonder if jv will retract his comments if Telstra do the same thing for another country they haven't outsourced jobs to.

      • +1

        Please do not be confused with the techy term "outsourcing".. it is no difference when we buy stuff here made from overseas.

        Besides, the deal is a freebie.. so what's the whingeing about?

        • +1

          it is no difference when we buy stuff here made from overseas.

          It is very different.

          Much of the stuff we buy overseas is not made here…

          When Australian companies outsource, it is costing Australian jobs. Sure it saves the company money, but there is a huge cost, not just to the individuals, but to the Australian economy and community as a whole…

      • +1

        And I wonder if jv will retract his comments if Telstra do the same thing

        No, because this is purely marketing on Telstra's behalf… Lot's of free publicity for very little cost…

        It's not helping the victims… It might save some Australia's a dollar or two… Big deal…

        I'd like to see Telstra make a huge donation to the victims seeing as they do an awful lot of business from there… They exploit the low pay conditions of the locals there at the cost of thousands of Australian jobs, just to increase their profit… They are not a good corporate citizen.

        • Of course it helps some victims. It will also help Australian aid groups on the ground in The Philippines. You know sfa about Telstra obviously. They aren't a charity like you seem to think and expect. You've had lots of pot shots at them without acknowledging the obvious input they have to the Australian community and economy. Look up the Telstra Foundation for starters. You can't help your cynicism but at least try to get a balanced view.

        • +1

          the obvious input they have to the Australian community and economy.

          this ???


        • Not impressed with the old free-market argument that Telstra profits go to thousands of Australian investors who then circulate their dividends around the economy then JV? Any idea of the value of Telstra to the Oz economy? I don't precisely but it's obviously significant in many ways. They'll take many decisions which we don't agree with in principle or practice. That's the system we seem to like and keep voting for. Like Telstra it's FAR from prefect.

    • We can't compete with the masses of the great unwashed. Complete sheeple and it's pretty annoying.

      This 'deal' should be in the forums, you don't see telstra announcing it in a big ad- "FREE CALLS TO THE PHILIPPINES, TOTAL BARGAIN!"
      It's a gesture and not a bargain you should be telling all your family and friends in Manilla about.

      • Dead right about Telstra not blowing their trumpet on this because unlike your cynical brother in arms they aren't using it as a "marketing" exercise, they're simply responding as a good Australian corporate citizen who has links in the country.

        • +2

          OK - here's my best guess.

          You're a Telstra employee who has succumbed to their internal company propaganda proclaiming that they are, and have always been, a good corporate citizen.

          I can hear the Board of Directors right now at their next meeting: "What? They actually bought this crap? Get the head of Marketing in here so we can collectively acknowledge them!".

        • +1

          Your best guess is no more accurate than your cynical views on this deal. You've had your say, I'm pointing out the obvious other side. My best guess is that none of the detractors on here know anything at all about Telstra's motives, just as they know bugger all about Telstra's "charitable" contributions. The implication is that you occupy some higher moral ground while decision-makers in Telstra are simply soul-less business-driven rednecks. What a laugh. Nobody's suggesting they're white knights or perfect in any way, we're simply acknowledging a timely first cut at doing something within their power to ease the stress on a few customers.

        • HAHAHAHAHA next he'll be saying the corporate machine exists to bake cakes made of rainbows and smiles.

          You're way out of your depth, if only you knew how many corporate executives would scoff at that statement.

          Nobody is claiming to occupy the higher moral ground, its just silly to think Telstra did this out of the goodness of their hearts. This is an exercise in corporate relations designed to increase their profit margin either directly or indirectly- nothing more.

        • Here's one i prepared earlier.

          Note also the lack of any denial that he's currently on the inside. Doesn't mean he is, but i'd bet good money that he is. No one comes out with this kind of crap unless there's some level of capture.

        • Response to "PresidentClinton"

          If only you knew a corporate executive. So how many new customers does your brilliant marketing prowess tell you will sign up simply because Telstra gave a few customers some short term bill relief? About the same number as sign up because Telstra has naming rights to a sports stadium probably, or as many who will beat a path to their door when they donate to the appeal. You and your few mates have lost perspective and done nothing more than transfer of your own cynical motives to others. There's nothing silly about stating the obvious. Many Australian corporations give funds to charitable causes without fanfare or the expectation of some market return. The fact that you don't know about it doesn't make it any less real.

        • Comprehension not your strong point then Freckle? I said your best guess was inaccurate, but to save you from losing your money as well as your perspective let me state it in simple terms: I have nothing at all to do with Telstra, apart from being a customer and having taken them to the TIO a while back. The "crap" you're talking about is simple fact. Try reading the Telstra financial report and learning a bit about corporate benevolence in this country. It happens right under your nose, usually without fanfare. Could it be better? Of course. But they aren't all Rineharts.

        • If only you knew a corporate executive.

          You're assuming i'm not one.
          Excuse me while i check my sponsored shareholdings.

          You and your few mates…

          I don't need mates when i have sponsored shareholdings.
          Friends are cheap, while i had to step on a lot of heads to secure these sponsored shareholdings.

          …done nothing more than transfer of your own cynical motives to others.

          I'm a virus?

          Many Australian corporations give funds to charitable causes without fanfare or the expectation of some market return.

          In which case they may well be in breach of their directors obligations under the Corporation Act to act in the interests of shareholders.

          Go eat some cake.

          Oh my God, there's more!

          …and learning a bit about corporate benevolence in this country.

          You nearly made me choke on my sponsored shareholdings with that one.

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