NBN is a $#% joke

The subject doesn't even begin to describe my feelings towards the NBN.

I signed up with a new provider last month and was advised of an appointment today between 8-12 to have my connection set up.

No one from NBN turned up. No message or call to advise they wouldn't bother turning up.

Just got a call from the provider that NBN rescheduled for 14 Sept. WTF.

I've checked online and NBN are very good at deflecting blame and all notes are to contact the provider directly. Who I have asked to do what they can to speed this up.

My question is are there any avenues for me to send a complaint about NBN to firstly expedite the connection (as I have no internet for over 3 weeks, who knows if they'll attend that supposed appointment) and secondly to have this on their records?

Amazing the salaries the people who work there get and this is the type of service they provide.

Any info is appreciated.

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  • +12

    Amazing the salaries the people who work there get and this is the type of service they provide.

    Any info is appreciated.

    And you think we give info for free?

  • +4

    What does the SLA say? Probably at the convenience of the supplier.

    It’s the state of affairs in utilities in Australia, tick the box, pay higher price, low end service.

    They behave like those entitled posts, except the role has reversed.

    • I have never seen an SLA for home users. Business's can pay to have an SLA, but allot do not.

    • What AndyC1 said. The appointment was confirmed a month ago but seems provider can't make nbn do anything and nbn have no accountability.

      • +1

        The appointment was confirmed a month ago

        Did you get the SMS to confirm, 2-3 days prior ?

        • No but if they send confirmations wonder why they wouldn't send cancellations.

          • +1

            @Pufff: I've always received an SMS which I need to reply to a couple of days before the scheduled date.
            Did they have your correct mobile contact number?

            • @jv: Well the ISP def does cause they called me to tell me I've been screwed over and that nbn rescheduled.

              It gets worse, the ISP don't offer any interim solutions so I checked with other ISPs and they said that my property has been noted as FTTP even though its not physically got that connect and can't sign me up for FTTC.

              • +1

                @Pufff: I've had 2 NBN appointments recently, and I received an SMS from both, even after my ISP confirmed by email 2 weeks earlier.

                I even got an SMS in the morning when the technician was on their way about 10min before he arrived.

      • Working previously with NBN I can say that, NBN is not aware of most of these issues and it is the service provider's negligence. Being a wholesaler NBN does not directly engage with the end user. Hence, the service provider will blame it on NBN as customers can't liaise with NBN. Raise your concerns with the service provider or take the matter to the ombudsman. Especially for speed issues, most of the users do not have visibility, of what is the maximum allocated speed set (AVC) on their location which is only controlled by service providers. I was previously also not aware of these things. In layman's terms, they buy internet for 100 people and distribute it to 500. It's a cost-cut thing. Unless you take them to the ombudsman, the issue may not get resolved. Yes, technicians are contractors/subcontractors hired by third parties.

  • +2

    Amazing the salaries the people who work there get and this is the type of service they provide.

    I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to swap with NBN installer salaries….

    • +4

      I doubt those guys are employees prob sub contractors.

      • +1

        Yes, they mostly are sub contractors.

        And the issue is that some jobs take longer than others, there aren't any overwhelming number of contractors doing the install, so when things don't go smooth, schedules get updated and appointments get rescheduled.

        • +2

          My beef isn't with them. As with everything the grunts at the bottom have no control.

          The issue is with the big earners. Draining tax payers money to do fk all with no accountability.

        • Subbies won't take jobs that take too long, because NBN has a fixed price per job. Subbies will quit a job and say "can't access" or "need authorization" and push it to another technician in a few weeks if it isn't profitable.

  • +11

    nbn is a network builder and a service wholesaler. They do not deal with end customers. See here for discussion.

    • -1

      Thanks. What a wonderful setup nbn have.

      • +10

        You can thank the Libs for (profanity) with the corporate structure once they got their hands on it

  • +1

    Could always try to TIO.

    • -1

      I did call them but it seems illogical to complain about the provider when they have little control.

      • +3

        So I suggest you wave your fist at a cloud…

        Im not sure what you expect … im not even sure who your pissed with anymore.

    • All that will happen is the retail service provider will get a level one fee charged to them.

  • +1

    NBN are a law onto themself's for appointments and even when they schedule an appointment they may fix the issue in the street and you will never see anyone….

    • +2

      That's how all telephone and cable companies operate ever since the cave man era.

      • +1

        At least you could leave those providers before not now.

  • +4

    More people should have voted ALP in 2013. Regardless of the party's problems at the time, it would have been better than Abbott, and we would have gotten our as-advertised NBN. NBN was fully costed, the original fibre plan was going to pay for itself eventually.

    • +3

      Preaching to the choir. Still hate abbot and turnbull to this day.

    • +5

      ALp voted themselves out thru backstab after backstab

      • +1

        Probably because they felt with News Ltd raking Rudd over the coals that they needed a new PM to wind and Gillard did win. But News Ltd raked her over the coals even harder, so we probably would have been better off risking Rudd if it was going to end with 12 years of Coalition anyway. I'm glad we had en elected female PM anyway, it's nice to get that out of the way and make it easier for any other female who aspires to bloody their hands to become PM themselves one day.

        • +1

          The electorate can't understand more than 3 word slogans.

          abbott, scomo… there'll be more.

    • +3

      Didn't Labor at the time have Stephen Conroy who had a giant hard on for putting in an internet filter? I mean I would have preferred fttp by a mile but it's not like labor were a perfect option either.

    • If we voted ALP we all would have FTTP now that would be good.

  • +2

    You are dealing with a monopoly, you have no recourse. Make a complaint if that will make you feel better, but its basically going into the void. They do not care.

    • I've come to that realisation. No wonder management at nbn get decent bonuses. Immune to complaints regardless of service. And people think banks are bad.

      Will look for stop gap solution.

  • +1

    Move onto 5G home internet

    • +1

      I've got telstra mobile and coverage is pretty bad. The rest of the family have optus and its even worse.

  • -5

    Sign up with a different ISP they might install sooner

    • I'm considering this but don't know if it will result in earlier installation.
      Might have to just for the initial 50mpbs connection before the fttp installation.

      • +1

        It probably wont speed up the install but when you've got problems, the more "premium" providers are very good at escalating (and persistent pestering) with nbn on your behalf

        • Thanks. I spoke to the current provider and they wouldn't allow a temporary plan on lower speeds until the install which is disappointing. Based on this experience I have no confidence in nbn installing next month either.

          • @Pufff: Is the home/apartment you are in never had NBN installed in the past (a new build) or is the infrastructure faulty?
            I've never had the NBN have to attend, it's usually set-up within a few minutes, no tech necessary if there has been a connection there in the past (unless you are on fixed wireless or satellite)

    • It takes an ISP a few hours, if not minutes to activate your connection on NBN.

      It takes days, if not weeks for NBN to perform work to get it to the point where the ISP can activate it.

      The ISP does not install your NBN internet any more than Coles pave the roads from your house to the local shop.

      • nbn already did pre work weeks ago prior to this appointment.

        Difference is coles don't offer road building on their catalogue.

        Your analogy would make more sense if a bag of chips from coles had turds in it but you couldn't complain about the turds being in the bags instead of chips and they couldn't do anything to manufacturer.

        • +1

          Is this a fttp upgrade? If so shouldn't they have kept the old connection active?

          • +1

            @silenthillrocks: The USER has to keep it active too - i.e. don’t cancel it before the new one is working

            • @milhouseaus: Well the issue is I had too much faith in nbn plus my old ISP has 30 day notice period which should be illegal as well.

        • Coles don't offer road building, nor does the ISP offer infrastructure. They activate on NBN's infrastructure.

          • @Morien: Hence I didn't complain to TIO about the ISP cause they have no control.
            Helps to read and understand before commenting.

  • do you HAVE to get NBN?

    there is other private fibre companies too like LBN and Opticomm

    • Pretty much, even tpg don't service the area.

  • Raise a complaint then go to the TIO if you're not satisfied.

    • After speaking with TIO they said the complaints against the provider not against nbn so its pointless as others have mentioned. nbn don't have any accountability even though they're responsible for the work. Makes you wonder.

    • complaint then go to the TIO

      All they can do is get your ISP to release you from any contract. Not much else…

  • +2

    DM me your install details and I can possibly assist

  • had that happen, ring your ISP. they may be able to escalate it

    • I already asked them to do everything they can when I heard the new date. Could tell they had no confidence they could do anything at all.

  • -2

    The Australian people willingly voted for the Liberal National Party knowing they always intended to gut the NBN department and deliver a second rate, copper based network.

    They told us over and over again they were selecting the terrible option but we voted for them anyway.

    We have no right to complain at all.

    • +3

      Yeh internet was the only factor in the election. Forget about everything else lol. Who cares about cost of living, inflation, healthcare, immigration etc. As long as there's fast internet.

      • +1

        Who cares about cost of living, inflation, healthcare

        Thankfully the LNP sorted out all those issues over the last 3 terms.
        I agree, the high level of focus, and overall improvement in these areas, is what truly shows how well the LNP did over that time.


        • +1

          That's not the point. Point is that average Australian has greater worries than speed of internet.

          • +2


            Point is that average Australian has greater worries than speed of internet.

            agreed, so thankfully they continued to vote for the LNP who were smashing it out of the park in areas outside of 'speed of the internet'


            • +1

              @SBOB: You see everything thru a lens of liberal versus Labor


          • +1

            @silenthillrocks: Speed of internet? How about no internet. I don't know how you live but internet is almost a necessity these days. Especially with how many WFH. Don't even get started about going into the office if you live in NSW.

  • You can use your mobile phone as a hot spot.

    • That's what I'm doing now but it's terrible coverage even with telstra 5g.

  • +1

    You’ll be without internet for 3 weeks?
    ‘New’ connection? What about your ‘old’ connection? Why is that still not available until the new one is setup? Something’s missing in the story here.. if it is a FTTP upgrade then your old connection is supposed to work at least until the FTTP is activated and sometimes longer. It is up to you to disconnect it ONLY after your new connection is confirmed working to avoid situations such as this

    • Dunno wtf nbn did but my property is now listed as having fftp with the 2 ISPs I called even though I don't have the fttp box and connection.
      I've signed up with 1 that said they could maybe get nbn to go out within a couple of weeks so fingers crossed.

      • What technology does it say on the NBN site itself under "Learn more about your address" after entering your address here: https://www.nbnco.com.au/results/V2-CT

      • +2

        Yes, this is what happens. When I applied for my upgrade, as soon as the order was made my address was then shown as Service class 1 - FTTP - PCD and NTD required.
        Your old connection (FTTN/FTTC) remains online until you cancel it - which should not be until you have confirmed the new FTTP setup is connected, activated and working.

  • I changed providers on Monday night and it was changed the next morning, Double the speed now. existing FTTC connection.

    • I went from 50 Mbps to 250 Mbps so they needed to attend

  • -6

    The comments blaming the Liberal Party are just hilarious.

    The real culprit is the previous Labor government, who wasted $50 billion dollars of precious taxpayer money on a technology that will very soon be obsolete.

    5G speeds are way way faster than physical cables, and once 5G plans come down in price, then everyone will cut their NBN connections.

    The Liberals warned about this when Rudd was planning his gigantic white elephant, but sadly no one listened.

    The thing that really annoys me is that people are forced to get NBN once it arrives in their area & there's no option to stay on ADSL. Labor always fully lives up to its crypto-Communist roots & takes away freedom of choice from Australians.

    • The funny thing is the op is getting a free gold standard fiber to premises upgrade here. But op lost internet due to admin issues (which could have been prevented if the old connection wasn't cancelled by op). Yeh that's the libs fault.

      • -1

        Free? So the people who got initial roll out from pork barrelling paid for their connections did they? Nbn not using tax payer money to line their own pockets first and deliver this turd as an after thought.

        My mistake for not paying for 2 plans in anticipation of nbn doing as they please.

        Think before you comment.

        • +2

          Think before cancelling next time. It's easy to blame nbn for cancelling your appointment but common sense would say that there was a risk that could happen. Fiber installation doesn't always go to plan even when they turn up. Always have a backup plan.

          Also no one forced you to take up the upgrade or to cancel the old connection prematurely. Got to take some responsibility for your own decisions.

          • +1

            @silenthillrocks: I'm sure you anticipate other people's actions too good luck to you.

    • +5

      Lol. Your comment is the hilarious one. The (speed) upgrade potential of a proper full optical fibre network is virtually limitless and far outstrips what 5G can do. Fibre? Obsolete? What do you think the backbone of a 5G network runs on? 🤣
      5G has its place but NOT as a replacement for fixed networks - and that some people think that it does is what really annoys me.

    • +5

      5G speeds are way way faster than physical cables

      Tell me you don't understand technology without telling me you don't understand technology…..

    • -1

      Your comment would be funny too if it wasn't so wrong.

      Apart from what others have already mentioned. Libs don't waste money. Oh wait job keeper.

  • i upgraged fttn to fttp recently i told nbn tech not to disconnect fttn as im with two different providers 1 for phone and another for data , told contractor he could use the spare lead in cable to pull through the fibre cable to make his job easier. so i currently have a free in contact service nbn phone line on fttn and data active on fttp plan now. i just did a nbn website search it says "Your address appears to have multiple connected nbn™ services.

    Please contact your phone and internet provider to ensure all of your services are connected to nbn™ Fibre to the Premises (FTTP)." Changeover information

    As your upgrade to nbn™ FTTP is complete, we will be switching off the nbn™ FTTN technology around 15 February 2024*.

    We recommend checking with your original provider to cancel your plan on nbn™ FTTN, so that you can avoid being charged for services on both technologies.

    my question is will i be able to get another free upgrade for the separate fttn phone copper line to fttp by 15 February 2024 or will they force me to use the same NTD but program up another uni -d port or the voice port on the box instead?

    • +1

      No you won’t get a 2nd free upgrade on another line. You have FTTP now and can have up to 4 services connected through the NTD. No matter what you said to the tech he wouldn’t/shouldn’t have disconnected the FTTN as part of the upgrade anyway - they are meant to coexist until you cancel the FTTN service. Hence the message you got on the NBN site.

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