• long running

Up to $5,000 off GWM Ora (Starting from $35,990 Driveway) @ GWM


This deal just got even better with the car now starting from $35,990.

Discounts are available on the following trims:

  • Standard Range: $4,000 off from $35,990 driveaway
  • Extended Range: $5,000 off from $40,990 driveaway
  • Ultra: $5,000 off from $43,990 driveaway
  • GT: $5,000 off from $46,990 driveaway

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GWM HAVAL Motors Australia


  • +14

    I it looked less like bastard the love child of a nissan leaf and VW Beetle and they revised the styling i'd buy one in a heartbeat.

    • +3

      then you haven't seen the new Mini Cooper EV. https://www.carexpert.com.au/car-news/2024-mini-cooper-ev-el…
      Saw a Ora on the road today. They both share the round lights and over all more cute comical design language. It won't appeal to every one especially males.

      • +2

        If they thought the previous gen mini EV struggled to sell…

      • Slight price difference for the same round lights but

      • +3

        They butchered the rear design - ouch

    • Now I cant unsee it.

  • +12

    Too bad it’s so ugly. I think the MG4 automatically wins because of that.

    • +11

      I think it's better than the new Toyota/Subaru EV

      One bonus feature of the Ora is 11kW AC charging. Only long range MG4 has that, the others max out at 7kW for AC. MG4 is much faster for DC charging though

    • +15

      I prefer the Ora over the MG. It's not a bad looking car

    • MG worst engine

    • +3

      MG4 touchscreen is terrible, the Android Auto connectivity is flaky. That was a deal-breaker for us. It's had a year of firmware updates in the UK and these issues aren't solved so unlikely they will be.

      On road it was excellent. RWD, drives nicely for a car in that price range. Looks aren't everyone's cup of tea but are less divisive than the Ora. I think it looks pretty good.

      We ended up with the Dolphin. Funny looking but not crazy, better connectivity and in car controls (but still not flawless), drives ok for a FWD and BYD battery tech should in theory be better.

      • +1

        I've got a MG4 Essence 64 since September last year.
        I agree on the touchscreen, it's a bit laggy and sometimes the system will take a while to start, Auto Lane Keep is still too sensitive for me so I turn it to just alert every time I drive.
        But my Android Auto has been solid ever since I replaced an old cable which was flaky, so that could be an issue you've had.

        • Yeah, I suspect the cable is critical, and probably using cheap Chinese phones didn't help us either. BYD 's AA isn't flawless either and I'll probably update phones sooner than usual because it's so critical to the driving experience now.

          Hope you're happy with the MG - of all the cars I test drove I liked it the most 👍

      • +9

        You said it drives great but you didn't buy it because your phone didn't work with it. Utterly bizarre.
        That's why car manufacturers keep rolling out the same crap -> Biggest concern is "Does it have Carplay?" Rather than -> How does it drive?

        • +5

          I know what you are saying (I am in a Tesla M3P ex Golf R), but you have to remember that most people don't drive a car for the enjoyment, they just want to get from A to B in relative comfort, usually going 50kph in a straight line in traffic. How it drives is secondary.

          • +3

            @dtpearson: Exactly. I've owned several cars that were lovely to drive, and it has always been a principal driver in which cars to buy, but I invariably ended up mostly driving them to the same places over and over, or in traffic jams, or both. Utterly uninspiring and I just don't care any more.

            Also worth mentioning, the cars that I thought were lovely to drive my wife hated to drive. She hated to drive my cars with heavy clutches, stiff suspension and low ride height. Picking a car that drives slightly better than another but then living with dysfunctional tactiles and controls to me is dumb, and I would have heard no end to it from my partner.

    • +2

      Hell no. I've never seen a car look more like it needed to sneeze real bad than the MG4.

    • +5

      Too bad it’s so ugly.

      Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

      Beauty is only skin-deep.

      Are pickups all that beautiful?
      Are boxy SUVs and 4X4 all that beautiful?

      Isn't practicality the real beauty?

      Clearly a personal opinion only.
      Including mine :-)

        • +1

          "If you are a hammer everything looks like a nail"

    • +1

      Fugly then ?

  • +41

    I actually don’t mind the styling. At least it isn’t another generic suv.

    • +9

      people, in fact, want generic suvs

      they should be making sub $40k compact EV SUVs like the Xtrail CRV RAV4 Outlander etc.

      • +11

        I get where you're coming from, but all the names you mentioned are medium SUVs. But they all have compact SUV versions of them (Qashqai, HRV, Yaris Cross or Corolla Cross, ASX or Eclipse Cross)

        • they are classed as subcompact

          • -1

            @tonyjzx: They are all utes.
            That's it.

    • +18

      Yeah I was expecting something horrible based on the comments.

      I like the look. It's nice to have small EV options. SUVs are ugly as shit and an eyesore on the roads.

      • Not only am eyesore - incredibly dangerous. They're a blight.

      • SUVs are ugly as shit and an eyesore on the roads

        And as vulgar and uncouth as body odor …

    • +8

      I saw one today, thought it had a bit of Fiat 500 about it.

    • +4

      I'm surprised by the amount of people saying it is ugly. It's actually a clean, elegant design that doesn't look as angry and overstyled as most cars these days.

  • +24

    With the QLD $6k rebate that's out there this is a crazy price.

    I quite like how it looks tbh. Have also sat on one. Spacious.

    • +18

      Meanwhile we victorians :- what do you mean rebate? We pay ev taxes and pay more on road price to compared to all other states.

      • +6

        Allan's Victoria

        • +4

          Prosciutto's Bologna

      • +4

        No more road tax
        $100 discount on rego…. and thats it

        • That's sound positive. 👍

      • +5

        Gotta start repaying all that debt somehow…

      • +2

        yeah but your state is broke

        • 😔

      • +3

        I don't see why taxpayers should subsidise ev's at all (or why the owners shouldn't pay the equivalent tax as they would on petrol)

        • +4

          Govt spends a lot more on gas subsidies.

          • @hopper: Not sure how that is remotely relevant to subsidising ev's for private individuals.

        • +2

          I don't see why taxpayers should subsidise ev's at all

          Because the government constantly needs to come up with new ways to give away money to buy votes.

        • Agreed. There should be some sort of tax input equivalent to maintain the roads, etc that the fuel tax is no doubt put towards. How this is executed I'm not so sure, but EVs still have an impact on road wear and tear the same as any other vehicle.

          • -1

            @placard: you are asking for more tax? whats your IQ

            • +3

              @botchie: They were suggesting that EV drivers pay an equivalent tax to petrol car drivers pay on fuel considering they too use the road. Pretty simple concept.

              • @PainToad: Yep, exactly what I meant. I'm not against EVs either.

              • +3

                @PainToad: i know what they are suggesting but ppl are dumb - you pay tax on rego, tax on fuel for what? road maintenance? what roads?
                in Sydney we pay $5k a year on tolls alone - why?
                idiots can downvote me all you want, your just not very smart

              • @PainToad: They should pay twice. Don't EV weigh twice as much as their fossil fuel counterparts ?

                • +1

                  @r0nmac: Nope, that one's a myth. The wear & tear from a vehicle less than 2.5t is negligible at best. Most road damage comes from heavy commercial vehicles.

            • @botchie: never said more tax.

              • @placard: tax input equivalent to maintain the roads is another tax mate
                I would be all for paying this if they actually maintained the road but they dont

                • +1

                  @botchie: Consolidated revenue….if they lose it from fuel excise, they'll need to replace it somewhere.

                  If they aren't fixing the roads that's another issue - regardless of where the tax is coming from. Write letters to your local member to alert them to the poor roads.

          • +4

            @placard: You know that the roads are not maintained by fuel tax, it just goes into consolidated revenue. I guess you also believe that EVs are just as polluting as ICE vehicles, so we should make zero effort to change over.

            • +1

              @dtpearson: he doesn't and they don't have a fk clue
              tax on everything and we still pay tolls
              and ofc government will find a new way to tax all EVS soon enough, they wont just remove fuel tax and lose the revenue

            • @dtpearson: No, I'm just saying that consolidated revenue needs to be maintained - if they lose revenue due to reduced fuel consumption, it will need to be found elsewhere.

              No, I never said that EVs are just as polluting. I don't know where you got that from. I just mean that we need $X of revenue for $X of expenditure, I don't particularly care where it comes from.

    • +1

      Brings it down to cheaper than Toyota's new pricing for the Yaris (that they then immediately backflipped on). There's other considerations, sure, but that's pretty damn cheap in the current market.

  • +5

    What is the word again? Fugly?

    • +9


      • +3

        Should gone to specsavers first

    • +1


    • What do you mean? We photocopied a whole bunch of different parts of other car designs so surely more design elements = more better?

      • Uhh yes, the Xiaomi logic.

      • And they copied round wheels too. Numpties.

  • +11

    The look is actually quite ok, the interior gives me a bit of a mini feel and minimalistic. Great price IMO.

    • So much so that the new mini is based on this very car/made in the same factory. And yet, this looks so much better than the mini.

  • +2

    Would you buy one at $25,990 driveway?

    • +7

      If that's extended range. I'm looking for a ev under 25k

  • +9

    Should have been made by Kia in New Zealand

    • +4

      Or by Rita

    • Or better still, by Kea in New Zealand.

      (Most people here probable don't know what kia ora means.)

  • -5

    Discount the Ute and trades will FLOCK

    • +10

      So you think you are one Holden Ute away from being a girl?

      • +2

        Ora with Glacier blue looks cute and fits well for a girl to drive. What’s wrong with that?

  • +7

    I think they did great! Looks better than Nissan leaf and just as good as Mini, just imagine if there would be BMW logo!

  • -4

    Spyware built in ?

    • +10

      Say anything bad about pooh bear and it locks the doors and drives off a cliff

      • +5

        any car with AA or carplay has spyware lol

    • +3

      Well iPhones and most of the electrical equipment in our homes are built in China too…

      • +10

        I’m so sick of this analogy.

        It’s irrelevant where the hardware was manufactured. What’s most important is the company responsible for the software running on the device.

        • +6

          well i'd put it like this…

          i feel safer with my data going back to China… you know why? are they gonna arrest me in the middle of the night and send me to the US to stand trial because a US company said so?

          well this has happened when your data went back to the Aust. govt. - an Australian citizen is in US jail because he did a copyright violation… so apparently US commerical interests supercedes the rights of an Australian citizen

          let's see what happens with a foreign govt. requests the US govt. extradites a US citizen back to say the UK?

          oh we dont need to imagine… they told the UK to get fuqqed…

          • +10

            @tonyjzx: To be fair you are speaking of Julian Assange, in China, sht doesn’t even get reported on, and if media did it’ll be shut down. So it’s comparing apples to oranges.

            • +1

              @cloudy: ‘In china’ being the operative phrase. Given that Assange was neither in the US nor in China, it’s a fairly apples to apples comparison

              • +1

                @dtc: was the comment not in relation to this car being made in China??

          • +1

            @tonyjzx: Sadly there ar no human rights in Australia. Plenty of examples for that.

            • +3

              @onegpt: "no human rights in Australia" - Wow, you need to travel more.

          • +2

            @tonyjzx: Expose war crimes and go to jail. Ordering people to commit said war crimes has good retirement. I guess criminals are in charge of the " public servant " sector. Unless I am biased?

        • +1

          This is what you see when people run out of things to say.

          • +2

            @kaleidoscope: well its not julian assange btw

            there's a actually more than a few examples and really any of the 5 eyes countries will suffer the same fate but its a one way relationship

            if uncle sam wants you the LNP or Labor will jump

        • +1

          Hardware can have dodgy firmware which is software.

  • Nice

    • +19

      Lol. There is no trend against electric cars. Tesla is just experiencing competition now.

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