Car Resale Value Calculator - Website to determine future value

Hi Everyone,

Can anyone recommend a website to work out the future value of a car.

Say for example we purchase a 2010 model car now, what will the estimated resale value be in 3 years?



  • +5

    Car sales. Not exactly dame but look at cars 3 years old from now. Better than the crystal ball technique

  • I just put your title (Car Resale Value Calculator) into Google and found the CarSales Valuations tool.

    I'd say just put in the model car you are looking at, and just look for an older model e.g. look for 2007 model and its current selling price so you can estimate a 2010's price in 2020.

    • +1


      Probably the best we can do for now.


  • +1


  • +2

    Already 7 years old, why be worried about resale in 3yrs?

    Anything could go wrong on a 10yo car, so really… how long is a piece of string? ;)

    • Yeah this, any 10yr old car is a mere sliver of what it was worth unless its something special.

    • Looking at a Corolla hatch for reliability.

      And hopefully some resale potential.

  • +1

    Car sales, Gumtree, ebay - anywhere that people advertise lots of second hand cars.
    Look for models 3 years older than yours.
    Estimate kms based on how many you will add.
    Check prices.

    10yo 'normal' car? About $5k.

    • this is always incorrect.

      • +1

        The last time a relative was buying a used car I mentioned the price range listed in Red Book to my relative while the salesman was listening. "Red Book means nothing!" hissed the salesman. He was right to protest too, as the price he was offering, even after haggling, was over the top end of the suggested price range. My relative found a better deal elsewhere after that.

  • Thanks everyone.

    Was looking a buying a 2008/09/10 corolla hatch, and to work out 'loss' when we upgrade in xyz years.

    I thought I saw a link to a specific website, but cannot find it now.

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