What Do You Keep in Your Car?

Just interested in what useful (operate word there) things that people have in their car at all times. These could be comforts or tools or anything that lives in your car for emergencies or day to day.

I have:

  • fully stocked first aid kit
  • jumper cables, and starter battery
  • cables for charging peoples phones
  • sunscreen
  • sunnies
  • hat
  • umbrellas

What else is useful to have lying around?


  • +17

    The last time I saw a similar post, the guy had a Merc A200 AMG? lol

    • +2

      I assure you i have nothing to brag about in the car department. Lol

      • +2

        I saw the heading and couldn't not remember that post! šŸ˜‚

        • +3

          Me too šŸ˜‚šŸ¤«

          • -1

            @activ8newbs: haha!šŸ˜ And how is your special car going?

            • @bobbified: Haha sold it! It may not have been an AMG, but it was a fun little car while I had it lol

              • @activ8newbs: I don't disagree that they're fun little cars to drive.. I would never get one myself though. haha.

      • +1

        Tbh an A200 is nothing to brag about.

  • +23

    OP : guessing you don't live in a hot part of AU … from previous EXP sunscreen never keeps well in a hot car during summer - within weeks, it oozes out everywhere.

    To add to your list …
    - tissues.
    - wet wipes.
    - a heavy duty plastic sheet in boot … mainly to line boot so when goto bunnings don't get dirt everywhere.
    - spare shopping bags - of the plastic kind that shops used to give you 5+ years ago (managed to get afew ctns for free :)

    on bucket list …
    a portable fridge to keep drinks cold :)

    • +31

      a heavy duty plastic sheet in boot mainly to line boot so when goto bunnings don't get dirt everywhere.

      sweating profusely

    • +17

      Do you also have cable ties and a spade to go with the tarp?

    • +1

      spare shopping bags - of the plastic kind that shops used to give you 5+ years ago (managed to get afew ctns for free :)

      I have a hilarious number of the coles/woolies tote bags in my car now. I always buy more to punish my lack of foresight whenever I stop into a shop for "just a couple of things, I'm not gonna need a bag".

      At some point I imagine I'll gift all of the bags to my descendents, like I imagine was nanna's plan when we were going through her place after she passed and we kept finding entire cupboard drawers full of folded up plastic bags for some reason.

  • Most of the above as well as a basic toolkit, 12v inflator, shopping bags, a plastic boot liner and rope

  • +1
    • charger
    • cables
    • tissues
    • umbrella
    • first aid kit
    • small tool kit
    • boot protector
    • baby carrier
    • stroller
    • trolley key
    • paper/ziplock bags
    • reusable shopping bags
    • hats/long sleeve clothes
    • picnic blanket
  • +2
    • jumper cables, and starter battery

    What is this? 1980s? How often do you need to jump start your own car!?

    • +24

      I carry a jump starter power pack in my boot, but it's not for myself. It's for other people. There are sill lots of people who drive cars wit non-automatic headlights. That's often the source of the power drain. It's been used a few times over the last couple of years.

        • +18

          I didn't neg you, but it makes me wonder.. do you have any friends?

            • +2

              @JimmyF: It's usually my mates that have issues and it's always late at night. A lot of them don't know anything about cars so wouldn't even know to get one of these powerpacks, let alone use it. My car is relatively new and while I don't expect there to be any issues, you never know. If something does happen, the jump starter is in my boot.

              And while I have it in the boot, if i come across anyone else that's stranded, I can easily give them some help. All I would need to do later is go home and charge it.

              The thing weighs between 500g or so (1000g max). Are you worried the weight would use up extra petrol?

            • +1

              @JimmyF: So I take it that Random acts of kindness is not one of your mantras? Nor you believe in Karma.

              • -3


                Random acts of kindness is not one of your mantras

                You'll be surprised, but yeah I don't carry a battery around for jump starting random cars, just like I don't carry a complete toolbox or a jerry can around either.

                So what do you carry around? What random acts of kindness have you done recently?

                • +7

                  @JimmyF: Seems youā€™re a very sad person with no empathetic capacity. Please stop responding to this thread and see a psych. Something dark in this one.

                    • +2


                      Because I don't expect others to solve my issues?

                      No, Because you have a bad attitude.

                      • -6


                        No, Because you have a bad attitude.

                        LOL Because I don't have a jump start battery on me? I pay for road side service every year, I don't have a need to carry one around. I call them, they sort it out. Let alone in the 20+ years of driving, I personally have had zero flat batteries.

                        So again, tell me why I should carry one around for others!? Using your logic, why are they not carrying one around themselves!?

                        • +3

                          @JimmyF: No you have a bad attitude on this thread matey, nothing to do with what you do and donā€™t do on the road.

                          Not saying you should carry one around for others, Iā€™m saying your fk everyone else attitude is a bad one.

                          • -3


                            Not saying you should carry one around for others, Iā€™m saying your fk everyone else attitude is a bad one.

                            Well you are saying I should carry one…. As I said I don't carry one as I have road side, and everyone is like, oh you (profanity) for not helping people out! blah blah blah

                            So…. let me guess? You don't have one either then? So that makes you one too!

                            No you have a bad attitude on this thread matey, nothing to do with what you do and donā€™t do on the road.

                            LOL bad attitude as I'm prepared for a flat battery and others are not. Sure! Let them roam the car park looking for a kind soul like yourself to help them out. Oh wait, you don't have a jump start battery, so you can't be doing that now.

                            Its funny, not a single person here when asked if they have a jump start battery has said yes, but oddly they all think I should have one! hahahaha.

                            • +1

                              @JimmyF: No, still mincing words, not a bad attitude that you are prepared, a bad attitude because you have no care for your fellow human. You keep dancing around adding things to my words, it is very simple fella, very very very simple. Read it word for word - you have a bad attitude towards your fellow humans. Full stop, there is no ellipsis or comma, there is no opening for you to add anything else.

                              Also save the finger pointing, its pathetic lol. I do keep a jump starter in my car and leads, and I have seen several other comments saying the same.

                              • -2


                                you have a bad attitude towards your fellow humans

                                Only to people who expect everyone else to solve their issues as they are unprepared, so yeah I don't carry a jump start battery around as I don't need it. Not sure how the fellow human race will survive now!

                                Also save the finger pointing, its pathetic lol. I do keep a jump starter in my car and leads

                                I don't believe you do, as you 'danced' around it when asked before and now you can't say you don't have one as that would be the pot calling the kettle black hey?

                                • @JimmyF: Nope, still adding your little caveats. Keep trying but I am standing by what I said, stop adding your little tidbits at the end lol.

                                  you have a bad attitude towards your fellow humans - end of story.

                                  • -2


                                    you have a bad attitude towards your fellow humans - end of story.

                                    Maybe because they lie like you claiming to have a jump start battery in their car when you don't.

                                    Anyhow I'm sorted for when I get a flat battery. Are you? Or will you be one of those roaming the car park looking for a 'kind' soul to give you a jump start?

                                    • @JimmyF: You have no evidence to prove that either way, pointless. I work in automotive engineering lmfao.

                                      Yet my point still remains.

                                      • -2


                                        You have no evidence to prove that either way

                                        Based on your replies, I'm sure you don't have one. So that makes you a hypocrite. Which is pretty funny considering the moral high ground you are trying to claim here.

                                        I work in automotive engineering lmfao.

                                        and? That doesn't mean you have a battery jump starter in your car nor does it also doesn't mean you change your own oil or do your own car repairs.

                                        Yet my point still remains.

                                        Mine too. I'll take someone who is honest over a hypocrite any day.

                                        • @JimmyF: I don't believe you have a jump starter either, prove it

                                          • -1


                                            I don't believe you have a jump starter either, prove it

                                            So you admit you don't have a jump start battery. Finally an honest reply from you. But I've never claimed to have one. Which is hilarious as you haven't read the thread you're replying to as that was my point in my first post.

                                            I have road side care, I've never had a flat battery in the 20 years. So I don't see the need for me personally to carry one, but if I do have a flat battery I'll call the road side service that I pay for.

                                            But oddly enough, I'm a bad person for not thinking of others by carrying one with me….

                                            • @JimmyF: I don't believe you, prove it

                                              • -1


                                                I don't believe you, prove it

                                                Ahhh yes, the childish comments. Cool story Bro. Bit like you being a automotive engineering

                                                • @JimmyF: So you admit that you are making childish comments then

                                                  • -1

                                                    @doobey1231: I'm not the one claiming to be a automotive engineer or back tracking on carrying a jump start battery. That is you!

            • +1

              @JimmyF: Dude, what happened to helping people and good old common courtesy?

              It's very easy to get a flat battery in a lot of cars. Sure you can call the RAC but sometimes you have to wait ages for them to arrive. 10 minutes to help someone in that situation is the thing to do - but I guess we all have different values.

              • +1


                Dude, what happened to helping people and good old common courtesy?

                I've never said I don't help people. Just that I don't have a jump start battery on me. I pay for road side service every year, I don't have a need to carry one around or spend money buying one.

                It's very easy to get a flat battery in a lot of cars. Sure you can call the RAC but sometimes you have to wait ages for them to arrive. 10 minutes to help someone in that situation is the thing to do - but I guess we all have different values.

                Using your logic, why are they not carrying one around themselves!? If I'm meant to be carrying one around to help 'others' even if I don't have a need, then surely they should be too.

                but I guess we all have different values

                So you have a jump start battery in your car?

                Again, you all think I wouldn't help people if I could, not true. But as a true ozbargainer, I fail to see the logic to spend $100+ on a product I personally have no need for, just on the off chance that someone who isn't prepared by either not having road side, or their own jump start battery needs it.

      • +5

        New cars and their low cap batteries - a couple of months ago I had the stereo on while I was cleaning the car, would've been 90min tops. Starter couldn't crank afterwards.

      • good man

    • +6

      I had to do it once for my old car, my neighbours car and helped some random out last week actually at a Westfield when they needed a jumpstart for their beat up old Camry

      Gooloo jump starter , can recommend

      • -5

        So did it once…. So lug all that weight around and space taken up for a one off event.

        • +3

          Geez 1kg.

          • -2


            Geez 1kg.

            So I assume you carry a $200+ Gooloo jump starter in your boot for random people to use?

            • +1

              @JimmyF: you seem to confuse jumper leads with a jump starter.

              • -4


                you seem to confuse jumper leads with a jump starter.

                You seem not to be able to read, scroll up. They say they carry a Gooloo jump starter around, these are $200+ and are not 'jumper leads'

                • @JimmyF: didnt neg your comment but its pretty compact actually, can fit in my glovebox of my hilux (but does take up most of the room) so lives in my insulated storage crate of my canopy.

                  the gooloo gt1500 i paid $150 at the time - now available for closer to $100, and way more new models is only just over 500grams. I'd have to go dig out my old jumper leads but im almost sure the jumper leads took up more space even when coiled, and weighed same if not more.

                  the whole idea was i dont need a donor car to jumpstart in off chance i need to.
                  i can also help others (why not if i have it with me anyway)
                  it also has an integrated worklight i could use in event of needing a light eg camping or need to work on something in the dark
                  it also can double as an extra battery backup in event of black out or away from power to keep my usb devices charged

                  i think its one of the more useful things i keep in my car and it easily justifies the space it takes up (which actually isnt that much)

                  again, having a canopy, there are a bunch of nooks and crannies not taken up by toolboxes and other work related goods i could easily put supplies into and pretty much not miss the space.

        • +2

          So did it onceā€¦. So lug all that weight around and space taken up for a one off event.

          Not sure why you are being such a jackass about it.

          The vast majority of stuff that's carried is for "one off events". E.g. I carry a spare tyre, but have never had a flat tyre in my 20+ years of driving.

          • -5

            @p1 ama:

            Not sure why you are being such a jackass about it.

            Same reason you felt to reply.

            The vast majority of stuff that's carried is for "one off events". E.g. I carry a spare tyre, but have never had a flat tyre in my 20+ years of driving.

            Then you are pretty lucky to have a spare and never had to use it.

            Hope you offer it to one of the many new car drivers these days without a spare tyre when you see them with a flat! As wasn't that the point? Helping others? Hence why they carry around a jump starter pack. But oh bad me for choosing to have road side coverage instead. I'm such a selfish person by not helping others as I don't carry a jump start around as I elected to look after my own issues via road side service.

            • @JimmyF:

              Then you are pretty lucky to have a spare and never had to use it.

              Similarly, you may be pretty lucky to have never had a flat battery when trying to start your car.

              • -2

                @p1 ama:

                Similarly, you may be pretty lucky to have never had a flat battery when trying to start your car.

                Yep, never had a flat battery, but I'm 100% prepared for it. I have road side care, so will give them a call to sort it out rather than roam the car park asking strangers to solve my issue for me.

                That said, had my fair share of flat tyes over the years. Shockingly, I got the jack out and changed it myself, rather than call the road side care or roam the car park again looking for someone to solve my problem.

                So as I said, you're pretty lucky to never had to change a tyre in 20+ years from a flat.

                • +1


                  Yep, never had a flat battery, but I'm 100% prepared for it. I have road side care, so will give them a call to sort it out rather than roam the car park asking strangers to solve my issue for me.

                  The whole point of carrying a jumpstart battery is so that you neither have to call roadside assist, nor roam around to ask strangers to help.

                  Calling roadside assist can take upwards of an hour, and good luck if you're in a remote place with no phone reception.

                  Not sure why you're harping on about asking strangers to solve your problem - I thought we were discussing the merits of carrying out a jumpstart battery, but you seem to be pre-occupied.

                  • @p1 ama:

                    The whole point of carrying a jumpstart battery is so that you neither have to call roadside assist, nor roam around to ask strangers to help.

                    Then you need to cast your eyes up, as the this entire sub thread you have been replying to is about how crap of a person I am for not thinking of others by having a jump start battery in my car as I have road side instead.

                    Calling roadside assist can take upwards of an hour

                    And? I'm happy to wait for up to an hour once every 20-30 years. Could only be 15 mins too.

                    and good luck if you're in a remote place with no phone reception.

                    LOL and how is that any different to when you pull your jump start battery out that has been in the car for 3 years and it is….. flat? See I can change the metrics of the problem on the fly too. Looks like we're both stuffed.

                    Not sure why you're harping on about asking strangers to solve your problem - I thought we were discussing the merits of carrying out a jumpstart battery, but you seem to be pre-occupied.

                    Again, scroll up, read the thread about how much of a evil person I am for not having a jump start battery in my car when I have no need for it, just so I can help other people who are roaming the car park looking for a kind soul with a jump start battery to help them out as they don't have either a battery or road side.

                    This entire sub thread that people like you have piled into for no reason other than doing a pile on, was about me saying that I have a road side, so I have no need for a jump start battery.

                    If you want to carry a jump start battery around, then do it. No one is stopping you. But telling me I have to carry one around? Yeah nah. Keep that to yourself.

                    • @JimmyF:

                      Then you need to cast your eyes up, as the this entire sub thread you have been replying to is about how crap of a person I am for not thinking of others by having a jump start battery in my car as I have road side instead.

                      I don't know why you're getting uppity with me about what others are saying about you. Why am I responsible for others' opinions of you?

                      And? I'm happy to wait for up to an hour once every 20-30 years. Could only be 15 mins too.

                      Sure, but I'd rather not wait.

                      LOL and how is that any different to when you pull your jump start battery out that has been in the car for 3 years and it isā€¦.. flat? See I can change the metrics of the problem on the fly too. Looks like we're both stuffed.

                      Not really - before I go on a trip where I know I'll be in remote areas, I'll charge up the jumpstart battery.

                      Again, I genuinely don't understand why this offends you so much. It's a tool that is useful in emergencies. If you don't have to use it, that's a good thing. By your logic, what's the point in having a first aid kit, if you can just call an ambulance?

                      Again, scroll up, read the thread about how much of a evil person I am for not having a jump start battery in my car when I have no need for it, just so I can help other people who are roaming the car park looking for a kind soul with a jump start battery to help them out as they don't have either a battery or road side.

                      Sighs, what does that have to do with me? Go take it up with them.

                      This entire sub thread that people like you have piled into for no reason other than doing a pile on, was about me saying that I have a road side, so I have no need for a jump start battery.

                      How am I piling on you? You're not a victim. If you have opinions, then stand behind them. Don't be a little coward-ass b*tch and have a sook about how others are mean to you.

                      • @p1 ama:

                        Sure, but I'd rather not wait.

                        So let me get this straight, You're not happy to wait for up to an hour once every 20-30 years but

                        Not really - before I go on a trip where I know I'll be in remote areas, I'll charge up the jumpstart battery.

                        You'll spend 10 mins before each trip to go find the battery, charge it up and put it back in the car around.

                        Umm ok.

                        If you have opinions, then stand behind them. Don't be a little coward-ass b*tch and have a sook about how others are mean to you.

                        I have stood behind them, but the endless people like you are the ones having a sook about how you couldn't wait up to an hour once every 20-30 years for road side, so instead have a battery keep replying tell me so. Just like you have.

                        • @JimmyF:

                          So let me get this straight, You're not happy to wait for up to an hour once every 20-30 years but

                          Learn to read, lemon. When you're in a remote area without mobile phone coverage, how exactly are you going to call roadside assist?

                          I have stood behind them, but the endless people like you are the ones having a sook about how you couldn't wait up to an hour once every 20-30 years for road side, so instead have a battery keep replying tell me so. Just like you have.

                          "People like me"? I'm not the one having a whinge and saying that the world is against me. I'm just presenting the case for why I think it's useful to carry a battery. If you can't debate on the merits of the case and need to have a sook to make yourself feel better, then that's on you.

                          If you can't handle people disagreeing with you, then best to keep your opinions to yourself.

                          • @p1 ama:

                            When you're in a remote area without mobile phone coverage, how exactly are you going to call roadside assist?

                            LOL Who is the lemon that keeps changing what is happening? First it was waiting in a car park, now its some remote area with no phone service.

                            Anyhow Lemon, wherever my car can go, it will have phone service. So no issue. Anywhere without service, I doubt my car will make it. So not an issue.

                            "People like me"? I'm not the one having a whinge

                            Yeah people like you who keep changing the problem to suit their viewpoint.

                            I don't give a shit if you carry a battery, but you're the one telling me I should be. See the issue Lemon?

                            If you can't handle people disagreeing with you, then best to keep your opinions to yourself.

                            Says the person who piped in to express your opinion to me without being asked.

                            • @JimmyF:

                              LOL Who is the lemon that keeps changing what is happening? First it was waiting in a car park, now its some remote area with no phone service.

                              Where did I say "waiting in a carpark"?

                              Yeah people like you who keep changing the problem to suit their viewpoint.

                              There are a whole range of problems that can happen in the real world.

                              I don't give a shit if you carry a battery, but you're the one telling me I should be. See the issue Lemon?

                              Where did I say that you should carry a battery? Give me the quote.

                              Says the person who piped in to express your opinion to me without being asked.

                              I'm not having a whinge about being some victim of the tyrannical majority.

                              Here's a tip, people carry different things. That's all good. No need to act like you have a push rod inserted up your backside.

                              • @p1 ama:

                                Where did I say "waiting in a carpark"?

                                Again, read the thread you're replying to. Not that hard.

                                I'm not having a whinge about being some victim of the tyrannical majority.

                                You are, also inserting your opinion to me without being asked.

                                Here's a tip, people carry different things. That's all good.

                                Great tip, so why do you keep whinging that I don't?

                                No need to act like you have a push rod inserted up your backside.

                                That would be you all bent out of shape over your newly invented outback adventure with no mobile service and a flat battery. But hey I call a jump start battery so look at me.

                                Anyhow, enough talking to potatoes, I have real things to worry about than some make believe adventure you'll never go on.

    • My mid 2010's car had its battery die suddenly. Needed to jump it in the morning. Was very useful to have the battery. Worth the money to know I didn't have to wait for road side. Jumped it the next day to go and get a new battery. Also used it to charge my phone once arriving at some places. Very handy device.

      • -6

        Was very useful to have the battery. Worth the money to know I didn't have to wait for road side

        Yes that 30 min wait for the road side service would have been world ending…… But glad you got some use out of your $200 jump starter.

        • +1

          30 minutes is a gross underestimation and it totally depends on the time of day, I have been stuck with a rental car waiting 3 hours for a jump start.

        • $70 mate.
          Wouldn't have been world ending, but quite inconvenient. Plus we used it a few times, so it allowed us to keep moving while sorting out a new battery as the old one would work but drain if left for ~8 hours.

        • Why the profanity do you keep acting as if <$100 jump starters are $200?

          • -5


            Why the profanity do you keep acting as if <$100 jump starters are $200?

            Because that is the price of the one listed above that someone is carrying. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ

            Guess not everyone buys cheap shit like you.

        • Did your pet goldfish die and you are so distraught with grief you are taking it out on the world?

          Help is available.


          • @CurlCurl:

            Did your pet goldfish die and you are so distraught with grief you are taking it out on the world?

            LOL If by taking it out on the world you mean not agreeing with those that say I should carry a jump start battery, yeah I guess so.

            But really if you think about it, maybe it is them that is so distraught with grief they feel the need to tell a stranger what to do, not me. I'm perfectly happy with my road side service plan. No need to buy a battery, no need to carry it around, no need to worry if it is charged, and haven't ever had to call them for a flat battery in 20+ years. So far from distraught! But thats for asking.

  • +5

    I've got the usual stuff like a jump-starter pack and a fire-extinguisher, plus lots of little tools and gadgets that do different things. The most notable thing missing is a damn spare tyre!

    The most unusual thing I have are vomit bags. For picking up drunk friends when they can't get home!

    • -3

      @bobbified … "to a fire-extinguisher"

      now that is something different … do you own an EV by any chance ?:)?:):)

      only time I've been in a car with a fire extinguisher … was way back when I was in scouts/venturers … and we had an offroad rally car (mitsi sigma).

      • +1

        No way I'd own an EV right now. From what I've seen on youtube, I don't think a 1kg extinguisher would do much for an EV fire.. Best thing to do would probably be to GTFO and run! šŸ˜†

        I don't expect my own car will catch fire, but if I come across a small fire or a car accident or something in my travels, it might come in handy. A lot of the stuff I keep is for a "just in case". I don't own a 4WD to be going-off-roading or anything, but I do a bit of long distance driving a few times/year.

        I've been wondering whether to get a portable de-fib machine to keep in the boot.

        • I've been wondering whether to get a portable de-fib machine to keep in the boot.

          I have one in my chest. It's with me permanently.

          • @CurlCurl: Damn, I hope you're okay! I didn't know they existed until the guy in the bed next to me in hospital said that he got one. His heart apparently stopped suddenly (and they revived him).But they couldn't figure out why, so they attached one to him just in case it happened again.

            I'm glad I don't have one attached to me, but I think i will eventually need the help of one! It's just that it'll be useless unless I have someone in the car with me that knows how to use it.

            • +4


              Damn, I hope you're okay! I didn't know they existed until the guy in the bed next to me in hospital said that he got one.

              Yep. I'm fine thank you.

              I have dilated Cardiomyopathy and AF. Mine is a Pacemaker and Defibrillator in one. Luckily the defib hasn't had to kick in. Been in nearly 6 years.

              • +4

                @CurlCurl: Truly all the best with your health. This sort of thing puts our usual petty issues into perspective.

                • +7


                  Truly all the best with your health. This sort of thing puts our usual petty issues into perspective.

                  Thanks mate I appreciate it.

                  I was diagnosed March 2007. Dr said 50% of people with it will die in the first 12 months. 17 years later I'm still here living life to the full at 78. Still driving without a restricted licence. Still drive to Brisbane, Bourke, Dubbo etc.

                  • @CurlCurl: More power to you mate. You have to grasp every day. I had a melanoma removed 23 years ago. Caught it early but it does rock you when it happens.

              • @CurlCurl: Glad to hear that you're doing okay! I don't know how old you are, but it's pretty life-changing regardless!

                • +2

                  @bobbified: The diagnosis rocked me a bit. Iā€™ve was fed up with my job so I decided if I was dead in five years Iā€™d be buggered if I was still doing this. Weā€™d just paid off the house so I took some time off.

                  Iā€™m now 62. Iā€™ve got to the age where Iā€™m renting myself off the medical profession. Regular blood tests, urine tests, skin checks, cardiograms, bone density, smear tests, breast exams. Iā€™ve even had a couple of colonoscopies with the dreaded ā€œprepā€ work. Fortunately mostly negative so far. Fingers crossed for my next set of results.

                  Now Iā€™m retired it is brilliant though.

                  • @try2bhelpful: Who the hell negs this? Honestly some people.

                  • @try2bhelpful:

                    Iā€™m now 62. Iā€™ve got to the age where Iā€™m renting myself off the medical profession. Regular blood tests, urine tests, skin checks, cardiograms, bone density, smear tests, breast exams. Iā€™ve even had a couple of colonoscopies with the dreaded ā€œprepā€ work. Fortunately mostly negative so far. Fingers crossed for my next set of results.

                    Holey shit. I know you wont allow the above to get you down.

                    Can't believe someone negged you for that post.. I gave you a +.

                    • @CurlCurl:

                      Can't believe someone negged you for that post.. I gave you a +.

                      Looks like the same cretin (informal : a stupid, vulgar, or insensitive person : clod, lout) that negged your post may also have negged mine.

                      He/she/it must have a miserable life. Hopefully, karma will be all over you.

        • +1

          Best thing to do would probably be to GTFO and run! šŸ˜†

          That's pretty much the recommendation with any vehicle fire except in the rare cases where you've been trained what to do. If you've got an EV, you're less likely to have it catch fire anyway - https://www.drive.com.au/caradvice/how-many-electric-cars-haā€¦ (or any one of the hundreds of results to a search for "EV ICE fire prevalence")

          • @banana365:

            If you've got an EV, you're less likely to have it catch fire anyway

            I reckon this will go up quite a bit more as the average age of the EVs on the road get higher and higher. And then the chargers that people have at home too - as they get older and don't get replaced, I think they'll probably end up causing lots of house fires.

            • +1

              @bobbified: Weā€™ll see. We donā€™t see a lot of battery powered devices causing fires now.

              However, I do think more needs to be done on defining the standard of battery that is allowed in. Cars should be fine but the e-bikes and e-scooters might be an issue.

              • @try2bhelpful: Electrical fires are one of the most common house fires. It's about the same as cooking fires.

                I think you're right about how they need to define that standards of batteries. As EVs get more popular, so will businesses that manufacture the batteries. Some will cheap out on the manufacturing process to undercut others in price, etc.

                • +1

                  @bobbified: Agree with electrical fires but they could be things with mains, faulty wiring, etc rather than battery powered devices. We donā€™t see a lot of mass recalls with devices with battery issues.

                  However, I also agree people need to treat batteries properly and manufacture carefully. Cars will be subject to road worthies before the technology can be imported. They are likely to be relatively safe. The issue might be more about accidents and ensuring batteries are fit for use afterwards.

                  Me, Iā€™m holding out for my EV to also be my main storage battery for my panels. We barely drive so that would be perfect for us.

            • @bobbified: Domestic EV chargers are little more than large diameter wires connected to a chunky socket, perhaps with a basic monitoring/display circuit. There's less to go wrong than there is in a fridge. When did you last replace your 10A wall sockets? They're about as likely to fail due to age.

    • +2

      For picking up drunk friends when they can't get home!

      I disagree with plenty of stuff you say at times, but you sound like a pretty solid friend.

      • We've all been there before. haha

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