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Online Course with 100% HECS Scholarship - Diploma of Dementia Care (up to $308/yr Student Service Fee) @ University of Tasmania


Diploma of Dementia Care

The website https://www.utas.edu.au/wicking/m1d says:

  • 100% HECS Scholarships Available (DOMESTIC STUDENTS)
  • The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) is payable by the student. (In 2020 fees are $46.20 per 12.5 credit point unit, capped at $308 per annum).

The Diploma of Dementia Care is a fully online, eight-unit program available to carers, aged care, community and health industry workers and anyone with an interest in learning more about dementia.

It provides graduates with knowledge to make a difference in the health and community sector in a range of roles which will be critical in delivering enhanced capacity to a sector which is facing an enormous challenge. Individuals with backgrounds in healthcare, community service and allied health professionals, may find this course useful to broaden knowledge base and scope of practice.

It is suitable for those with or without formal education qualifications, and articulation into further study at Associate Degree and Bachelor level is available upon successful completion.

A condition as serious as dementia requires a special type of care – and a special type of person to provide it. Our course will develop your specialised understanding of dementia so that you can make a positive difference to the lives of people living with dementia.

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University of Tasmania
University of Tasmania

closed Comments

  • https://www.utas.edu.au/wicking/m1d/hecs-scholarships-and-fe…

    Pay the relevant Student Services and Amenities Fee (for 2020 this is $46.20 per 12.5 credit point unit, with an annual cap of $308. This fee is set on a yearly basis, and may vary).

    Not free

  • +3

    I wouldn't touch UTas with a 10 foot pole with all the stuff ABC has published about the allegations of student plagiarism, failing, grades and not having adequate entry requirements

  • +3

    what other: 100% HECS Scholarships Available diplomas/degrees available?

  • +3

    is this a cheap way to get an .edu email?

    • +3

      Yes, and to get a student card and potentially concession card for public transport, movie tickets, etc.

      Can also get office 365 access too

    • Here’s the real thinker.

    • +1

      Hahaha I had to laugh. True OzBargainer right there!

  • Where is the job market for such a degree?

    • +2

      Aged Care… Although with the current ongoing Royal Commission into Aged Care, it's probably not a favourable career path. Maybe in 5-10 years when, and if they sort out the bulk of issues with Aged Care in Australia.

      • -4

        that only affects gov funded aged care homes

        • +2

          What? Absolutely not!
          How did you get such a wrong idea?

          Any aged care facility is suspect. Even the most expensive privately owned facility can cut costs & endanger residents.

          Anyone can mistreat vulnerable residents.

          The easiest way to maximise profits is to minimise (worker) costs. Carer wages are low, as few as possible are employed, they often lack adequate training & support, and are generally overworked - working double shifts by what I saw in an expensive facility. There is always more demand for their time than possible - to provide adequate care.

        • You don't understand the sector! Your profile shows you don't even live in Australia to know how it is structured. You make unfounded comments that can mislead others.

          that only affects gov funded aged care homes

          That's every aged care facility!

          Name one aged care facility here that receives no government funding? That's the primary source of funds to the sector.

          All aged care facilities are Government funded - that's how the system is structured. https://agedcare.health.gov.au/aged-care-funding/residential…

          That's why private operators are moving into the sector - for the Government guaranteed $. With an aging population, there was a need for lots more aged care places. It was previously the domain of charities & religious groups.

          All residents pay a basic daily fee to the facility, topped up by a means tested daily fee for those with assets, plus any additional daily charges (wine with meals etc). Can cost thousands per week.

          The Government pays the aged care facility as well.

          The cost to the resident is not based primarily on the quality of the facility or level of care, but the ability of the resident to pay. A person can pay the same in the worst or best facility.

          If the person can't pay the fees, the Govt pays.

          The Government pays more to all facilities providing high care (residents needing greater assistance).

          Plus there is the massive Refundable Accommodation Deposit charged on entry which is often $500k+. No interest is earnt by the resident - it funds future upgrades for the business. If the resident or their family can't pay the full amount, the interest is added to the daily fee.
          Again, the Govt puts in money if the resident can't pay.

          • -2

            @INFIDEL: No it's not. This is only for Australian funded aged care homes

            • @mr_asstight: All Australian aged care facilities are government funded. And all can be part of the inquiry.

              Again, name one Australian aged care facility that does not receive Australian Government funding??

              As I posted - that's the way the funding system operates. Residents also contribute towards the costs.

              Do your basic research!

              From the Terms of Reference to the Inquiry
              inquire into the following matters:
              (a) the quality of aged care services provided to Australians, the extent to which those services meet the needs of the people accessing them, the extent of substandard care being provided, including mistreatment and all forms of abuse, the causes of any systemic failures, and any actions that should be taken in response;…

              No where does it mention the inquiry is limited only to aged care facilities funded by the Australian Government… As you claim!!

              It's not limited only to Government funded facilities - as all are Government funded!

              The only way not to be funded is not to have approval to operate!

              Better take up your misguided argument with the Royal Commission - tell them their job!

        • All homes in Australia receive funding of some sort. Mostly under what is called ACFI. Non-Gov homes most certainly recieve this funding. And don't believe the term "Not for Profit" or "Charity" when it comes to Nursing Homes…
          Trust me when I say I know wayyyy too well.

    • +4

      This is the Diploma course, not the Degree.
      If you are considering studying the Dementia Care Degree Program in 2020, we are pleased to offer 100% HECS Scholarships for eligible students (i.e. pay no tuition fees) to enable graduation with a Diploma of Dementia Care (completion of the first eight units). For any units studied beyond the first eight units, we will provide a 50% HECS Scholarship to enable graduation with an Associate Degree in Dementia Care (completion of 16 units) or the full Bachelor of Dementia Care Degree (completion of 24 units)

      As shown in the graduate videos, the Diploma course is suited to the carer of a relative with Dementia.

      But should also help in gaining employment in Dementia units in Aged Care, probably with other training in looking after patients. In my experience, they always need staff.

      It is a demanding & undervalued field to work in.

  • -4

    For those interested in a topical Perth invention, have a look at this app: https://www.painchek.com/

  • +3

    One of the fastest growing jobs in Australia - so any qualified person should have no troubles finding a job.
    Pay and conditions dont tend to reflect this though…

  • Do you get to keep the student email after finishing the course?

  • Has anyone managed to get the 100% HECS Waiver?

    I got offered but it doesn't look like the fees are waivered. Possible should have enrolled via the scholarship option.

    • edit, on closer inspection it does show Type of Enrolment: Commonwealth Supported Place, but not sure percentage of HECS waived.

  • so I had a good call with them, apparently the 100% HECS waiver doesn't get processed straight away, but some time between now and the census date.

    sounds dodgy, hopefully it applies.

    On the plus side I've got my edu.au email.

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