• long running

[SUBS, Prime] Borat Subsequent MovieFilm Added to Amazon Prime Video


Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bride to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

Now available free on Amazon Prime Video.

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          • @RetroMetro: Oh I got it. Poorly cast, big plot holes, technical faults (e.g. horrible audio). Overall an over-indulgent bit of a wank by Nolan…but that's just my humble opinion.

            • +3

              @spudgun: Horrible audio is fair enough but the casting was great imo.

              • +1

                @Latch: yo same. Loved the movie only audio quality was a little bit of a let down. But I don't think its just a tennet issue. So many movies have crappy audio quality in the cinemas

              • @Latch: Oof. A 7-foot tall giraffe with a charisma bypass in high heels. There was zero chemistry. How are we to believe that the protagonist would risk everything for her? Then there's the "protagonist" (yes, they couldn't be bothered to give him a name) - we're expected to believe they would send a black dude to infiltrate a spetsnaz. Oh and in before some imbecile says, "Das rayciss", it would be just as believable as sending a ginger to infiltrate the yakuza.

                The actor was competent, but miscast for the role.

                This is easily one of the worst movies I've seen in years. All the best to you if you enjoyed it - to each his own.

            • @spudgun: Any misunderstanding I had about the plot I put down to how complicated the movie was. What plot holes are you referring to, out of interest?

              • @Dancasper: The "assault" on the Indian weapons dealer's home…only to find that they were part of the secret club also. Fair enough, but then why the need for the dramatic escape? They could have simply walked out. Spectacle without purpose. A small writing tweak could have fixed it.

                The protagonist's fight against himself was completely unnecessary - why not mask off and… It worked with his pal. It was for spectacle.

                Some ridiculous scenes that were purely to show off:
                Teeth-pulling scene. Why on earth do it on a busy train line, with many witnesses? A complicated setup based on the remote chance that he saw and took the poison pill. And why have the pill actually poison him if it was just a test?

                The windmill scene. How did this progress the plot in any way at all? Spectacle without purpose.

                Michael Caine's scene…why? Maybe he needed some cash so Nolan was obliging to his old mate? The box office pull of a big name?

                And "showdown" between the 3 at the end with each having a bit of the Mcguffin…why not just blow it up there and then….or go and drop it in a volcano?

                I never felt it was clever, just overly complicated in ways that did't help the story at all. Overall a lame James Bond rip-off with some pretentious time-travel twists. Red Dwarf did some time travel episodes far more interesting and amusing to boot, with a fraction of the budget!

                • @spudgun: I agree there were rediculous scenes. I'm surprised you didn't mention the catamaran scene. It came off looking like a Bond parody with the goodguy, badguy & loveinterest out sailing a highly specialised racing catamaran…yep. I enjoyed the premise of the movie but scenes like that also put me off.

                  These aren't really plot holes though. The fight with himeself, he had to keep the mask on as he was inverted (going backwards in time). I thought the whole windmill thing was a measure to avoid the character meeting their inverted self? The Tenet sub-reddit is a good source to unravel the plot line.

          • @RetroMetro: You must have excellent hearing, the sound mixing was an atrocity.

            • @brendanm: i did clean my ears out haha. Nah but i agree like i said above the audio quality wasn't the greatest. But overall it was good! Might just need subtitles or something for next time

        • Have seen Tenet and The Outpost - enjoyed both for different reasons.

          In the case of Tenet, it really was a slow-burner, until the end where the significance of the characters involved and their relationships crystalised. Sometimes it only takes one person to have a profound effect on the life of someone growing up…

    • I haven't watched any since Borat, which ones were the hits?

  • +11

    This is a movie added for free that has never been released before, skipping the cinemas.

    This certainly deserves a post.

    • -5

      Does every straight to subscription services movie deserve a post?

    • +1

      Rudy thinking he's about to get serviced by a 15 year old also is worth going out of your way to see. How can a man who spends his life looking for hoaxes on his opponents not recognise that he was being set up.

  • +12

    Out of interest, why doesn't everyone bitch about the weekly Aldi posts where their non-food specials are rarely better prices than what you can buy off other retailers and online such as eBay all the time? They seem to get a pass but new movies to streaming services get hit with whingers.

    • +1

      Because either the people that neg are mad they didn't post first or they don't have the subscription.

    • +1

      Interesting point

    • +2

      If it wasn't for aldi we would all be getting pounded buying Ozito power tools not on discount from bunnings. Are those the specials you are talking about?

      • Correct , althought one uses bait & switch, the other is a monopoly to be smashed.

    • +1

      What's weirder is all the Amazon groceries posts which are the same price as Coles and Woolies when they go on special that get hundreds of upvotes. If I'm going to bother order groceries from Amazon and waiting for them to arrive they'd want to be dirt cheap and worth stockpiling.

  • +3

    Comments section is lit!
    I'll watch it, but I'm on the side of the "this is not a bargain worthy post" though.

    • +4

      nobody comes for the bargains anymore, just the comments

      • …You say that like it's a bad thing.

  • +2

    Am I the only one that found the Dictator to be 10 times funnier than Borat

    • +16

      Try watching the borat skits from the ali g show, they are 10 times funnier than the dictator.

      • +5


        • +1

          For real!

      • +2

        Which makes them 100 times funnier than the movie…

      • +1

        I liked those but find his movies tend to wear thin. The pastiche characters he tends to create at good at holding your attention for five minutes. But feature length films, not so much.

      • +5

        Ali g was peak SBC

    • +2

      The helicopter scene in the Dictator cracked me up.

      • +3

        Lol it was….Porsche 911 🤣

      • +2

        yeah that scene genuinely holds the record for making me crack up the most BY FAR out of any movie

    • Yes

  • +5

    All negative votes removed? Anyways, I'll check it out so thanks.

    • +1

      You're more likely to get away with threatening the mother of another OZBargainer, than you are to get away with a neg on a deal.

  • -3

    Already seen it for free

    • +1


  • +3

    I came for the comments section! People did not disappoint

  • +9

    Wow Amazon prime giving netflix a big run for their money given all the other sht you get with it.

    • +15

      The prime sub is well worth it for the amazon delivery options in itself imo.

      The fact that you get a video subscription PLUS a music subscription (+ twitch prime if you're into that) means its already miles ahead in value over a netflix subscription. Not sure how on earth they keep it at $7 a month

      • The price will increase eventually, it was increased in murica not long ago and they pay $12 or $13 per month (USD) now (US$120 per year) vs A$7 pm / A$69 per year

        • +8

          Difference is that there are actually stuff to buy on Amazon in the US.

          • +1

            @dyziplen: I don't think Amazon AU is as bad as you're saying, I'm still giving it the benefit of a growth period. I've certainly gotten deals and I am more than happy to pay the subscription as it's paid for itself very quick.

        • It is still A$59.00 per year at the moment, did they announce a future increase?

          • -1

            @Jimbuscus: Not yet, but it'll come.

            • @Kozhutki: When I started seeing so many ads during the footy, all I was thinking is great, now more people gonna signup and bring us closer to normal Prime pricing.

              I have been with the service since day1 in 2018 when it was A$5.00/pm, A$7.00 has been great and I watch just as much Prime Video as Netflix. I use Prime Gaming, First Reads, etc.

      • +3

        The music one you get with amazon prime is rubbish though.

        • -1

          What music one?
          Would be great if they combined with Audible for one low price :)

          • +2

            @congo: Prime music or whatever it is. Very limited. Prime music unlimited is the one you have to pay for separately.

  • +10


  • +5

    These Gypsies on OzBargain like the free film

  • +1

    Finished it about half an hour ago.

    While it's not as quotable as the original, I quite liked it. Ending was quite the surprise tbh.

  • +1

    I'll be honest, I wasn't a fan of the first movie. But based on what I heard goes on in his subsequent movie, I like what he does :)

    • -7

      Says someone easily influenced by mainstream media.

      • +14

        I prefer to be easily influenced by facebook posts. I know I can trust them because they confirm what I already believe.

        • +4

          Confirmation bias; the cornerstone of every social media PhD.

        • Mainstream & Social media

  • +7

    What's more dangerous coronavirus or the Democrats?

    • +1

      lol whoever down voted me didn't even watch the Borat trailer. Clearly shows their intelligence level XD

      • +1

        Democrats, definitely Democrats

      • lol i got you brother

    • My fav line right there

  • Looking forward to this

  • +1

    Guess what I am watching tonight

  • +2

    Cool, thanks for that… This guy is absolutely hilarious

  • +3

    Prime users be like la la la you will never get this. You will never get this.
    One day I will get this.

  • +1

    There is a new Borat!?!?!?! CAN NOT WAIT TO WATCH THIS

  • He's gone back to that Romanian shithole lol

  • +8

    Yeah, not sure why this is a deal. 30 mins in and it ain't funny. An old overdone joke.

    • +24

      Gypsy detected

    • +1

      So in your opinion, you got what you paid for?

    • +3

      30 mins I was over it but stuck it out for another 20… wish I didn’t. Stupidest thing I’ve watched for a long time.

  • +3

    World Rifle Championships Kazakstan national anthem errrrrr thx BORAT.

    Anyone remember this?

    Borat Anthem played by mistake


  • Is this free to watch for Prime members?

    • +3


  • +1


  • Thanks OP, watched trailer..defiantly wachting it…

  • Gonna be plenty of controversy after watching half lol.

    Lots of references to having women in cages, sex with under age daughters, and other female related insults lol.

    Women's groups will be out in force over the weekend.

    • +5

      I doubt it, he's accusing conservatives of these things, he will be applauded.

  • Anyone know if you can join the free trial just to watch the movie, then cancel?

    • +1

      Borat says, You can YES

    • +1

      It's cheap enough as it is, but hey we are all ozbers. :)

  • +8

    How is this a bargain?

    • +9

      it isn't, but ozbargain is now a source of news and information of things coming to subscription services and if you question it you get negged…

      • +3

        Thank you for saying what I feel because I don't have the courage and also fear the neg.

        We need JV.

    • +3

      It’s free if you have prime.
      Same deal with the PlayStation and Xbox game pass posts.

  • Thank god, he didn't make the same mistake Tom Hanks did with Greyhound.

  • Noob question, what makes this an "addition"?

    • It's content that's been "added" to a subscription service's library. There are some people who don't like this sort of deal, so the deals are tagged with "SUBS" (for "subscription") so those people can choose not to see them.

  • +1
    • +2

      come on man this guys legendary you can't expect terrible work from this guy

      • He's awesome but some of his movies hit the mark a bit. Borat is easily his best creation IMO

        • id say its a toss up between borat and ali g

          miss the mark/go overboard sure but i wouldn't call them terrible. terrible is when you're so get bored you start questioning your sanity, you simply don't get that from this guy. you can clearly see the amount of effort that he puts in, its on a different level imo

        • +1

          Ali G easily.

      • Bruno was really bad.

  • Thanks. I'm looking forward to this and would never have noticed it going direct to Prime.

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