Side Hustle/Extra Income Ideas

Hi OZB community

I am after some ideas to earn some extra income each week. I am only thinking $100 per week and would ideally like something that is flexible as I have 2 children under 3.

I have thought about doing some bar work on weekends but I would prefer something more flexible that I could do throughout the week.

I look forward to hearing your suggestions




        • i think it is 120 dollar now?

          • +2

            @Haha Hihi Hoho: It's normally $108 for 4 hours, or $135 for 5 hours.
            But it often goes up to the above rates when it's closer to the time slot.

            However, I don't know how long that will stick around - Flex drivers in America have posted on Reddit that in some of their cities they need to be quick to get the blocks as they are in high demand. Australia, or at the very least Brisbane's DC seems to have the opposite problem for now…

  • -4

    Blackadder Series 2 Episode 1 - Bells

    In the house of Kate (K) and her father (F).

    K: Father, I must speak. I can be silent no longer. All day long you muttered to yourself, gibbered, dribbled, moaned and bat your head against the wall, yelling “I want to die”. Now you may say I’m leaping to conclusions but you’re not completely happy, are you? It’s mother, isn’t it?

    F: No, it is not.

    K: You’re brooding over her death, aren’t you?

    F: Kate, for the final time, your mother is not dead. She’s run off with your uncle Henry.

    K: Dear father, I know you only say such things to comfort me.

    F: Your mother is alive and well and living in Droitwich. It is not her I brood over. I’m sad because, my darling, our poverty has now reached such extremes that I can no longer afford to keep us. I must look to my own dear tiny darling to sustain me in my frail dotage.

    K: But father, surely…

    F: Yes Kate, I want you to become a prostitute.

    K: Father!

    F: Do you defy me?

    K: But indeed, I do. For it is better to die poor than to live in shame and ignominy.

    F: No, it isn’t.

    K: I’m young and strong and clever. My nose is pretty. I shall find another way to earn us a living.

    F: Oh, please… go on the game. It is a steady job and you’d be working from home.

    K: Goodbye father. I shall go to London, disguise my self as a boy and seek my fortune!

    F: But why go all the way to London when you can make a fortune lying on your back?

  • +1

    If you're not attached to your car, list it on Car Next Door. Summer is the peak period

    • +1

      Plus any tools to keep it on the road may become tax deductible. Dyor

      Foam cannon
      Ozito portable inflator
      Portable vacuum
      Ozito batteries
      Socket sets
      Nitrile gloves

  • Arbitrage - pick up free stuff off Marketplace/council clean up and resell to cover your time.

  • Ubereats? Can make $100 in about 3-4hours before promotions and depending on how busy it is where you live. Super chill work and you can literally just do however much you like.

  • +2

    Refinance your home loan if you have one… and do this every three months for the cashbacks (bonus it’s tax free money)

  • +1

    Sushi Delivery locally

  • +2

    Probably said above already but I'm in the same circumstance as you. I've got 2 kids under 3, and I had a side hustle. I considered the time, effort, return, and generally my mind being elsewhere when I was with the kids. It didn't take me long to realise it really wasn't worth being physically but not emotionally present with the kids as I was considering options for my side work, and dropped it in full.

    In the long run, what I hope to get out of a stronger relationship with my kids is going to be worth a lot more than me earning some more cash on the side. If luck goes my way, I'm hoping focusing on my primary job will eventually earn me more money in the long run and weigh over the benefit of a side job.

    The above is very subjective, but that's my honest thought process that led to me dropping additional work.

  • Along similar lines as the "focus on up-skilling and advancing your career": Where possible, make flexible working options a requirement for any job you take. By working from home you save on parking, takeaway food, coffee, fuel, with the bonus of also getting commute times back in your day and being able to do things like school pickups. Depending on your circumstances, you might also find that you only need one car because your commuting requirements have diminished. Sell the other, pocket the cash, and save over $1k a year on insurance and rego.

    • It is possible that working from home to save money might go against the goal of advancing OPs career in finance. I’d suggest the opposite - making yourself known in the organisation as a doer, being engaged and available to collaborate during core work hours and mentoring juniors would probably assist in gaining a promotion and pay rise in many companies. I’m not saying you can’t do some of this at home but it should be given some careful consideration

      • Yeah it definitely depends on the organisations culture. You're right in that some workplaces put a high value on teams being on-site and collaborating in person, and not doing so could definitely slow career progression. Personally I prefer a mix: a couple of days in the office to do all the in person collaboration, then the rest of the time at home to actually get things done.

  • +1

    Rent out a spare room if you have one.

  • I would share mine
    But kinda don't want to wreck my side gig economy while covid still is in play

    • So it's related to covid's existence!

      • Well Covid's lockdowns and supply shortages would have an influence on it.
        FWIW it's not scalping Ps5's or graphics cards.

        • Scalping RAT kits?

          • @t_c: Now thats an idea!

          • @t_c: Scomo's already worded Harvey up about it :(

  • +3

    Advertise on local uni boards that you're offering tutoring in whatever you're good at. Solid easy $100 a week

  • +2

    This won't be a popular post as most people are are obsessed with money and I know the "side hustle" is pushed in Barefoot Investor…

    You have 2 children under 3. Spend time with them. You won't regret that.

    If you have any, focus your extra time and energy on growing your primary career

    • +1

      In a way i agree, if you have kids and not a lot of free time, spend it with them.

      If you're single and have free time definitely take up a side hustle you find interesting.

    • +2

      I talk To quite a few dying people. Not many wealthy people wished they spent more time on a side hustle on their death bed.

  • +2

    Simple things that can make you money:

    Get a high interest savings account - while 1% isn't a lot, its better than .25% most banks offer

    Shop around for energy/gas

    Shop around for internet/mobile

    Shop around for mechanics etc.

    But also invest in your health -

    Less time sick, means less cash spent on things.

    • Mobile phone and internet are a huge way to save money. I pay $9.90 a month for my mobile phone. I recently got rid of my internet and signed up with Felix for $35 a month. Halved my internet bill. Look at streaming subscriptions too. Another way to save $$

  • Source some ART kit, easy to sell atm

  • +2

    Sex work is pretty profitable and flexible but if its not for you, and even if it is, its a hard af job.

    • How hard we talking

      • long hours, sometimes manipulative and shitty clients.

  • This is what Airtasker is for.

  • A good trick, ask your wife partner or what ever yo go on live cam with her head not showing or covered, or green screened and get donations for desperate guys watching for free easy money, you can control the way it goes.

  • +2

    Resell unwanted low priced items from garage sales, op shops and gumtree on ebay. Margins are great as I've sold plenty of things that I bought for $5-$10 and sold on ebay for $150-$200.

    • This

    • +1

      Great but it’s pretty time intensive to source the items.

      • +1

        It is time consuming but the reward is worth the time. I would spend Saturday mornings going around garage sales collecting resellable items. Testing, photos and listing is done at home so you are with your family.

        • Without giving away your trade secrets, what are example of things or categories that work for you?

          I like how you put testing, photos, … That's a scientific way of doing your side hustle.

          • @ihbh: You need to research stuff, general knowledge.
            When I was young, I worked at an Auction House I learnt so much!

            You'd be surprised what's worth money, esp now with eBay and basically an international market.

  • if you're into crypto, stake UST (USD stablecoin) on anchor protocol for 19.5% interest per year.
    to get $100 a week you'd need ~$27k deposited.

    • or just put it in a good cryptocurrency, and stake it.

    • May I ask what broker paying 19.5%?

  • +5

    Create a whirlpool acct. You get an instant extra 2k per week after tax right there.

    • Tell me more!

  • Amazon Flex

  • +1

    Flip stuff on facebook market. Do some research in fields that you know well and work out things that people are buying. Find them in bulk for cheap and resell.

  • +2

    Lawn mowing. If you can find a couple of people in your area who want their lawn mowed, charge them $50 each as long as the lawn isn't too big. As long as you already have reliable mower and trimmer and travel isn't too far then it's certainly worth it.

    • +2

      You can actually charge a lot more than $50 a lawn. I've seen people paying $150-$200 on Airtasker and those jobs only take an hour or two.

  • +1

    Reselling - buy low and sell at / above RRP

    You can often buy stuff that's posted on here and sell on eBay, Gumtree, FB Marketplace etc

    You can start small and work your way up pretty easily

  • or you can do AMSR on Twitch .. some ppl are earning over $1m USD doing this…

  • -3

    See APY and APR's:

  • +2

    Trade shitcoins
    It's free money

  • +2

    Enjoy your life and kids, drop the side hustle desire.

    Find a way to generate a passive income but don't work yourself to death. You may regret it.

  • Usana.

  • -1

    Army Reserves, do it.

    'scuse be

  • +1

    I used to go to my local Vinnie's, sometimes picked up some pretty good items and sold them on eBay (just list slightly lower than other sellers. The hunt is fun.

    • +1

      Have you seen the prices in Vinnies and Salvos lately. Insanity. $15+ for any branded shirt. They are researching everything when pricing them these days, takes all the fun out of it.

      • +2

        Arhh, no wonder I haven't been seeing many good things. I don't buy clothes, mostly electronics and branded ink.

  • Collect beer bottles/cans for $.10 and sell? If you know your suburbs finding 1000 items that go for 10 cents is nothing. And its tax free. And someone will take notice and ask you to come by every so often - then you have an established client base and a guaranteed income, tax free.

  • Twitch streaming, tiktok live streaming, YouTube live streaming, quality of content I'll leave up to you.

    • OF??

      • Outside freaks you mean, try the internet

  • Snooper app

  • +2

    Some really good posts in here, I honestly thought it was going to be a mess like most these topics are.

    Thank you to people who actually gave constructive ideas, I appreciate it too!

    I have a full time job, but its 2 days a week. I get 5 days off, and do nothing so I wouldn't mind simply earning an extra $200-300 a week to cover rent while I build my new house.


    • Wow what sort of work/industry you're in- full time job but only 2 days/week?? Sounds too good to be true.

  • +4

    Queue for Covid testing then sell your spot

  • -1

    So not sure if this counts but your basically talking about like $100 a week. Or $14.25 a day. One completely possible option if available to you with zero effort is to get a credit card balance transfer loan, Citibank are usually the ones to hit up they offer up to $100k I recently got approved for $50k and took 40k invest it at 10% in the market at around 10% that will give you about $13 a day if you keep reinvesting your half way there. I havnt done this myself yet and considering where to put the cash atm. You can decide to mine some crypto get a few 3070s or 3080s should give you around 200-300 a month. Kinda the easiest options at the moment. But expect it to drop Bitcoin , nice hash generally mines ether from what I remember. I don’t need the cash am on a good wicket but hard to say no to free cash. The loan is for 36months and u do have to factor in repayments of 2% or $800 a month but I see it as enforced savings.

    • Where does one get a 10% return?
      Other than the past year which was a once in a generation event

      Oh and crypto will only return that until, well it doesn't

      • +1

        Send the $50k to, change to TrueAUD stable coin and stake it there to earn 10% paid out weekly. There's your $100 a week.

        • +3

          Sounds like a ponzi scheme tbh

          • @Drakesy: There's def a risk company goes broke but are pretty big, just bought the naming rights to LA Lakers stadium. Another is Celsius which recently took a $50mill hit when a defi platform they were in was hacked, Celsius just covered it with no loss to their customers.

            You put it up for borrowing, lends it out to hedge funds and uses it for liquidity on defi getting much higher returns than the 10% they give you.

            • @hornbill: Yeah basically what people are recommending

          • @Drakesy: It sounds like effective use of capital.

            Legacy banks have been doing this for decades.

  • Bitcoin mining or the likes. Sure it’s not going to break the bank but it can net you a small sum if you have the kit for it.

  • +1

    I put in about 35k into a mining rig, currently returning $130 per day in income.
    It is fairly passive ie. you do need to monitor it from time to time, but hey it's $900 per week I wouldn't have had before.

    • How do you control the heat?

      • crack a window

        • Australia has some of the hottest summer air in the world. Opening the window would make the room hotter.

    • That's $35k upfront capital the OP probably doesn't have to invest.

    • $900 after you've paid the initial investment tho.

      What happens if Bitcoin tanks?

      What are your energy costs, is that before or after the $900?

    • can you share more info about your investment. I have some spare cash how would i get a return like yours?

      • +1

        Lots of information on forums

        Plenty of people who will set it up for you, also information on best performing GPU per investment.

  • Many restaurants are looking for dishwashers and prepared to pay big money at the moment. If you've got talent and dedication you can work your way up from there - e.g. Tetsuya.

  • do amazon flex, uber eats, menu log its more flexible than the job

  • seriously just do uber / door dash in your down time for some extra cash if you have an appropriate vehicle.

    Pick up a night shift doing something once a week etc.

    Side hustles aren't all they're cracked up to be.

  • I know the perfect hustle. Try this guy out.

  • +2

    Proof reading. There is so much content being put online that need to be proof read. If this is your superpower, do it. Start with AirTasker.

    • +1

      More information? Or just Airtasker?

    • Also interested. Ballpark $$?

      • Up to you. There are plenty of people that have requested this work for websites, resumes, academic documents on AirTasker.

  • +1

    At time (more for fun than money), I referb computers and laptop that are broken or people don't want anymore. Then I flip them on site like Facebook Marketplace and eBay. You'd be amazed at what type of machine some people get rid of

    • Yep, I have heard of people hanging around university dorms at the end of the semesters to find laptops/computers students do not want to take back home being chucked out. The wastage is hard to comprehend as there are people that could really use them.

      • +1

        Absolutely. Especially since now with the current state of the world where people are working or studying from home. Not to mention the current shortage that is present with electronic components.

    • Have you ended using some as your main PC?

      • +1

        Yes actually. The best score was a Haswell build machine (back in 2017, so very recent back then) that someone gave away on Facebook marketplace because it was a deceased estate, ended up using that machine for four years. I've even got a skylake machine that was disposed because the case was in poor shape.

        With some of the machines I acquired, I was able to flip them and put together a nice Ryzen build for me, from the money I made. Way too overkill for my needs, but at least I have a desktop that is future-proof.

  • Pizza delivery

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