HELP! My Roof Restoration Nightmare

So… I just got stung $4k and a bad roof.

My Story.
I been looking at getting my roof restored as I've been in my property for 10+ years. It's a 50yr old home in the SE suburbs of Melbourne. Been looking around for over a year and got a quotes from 3k - 12k. Mainly quotes were from hipages because I thought it was a reputable site for companies to chase business with legitimate reviews.

There was a business that contacted me. They're a husband/wife business and they were lovely. They have 150+ reviews (all positive) spanning across 4 years. He inspected, seemed knowledgeable, and friendly. We went ahead without any hassles for about 5k cash.

It took about 2 weeks due to the lovely intermittent Spring weather, but he came to house roughly 5 days (but not full days). Midway through, I noticed that there were some issues from the ground. The pointing just looked quite rough and he didn't paint the tile ends very well, especially in some areas near the gutters. He told me, "your tiles are old and rough", "that's just the way it is"… Blah blah. I wasn't entirely happy as they had a brochure that was handed to me on day one which obviously looked like perfection. When the job was done, he asked for the money on that very same day. I reluctantly gave him more cash because I trusted him, but I held onto 20% because I wanted to make sure everything was fine before handing the rest over. Also, I wasn't particularly happy with the colour, but that's not his fault. So just went with it.

That evening when the sun wasn't blaring down, I got a ladder, peaked above and noticed a bunch of stuff wasn't done or done properly. Long story short, he stuffed me. I took photos, send them over to his wife and we went back/forth to work out the rectifications process. I made sure it was mostly emailed in terms of what needed to be done before he returned. Eventually, I went on the roof and saw an all might mess of a job. It was atrocious. I took more photos, sent them around to his paint supplier, and reputable roof resto companies. Also had on-site inspections. They all exclaimed, "This is one of the worst I have seen!".

The cost to repair his damage will be more than what he's quoted me. Some roof restoration businesses now say they won't touch it because it's too far gone, too much work, or repairs to strip his work away will just cause more damage.

I have been collecting evidence and IMO, it's an open/shut case of (gross?) negligence on his behalf. I also now have irrefutable proof that he has lied based on his work (or lack thereof based on our agreement/quote), his emails, and my video surveillance. TBH, I've been quite stressed about it in the past week, but coming to terms with it now. It is what it is and probably unavoidable from the beginning, but I've definitely learned alot from it.

I have been very professional with him and his wife and still am. His wife is the sole owner looking at the company's ABN search. He still wants to come back to fix the issues.

I have politely requested a refund of what I've paid so far. No payment will mean I'll escalate this matter.

  1. What should I do?
  2. If this does escalate, what would you do within the bounds of what is legal/appropriate?
  3. Has anyone been through mediation/VCAT?

NB: I kind of have a plan of action in mind and want to get this out to spread awareness but possibly without naming/shaming. Partly because a) they might be on here and b) because I'm somewhat unfamiliar on what can come and bite me back in the a$$. I won't be as active on here to regularly answer questions as even that takes a toll. Have a friendly chat, discuss anything around it, take the pi$$ out of my situation…

But most importantly, be nice and provide any advice if you can. I'll take it. Cheers!

Poll Options

  • 3
    You've lost your money, let it go. Not worth the hassle
  • 3
    Get them to come back and fix the problems
  • 11
    Get your money back and part ways
  • 2
    Get your money back and seek funds for damages
  • 1
    Get them to replace your roof
  • 0
    Other (please comment)


  • -2

    "There was a business that contacted me. They're a husband/wife business and they were lovely. "

    Sorry but after alarm bells that loud what comfort do you think random opinions and hindsight will offer you?

    Get a lawyer. Learn from this. This was a nose on your face situation.

    Edit> USERNAME checks out and 'perhaps' comes home to roost

    EDIT2 >"I kind of have a plan of action in mind and want to get this out to spread awareness but possibly without naming/shaming"
    After all this melodrama and your claims, there's to be no naming and shaming?

    Love to hear the other version, now.

    • +1

      Hahaha that would be great to name and shame. Honestly, it's too early in this stage I think. I'm not here for a blown out war, just little ol' poor innocent me asking for some advice before the battle begins.

      • His name wouldn't be Steve would it.
        If you have rectification quotes I'd take him to VCAT.
        Obviously he's concerned about that and that's why he wants to come back and supposedly fix everything.
        I had problem with tradie from Hipages except mine walked off the job and wouldn't come back. Complained to hipages but they just give you the runaround.
        Now taking him to VCAT

    • +1

      Yeah, the 150 positive reviews would throw most people off. However, I learnt my lesson after multiple hi-pages jobs that the people on there are absolute amateurs and con artists. Shockingly bad, unless you want simple stuff done like 1x power point, go to a real business. Getting people on hi-pages is like asking uncle Bob to wire all the professional security cameras around your house because he figured out how to set up one baby cam 3 years ago. Except it's worse, because they aren't family and just want to take your money whilst faking it until they make it.

  • +4

    Civil claim against the business in ncat/vcat or equivalent in your state

    • That will be the answer in the long run but it will probably request he make good the work rather than pau back the money.

  • +3

    Pic pls

    • +3

      Of the lovely people?

  • You should get some quotes to get your roof professionally replaced. Re spraying old brittle roofs with cheapest quote is asking for trouble.
    Did you get the roof painters licence number?

    • Yup, currently sourcing quotes.
      Looking to be roughly 30-40k.

      What would I do with his licence number?

      • +2

        Discuss issues with his work with the authority that licensed him. Do you say you paid cash?

        • It's a family business. Wife does the books/appointments, he does the labour. That's it

          Yes, paid cash and I've got receipts

  • +1

    In QLD you would report this to the QBCC (Queensland Building & Construction Commission) I believe.

    Whichever state you are would have similar, I'd imagine

  • +2

    VCAT plus report him to the state body that licenced him, also speak to your home insurance to see how they can assist, they may be able to go after him/his-insurance

  • +2

    Same route as most disputes

    1. negotiate

    2. if that fails, see if there is a regulatory body that can make relevant orders. Some only deal with licences and cant make monetary orders (although the threat of a licence restriction/loss might assist with step 1)

    3. tribunal or small claims court.

    Unfortunately there is no magic wand that someone can wave to fix it. There are systems and processes and they arent ideal, but they are there to be utilised.

  • Due diligence is officially dead.

  • Unless it was the simplest of jobs, 5k roof repair from a certified tradesperson is way too cheap. You got what you paid for.

    • The majority of quotes I got from hipages hovered around the 5-7k mark. Some rebedding, repointing all ridges, and cheaper Regent paint.

      The 12k quote was a complete restore which included rebedding OF ALL ridge caps and replacing of valleys, (proprietary or high quality, i.e. Dulux) paint. In other words, the full works.

      There's no guarantee I won't get stung by any trade works in any price bracket. Just a matter of trust and probably ignorance on my part, IMO. That's why we hire so-called professionals.

      Anyways, my mistakes and experience is on the table to shed light and help others.

  • +2

    Why wouldn't you convert to a heavily insulated (light coloured) corrugated roof, anyway?

  • His name wouldn't be Steve would it.
    If you have rectification quotes I'd take him to VCAT.
    Obviously he's concerned about that and that's why he wants to come back and supposedly fix everything.
    I had problem with tradie from Hipages except mine walked off the job and wouldn't come back. Complained to hipages but they just give you the runaround.
    Now taking him to VCAT
    Sorry I'm new at this posting stuff.

    • No it's not Steve. So you're in the same predicament but with half a roof restoration? Sorry to hear that man.
      How long ago was this?

      • No mine's not the roof but this guy was supposedly a jack of all trades. That was 6 months ago. Just don't expect any assistance from Hipages.
        Good luck with yours

  • Under $5K = no insurance, no warranty, no licence needed.

    Tread carefully before you get dragged into a court battle.

    • Is that really true?

    • The price doesn’t stop you asking for all three, paying cash to a random, without due diligence, is asking for trouble.

  • Video surveillance? I can't help but wonder what shenanigans this reveals.

    Most things can be fixed, he must have done a doozy. Suppose look at the bright side, no leaks and it just sounds cosmetic.

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