Deciding between Mazda Vs Toyota

Hi, I'm trying to buy my first car.
Need some advice on which one is better.

  1. 2015 Mazda3 SP25 GT
    105,xxx km
    $ 15,000-16,000
    Rego 13/4/24
    DEALER - car yard
    Full logbook/ no major dents, scratches, No hail/sun damage/ 1 owner

  2. 2013 MAZDA3 Neo
    $12,000 -> price dropped to $10,500
    Rego 21/03/24
    Full logbook/ no major dents, No hail/sun damage/ Yes slight scratches and scrapes/ 1 owner

  3. 2010 Toyota Camry
    $11,000 negotiable
    Rego 24/01/24
    Full logbook/ no major scratches, No hail/sun damage/ Yes 1 small dent on trunk/ 2 owners

  4. 2011Toyota Camry
    Rego December
    Slight incomplete logbook/ no major dents, scratches, No hail/sun damage / +3 owners

  5. 2008 toyota Yaris Edge
    59,900 km
    Rego Feb 24
    Dealer- car yard
    Full logbook/ no major scratches, No hail/sun damage/ don't know how many previous owners yet…

  6. 2012 Honda Civic
    Rego Jan 24
    Incomplete logbook…. No stamps since 2016, but argues that it has been serviced by himself since 2016… Informed that the engine oil hasn't been changed for 13-14 months as he just left it in the garage..
    / no major scratches, No hail damage but big sun damage on the rear bumper/ front tyres don't have much threads left… as much as it can't pass the road worthy/ 1 owner

  7. 2010 Toyots Aurion

Check out this 2010 Toyota Aurion Sportivo ZR6 Auto MY10.…

Which one would you buy?
I am single, no kids, no pets, work is 20-30 min away. Work in the office.

2015 Mazda3 dealer just said can't go lower than $16K… and PLUS the car is not available yet due to its service due at Mazda workshop…wtf… doesn't know when it will be done… asked me to put the holding deposit for $300 without even showing me the car.
The dealership is just a used car yard, not like authorised Mazda/ BMW/ Toyota dealership.


1 Mazda3 was total shit …. The dealer was a scammer or something. I saw the car, the electronic screen in side had cracks, exterior paint was absolute shit. Not pilling but paint got faded.

I am thinking of getting new one or lease ….
So many scams and people over priced too much…. It's because of life is getting more difficult with inflation, but man I'm out

Thanks heaps !

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  • …work is 20-30 min away…

    Is that 20-30 mins drive? Is that the purpose of the car?

    • +7

      Well yeah. I live in a pretty remote area, so no bus or train near me.

  • +4

    chatgpt says the 2013 Mazda3 .

    I say #1. Spend a few grand more and not only are you getting a 2 year newer vehicle but the trim level is much higher. Neo is pretty damn basic.

    although without giving us links with more details to the actual vehicles, it's entirely up to you.

    also how does the 2015 Mazda have sun damage? it shouldn't get sun damage over just 8 years unless it was left in the dessert 24/7.

    • No it doesn have a sun damage.
      Sorry my writting might have been wordy.
      no major dents, scratches, no hail/sun damage

      • 2013 MAZDA3 Neo i would also say is the best bet just purely on Kms per year. It has the same as the 2015 Mazda3 SP25 GT both full services and save yourself 2k for something else. Unless you like one more than the other that's the deciding factor buy what you are going to be happy with because 2k really is not worth giving up that happiness in what you drive.

        • The Neo has a lower displacement engine, and doesn't look as good inside. That could be worth 2k. It's much more than that if you were to upgrade to a bigger engine & tech at a dealership.

    • -5

      2013 Mazda is old tech, the skyactiv series from 2014 onwards is a much better choice.
      Mazda has very poor paint job, I don't think they have clear coat on some of the models so will need to watch out for.

      • +4

        I don't think they have clear coat on some of the models

        Sauce Source?

      • +2

        Mazda has very poor paint job, I don't think they have clear coat on some of the models so will need to watch out for.

        Well that's just absolute bull shite that you've made up.

        2013 Mazda is old tech

        Lol at "old tech". I would much rather trust a 15 year old car from the early 2000's than a 15 year old car with all the connectivity in it nowadays.

        • -1

          You obviously know nothing about bl model pre skyactiv era, anything non skyactiv for that price range is overpriced and not worth it. There's only 2 model worth buying for that 2013 release, the new engine is worth the price difference in terms of fuel efficiency alone.
          And yes Mazda has the crappiest paint quality for that generation, the later release might improve but that's not the point of this discussion.

          • +4


            You obviously know nothing about bl model pre skyactiv era,

            I love how you went from making ridiculous things up like "car has no clear coat" to assumptions like this. I owned a 2013 Mazda , and a 2008 Mazda before it

            But hey tell me how I know nothing about them lol

            And yes Mazda has the crappiest paint quality for that generation, the later release might improve but that's not the point of this discussion.

            You literally brought it up.

            • +1

              @coffeeinmyveins: I wouldn't go as far as saying "no clear coat" but the paint job on my 17 Mazda definitely seems lacking.

              Clarcoat and/or paint layer is so thin minor chips from freeway expose bare metal. Never had this issue with 4 other cars owned.

              I'd still recommend the 2015 sp25 to anyone interested.
              Fun drive, low maintenance, good economy and premium interior trim for the price point.

            • -1


              I owned a 2013 Mazda , and a 2008 Mazda before it

              So you essentially bought the same car twice over and make general statement about the model as a whole?

              making ridiculous things up like "car has no clear coat"

              I stand by my statement, my eyesight is good enough to tell if a car have clear coat or not. You might want to check yours, or you might already pay extra for that with your purchase without realising. After all you have enough money to buy it twice or so.

      • Skyactiv was also the most unreliable Mazda series as a side note.

        Brilliant innovation in the engine with the high compression ratios, just the technology was a bit too much for the time.

        Still impressive fuel consumption.

        And the paint is BS, have a 14 year old Mazda 3 and the paint is almost showroom condition.

    • +1

      left in the dessert??
      must have been a big pavlova

    • +2

      also how does the 2015 Mazda have sun damage? it shouldn't get sun damage over just 8 years unless it was left in the dessert 24/7.

      I'm pretty sure Mazda's paint (or at least the paint Mazda applied to (at least) the 3 range around 2012/2013) has issues. My own (2012 Mazda 3) and others I have seen around (possibly selection bias) have some pretty significant blotching on the paint, mostly on the roof, bonut1 and along the top edges of panels (i.e. doors just below the windows). This wouldn't explicitly be from sun - would also be from environment (dirt, water, etc): I know my car hasn't really been garaged for a while. This isn't really something I have noticed on other models of car (very likely selection bias here).

      • +1

        I've never seen a post that uses sources. Bravo

  • +6

    Camry is boring as, and you don't get a camry unless it is hybrid. Mazda is more fun to drive but not the overpriced 2013 neo. But you don't cross-shop Mazda 3 with camry.

  • +4

    I'd go for the 2015 Mazda3 SP25 GT

    • even with $16,000?

      • +2

        Based on the info you provided, and my assessment, yes.

    • My daily driver is a 2014 Mazda3 SP25 GT and I love the car.
      It is worth the $16,000 just for being such a great vehicle.

      • So you reckon 16 is not rip-off?

        • If its in good nick - absolutely not a rip-off.

  • +1

    2013 MAZDA3 Neo

    That's ridiculously overpriced. We have a 2012 Neo with 60,000km on it and I would only expect to get half that.

    It's the cheapest car to run though.. costs us basically nothing apart from fuel.

    • Really. Thanks for letting me know jorf.
      I think the market now is crazy..

    • but on carsales it's pretty good price..?

      • For sale price doesn't mean they're actually selling for that.

        If it's really worth 12k though, that's hilarious considering we only paid $18k for it in 2014.

      • Protip: the price it's "going for" on carsales is not the sale price. I can guarantee you that a lot of the cars on there have been listed for some time and will periodically lower their price.

        Check out listings on FB marketplace. You'll see the same cars for months at a time and get reduced.

        • So how much would be reasonable price for this one then

          • @[Deactivated]: Redbook usually gets you in the ballpark. Try for the low end of trade in prices though. It's definitely a buyers market atm.

            • @Anon: If I ask 10k, would that be good price ?

            • @Anon: The lady can't go lower than $11,500

            • @Anon: And now she's saying $10,500 is fine…wtf

    • If you want to sell me your 60K km 2012 Mazda 3 Neo for 6k shoot me a message.

    • No you let me know if you wanna sell that one

    • So she dropped the price down to $10,500
      2013 Mazda3 Neo with 130,000km

      • Perfect. That’s a bargain. Go and buy it.

  • +1

    If I had $13-$16K to spend, I would get a 2012/2013 Toyota Prius C hybrid and save heaps on petrol.

    • +8

      I live in a pretty remote area

      If OP is all highway driving then probably not that advantageous.

  • Depends on the model of the #4 Camry, but the #1 Mazda is pretty good.

    • Both camrys are base model. Altise.

      • +3

        In that case, #1 Mazda for sure.

  • +2


  • -2

    None of the Mazdas. Their paint coating is very thin as well as high service costs. Recommend either of the Toyotas.

      • There's an engine design around that time were the engine consumes oil. It's due to a design error and gets worse. Think they fixed that issue around 2010.

        • Lol, this old internet chestnut

          • @brendanm: Ok I guess the recalls + redesign were imaginary as well.

            • @Cave Fire: Post the recall.

              • @brendanm: The tsb for it was issued globally and a "warranty enhancement program" which sounds like marketing speak for a recall.

                • @Cave Fire: Oh, so there wasn't a recall? Got a link for the warranty thing in Australia?

      • Used to work at a place that had that generation (XV40) of Camry and it was a dreadful car. Have had a few hire cars of the newer generation XV50 and they were a much nicer car in my opinion. If you can stretch the budget for one of them I would opt for it.

    • Wdym high service costs? Surely you don't mean taking it to stealerships, it'll cost just as much to service as any other car.

  • +7

    You're single and want to buy a Camry? I take it as code that you want to stay single ;-)

    Jokes aside, in order of preference:

    For me 1 is a no brainer as being the one of choice (assuming it's a Mazda dealer and not some Parramatta Rd car dealer)

    • +2

      If you're single it's a good filter. A girl that didn't want to date you because you drive a camry would be a red flag for me.

      • +2

        it'd be a green flag for me.

      • +1

        …because you drive a camry would be a red flag for me

        I would've just assumed that it means that the girl at least has soooooome sort of basic standards.. haha

        • +2

          Each to their own I guess 😂. I really don't understand it though. Give me a nice speaker system, some air conditioning and confidence that my car won't break down and I'm happy. Anything else just seems like a status symbol to me. Obviously I'm missing something 🤷‍♂️

          • +1

            @sevendollarsfifty: haha.. the make and model of someone's car could say something about their personality. I mean, besides someone who's totally not into cars and just wants something to get them from to get A to B, who actually wants to drive around in something that can be compared to whitegoods on wheels?

          • +1

            @sevendollarsfifty: Like the majority of Corolla and Camry spruikers on this site, you sound like someone who has never driven a nice car and don't know what you are missing out on.

        • +5

          Regardless of gender, how many times has anyone uttered the phrase "your reliability and frugality is such turn on"?

          • @Gunnar: I think I said this to my fiance ;)

            More seriously, seeing people with impractical status symbols and affectations seems gauche to me, and is/was a turn off. Whether it's true or not, I associate a white camry with higher self esteem than somebody in a red alfa.

  • I would wait for abit longer, the 2nd hand market in the usa has crashed big time, its only a matter of time before it happens here too.

    • well I urgently need a car on this Wed morning for work

      • +6

        Rushing like this on a big purchase often results in regret….

        • Have been looking for my first car for a year… Used to live close to my work place but had to move out to further away…

      • +6

        get insurance quote for each car.
        there might be a big difference. especially for a young driver.
        possibly enough to alter your choice.

      • rent a car from some app and opt-in to pay extra premium for the insurance excess waiver/discount

    • +1

      Is that the same as the ever coming housing crash?

  • +2


    • how do I do that

      • Edit the post and add a poll, then write down the options, there are instructions when you do it.

        • thanks man. just edited

  • +2

    I think you should include another value:

    Insurance quote

    As a first car, I think this will remove #1.

    Otherwise, it mainly comes down to size and fuel consumption. I'd personally go for the Mazda 3 under #2 (or at least look for another one that's a bit cheaper) as:
    - you don't need the space in the car
    - you'll save a decent amount in petrol with a 30 minute drive every day
    - the end of 2011 was when (in at least Victoria) safety features like traction control were made mandatory. Google says it was 2013 nationwide.

    • all ppl say #2 is over priced..?

      • (or at least look for another one that's a bit cheaper)

        Yes. Try to find the same year model for cheaper.

        • none :(((
          so you also think definitely $12,000 is overpriced for #2?

          • @[Deactivated]: Yeah I think it is high if it's manual - but only a little too high if it's an auto; here's some Redbook based data for you:


            These Redbook valuations are generated based on all the "sale prices" lodged on change of registration forms - so they're probably a bit lower than cars actually sell for (because everyone understates the value to pay less stamp duty), but are the ranges that insurance use to calculate your payout in the case of an accident or loss.

            There look to be a few around, depending on your area… I used your budget, max 130k:

  • 1 would be my preference.

    The 2.5L naturally aspirated engine in that car is great, and unlike the SP23 Turbo variant shouldn't cause insurance issues.

    • +1

      Depends on the colour though…

    • +1

      The SP23/SP25 are not turbocharged, only the MPS are turbo.

  • Toyota's are ugly… Go for Mazda.

    What colours are they?

    • Toyota's are ugly

      That's very motorist of you..

    • it's a dark navy.

    • +3

      holy hell i find myself agreeing with something JV has said.

      I'm not sure what to make of this.

  • +1

    Zoom zoom

  • I would get the SP25 GT. Easy mod for wireless Carplay so it will feel a little modern at least.

  • +1

    Camry is too boring - take the Mazda

  • If you can afford the extra, 1 seems like the best choice to me.

  • +1

    two important things:

    1.Camry is much bigger, should compare with Mazda 6.

    1. With DEALERSHIP you mean some car yards or Mazda authorised dealership
      1. yea I know. but 6 is out of my budget.

      2. just like a car yard.
        it's their webpage.
        they said the car is not available right now as it's being serviced at the Mazda workshop, not sure when it will be done. so asked me to pay the holding deposit to secure the car…. wtf.. haven't even seen the car yet.

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