Standard OzBargain Comments You Always See

I’ve noticed you can 100% predict the comments based on the posts. Are OzBargainers loving the same comments over and over again or are these all new people thinking they are the only/first people to make these comments? What are some other cookie cutter comments that always appear?

  1. Condom deal: Thanks this is a lifetime supply
  2. Ice cream deal: It’s a scam. This should be normal price
  3. iPhone: Since when is a phone $2000?!
  4. Any high price item eg over $50k : Thanks OP bought 10.
  5. Asking for advice on buying car: Reference to old thread about the Westpac investment banker buying “high yield” AMG


  • +22

    Polls and bikies and Bosch and vouchers and euro cars suck and Turkey and price camel

  • +2

    Helicopter instead of F35

    • +1

      Will my Pepsi points count?

      • +1

        *downvotes jv *

    • -5

      free down vote for you

    • They're hilarious because the poor fragile soul just gets downvoted even more

      • -3

        Say downvote if I'm right and watch the triggered people comment away. Always a laugh.

        • Hhahaha

          • +3

            @Gunnar: You get the occasional person who thinks you're genuinely pissed. Getting -30 votes gives your an account an award, but asking people to downvote for the award is not allowed.

            I'm very proud of my black badge 😜

            • +2

              @Clear: Dam I didn't realise this happened. I want that badge dammit. I think the closest I came to achieving it may have been in my disparaging comments against the Thermomix illuminati

            • @Clear: Oh really? 👀
              An award you say?

            • +1

              @Clear: That award is useless now that they've introduced the ability to pay for it to be removed with their OzBargain Premium account.

              Saying that though, I do like having a "Role" attached to my account. Money well spent!

              • @rompastompa: Wait what? You have to pay to have a oremium account on a website designed for cheapskates?

        • +1

          jv must have a ton of those.

          • +2

            @smartazz104: They go straight to the pool room, which handily enough, is another common comment.

          • @smartazz104: Maybe it should be renamed

  • +32

    Username checks out.

    • +13

      I get that a lot

      • +4


      • Lucky!

      • Username checks out.

      • +4

        I wish I got it a lot

    • someone call me?

  • +5

    Any bargains?

    • +6

      From someone who has never posted a deal in their 10 years on the site

  • +37

    Needs MS Paint diagram.

    • +1

      Can it run minesweeper?

  • +8

    Not a deal.

  • +7

    Three fiddy

    • +2


    • +1

      It's a numbers game

    • +1

      I think you mean about tree fiddy?

  • +29

    What did the xxxx say when you called them?

    • +7

      "I'm only beer mate…can't do phone calls" …???

    • So….you came to ozbargain/ozadvice instead of asking xxxx directly???

  • +25

    I need advise
    Was the crash my fault?
    Asking for a friend
    I got scammed on marketplace
    I don't have insurance

    • +3

      Just need MS paint diagram and you have hit them all.

  • +9


    • +5

      🤩 … or IKEA LADDA 👌

  • +7

    Toyota Camry

    Ebay Jack

    • Come here to say ebay:Jack

      • Falcon + Gas

  • +7

    diabetes on a unhealthy food deal

  • +15


  • +4

    Fone is fine

  • +3

    any time someone has a question about a product or service or tradie: what did they say when you asked them?

    a similar version occurs when there's a hint that someone in an accident didn't have insurance: what did your insurer tell you to do?

  • +6

    "Looking for x?"

    Where did you last see it?


  • +14

    Here for comments

  • +14


  • +17

    I'm paying a company for a service, and they have provided me advice based on the service I am paying them for.

    I don't like their answer so I'm going to ask a bunch of people on the interwebs instead.

    • +11

      And then not liking the answers you get here, that confirm what the service provider is saying… and then going on to fight with everyone in the comments section…

      • the main pattern is one BS trolling repeat thread theme, and then no contribution afterwards, as the comments below flame into char

      • +1

        That's called "community engagement"

    • that's just people in general these days

      Pay a doctor to diagnose illness.
      Diagnosis is diabetes
      Unhappy with this diagnosis; ask the internet in many places still badgering answer of diabetes

      until they find it; a chiro site that says
      5G disease is what they really have.

      solved 5g disease is the cause because they say so :(

  • Jackson v.

  • +2


  • +1

    Because the Content Creators are on tiktok, not OzBargain.

    Last time someone tried to bring something new, and posted live video during Aust Post deal, there wasn't much encouragement or follow-up.
    Admins seems too old for this now, young blood is required in leading position.

    • +6

      You want tik tok on here? Not sure you will find majority support for that.

      • -5

        Not exactly tiktok but they should hire someone for content ideas.
        Maximum creativity idea currently is the OzBargain Annual Shirt Design 😁

        • +8

          It's a deals site not an entertainment site. Are you lost?

        • +4

          No, you should find a site that blows your hair back. It aint broke.(well it's wounded but will still maintain it's piano playing ability, if change hounds stay away)

        • +1

          Maximum creativity idea currently is the OzBargain Annual Shirt Design

          The entries for the gang-sign, about 6 weeks ago,
          were pretty damn good!

    • +2

      Yeah, nah

    • haha content creators, dont you mean idiots ?

  • +8

    "What does the contract say"

  • +2

    The initials jv mentioned a tad

    Long time lurker
    I'm new here
    First post please be nice.
    a sentence ending in "are welcome!"

  • +1

    "I charge for free with my solar" (Tesla threads)

    "I pay nothing for fuel" (Tesla threads)

    I do miss the crypto "I get a 1% loan secured on my crypto so I never have to pay CGT" I think with Celcius / FTX / Voyager collapse I think they lost the collateral and administrators tried to collect on the loan too. Who knows.

  • +11

    That makes sense. Cheers.

    • +9

      Never seen that before but might explore the idea of using in future comments.

      • ELI5 why is it a meme?

  • +7

    Ev owners (esp. Tesla) dropping that they own an Ev when it's a discussion that has nothing to do with them (or for that matter, cars)

    • +7

      Usually on threads asking about a cheap car…

      OP: "I need a car, it only needs to go 10~20km/day and only have $10k to spend, what should I get??"
      EV Owner: Have you considered a MG4/Atto3/Tesla *that is a minimum $30k above what OP has to spend…*

      • +1

        New member
        "What tyre/oil/ insert common bland item, should I get?", and then not a single peep again , until another new member arrives to rinse /repeat

      • +4
        • +2

          That's the spirit! :D

          Not sure if it is right for a PS5 Slim post though… hahaha

          • +2

            @pegaxs: Sadly I only have a fossil-fuelled car, I don't know how to do this properly :-(

            • +4

              @Gunnar: Oh, you only have a fossil fueled car?? Have you considered a MG4/Atto3/Tesla?? :D

  • -1


  • +7


    something,something vaccination

    • +1

      Guberment plot, something something, feminazis, something something.

  • +6

    "Here for the comments"

    • +1

      grabs popcorn

  • +1

    109% of statistics are fake. 89% agree

  • +7

    "Member since:"
    "right of way"
    "my friend…"
    "What did …. say when you asked them??" (the only correct answer to this is "What did OzBargain suggest?")
    A cross shopping post that has already been posted on Reddit and/or Whingepool and someone pointing it out…
    A post seeking "advise" about their "breaks"

  • +8

    Welcome to Ozlegal

  • +4

    New one: Is there a dishwasher installed?

    • +4

      Plus: Is there a lip balm in the centre console

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