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          • @Gekov:

            You "whacko leftie nut jobs" are absurd

            And you TikTok University nut jobs are absurd. Build a bridge and find another cause to be uninformed about - this one is getting old.

        • " it's looking like around 60% of the Australian population are left-leaning"


          • @Gekov: If you add up the Labor votes, Green votes, and progressive independent votes, they far outweigh the Liberals/Nationals votes.

            • @Rear CreviceEruption: "they far outweigh the Liberals/Nationals votes"


              Labor got in with a 30% vote!

            • @Rear CreviceEruption: " it's looking like around 60% of the Australian population are left-leaning"

              Just look at ABC media ratings and then try to tell me that lefties are in the majority.

        • "the extreme right, which are often dangerous and full of hate, conspiracy theories, bigotry, selfishness and prejudice, and capable of violence"

          Interesting how you go soft in describing your fellow lefties, but go all out in lumping conservatives with a microscopically tiny hateful minority.

          Tolerance is a CONSERVATIVE VALUE
          … Lefties on the other hand
          … well we know how intolerant they are to diverse opinions
          … besides conservatives are better looking!

          • -1

            @Gekov: The problem is that you are identifying a tiny group of people (usually in the US) that are overrepresented in social media, and mistakenly assuming they are representative of all progressives. It's just not true, and I have not met any lefties like that. I know there are a few like that, but they're just not that common.

            The media and social media distort our perceptions and magnify issues.

  • +3

    If I had to rate people who have done major damage to the world, eg Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot etc, Rupert Murdoch would rate no 1 for me. Not because he killed lots of people, but because of the massive damage he has done with his rubbish media empire. He promoted Brexit in the UK, he had a major hand in getting Trump elected via his Fox News network. He is devoid of any social conscience, his only goal is money. A truly vile individual

    • +3

      Are you serious? Those other individuals are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions.

    • agreed - not sure if Biden called Rupert Murdoch the world's most dangerous person - but yeah - I reckon that if Fox Fake News had not supported the demagogue it's very unlikely that the Narcissist in Chief would have ever been elected.

      quote from today - 'People at the extrinsic end of the spectrum are more attracted to prestige, status, image, fame, power and wealth. They are strongly motivated by the prospect of individual reward and praise. They are more likely to objectify and exploit other people, to behave rudely and aggressively and to dismiss social and environmental impacts. They have little interest in cooperation or community. People with a strong set of extrinsic values are more likely to suffer from frustration, dissatisfaction, stress, anxiety, anger and compulsive behaviour' -…

    • "he had a major hand in getting Trump elected"

      Hillary should get the kudos for that!

      • +1

        She got 3 million more votes. The bodgy system gets the Kudos for that. Only way Trump had a chance in hell of getting up.

        • -1

          "She got 3 million more votes"

          You have evidence?

        • This is who gets elected when millions of dead people vote

  • I only watch it for entertainment purposes, usually go to ABC News to be informed

    • +1

      I think ABC will only give you half the story.. I find it does not publish any anti-woke news and need to get that from other sources:
      EG: Guardian or or even Sky.. It is strange watching ABC and then Sky on Hamas/Israel conflict, seems like different worlds but all very tragic..

    • "go to ABC News to be informed"


      Climate models, data & how ABC “verifies” reports…

  • +5

    I deliberately watch Sky News only to get an idea of their viewpoint on issues. Getting news from a variety of sources can help make you aware of the bias that exists in many sources. Would I watch Sky otherwise? Absolutely not.

  • +7

    Sky News…brought to you by the same corporation that hacked a dead girls/politicians phones in the UK, also promoted the myth that US voting machines were tampered with (fortunately it cost them a billion or so with an even bigger law suit to follow)
    Actually a company that is a danger to democracies around the world.
    Should be renamed Sky Propaganda.

      • Lets vote in a brown paper bag being waved into the crowd no election fraud here lol…

        • -1

          "Lets vote in a brown paper bag being waved into the crowd no election fraud here"


          Caucus voting doesn't need to be as strict as a general election coz all candidates belong to the same party.

          Desperate vote-cheating globalist lefties will latch onto any little scrap to distract from their BLATANT 2020 ELECTION FRAUD.

          The 2020 election will go down as arguably the greatest fraud in world history.
          The tremendously popular incumbent candidate, President Trump, was easily winning the race on election night in a landslide
          Then, as the President and his team attempted to address the fraud and alleged abnormalities,
          the courts refused in any case evidence to be brought before a court of law.
          There are 81 court cases to date based on the 2020 election
          In 45 cases President Trump was the plaintiff
          In 34 cases President Trump is not the plaintiff
          In 2 cases President Trump is the defendant
          In 72 cases illegal voting is alleged
          In ZERO of the 72 cases where illegal voting is alleged has evidence been allowed to be presented
          30 cases remain active
          And NOT ONE SINGLE COURT Has Allowed Evidence to be Argued

          • +1

            @Gekov: He was popular that's for sure. His second sentence earned him a laugh at UN assembly world leaders think he's a joke. Putin is genius, Xi has an iron fist and controls his population so well why can't yall bow down to me like they do to Xi? Hahaha nice. I'll give you a much better healthcare than obama care. I'll reduce all US debt (goes to spend 25% of all presidents in history). Should I keep going?

            The courts don't hear bogus claims. 2000 mules is a joke, it has been dissected like a dead frog in high school Biology class many times all you have to do is Google search.

            Kari Lake also won Arizona right? What happened to her lawsuits? What about Mike Pillows symposium? The cyber Ninjas in Arizona looking for bamboo in ballots in the end of their year long investigation gave Biden more votes than Trump. The Americans are such a fool they can't understand that educated people who are the vast majority of the Democratic voters are not loud, they don't go to rallies, they don't make noise, they have work to go to but in the end they have a sane choice which is vote a Democrat.

            • +1

              @MKBHD: ICYMI - you'll get a kick out of this 😂


              • @KangaDrew: "@MKBHD: ICYMI - you'll get a kick out of this"


                So how is CAUCUS voting with paper bags comparable to widespread fraud, such as a huge amount of ballot drop-box stuffing, etc, etc, etc, in a presidential election?????????????

                And there is no attempt to hide the paper bags, which indicates it's all above board.

                You lefties are really clutching at straws.

                Sorry, your video lacks any kick, baby!

                • @Gekov:

                  So how is CAUCUS voting with paper bags comparable to widespread fraud

                  The fact that you are even asking this question speaks volumes. But best of luck to you while you…

            • @MKBHD: "2000 mules is a joke"

              IN DENIAL I SEE.

              Obviously facts are kryptonite to lefties, so they deny them.

              • @Gekov: @MKBHD: "2000 mules is a joke"

                OK then baby,
                please explain what all those videos showing ballot drop-boxes being stuffed with paperwork are showing?

                @JoeBiden illegitimate president..
                No need to see.
                Ballot box stuffing videos…
                vans unloading ballots hours after election over..
                mules stuffing cheat-by-mail drop boxes..
                100's witness testimonies..
                HUGE 5key state Trump lead go poof early morn

                Biden is an illegitimate president …
                Before midnight Trump was leading in these states…
                Trump led in PA by 682,000 votes (15.2%)
                Trump led in GA by 311,000 votes (7.5%)
                Trump led in MI by 307,000 votes (9.6%)
                Trump led in WI by 128,000 votes (4.9%)
                Trump led in NC by 77,000 votes (1.4%)
                BUT, BUT, BUT …
                AFTER MIDNIGHT, the election vote counting was stopped SIMULTANEOUSLY in these states. First time in history.
                By 6 am, Trump was losing in all of these states.
                Let's start referring to it by what it was … a COUP and the January 6th commission is exactly what the Nazi set up after their Reichstag fire and coup.

        • -2

          Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire,

          Election Fraudster Arrested For Widespread Vote Harvesting


          Democrat vote fraudsters would never agree to the following conditions
          WE ALL KNOW WHY!
          President Trump listed the activities needed in elections going forward in his speech today at CPAC 2021:
          We should have one election day – not 45 days
          The only people who should be allowed to vote absentee are those with a good reason, sickness, etc.
          Eliminate mail-in voting
          Must have voter ID
          We need universal signature matching
          There should be a 100% requirement to be American to vote
          And we must have chain of custody for every ballot

        • -1

          It's telling that Demorats regard REASONABLE attempts to prevent cheating in elections as amounting to an “existential threat to democracy"

          What they really mean is that they are an existential threat to their cheating

          2000 Mules: It’s normal in elections for one person to make 53 trips to 20 drop boxes…
          YEAH RIGHT.

      • +4

        Gosh… Triggered?

      • +5

        Sad, very sad. Puts me in mind of Winston Churchills comment about believing that Democracy was the best system but then spending 5 minutes with the average voter

      • +2

        Interfered in the 2020 Election … TO BE REPEATED IN 2024! Undeniable Proof.

        How many court cases need to fail before you accept there was no tampering, and your God King is a lying piece of shit? Is it more than 62 court cases? I bet it's more than 62.

        • "How many court cases need to fail"

          They didn't "fail" they just weren't heard!

          • +1

            @Gekov: Oh, so the 62 that were considered weren't real cases, the real cases with actual evidence were buried? Unlucky.

          • @Gekov: You suffer from the rightwing conspiracy theorist's disease: You cherry-pick the evidence, and you cherry-pick your sources.

            You only accept evidence if it supports your position. And you only accept evidence from sources that support your position (i.e. extreme rightwing propaganda).

            It is a mental illness, and I hope you and all the others that suffer from it one day seek treatment.

        • Every election in the USA has massive tampering. You’re naïve if you think otherwise.

        • "How many court cases need to fail before you accept there was no tampering"

          Soooo …
          I take it you agree that the 2016 US election was also the most secure in history then?

          Ten Minutes Of Democrats Denying Election Results

          • @Gekov:

            Ten Minutes Of Democrats Denying Election Results

            Also ridiculous

            • -2

              @Randolph Duke: "Also ridiculous"

              Please elucidate.

              Is this another case of leftists denying facts, as so often happens in the climatechange FRAUD..

              We all know facts are kryptonite to lefties, don't we?

              • -1

                @Gekov: Christ you're miserable. I'm saying the claims in that video are also ridiculous, but you just have to keep on going.

                We all know facts are kryptonite to lefties, don't we?

                You're claiming election fraud with no evidence, and 62 lost lawsuits where no evidence was produced - the irony is hilarious.

                • @Randolph Duke: "election fraud with no evidence"

                  "no evidence" … ROTFLMAO


                  • +1

                    @Gekov: OK, you've had enough Internet for two days now Gekov… time to go out in the sunshine for some vitamin D. Living in the dark with your freshly made tin-foil hat isn't healthy.

                • -1

                  @Randolph Duke: " and 62 lost lawsuits"

                  How can they be "lost" if they weren't heard & the evidence not presented?????

                  Expert criminal profilers talk about “sovereign scale vote fraud” in the US


                  "No evidence of 2020 election fraud"? …. Yeah right
                  Michigan Removed 177,000 Voters from Voter Rolls in January After Certifying Biden Won Michigan by 154,000 Votes in November

                  • @Gekov: Dude you still haven’t got reliable sources. If any of this was in any way true Trump, and the GOP, would be screaming this to the rafters. There is an almost infinite number of rightwing idiot sites you can list but it doesn’t make any of it true.

                    My suggestion is that people Google your source sites to see what other daft things they are claiming. It gets rid of junk sites pretty quickly.

                    • @try2bhelpful: @try2behelpful

                      There is no point arguing with @Gekov. Like most delusional righties, he will not accept any evidence that does not support his pre-existing views.

                      He has obviously never studied science, and therefore does not understand that the only reliable way to the truth is to question your own beliefs, and continuously update your knowledge with more reliable data.

                      In twenty or thirty years, his beaches could be gone, and he could be permanently living knee-deep in water, while still complaining global warming is a "leftie conspiracy".

                      This is the madness of the religious cult. Right-wing conspiracy theories are now religions. They believe what they believe, and no amount of evidence will shake them from their delusions.

                • -1

                  @Randolph Duke: " election fraud with no evidence"

                  Soooooo …
                  what do you think all those people filmed stuffing ballot drop-boxes with piles of paperwork were doing then?

                  ballot box stuffing videos…vans unloading ballots in the dead of night….mules stuffing cheat-by-mail drop boxes..100's of witness testimonies..HUGE 5 key state Trump lead go poof early morning

                  Just "coincidence" that 6 battleground states SIMULTANEOUSLY stopped counting on election night, with Trump way ahead.
                  BY EARLY MORNING 100% Biden ballot dumps, just enough to tip the scales!

                  • @Gekov: This is just pure dribble. Do you have any understanding how hard it would be for a conspiracy to be this big, with thousands of people’s involvement and not one person credible leaks it with evidence? There's been tonnes of court cases - how many got thrown out for no evidence? And that includes ones presided over with Trump favoured judges.

                    Go outside and get some sunlight bud.

                    • -2

                      @Randolph Duke: "Do you have any understanding how hard it would be for a conspiracy to be this big"

                      Sooooo … I take you're totally unaware of mainstream media's TOTAL BLACKOUT on any news about the Biden crime family, or any other news detrimental to the Dems, before the 2020 election.

                      OR THIS …
                      <<<CorporateMedia & BigTech>>>
                      Interfered in the 2020 Election … TO BE REPEATED IN 2024!
                      Undeniable Proof.


                      there was a massive, widespread effort to unseat Donald Trump.

                      YOU'RE OBVIOUSLY IN TOTAL DENIAL!

                      • @Gekov: Biden crime family - yeah, that impeachment is really going well. Republicans have found (profanity) all in that investigation too, and refuse to hold an open hearing for Hunter. Wonder why that is?

                        You've lost touch with reality, stop believing every nonsense thing you read on the Internet. What's sad is you think you're the wolf trying to herd the pack to safety, but the reality is you're a sheep, slavishly believing anything that agrees with your warped point of view of the world.

                        • @Randolph Duke: The American Problem

                          “If you’re reading this and voted for Biden and you still don’t regret it then you are the American problem.”


                          • +1


                            Created new incomprehensible language

                            I like this one the best, because when I think Trump, I think clear, concise, grammatically correct English.

                            Inflation has affected many countries, between generous economic stimulus policy, and supply side issues due to COVID & war, pricing everywhere has gone up. As for crypto, it's a speculative gambling instrument which some have been lucky enough to get rich from. It's not real.

                      The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That “Saved” the 2020 Election
                      The article let’s this salient fact slip by …
                      … got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time.

                      • +2


                        got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time.

                        The year 2020. Mmmm, I wonder if any kind of health pandemic was happening in 2020 where people might not want to congregate in long queues.

                        • +2

                          @Randolph Duke: Let's not let facts get in the way of a right-wing conspiracy

                          • +1

                            @KangaDrew: Actually, I think @Gekov is right! The Democrats worked with China to get COVID-19 released, meaning hundreds of millions across the world were locked into their houses, forcing people in the US to mail in vote. Liberal Hollywood and a compliant left leaning media was employed to encourage people to vote. Once they got so many people mail in voting, they created fake ballots for Biden, and had vote counters take Trump votes out of circulation, ensuring Biden had enough votes to win the election.

                            It's pretty simple when you think about it.

                    • @Randolph Duke: FYI:

                      Rasmussen data shows 52 percent of likely U.S. voters maintain that it is at least somewhat likely cheating influenced the 2020 presidential election, with 36 percent of people polled believing it is very likely. Much of the distrust in elections appears to stem from concerns surrounding the integrity of the aforementioned mail-in ballots, with 58 percent of voters believing it is at least somewhat likely that broadening the use of mail-in ballots will result in more cheating in elections. Thirty-nine percent of voters felt that this was very likely.

                      The figures, which reveal a sizable distrust in America’s election systems, follow substantial evidence from the 2020 election that mail-in ballots and far-left activist groups were used to secure a victory for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

                      In addition to a host of mysterious, late-night ballot dumps, left-wing groups associated with individuals including George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg influenced election rules and officials to boost turnout in Democratic districts. Many of these groups have rebranded following intense scrutiny in the aftermath of the 2020 election but appear to be engaging in similar efforts.

                      Establishment media outlets, social media platforms, and Democratic politicians have set out to silence individuals discussing voter fraud, despite peddling similar claims about Russian election influence throughout 2016 and the entirety of Donald Trump’s presidency. Under President Biden, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has also targeted officials and activists fighting for election integrity by threatening criminal prosecution.


                      • @Gekov:

                        Rasmussen data shows 52 percent of likely U.S. voters maintain that it is at least somewhat likely cheating influenced the 2020 presidential election, with 36 percent of people polled believing it is very likely. Much of the distrust in elections appears to stem from concerns surrounding the integrity of the aforementioned mail-in ballots, with 58 percent of voters believing it is at least somewhat likely that broadening the use of mail-in ballots will result in more cheating in elections. Thirty-nine percent of voters felt that this was very likely.

                        That couldn't possibly be because Trump and right wing media pundits relentlessly claimed the elections were rigged, long before the election was held?

        • -1

          This is who gets elected when millions of dead people vote ….

          • +1

            @Gekov: 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱

      • +2…

        The reality is the election fraud they did find was mostly by Republican voters.

        Your sources are ludicrous.

        Trump was a complete moron. Instead of accepting the voters devision and saying he would fight next time he shat in his own nest by inciting a mob to attack the Capitol. People died in this action?

        The guy tried to stage a coup and the GOP has refused to hold him responsible. They don’t believe in freedom or democracy. They certainly don’t believe in the rule of law.

        • +3

          The reality is the election fraud they did find was mostly by Republican voters.

          It’s projection. If we’re doing it they must be doing it!!

    • +1


      also promoted the myth that US voting machines were tampered with

      Until the proprietary source codes of the voting machines manufactured by Diebold, Dominion Systems, Smartmatic etc. that are used in US elections, are made open-source and publicly-verifiable, you really can't say for certain that any US election is 100% free of fraud/vote-tampering.

      Electronic voting is a bad idea, period. As best summarised by Tom Scott of Computerphile.

      Clinton Eugene Curtis, a programmer, testified before the US Congress back in 2004 that he created a prototype election-rigging software for Florida Congressman Tom Feeney that would flip votes for a specified candidate in a completely untraceable way and that he was offered money by several US House of Representatives members to rig their election vote counts.

      There's a very good documentary about Clinton's story along with the famous HBO doco Hacking Democracy from 2008 which investigates the numerous electronic voting anomalies/issues during the 2000 and especially the 2004 US presidential elections, which now also has a sequel Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America's Election.

      The annual DEF CON hacker convention in Las Vegas has routinely demonstrated how trivial it is to hack all of the voting machines in use in US elections (more videos from Symantec, The New York Times and FOX News on this topic).

      There have been a lot of suspicious US presidential elections that showed widespread signs of voting fraud in the past 25 years, most notably George W. Bush's election in 2000, his re-election in 2004 and Biden's election in 2020. This is absolutely nothing new in US politics and both sides of the political aisle have engaged in election-rigging. There are trillions of dollars, unfathomable levels of power and control and lifelong interests at stake with every US election; the motivation to rig the US election out of any national elections in the world, would be the highest.

      The Bush Administration's "IT Czar" Michael Connell was subpoenaed to testify in an Ohio federal court regarding alleged voter fraud in the 2004 election but he died in a mysterious plane crash in 2008 before he could. To quote the CBS article:

      Connell's Internet expertise also led him to be subpoenaed earlier this year to testify in an Ohio federal court regarding alleged voter fraud in the 2004 election. Despite exit polls showing a lead by Democratic nominee John Kerry of more than 4 percent, Mr. Bush won the state's vote by 2.5 percent, along with its crucial electoral votes.

      Much has been written about problems at the polls in Ohio that year, where voters in many (predominantly Democratic) precincts were forced to wait hours because of a shortage of working voting machines. A lawsuit being pursued by attorney Clifford Arneback seeks to answer questions about this and other ballot problems. [For example, in Franklin County Mr. Bush received 4,258 votes in a precinct where only 638 voters cast ballots.]

      There's nothing new under the sun. The exact same stories, patterns and cases of vote-counting anomalies/irregularities with electronic voting machines have circulated in the US in almost every presidential election since 2000 including the 2020 race.

      If you're still under the impression in 2024 any ICT hardware or technology is fundamentally "safe" or impervious to unauthorised access/control in anyway, you simply don't know what you're talking about and haven't done enough reading on the topic.

      • +6

        Fox had the opportunity to defend itself and its viewpoints on voting machines in a court of law. Instead they settled by paying a record amount of money.

        • +3

          100% this. Tells you all you need to know about these claims.

        • Yep. Simple as that.

        • Your myopic statement doesn't prove that electronic voting is inherently secure and doesn't disprove any of the other facts I stated, especially seeing as the Fox V. Dominion Voting Systems case was settled and didn't actually make it to trial for evidence to be presented and either proved or disproved in a court of law. Cases where the defendants are guilty of the charges against them but never proven to be so are routine in the US legal system because the time and expenditure involved in taking cases to trial and winning them will easily outweigh the cost of a settlement, especially for well-known corporations that will suffer revenue losses/share price drops during any protracted legal proceedings.

          Fellow shady-as-sh*t voting machine company, Smartmatic, was indicted by the US DOJ over vote-tampering in the 2016 Philippine elections and peer-reviewed studies showed clear evidence of election fraud via remote manipulation of vote counts in the 2004 Venezuelan elections which also used Smartmatic voting machines. There were also clear signs that senior Venezuelan government officials at the time had been bribed by Smartmatic to approve contracts for their voting machines.

          Smartmatic has literally been in and out of court for charges of election fraud/rigging for its entire existence since 2000 and has constantly attempted to sue its detractors into submission with highly-paid legal/PR teams; clearly the behaviour of a trustworthy and reputable organisation.

          But do continue to bury your head in the sand and not think too hard about what it means for US politics and global politics moreover that national elections can basically be hacked over the Internet now to change the election result to any sufficiently-motivated party's liking.

          • @Gnostikos: To follow on as the comment edit window expired…

            In 2019, several Democrat congress members including Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Ron Wyden and Mark Pocan wrote a letter to Dominion's parent company H.I.G. Capital, warning that Dominion was a threat to the integrity of US elections and was capable of remotely switching votes in the upcoming 2020 presidential election. Predictably, since their side won in 2020, US Democrats have been very quiet on the topic of election fraud via electronic voting machines.

            Even adamantly pro-Democrat/progressive pundit John Oliver produced an excellent video on the danger posed by electronic voting machines in 2019.

            Then there's the issue of Dominion's real ownership through a variety of venture capital/investment firms and banks which all link back to Staple Street Capital and The Carlyle Group, both of which have had very close links to both sides of US politics for decades, including the Bush family, FBI director James Comey, US Attorney General Bill Barr and even the Bin Laden family.

        • "Instead they settled by paying a record amount of money."

          Probably coz they didn't have access to the computer code, which would have exposed the fraud.

          Impossible to prove unless you have the code which was hidden for obvious reasons

      • you simply don't know what you're talking about and haven't done enough reading on the topic.

        Looked in the mirror lately?

        • -1

          Won an argument, ever?

          • -1

            @Gnostikos: It would help if you had any valid points to bother arguing with.

            • -1

              @KangaDrew: Lol. I'll take that as a no (obviously).

              You've typed two sentences containing nothing but ad hominems and you're claiming I haven't made any "valid" points?

              Cool. Story. Bro.

              Whenever you remove those cognitive dissonance blinders and refute everything I've said point-by-point, then we can have an actual discussion.

              Until then, you seem quite content to remain in your little echo chamber throwing childish tantrums whenever you're hysterically triggered by people with different opinions.

              • -1

                @Gnostikos: Unlike your constant barrage of sycophantic dribble, I CBF bothering with it 🙄 If you actually had any semi-valid points instead of essays of trash, my eyes wouldn't glaze over at the sight of more word vomit.

                Also, project much?🤦🏻‍♂️ Echo chambers are the primary meeting point for Sky News cultists. Which I guess makes you an expert on the subject, so, carry on.

    • "Actually a company that is a danger to democracies around the world"

      Really & truly?

      Unfortunately for your propaganda, news outlets cannot and do not RIG ELECTIONS!
      Leftie warmunists rigging elections to push their authoritarian globalist regimes onto unsuspecting populations are the real danger to democracies.

    • +4


      the mind boggles …

        • +9

          Looks like we found Craig Kelly's OZB account 🙄

        • +6

          *** Time to find a new fake crisis guys. ***

          Yep, here's one for you: The biggest, baddest crisis that humanity has ever faced and it is destroying our culture and our lives - Wokeness. We need urgent action to revert back to the "old ways" and keep all societal changes/advancements out.

          "/s" in case someone missed it.

          • -7

            @randombrick: Makes sense to me without the /s!

            Tilting at windmills is EXPENSIVE AND DANGEROUS BABY!

            BRAVE NEW WORLD …
            Green Australia:
            Industry on Edge
            the grid “precarious”
            electricity rates up 25%

            Just flailing around playing "Saviour".

            … and keep RETROGRADE WOKE societal changes out.

            ALL (not just a consensus of) scientists agree
            -climate has changed, is changing, will continue to change.

            So, it's perplexing to hear demands to "Fight climatechange!"

            "Battle gravity!" or
            "Fight electromagnetism!"
            would have the same result

            • +5

              @Gekov: Dude I think you've had enough Internet for today/forever. Go outside and get some fresh air.

    • +1

      So Nelson put the telescope to his blind eye and said. I don’t have to see if I don’t want to !

    • +1

      Guessing you voted 'Yes'?

    • We got a live one

  • It used to be on free to air, but I think not any more?

    • Free in regional areas

  • Needs a new poll option:
    Yes: Just to find out at what stupidity level the right wing news has gotten up to, what's new in the culture war or EV hate, where the right wing wind is blowing towards this month eg. DeSantis / Trump / Marjorie / Boebert / Pillow guy etc.

    • -3

      Too bad left wing "news" isn't selling so well … from a while back …

      Guardian's catastrophism leads circulation to plummet ?
      Apparently, crazy non-factual opinion just doesn’t sell all that well.…

      • +4

        Linking an article from 10 years ago?
        The right wing was sane then, they still used to talk policy even though it favoured only the richest at least they used to talk about policy. These days its about who's a woman, Putin and Xi are geniuses, Kim Jung Un is so strong, petrol prices, ban books, trans stuff, abortion… I could keep going lol

      • 10 year old article from one of the internets more infamous climate change deniers, nice.…

        Also, it turns out this "internet" thing has basically killed physical newspapers. Back in 2000 The Mirror used to sell 2.2 million papers a day, they're down to 270k these days.

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