Hungry Jacks Now Charges 10c for Tomato Sauce!

Well it used to be free and then 10c for tomato sauce on app but free instore and now also 10c in store

No free condiments for poor ass

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  • 66
    Tomato Sauce should be free for Fast Food chains
  • 4
    It's ok to charge for Tomato Sauce

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Hungry Jack's
Hungry Jack's


  • +11

    Is it just me ore do the asian (Singapore, Malaysia) KFC's & McDonalds do it better in that they have communal sauce stations and small bowls for putting it in?

    I definitely think we can take some learnings from them.

    • +2

      Imagine the mess the bogans would make here if we had that.

      • +1

        I mean they already have it at Costco and Ikea…

        • +1

          Far less bogan teenagers hang around those places than Maccas.

          • +1

            @Clear: Fair.
            I guess young bogans vs older bogans.

    • +2

      Definetely, kfc/maccas/a&w in SEA is much much better than local here. None of the chicken I bought here is as crispy as SEA fastfood store, apart from KFC chicken wings.

      • It's because they deep fry it in palm oil. It tastes so much better but isn't as good for you.

    • +2

      you kind of just know when a country does it better when they have open container drinking laws in public vs non open container countries where people aren't trusted to do the right thing

      just my opinion

      • +2


        Sitting out the front of a 7-11 smashing multiple Long necks of Tiger Beer and Soju were what dreams were made of.
        Some of my best memories were with friends in Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia doing this.

        • -1

          Good times away from being nannied

  • -1

    Dutton says we should boycott them until the drop the tax on tomato sauce. It’s unaustralian

  • +3

    Ketchups are FREE in almost Asia Countries (Fast Food). In Vietnam they have a sauce station next to the food pick up counter.

  • BYO

  • lol KFC charging 60 cents for tomato sauce!! Those small packs ones

    • that's just whacked

      got to be real desperate to be needing it

      some reason KFC chips don't taste food with tomato sauce vs Maccas fries

      HJ chips are super high in sodium so I always ask for no salt and they make it fresh

  • -3

    It's Heinz Ketchup anyway, American junk sauce that would taste akin to something like dried period blood on an old pad. Just get a bottle of Rosella, White Crow or Three Threes. Or even Fountain or Masterfoods if you want good tomato sauce.

    • could you please do a review on dried period blood on an old pad

      genuinely curious

      • Have you ever eaten a chickens butt and it still has a faint weird taste of poo in it? It's like that except with blood.

        • That's not poo that's fat

          Poo would be like eating deep fried pig intestines and you smell and see a bit in there

  • BYO Tomato Sauce, drive the demand for HJ Tomato Sauce down (Ideally to a grinding halt) then they will make it free again, rinse and repeat

    Better yet, visit and support a local restaurant (small business) that doesn't charge extra for sauce and gives you more value for your money.

  • When I was pregnant, I went and got a brekky wrap but asked to SWAP the sauce for tomato as I can't stomach BBQ. I was told that I would be charged for the sauce even if the BBQ was taken off because Im asking for 'extra sauce', last time I ever went to that HJs

    • How long ago was that?

      I think they still can swap the sauce in cheeseburgers free

      • 5 years ago. I did write in a complaint and got a response that it is meant to be free, so that person was just being a bi+ch

  • one more reason, if you needed it, not to go to HJs

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