• long running

14 Heartburn Relief Tablets (Esomeprazole 20mg) + 20 Diarrhoea Relief Capsules (Loperamide 2mg) $9.99 Delivered @PharmacySavings


Hi Ozbargainers,

I've had a few requests for a Heartburn / Diarrhoea Combo - so here it is. For those who don't want the Diarrhoea Relief I've included an option to swap out this item for shorter dated Cetrelief 10mg - The value is in the headline combo as Heartburn usually sells for a $8ish and the Diarrhoea relief between $5-7 so for both items for just under $10 delivered I think is a pretty awesome deal. But for those looking to grab a small box of Cetirizine for the handbag or drawer at work, it's also offered as an option.

Pharmacy Action have provided a couple of hundred boxes of the Diarrhoea Relief to me at really decent price, so I think there will be enough for everyone tonight.

Item: 14 x Heartburn Relief, 24 Hour Once Daily + 20x Diarrhoea Relief Capsules
Price: $9.99
Code: Not required
Exp Dates: Heartburn; End April 2025 / Diarrhoea Relief; End August 2025 / Cetrelief, End May 2024
Link: https://pharmacysavings.com.au/products/14x-esomprazole-20mg…

Our Ozbargain power sellers have again been restocked:
* 200x Cetirizne 200x Cetirizine @ $19.99: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/834351
* 200x Lorazol, Loratadine 10mg @ $19.99 https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/837337
* 100x Hayfexo @ $19.99: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/776153
* 192x Ibuprofen @13.99: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/779392
* 3x 140Dose Mometasone + Bonus Item @ $49.99: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/835368
* 100x Trust Loratadine @ $15.49: https://pharmacysavings.com.au/products/100-x-trust-loratadi…

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  • Great deal

  • Ordered Worm Treatment Tablets last month but not received it yet

    • I came here to say the exact thing.
      I ordered on the 28th of March (6x Pharmacy Action Worm Treatment × 2) still nothing. It's never taken this long for other meds to arrive in the past.

      • +5

        Howdy - 10 working days average delivery, if you ordered on the Thursday night before Good Friday, your item gets packed immediately but then sits in the post box until the next Tuesday, then the 10 working days start. So counting back the days, your item has been in the postal system for 7ish days. If 10 working days is the typical delivery, delivery should be early next week. As a seller I receive allot of hate mail daily about slow postage - clearly its very hard for me to control delivery speed.

        • Everything I've ordered from you has arrived super fast, but agree that the post system is a nightmare around Easter and Xmas!

        • That makes sense. Hopefully it arrives next week. 😊👍🏽

  • +4

    Be very careful going down the path of taking Esomprazole for heartburn.

    It reduces the ability of your stomach to produce acid, which you need to digest food properly. People often suffer rebound heartburn when they try to get off the drug.

    One of the symptoms of having LOW stomach acidity is heartburn, in which case you should not be seeking to lower it further.

    Proton pump inhibitors may be associated with a greater risk of hip fractures and Clostridium difficile-associated (nasty bacterial infection) diarrhoea. Patients are frequently administered the drugs in intensive care as a protective measure against ulcers, but this use is also associated with a 30% increase in occurrence of pneumonia.

    Long-term use of proton pump inhibitors in patients treated for Helicobacter pylori has been shown to dramatically increase the risk of gastric cancer.

    • +2

      Thankyou reckless monkeys…I don't have much choice, but appreciate the reminder.

    • +3

      Username doesn’t check out

    • I'm screwed then, been on them for 10 years and can't get off :(

      • Talk to a doctor, but you may be able to gradually ween yourself off with smaller doses.

        • I have tried, the rebound is debilitating

          I think I even did more damage weaning like that because the acid was intense.

          Doctors are a waste of time because they just pass it off as "it's common, some are on it for decades". A very frustrated person :(

          • @neo: Have you tried Slippery Elm capsules just before a meal? It may help to protect the esophagus.

            Some people swear by apple cider vinegar tablets too.

            • @RecklessMonkeys: I will have to try again, thank you for the suggestions.

              I also swear there is nasty side effects that doctors dismiss and make you out like you're crazy.

              Chronic sore throat
              Numbness/tingling in arms/legs
              Vitamin deficiencies
              Hard to breathe

              Worse than the actual issue!

              • @neo: They are documented side effects.


                It would not hurt for you to take some Magnesium supplements and methylated B12, just in case.
                Try to eat a healthy diet.

                It may take you several attempts to kick it.

                If it was prescribed for you by a doctor, you need to keep that in mind.

                Good luck!

                • @RecklessMonkeys: Omg, you are a legend mate.

                  Here I being treated like I'm crazy, I literally have 90% of them.

                  Doc said only side effects would be osteoporosis risk? Yeah right.

                  Thanks for the information regarding slippery elm and magnesium. I have been taking Super Mag and you elm capsules now to try too. What is methylated B12, different to normal B12?

                  I have been fasting the last 4 weeks, just veges, bland diet and no difference in reflux.

                  • +2

                    @neo: Some people have trouble utilizing the other form of B12. You pop the methyl-B12 under your tongue. Tastes quite pleasant actually.


                    A vegetarian diet increases the risk of B12 deficiency.

                    Don't forget the apple cider vinegar tablets before eating. Counter-intuitively it is to increase acidity to help you properly digest food. I'm not sure how you should balance these as you reduce the Esomprazole. You may have some false starts.

                    Do not go overboard when taking vitamins. Read the ingredients. Treat them like drugs - because they are.

                    Do not go to bed after you've just eaten , and consider propping your bed up a fraction so that your stomach is downhill from your head. : )

                    It might still be an idea to get tested for any deficiencies and be under a doctor's supervision.

  • Do you do deals on an order of 4x several meds. Delivery by 20ish April.

    PM if you do.

    • If you order anything on the website tonight and selected express post delivery, you should have it early next week.

  • Just placed an order, thanks! Been waiting on heartburn meds since the sale last April-ish.

  • Any chance Vitamin D will sell as a single item and others as well?

  • Thank you!

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