Elon Musk Fights The Australian Government

Elon is refusing to fully censor the church stabbing that happened in Sydney, and scrub it from his platform.

They've already geoblocked it, but the government wants it removed from the internet completely. Do you think the Australian government is overreacting?

Personally I found it very tame. There is much more violent and bloody content on X.

So should X completely remove all trace of that video?

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  • 107
    Yes, remove the video
  • 405
    No, keep it up


        • +3

          Nope, a simple neg does not simply hide that person's comment or deny them the opportunity to express it. The culmination of multiple negs above a certain threshold set by the platform does that. It's a shit system that Reddit is also guilty of using which is why it turns into a shit echo chamber.

  • +5

    Albanese digging holes.

    Next election is going to be a doozy

    • When Labor is falling further and further behind the Liberals in the polls, despite the Liberals having a leader as widely disliked by the public and hated by most of the media as Dutton, and Albanese can barely stay ahead of him in approval, its a pretty clear demonstration of how poor a job Albanese is doing,

      I simply couldn't see why Labor picked him as a leader. He has no charisma. He isn't a great orator. He doesn't sound very smart. He stood for things earlier in his political career, but seems to have forgotten them all. His single positive seems to be that the voters like his opposite number even less.

      • +1

        His single positive seems to be that the voters like his opposite number even less

        A tale as old as time; has there ever been a likable Liberal leader?

  • +2

    Typical government overreach. Dumb government and anyone that voted for them.

  • -4

    Twitter should have been cast aside the moment that idiot forced a rename to X.

  • +4

    I'm free speech absolutist so I obviously disagree with what the Austrlalian Government / eSafety commission is trying to do.

  • +5

    The video from inside the church, is just as important as the video from outside the church.

    Two different types of un-evolved religious barbarism on display, for all the world to see.
    Leave the videos up to make an example of bad behaviour and shame the douchebags into oblivion.

    It's that simple and certainly not rocket science, that needs to be taken to the high court.

    We live in a democracy, not a dictatorship.

  • +3

    Albo's model of good governance is the PRC. He believes the Feds should have all of the powers of the Chinese Communist party. There should be no negative rights (like free speech) that circumscribe the power of the state. VPNs, Tor and Telegram should be banned; anonymous accounts should be illegal; Australia should have a Great Firewall akin to China's. Anything the government dislikes should be immediately scrubbed from the internet (like though criminals are vaporized in Orwell's 1984).

    Instead of the government banning everything, we, the citizens, just need to ban one thing, the government. As government expands, freedom decreases. Big 'democratic' governments are just as pernicious as big fascist/communist/ theocratic governments. Democracy is incompatible with freedom. Freedom can only be had with anarchism or minarchist libertarianism (the night watchman state).

    • +1

      Yes and no. Freedom can be had with the enforcement of good laws that protect the poor from the rich. No need for anarchy, which is what the elite classes are currently pushing for, so that they can provide and/or enforce their solution.

    • -1

      Well, he is a closet (or maybe out) socialist - and that always ends badly for the citizens.

  • Whilst I don't agree with the video, I also don't agree the government should control free speech and I think that's probably more Elon's point

    • -2

      Completely agree.

    • Why would your kids be on twitter?

  • To all the people voting yes, what the h*ll are you doing here expressing your opinion and voting???
    The west has degenerated to the point where reasonable common sense in nonexistent.
    The societal hypocrisy and irony is so prevalent. Individual freedom of speech is the utmost right for a democratic society to function and if you don't like what is been said or expressed, go into your little room, close the door and cry.

  • I’m all for free speech and all but just because I stumbled across one person getting their neck sliced off does not mean i want to constantly need to see more I also seen a guy falling from the sky only to get his anus impaled by the pole on the ground and that was sad. And another stabbing someone’s eye and killing them while he was alive and see them become lifeless and police can view of killed school kids that are like 5 years old. I don’t want to see it and have a filter to turn it off per my settings choice. Also remember saw one naked gay sex post and omg now I get all these gay sex posts shown to me where I have no internet in gay sex. Like cmon, fix the algorithm Elon. I don’t want to see death, gore or gay sex just because I was intrigued once without forcing me to show less tweets!!

  • +5

    It shouldn't be removed.

    This gives China the green light to remove the tinamen square tank man and other related videos from the internet.

    Giving our gov that power would also give dictatorships around the world that power.

  • +6

    Should North Korea be able to censor the entire internet? Of course not. So why should it be any different for Australia? It's completely absurd.

    Draconian government overreach - it shouldn't be removed even within Australia.

  • The victim has said he is fine with it being seen on X because he believes in free speech

  • +3

    I honestly find it pretty annoying when these things are censored. You hear people say something and go to verify the information and your google search is filled with pages and pages of news articles with no photos, no names, no video, no details. Effectively, news with no news.

  • +2

    Many failed to see the obvious or be willfully blind. It is an extremely dangerous step and should be pushed back hard. It is a shame the LNP is silent on this!

  • -6

    Taking down videos of terrorism is not an attack on 'free speech' - leaving the fact that only we only have implied freedom of political communication here in Australia. Preventing the reporting of the incident would be.
    Facebook worked hard to remove the Christchurch mass murder video - and you can be sure if there was a Gopro video of a primary school in the USA getting lit up there would be similar requests from the US Government to take down the material.

  • -1

    Why isn't the platform used to Dox some of the most feral juveniles that humanity has to offer, like all those nitwits doing home invasions. they should be names so bounties can be put on their head and they can be hung drawn and quartered. I would like to know where Jon Veneables and Robert Thompson are and what they look like today so justice can be served to them to.
    …And yes I'm Dead Serious about this , why doesn't an altruistic platform exist where we can do this.

  • +2

    Great Firewall of Australia coming soon.

  • +1

    Not difficult at all, this is one of the most insane things, it just shows how out of touch the Government is and how much of a bubble some of the population lives in.

    The Australian Government wants to censor the internet globally. Just imagine for a second if Iran or North Korea or even China wanted to take down content they didn't like for all internet users… I can imagine a lot of you and the government would come out and call them backward dictators who oppress their population.

    lets not forget that the Bishop.. the guy that got stabbed wants to keep the content online!

    This government is run by a bunch of jokers who are not only destroying the economy with their idiot policies but also now trying to censor the global internet..its outrages!! and some of you are saying this is a "difficult one".. wake up!

  • +1

    Bishop Mar Mari exposes the Australian prime minister & government for exploiting his stabbing to justify a Censorship Bill & comes out in support of X & Elon Musk. Australia's internet cop has secured an extended take-down order against Elon Musk's X despite the bishop whose stabbing video triggered a courtroom stoush giving his permission for the content to be shared.


    11 mins

    • +4

      Eventually, all non-government approved platforms will face this censorship because of the bit by bit legislative 'reforms' since 9/11. Rumble & X are the first, bitchute, twitch, odysee, substack & others will soon have to deal with the totalitarian takeover. Unless 'we the people' wake up & do our bit to stop the assaults on humanity.

      Forums like ozbargain will also eventually be targeted.

      • There must be countries outside of the reach of the globalists that could house some of these platforms?

        • +1

          If the globalists aren't exposed and/or stopped, they will eventually coerce/force every nation to conform (& possibly merge into One). They are masters of coercion & deception.

          One of the first alt sites I came across had a .to domain (or maybe shifted to it), & they are still up & running, although it's purely a text based site.

  • +1

    Albo's ministry of truth has begun. Only going to get worse from here.

  • https://www.reuters.com/world/us-17-other-countries-urge-ham…

    Where is Australia on this? The Albo government is clealy pushing some agenda!

  • +1

    Typical "five eyes" stuff. Day or so after this, tiktok gets banned in US. There was also talk of a "Social media" law that would let them block other videos in the future.

  • -1

    Anybody out here having Starlink and what is the situation on it?
    Personally X is not used by me and since he bought it my desire to buy a Tesla has faded a bit.

  • A good short overview of Julie Inman Grant & e-safety:

  • -2

    Musk is weirdo who thinks he his holding the torch for free speech when actually his social media platforms is full of misinformation, engagement farming, crypto scams, misleading products, fake news, gore, spam bots and pornography.

    • I know he is attempting to address it, but the bot accounts have gone thru the roof. He really got himself a nightmare

      • He can do anything he wants, given the resources he has. These are just not a priority for him. He gets high from controversy and conspiracy theories.

  • +1

    Regulated to
    Enforce a



  • BYD is the winner here!

  • Charlies delegate in charge of 1.5t vs South African migrant to the US in charge of roughly one third.

    2 bullies throwing sand into each others eyes over practically no relevance.

    Did I just watch Phat Pizza where they put out a sign: Today targeting South Africans……

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