• long running

[QLD] Free Pair of Basic Prescription Glasses Every 2 Years for Pensioner Concession, QLD Seniors, & Health Care Card Holders


Here’s one for all the Queensland boomers out there.

Seniors, pensioner concession card holders and health care card holders can get a free pair of basic prescription glasses, once every two years.

On Anna’s twitter

Under the Spectacle Supply Scheme (SSS), you may be eligible to receive a pair of basic prescription spectacles, once every 2 years.

Extras such as transitions, tinting, anti-reflective coating, UV guard and/or hard coat are not covered. If you would like these, you will need to pay for them yourself. You can have SSS lenses fitted to your own existing or privately purchased frames.


To apply for assistance under MASS, you must:

  • be a permanent resident of Queensland
  • have held a pensioner concession card, health care card or Queensland Government Seniors Card for at least 6 months.

If you hold a Gold Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card, you may be eligible for spectacles from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA). Contact the DVA to find out more.

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Queensland Government
Queensland Government


  • +7

    This has been around for years, my optometrist told me about it in 2019. Anyone on a jobseeker payment should have a health care card and be eligible as far as I'm aware.

    She makes it sound as if it's something she's recently done in her message.

    Just ask your optometrist, there's about 10 different frames to choose from, most look pretty bad.

    • +1

      Free is free

    • +1

      Haha yep definitely nothing to do with her government (although I guess they could always scrap the scheme). I got a sweet Drew Carey vibe pair for free back in 1999.

    • It would be better if the government would always cover the cost of the lenses, and you could pick other frames and pay for the frames yourself. Our just a subsidy (say $200) on any prescription glasses once for 2 years.

      • +2

        It would be better if the government would always cover the cost of the lenses, and you could pick other frames and pay for the frames yourself

        The linked page says "You can have SSS lenses fitted to your own existing or privately purchased frames."

        • +1

          That is good to hear. Last time I went to an optometrist for glasses (for short sightedness), I paid $493 (the frames were $120). I'm sure I fell victim to massive markup. They never inform you about concession glasses :(

          All we need now is for lasik to be covered by insurance and by medicare. Last time I did research it was around $2500 per eye.

          • +1


            I'm sure I fell victim to massive markup.

            Frames are how optometrists make their money. Long ago I bought two pairs of glasses with titanium frames, and I'm still reusing those frames 30 years later. I've only had to replace the nose pads twice and the plastic sleeves that go over your ears twice since then, and I've had about four lens replacements in each over that time.

  • +5

    Wish we had this in Vic ……

  • Any similar deal in other States?

  • +8

    Man, every time I see 'FREE' from government these days I cringe! If one thing the pandemic has taught me - there is no such thing called Free!

    • +3

      But at least the homeless can now see the cops coming to move them along

      • +9

        Pretty sure people who currently benefit from this scheme statistically aren't exactly 'lefties'. Also pretty sure most young people who paid extra taxes this year would more than enjoy not having their taxes be used to unsustainably continue subsidising goods and services for older generations with hoarded wealth and assets who don't need government assistance, unless individuals from said generation were adequately tested and found to not fall into this category.

        • -7

          Tell me you didn't understand what he said without telling me….

        • -4

          Pretty sure people who currently benefit from this scheme statistically aren't exactly 'lefties'.

          Maybe go back and read what I wrote. I specifically talked about not grasping simple concepts then you went ahead and showed that you didn't grasp anything I said…

          • +13


            • You are in a tread about a government scheme providing assistance to boomers and older generations that are mostly right wing
            • You made a random snide comment about 'lefties' (assuming because you're obsessed with american politics)
            • You fail to realise most young people don't want to fund 'free' schemes like these without better means testing, irrespective of politics, this isn't america, the whole lefty bs isn't relevant here

            Stop pretending like you even had a point to begin with

            • -6


              the whole lefty bs isn't relevant here

              So you don't understand the very basic concepts of the political spectrum either…

              You're kicking goals today champ…

              • +6

                @1st-Amendment: And funny how you are the one collecting downvotes…well done special guy. Keep watching sky news and screech harder, maybe someone will find value in whatever point it is you're trying to make… if you even have one.

                • -7


                  whatever point it is you're trying to make

                  And another one!

                  What else don't you understand? Do tell us more…

                  • +6

                    @1st-Amendment: Dude go outside and breathe some fresh air. You seem to be perpetually trapped in an outrage loop

                    • -3


                      You seem to be…

                      Lol I assure you I'm laughing over here. But your false assumptions tell us a lot about you…
                      Watching the peanut gallery struggle with simple logic is always amusing to me, it's what keeps me coming back 😁

                      • +1


                        peanut gallery

                        Lol, it's funny how so many sky news fans have a case of 'main character' syndrome deluding themselves into thinking they're always right and superior to others. When in reality the rest of the sane world is either laughing or cringing at them and their opinions are ignored. What a sad existence.

                        • -1


                          It's funny how so many sky news fans

                          So I said you struggle with simple logic and your response was another demonstration of you struggling with simple logic?

                          I love peanut butter!

    • Seems a bit sad to begrudge the poorest people in your state the ability to see.

  • They are ok, not a lot of choice in frames and a bit heavy even though my lenses were thinned. Also I dont believe there is anti-reflective coating included (for free anyway) as they are pretty 'shiny'

    • The Govt website notes in the 2nd paragraph;

      Extras such as transitions, tinting, anti-reflective coating, UV guard and/or hard coat are not covered. If you would like these, you will need to pay for them yourself. You can have SSS lenses fitted to your own existing or privately purchased frames. Contact SSS about this option.

  • -7

    So sick of baby boomer pensioners getting everything for free while the sit in their million dollar mansions while we get slammed with constant interest rate rises.

    • +1

      Baby Boomer here. Where do I collect my million dollar mansion?

      Seriously though, someone with a lot of money likely won't qualify. Pensions, health care cards, etc, all have means tests.

      • +3

        Million-dollar mansions are not means tested

      • +5

        Pensions, health care cards, etc, all have means tests.

        QLD Seniors card isn't means-tested, you just have to be 65 years or older and working less than 35 hours a week in paid employment. Perhaps those people shouldn't be eligible for this plan.


      • +3

        Baby Boomer here. Where do I collect my million dollar mansion?

        The gravy train has left, should have pulled up your bootstraps while they were being handed out for pennies and people were buying 2-3.

        Jokes aside, people can pass the means test while owning a decent sized multi bedroom house and not having to worry about expenses like rent. Asking future generations to fund schemes like this, who will consider owning a shitty 1br shoebox apartment a luxury while paying through the nose for basic goods and services seems odd. Means tests need to take this into account. Own a substantial sized residence? Downsize and pay for your own glasses.

        • -3

          Why the sour grapes? You probably should go educate yourself on compound interest, buy and hold for long enough and you'll make similar money. I'm into property investing and the bank owns my ass but I'm hoping fast forward 10-20 years I'll be doing alright too. What are you doing to help yourself? Or like all the Gen Z you just want what a 65 year old has when you're 20? Talk about entitlement

          • +2


            Just buy a house while paying $400-$500 a week and rising in rent bro, it's easy bro… just compound interest bro… ignore all that inflation and profiteering going on right now bro… ignore those inflated house prices too bro…ignore those politicians we voted in for decades to bring in policies that benefit only investors like me while screwing everyone else over bro…., the system totally works bro, ignore the rising amount of crime form people who can't afford basic necessities bro, but invest in properties like me, when you're 65 you'll make it bro (source: trust me bro)

            Also no one talked about owning a home outright at 20 like a 65yo, gtfo with these irrelevant clueless retorts.

      • -1

        Ditto. Worked my arse off to get where I am now. Single house - not worth a million dollars. Self-funded. No concessions.

        But. But. But. I'm a… BOOMER!

    • +2

      You're right and this is the general sentiment among most young people funding this, but you articulated it poorly.

  • +1

    That is the most irrelevant comment posted here….

  • +1

    Not all Queensland optometrists participate, it would be wise to confirm prior to your appointment.

    • I get my annual checkup at specsavers then bring the result to an optometrist that does them. There is a list online of who does them in your area. He just takes the script and sends it off for me. (been going to specsavers for years and got some glasses and contacts from them in the past, and they have my full eye history so thats where i go)

    • +2

      They provide a list of participating agents:

      • Thank you for that list! Specsavers told me they don't offer scripts and I have to buy a set of (ugly) frames from them. They won't even use my current frames.

  • +1

    Are there actually people that old that use this site? Shocking

  • +1

    The amount of concessions, tax benefits, exemptions, discounts for pensioners is absolutely extraordinary

    Meanwhile, we've had massive inflation and the ATO hasn't even been able to lift income tax thresholds

    • +3

      The amount of concessions, tax benefits, exemptions, discounts for pensioners is absolutely extraordinary

      Well, the alternative is to remove all of those, whereupon the government will have to increase the pension, which means the government will either have to increase taxation or make cuts to something else.

      Having all those benefits is the lesser of two "evils" (in the economic sense).

    • +4

      I've witnessed pensioners who were saving up for new glasses hurt themselves due to poor eyesight, and end up in hospital for a few nights. $200 for glasses is much cheaper than the $1,000+ per night a hospital bed costs.

      I've also seen a pensioner who couldn't afford a filling at the dentist (they were saving up for it, they weren't splurging cash on unnecessary luxuries) end up with such a bad tooth infection it turned septic and led to a three week stay in hospital.

      Basic healthcare is cheap, but extremely expensive for everyone if neglected.

      I don't know your circumstances but remember that if you're struggling on a higher than average wage due to inflation, so are pensioners who earn a fraction of that.

      • In an optimistic world I hope that the person you’re responding to has enough empathy to even understand what you’re saying.

        The fact that they are here to begin tells me your words are wasted.

        There is a preconceived image of what pensioners or low income / hcc holders are like.

        To these people.. they aren’t regular Aussies who are in difficult circumstances, but that every single one of them are just lazy.

        Maybe it’s the few who ruin the image of many, but its so tiring to see that I see more and more people everyday who live in shame and disgust with themselves for the struggles they have to endure.

  • Very old news, but good news for folk who are newly eligible and in need, that did not know.

  • If you search Muukal you can buy good quality frames cheap and either get copy of eye script from
    Optometrist then you can buy frames with script cheaply frames are far better quality than basic government ones.

  • +1

    OP it would be great to also note this is part of "Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme (MASS)" which "provides funding for medical aids and equipment to eligible Queensland residents who have a permanent and stabilised condition or a disability."

    As someone with chronic pain due to Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) these services can make a significant and meaningful difference in managing conditions 'at home' rather than needing care at far greater costs to the TAX payer.

    I wonder if those complaining about why they should contribute funding to such schemes make the same complaints about Negative Gearing and Capital Gains concessions or if they 'shake fist at sky' over the multinationals TAX exploitation as they are making massive profits from our resources?

  • +1


    My mum tried 5 places.. they all charge a $50+ 'processing fee' to provide these 'free' glasses.

    Definitely phone and ask before heading in.

    You can get cheaper glasses at specsavers/online etc (at least, with normal lens requirements).

    • +1

      I went to a Specsavers last year because they said it's all bulk billed. After my appointment I was told that they only put lenses in frames that must be purchase from them. Their cheap frames are garbage so I didn't bother replacing my glasses.

      Exactly where do we take our lens script to have standard government glasses made up or send our frames to to have the government supplied Lens put in? The only place I knew of shutdown over a year ago.

      • +1

        you can find a list of approved frames, and list of participating stores, on the scheme website (ie OPs deal link)
        you can contact the scheme via email if you have questions.

        yes, i agree the specsaver cheap selection is garbage.

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